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Personalizar la función de dibujo de gráficos.

Objeto gráfico. Objeto

Gráfico (opciones)

EloptionsEl parámetro es la configuración del gráfico.Chart()Parámetro de funciónoptionses unaJSONSe puede distribuir en serieHighStocksParámetro paraHighcharts.StockChart- Un ejemplo adicional.__isStockse añade atributo sobre el parámetro nativo, y si__isStock:falseSi se especifica el valor de la tabla, se muestra como un gráfico normal.__isStockel atributo se establece en un valor falso, por ejemplofalse, es decir, el gráfico utilizado es unHighchartsSi el__isStockel atributo se establece en un valor verdadero, por ejemplotrue, es decir, el gráfico utilizado es unHighstocksgráfico (por defecto)__isStockes cierto por ejemplotrue) Puede consultar elBiblioteca de gráficos de HighStocks- ¿ Por qué? opciones verdadero Objeto, matriz de objetos

function main() {
    var cfgA = {
        extension: {
            layout: 'single', // No grouping, display separately, default to group 'group'
            height: 300, // Specify the height
        title: {
            text: 'handicap chart'
        xAxis: {
            type: 'datetime'
        series: [{
            name: 'buy one',
            data: [],
        }, {
            name: 'sell one',
            data: [],
    var cfgB = {
        title: {
            text: 'spread chart'
        xAxis: {
            type: 'datetime'
        series: [{
            name: 'spread',
            type: 'column',
            data: [],

    var cfgC = {
        __isStock: false,
        title: {
            text: 'pie chart'
        series: [{
            type: 'pie',
            name: 'one',
            data: [
                ["A", 25],
                ["B", 25],
                ["C", 25],
                ["D", 25],
            ]  // Instead of updating the initial data with the add function, the sequence can be updated by changing the chart configuration directly.
    var cfgD = {
        extension: {
            layout: 'single',
            col: 8, // Specify the cell value for the width, the total value is 12
            height: '300px',
        title: {
            text: 'handicap chart'
        xAxis: {
            type: 'datetime'
        series: [{
            name: 'buy one',
            data: [],
        }, {
            name: 'sell one',
            data: [],
    var cfgE = {
        __isStock: false,
        extension: {
            layout: 'single',
            col: 4,
            height: '300px',
        title: {
            text: 'pie chart2'
        series: [{
            type: 'pie',
            name: 'one',
            data: [
                ["A", 25],
                ["B", 25],
                ["C", 25],
                ["D", 25],

    var chart = Chart([cfgA, cfgB, cfgC, cfgD, cfgE]);
        // Add a number of points to the pie chart, add can only update the data points added by add, built-in data points cannot be updated later.
    chart.add(3, {
        name: "ZZ",
        y: Math.random() * 100
    while (true) {
        var ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
        if (!ticker) {
        var diff = ticker.Sell - ticker.Buy
        cfgA.subtitle = {
            text: 'buy one ' + ticker.Buy + ', sell one ' + ticker.Sell,
        cfgB.subtitle = {
            text: 'spread ' + diff,

        chart.add([0, [new Date().getTime(), ticker.Buy]]);
        chart.add([1, [new Date().getTime(), ticker.Sell]]);
        // Equivalent to updating the first data series of the second chart
        chart.add([2, [new Date().getTime(), diff]]);
        chart.add(4, [new Date().getTime(), ticker.Buy]);
        chart.add(5, [new Date().getTime(), ticker.Buy]);
        cfgC.series[0].data[0][1] = Math.random() * 100;
        cfgE.series[0].data[0][1] = Math.random() * 100;
        // update is actually the same as resetting the chart's configuration
        chart.update([cfgA, cfgB, cfgC, cfgD, cfgE]);
import random
import time
def main():
    cfgA = {
        "extension" : {
            "layout" : "single", 
            "height" : 300,
            "col" : 8
        "title" : {
            "text" : "handicap chart"
        "xAxis" : {
            "type" : "datetime" 
        "series" : [{
            "name" : "buy one",
            "data" : []
        }, {
            "name" : "sell one", 
            "data" : []

    cfgB = {
        "title" : {
            "text" : "spread chart"
        "xAxis" : {
            "type" : "datetime",
        "series" : [{
            "name" : "spread", 
            "type" : "column", 
            "data" : []

    cfgC = {
        "__isStock" : False,
        "title" : {
            "text" : "pie chart"
        "series" : [{
            "type" : "pie", 
            "name" : "one", 
            "data" : [
                ["A", 25],
                ["B", 25],
                ["C", 25],
                ["D", 25],

