The following content is an example of some smart contract method calls.
- decimals
The decimals
method is a constant
method of ERC20
that does not generate gas
consumption, and it can query the precision data of a token
The decimals
method has no parameters. Return value: the precision data of token
function main(){
var tokenAddress = "0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302" // The contract address of the token, in the example the token is 1INCH
Log(exchange.IO("api", tokenAddress, "decimals")) // Query, print 1INCH tokens with precision index of 18
method is a constant
method of ERC20
that does not generate gas
consumption, and it can query the authorized amount of a certain token
for a certain contract address.
The allowance
method need to pass in 2 parameters, the first one is the wallet address, and the second one is the authorized address. Return value: the authorization amount of token
. function main(){
// The contract address of the token, in the example the token is 1INCH
var tokenAddress = "0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302"
var owner = ""
var spender = ""
// For example, the query yields 1000000000000000000, divided by the precision unit of the token 1e18, the current exchange object bound to the wallet to the spender address authorized 1 1INCH.
Log(exchange.IO("api", tokenAddress, "allowance", owner, spender))
```spender```: The authorized contract address is replaced by the string "spender" in the example. In actual use, you need to fill in the address specifically, for example, the address can be ```Uniswap V3 router v1```.
- approve
The ```approve``` method is a non-```constant``` method of ```ERC20``` that generates ```gas``` consumption, which is used to authorize a ```token``` operation amount to a certain contract address.
The ```approve``` method need to pass in 2 parameters, the first one is the address to be authorized and the second one is the authorized amount. Return value: ```txid```.
function main(){
// The contract address of the token, in the example the token is 1INCH
var tokenAddress = "0x111111111117dC0aa78b770fA6A738034120C302"
var spender = ""
var amount = "0xde0b6b3a7640000"
// The hexadecimal string of the authorization amount: 0xde0b6b3a7640000 , the corresponding decimal string: 1e18 , 1e18 divided by the precision unit of the token, i.e. 1 token amount, so this refers to the authorization of one token.
Log(exchange.IO("api", tokenAddress, "approve", spender, amount))
```amount```: The number of authorizations, represented here using a hexadecimal string, corresponds to a decimal value of ```1e18```, divided by the ```token``` precision unit in the example (i.e., 1e18), yielding 1 ```token``` authorized.
The third parameter of the ```exchange.IO``` function is passed the method name ```approve```, which can also be written in the form of ```methodId```, for example: "0x571ac8b0". It is also possible to write the full standard method name, such as ''approve(address,uint256)''.
- multicall
The ```multicall``` method is a non-constant method of ```Uniswap V3```, which will generate ```gas``` consumption and be used to exchange tokens in multiple ways.
The ```multicall``` method may have multiple methods of passing in parameters. You can query the ABI containing the method for details. You need to register the ABI before calling the method. Return value: ```txid```.
For specific examples of ```multicall``` method calls, please refer to the public ["Uniswap V3 Trading Class Library" template]( of our platform.
function main() {
var ABI_Route = ""
var contractV3SwapRouterV2 = ""
var value = 0
var deadline = (new Date().getTime() / 1000) + 3600
var data = ""
exchange.IO("abi", contractV3SwapRouterV2, ABI_Route)
exchange.IO("api", contractV3SwapRouterV2, "multicall(uint256,bytes[])", value, deadline, data)
```contractV3SwapRouterV2```: router v2 address of Uniswap V3, the actual use requires a specific address to be filled in..
```value```: The amount of ETH transferred, set it to 0 if the ```tokenIn``` token for the exchange operation is not ETH, it needs to be filled in according to the actual situation.
```deadline```: It can be set to ```(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + 3600```, which means it is valid for one hour.
```data```: The data of the packing operation to be performed, it needs to be filled in according to the actual situation.
It is also possible to specify the ```gasLimit/gasPrice/nonce``` setting for method calls:
exchange.IO("api", contractV3SwapRouterV2, "multicall(uint256,bytes[])", value, deadline, data, {gasPrice: 5000000000, gasLimit: 21000})
You can set parameter {gasPrice: 5000000000, gasLimit: 21000, nonce: 100}
according to your specific needs, the parameter is set to the last parameter of the exchange.IO
You can omit the nonce
and use the system defaults, or do not set gasLimit/gasPrice/nonce
and use all the system default values.
It should be noted that in the example, the attribute of stateMutability
in multicall(uint256,bytes[])
method is payable
, and the value
parameter needs to be passed in.
The attribute of stateMutability":"payable"
can be viewed from the ABI
. The exchange.IO
function will determine the required parameters according to the stateMutability
attribute in the ABI
that has been registered.
If the stateMutability
attribute is nonpayable
, the parameter value
does not need to be passed in.