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Multilingual Support

Strategy names and strategy parameter descriptions can be written in Chinese|English, displayed in the language recognized by web pages automatically. In other places, such as: strategy description, usage instruction and other texts in Markdown format, using [trans]Chinese|English[/trans] or [trans]Chinese||English[/trans] can also achieve the effect of automatic recognition. After switching the language, it takes effect after refreshing the page.

Functions that can write strings in the strategy code also support language switching, such as function Log, function LogStatus, etc.

function main() {
    var table = {
        type: "table", 
        title: "[trans]操作|option[/trans]", 
        cols: ["[trans]列1|col1[/trans]", "[trans]列2|col2[/trans]", "[trans]操作|option[/trans]"],
        rows: [ 
            ["[trans]比特币|BTC[/trans]", "[trans]以太坊|ETH[/trans]", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "平仓|cover", "description": "描述|description"}]  // 注意:按钮中不用加[trans]标签
    LogStatus("[trans]信息|message[/trans]", "\n`" + JSON.stringify(table) + "`")
    throw "[trans]错误|error[/trans]"
import json
def main():
    table = {
        "type": "table", 
        "title": "[trans]操作|option[/trans]", 
        "cols": ["[trans]列1|col1[/trans]", "[trans]列2|col2[/trans]", "[trans]操作|option[/trans]"],
        "rows": [ 
            ["[trans]比特币|BTC[/trans]", "[trans]以太坊|ETH[/trans]", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "平仓|cover", "description": "描述|description"}]
    LogStatus("[trans]信息|message[/trans]", "\n`" + json.dumps(table) + "`")
    raise Exception("[trans]错误|error[/trans]")
void main() {
    json table = R"({
        "type": "table", 
        "title": "[trans]操作|option[/trans]", 
        "cols": ["[trans]列1|col1[/trans]", "[trans]列2|col2[/trans]", "[trans]操作|option[/trans]"],
        "rows": [ 
            ["[trans]比特币|BTC[/trans]", "[trans]以太坊|ETH[/trans]", {"type": "button", "cmd": "coverAll", "name": "平仓|cover", "description": "描述|description"}]
    LogStatus("[trans]信息|message[/trans]", "\n`" + table.dump() + "`");
Import and Export of Complete Strategies Live Trading & Strategy Grouping