    cfgD = {
        "extension" : {
            "layout" : "single",
            "col" : 8,
            "height" : "300px"
        "title" : {
            "text" : "handicap chart"
        "series" : [{
            "name" : "buy one", 
            "data" : []
        }, {
            "name" : "sell one",
            "data" : []

    cfgE = {
        "__isStock" : False, 
        "extension" : {
            "layout" : "single", 
            "col" : 4,
            "height" : "300px"
        "title" : {
            "text" : "pie chart2"
        "series" : [{
            "type" : "pie",
            "name" : "one", 
            "data" : [
                ["A", 25], 
                ["B", 25], 
                ["C", 25], 
                ["D", 25]
    chart = Chart([cfgA, cfgB, cfgC, cfgD, cfgE])
    chart.add(3, {
        "name" : "ZZ",
        "y" : random.random() * 100
    while True:
        ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
        if not ticker :
        diff = ticker["Sell"] - ticker["Buy"]
        cfgA["subtitle"] = {
            "text" : "buy one" + str(ticker["Buy"]) + "sell one" + str(ticker["Sell"])
        cfgB["subtitle"] = {
            "text" : "spread " + str(diff)
        chart.add(0, [time.time() * 1000, ticker["Buy"]])
        chart.add(1, [time.time() * 1000, ticker["Sell"]])
        chart.add(2, [time.time() * 1000, diff])
        chart.add(4, [time.time() * 1000, ticker["Buy"]])
        chart.add(5, [time.time() * 1000, ticker["Buy"]])
        cfgC["series"][0]["data"][0][1] = random.random() * 100
        cfgE["series"][0]["data"][0][1] = random.random() * 100
void main() {
    json cfgA = R"({
        "extension" : {
            "layout" : "single", 
            "height" : 300,
            "col" : 8
        "title" : {
            "text" : "handicap chart"
        "xAxis" : {
            "type" : "datetime" 
        "series" : [{
            "name" : "buy one",
            "data" : []
        }, {
            "name" : "sell one", 
            "data" : []

    json cfgB = R"({
        "title" : {
            "text" : "spread chart"
        "xAxis" : {
            "type" : "datetime"
        "series" : [{
            "name" : "spread", 
            "type" : "column", 
            "data" : []
    json cfgC = R"({
        "__isStock" : false,
        "title" : {
            "text" : "pie chart"
        "series" : [{
            "type" : "pie", 
            "name" : "one", 
            "data" : [
                ["A", 25],
                ["B", 25],
                ["C", 25],
                ["D", 25]
    json cfgD = R"({
        "extension" : {
            "layout" : "single",
            "col" : 8,
            "height" : "300px"
        "title" : {
            "text" : "handicap chart"
        "series" : [{
            "name" : "buy one", 
            "data" : []
        }, {
            "name" : "sell one",
            "data" : []
    json cfgE = R"({
        "__isStock" : false, 
        "extension" : {
            "layout" : "single", 
            "col" : 4,
            "height" : "300px"
        "title" : {
            "text" : "pie chart2"
        "series" : [{
            "type" : "pie",
            "name" : "one", 
            "data" : [
                ["A", 25], 
                ["B", 25], 
                ["C", 25], 
                ["D", 25]

    auto chart = Chart({cfgA, cfgB, cfgC, cfgD, cfgE});
    json zz = R"({
        "name" : "ZZ", 
        "y" : 0
    zz["y"] = rand() % 100;
    chart.add(3, zz);
    while(true) {
        auto ticker = exchange.GetTicker();
        if(!ticker.Valid) {
        auto diff = ticker.Sell - ticker.Buy;
        json cfgASubTitle = R"({"text" : ""})"_json;
        cfgASubTitle["text"] = format("buy one %f , sell one %f", ticker.Buy, ticker.Sell);
        cfgA["subtitle"] = cfgASubTitle;
        json cfgBSubTitle = R"({"text" : ""})"_json;
        cfgBSubTitle["text"] = format("spread %f", diff);
        cfgB["subtitle"] = cfgBSubTitle;            

        chart.add(0, {Unix() * 1000, ticker.Buy});
        chart.add(1, {Unix() * 1000, ticker.Sell});
        chart.add(2, {Unix() * 1000, diff});
        chart.add(4, {Unix() * 1000, ticker.Buy});
        chart.add(5, {Unix() * 1000, ticker.Buy});
        cfgC["series"][0]["data"][0][1] = rand() % 100;
        cfgE["series"][0]["data"][0][1] = rand() % 100;
        chart.update({cfgA, cfgB, cfgC, cfgD, cfgE});

Configuración de dibujo de gráficos múltiples:

  • extension.layoutatributo Si el atributo está establecido con el valor single, los gráficos no se apilan (no se muestran como pestañas), sino que se muestran por separado (con mosaico).
  • extension.heightatributo El atributo se utiliza para establecer la altura del gráfico, ya sea como un valor numérico, o como 300px.
  • extension.colatributo El atributo se utiliza para establecer el ancho del gráfico, el ancho de la página se divide en 12 celdas, conjunto 8, es decir, el gráfico ocupa 8 celdas de ancho.
// This chart is an object in the JavaScript language, and before using the Chart function, we need to declare an object variable chart to configure the chart. var chart = {                                           
    // This field marks whether the chart is a general chart or not, if you are interested, you can change it to false and run it.
    __isStock: true,                                    
    // Scaling tool
    tooltip: {xDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A'},    
    // title
    title : { text : 'spread analysis chart'},                       
    // selection range
    rangeSelector: {                                    
        buttons:  [{type: 'hour',count: 1, text: '1h'}, {type: 'hour',count: 3, text: '3h'}, {type: 'hour', count: 8, text: '8h'}, {type: 'all',text: 'All'}],
        selected: 0,
        inputEnabled: false
    // Coordinate axis horizontal axis that is: x-axis, the current setting type is: time
    xAxis: { type: 'datetime'},                         
    // Coordinate axis vertical axis that is: y-axis, default value adjusted with the size of the data
    yAxis : {                                           
        // title
        title: {text: 'spread'},                           
        // Whether to enable the right vertical axis
        opposite: false                                 
    // Data series, this sttribute holds the individual data series (lines, K-charts, labels, etc...)
    series : [                                          
        // The index is 0, and the data array holds the data of the index series
        {name : "line1", id : "line1,buy1Price", data : []},                          
        // Index is 1, set dashStyle:'shortdash' i.e.: set the dashed line
        {name : "line2", id : "line2,lastPrice", dashStyle : 'shortdash', data : []}  
} function main(){
    // Call the Chart function to initialize the chart
    var ObjChart = Chart(chart)         
    // Clear out
        // Gets the timestamp of this poll, i.e. a millisecond timestamp. It's used to determine the position of the X-axis written to the chart.
        var nowTime = new Date().getTime()
        // Get the ticker data
        var ticker = _C(exchange.GetTicker)
        // Get buy one price from the return value of the ticker data
        var buy1Price = ticker.Buy    
        // To obtain the final transaction price, we add 1 in order not to overlap the 2 lines
        var lastPrice = ticker.Last + 1
        // Data sequence with timestamp as X-value and buy one price as Y-value passed into index 0
        ObjChart.add(0, [nowTime, buy1Price])
        // ditto
        ObjChart.add(1, [nowTime, lastPrice])
import time
chart = {
    "__isStock" : True,
    "tooltip" : {"xDateFormat" : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A"},  
    "title" : {"text" : "spread analysis chart"}, 
    "rangeSelector" : {
        "buttons" : [{"type": "count", "count": 1, "text": "1h"}, {"type": "hour", "count": 3, "text": "3h"}, {"type": "hour", "count": 8, "text": "8h"}, {"type": "all", "text": "All"}], 
        "selected": 0,
        "inputEnabled": False 
    "xAxis": {"type": "datetime"}, 
    "yAxis": {
        "title": {"text": "spread"},
        "opposite": False
    "series": [{
        "name": "line1", "id": "line1,buy1Price", "data": []
    }, {
        "name": "line2", "id": "line2,lastPrice", "dashStyle": "shortdash", "data": []
def main():
    ObjChart = Chart(chart)
    while True:
        nowTime = time.time() * 1000
        ticker = exchange.GetTicker()
        buy1Price = ticker["Buy"]
        lastPrice = ticker["Last"] + 1
        ObjChart.add(0, [nowTime, buy1Price])
        ObjChart.add(1, [nowTime, lastPrice])
void main() {
    // When writing strategies in C++, try not to declare global variables that are not of the base type, so the chart configuration object is declared inside the main function.
    json chart = R"({
        "__isStock" : true,
        "tooltip" : {"xDateFormat" : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A"},  
        "title" : {"text" : "spread analysis chart"}, 
        "rangeSelector" : {
            "buttons" : [{"type": "count", "count": 1, "text": "1h"}, {"type": "hour", "count": 3, "text": "3h"}, {"type": "hour", "count": 8, "text": "8h"}, {"type": "all", "text": "All"}], 
            "selected": 0,
            "inputEnabled": false 
        "xAxis": {"type": "datetime"}, 
        "yAxis": {
            "title": {"text": "spread"},
            "opposite": false
        "series": [{
            "name": "line1", "id": "line1,buy1Price", "data": []
        }, {
            "name": "line2", "id": "line2,lastPrice", "dashStyle": "shortdash", "data": []
    auto ObjChart = Chart(chart);
    while(true) {
        auto nowTime = Unix() * 1000;
        auto ticker = exchange.GetTicker();
        auto buy1Price = ticker.Buy;
        auto lastPrice = ticker.Last + 1.0;
        ObjChart.add(0, {nowTime, buy1Price});
        ObjChart.add(1, {nowTime, lastPrice});

Ejemplo de un dibujo simple:

// Objects used to initialize the chart
var chart = {                                   
    // Chart title
    title: {text: "line value triggers the plotLines value"},   
    // Y-axis related settings
    yAxis: {                                    
        // A horizontal line perpendicular to the Y-axis, used as a trigger line, is a structural array that can set multiple trigger lines
        plotLines: [{                           
            // The value of the trigger line, how much it set, this line will be displayed in the corresponding value position
            value: 0,                           
            // Set the color of the trigger line
            color: 'red',                       
            // Width
            width: 2,                           
            // Displaying labels
            label: {                            
                // Label text
                text: 'Trigger value',                  
                // Centered label position
                align: 'center'                 
    // X-axis related settings, here the setting type is time axis
    xAxis: {type: "datetime"},                  
    series: [
        {name: "sin", type: "spline", data: []},
        // This is an important data series, you can set multiple data series, according to the array index control
        {name: "cos", type: "spline", data: []}
function main(){
    // Circumference
    var pi = 3.1415926535897
    // Variables for recording timestamps
    var time = 0                   
    // Angle
    var angle = 0                        
    // Coordinate y values for receiving sine and cosine values
    var y = 0          
    // Call the API interface to initialize the chart with the chart object
    var objChart = Chart(chart)        
    // Initially, clear the chart
    // Set the value of the trigger line to 1
    chart.yAxis.plotLines[0].value = 1
    // Loop
        // Get the timestamp of the current moment
        time = new Date().getTime() 
        // Angle increases by 5 degrees every 500ms and calculates the sine value
        y = Math.sin(angle * 2 * pi / 360)
        // Write the calculated y value to the data series of the corresponding index of the chart, the first parameter of the add function is the specified data series index
        objChart.add(0, [time, y])
        // Calculate the cosine value
        y = Math.cos(angle * 2 * pi / 360)
        objChart.add(1, [time, y])
        // Increase by 5 degrees
        angle += 5
        // Pause for 5 seconds to avoid drawing too often and growing data too fast
import math
import time
chart = {
    "title": {"text": "line value triggers the plotLines value"}, 
    "yAxis": {
        "plotLines": [{
            "value": 0,
            "color": "red",
            "width": 2,
            "label": {
                "text": "trigger value", 
                "align": "center"
    "xAxis": {"type": "datetime"},
    "series": [{"name": "sin", "type": "spline", "data": []},
               {"name": "cos", "type": "spline", "data": []}]
def main():
    pi = 3.1415926535897
    ts = 0
    angle = 0
    y = 0
    objChart = Chart(chart)
    chart["yAxis"]["plotLines"][0]["value"] = 1
    while True:
        ts = time.time() * 1000
        y = math.sin(angle * 2 * pi / 360)
        objChart.add(0, [ts, y])
        y = math.cos(angle * 2 * pi / 360)
        objChart.add(1, [ts, y])
        angle += 5
void main() {
    json chart = R"({
        "title": {"text": "line value triggers the plotLines value"}, 
        "yAxis": {
            "plotLines": [{
                "value": 0,
                "color": "red",
                "width": 2,
                "label": {
                    "text": "trigger value", 
                    "align": "center"
        "xAxis": {"type": "datetime"},
        "series": [{"name": "sin", "type": "spline", "data": []},
                   {"name": "cos", "type": "spline", "data": []}]     

    auto pi = 3.1415926535897;
    auto ts = 0;
    auto angle = 0.0;
    auto y = 0.0;
    auto objChart = Chart(chart);
    chart["yAxis"]["plotLines"][0]["value"] = 1;
    while(true) {
        ts = Unix() * 1000;
        y = sin(angle * 2 * pi / 360);
        objChart.add(0, {ts, y});
        y = cos(angle * 2 * pi / 360);
        objChart.add(1, {ts, y});
        angle += 5;

Ejemplo de dibujo de curvas trigonométricas:

start: 2020-03-11 00:00:00
end: 2020-04-09 23:59:00
period: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Bitfinex","currency":"BTC_USD"}]

var chartCfg = {
    subtitle: {
        text: "subtitle",
    yAxis: [{
        height: "40%",
        lineWidth: 2,
        title: {
            text: 'PnL',
        tickPixelInterval: 20,
        minorGridLineWidth: 1,
        minorTickWidth: 0,
        opposite: true,
        labels: {
            align: "right",
            x: -3,
    }, {
        title: {
            text: 'Profit',
        top: "42%",
        height: "18%",
        offset: 0,
        lineWidth: 2
    }, {
        title: {
            text: 'Vol',
        top: '62%',
        height: '18%',
        offset: 0,
        lineWidth: 2
    }, {
        title: {
            text: 'Asset',
        top: '82%',
        height: '18%',
        offset: 0,
        lineWidth: 2
    series: [{
        name: 'PnL',
        data: [],
        id: 'primary',
        tooltip: {
            xDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
        yAxis: 0
    }, {
        type: 'column',
        lineWidth: 2,
        name: 'Profit',
        data: [],
        yAxis: 1,
    }, {
        type: 'column',
        name: 'Trade',
        data: [],
        yAxis: 2
    }, {
        type: 'area',
        step: true,
        lineWidth: 0,
        name: 'Long',
        data: [],
        yAxis: 2
    }, {
        type: 'area',
        step: true,
        lineWidth: 0,
        name: 'Short',
        data: [],
        yAxis: 2
    }, {
        type: 'line',
        step: true,
        color: '#5b4b00',
        name: 'Asset',
        data: [],
        yAxis: 3
    }, {
        type: 'pie',
        innerSize: '70%',
        name: 'Random',
        data: [],
        center: ['3%', '6%'],
        size: '15%',
        dataLabels: {
            enabled: false
        startAngle: -90,
        endAngle: 90,

function main() {
    let c = Chart(chartCfg);
    let preTicker = null;
    while (true) {
        let t = exchange.GetTicker();
        c.add(0, [t.Time, t.Last]); // PnL
        c.add(1, [t.Time, preTicker ? t.Last - preTicker.Last : 0]); // profit
        let r = Math.random();
        var pos = parseInt(t.Time/86400);
        c.add(2, [t.Time, pos/2]); // Vol
        c.add(3, [t.Time, r > 0.8 ? pos : null]); // Long
        c.add(4, [t.Time, r < 0.8 ? -pos : null]); // Short
        c.add(5, [t.Time, Math.random() * 100]); // Asset
        // update pie
        chartCfg.series[chartCfg.series.length-1].data = [
            ["A", Math.random()*100],
            ["B", Math.random()*100],
        preTicker = t;
start: 2020-03-11 00:00:00
end: 2020-04-09 23:59:00
period: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Bitfinex","currency":"BTC_USD"}]

import random            

chartCfg = {
    "subtitle": {
        "text": "subtitle"
    "yAxis": [{
        "height": "40%",
        "lineWidth": 2,
        "title": {
            "text": 'PnL'
        "tickPixelInterval": 20,
        "minorGridLineWidth": 1,
        "minorTickWidth": 0,
        "opposite": True,
        "labels": {
            "align": "right",
            "x": -3
    }, {
        "title": {
            "text": 'Profit'
        "top": "42%",
        "height": "18%",
        "offset": 0,
        "lineWidth": 2
    }, {
        "title": {
            "text": 'Vol'
        "top": '62%',
        "height": '18%',
        "offset": 0,
        "lineWidth": 2
    }, {
        "title": {
            "text": 'Asset'
        "top": '82%',
        "height": '18%',
        "offset": 0,
        "lineWidth": 2
    "series": [{
        "name": 'PnL',
        "data": [],
        "id": 'primary',
        "tooltip": {
            "xDateFormat": '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
        "yAxis": 0
    }, {
        "type": 'column',
        "lineWidth": 2,
        "name": 'Profit',
        "data": [],
        "yAxis": 1
    }, {
        "type": 'column',
        "name": 'Trade',
        "data": [],
        "yAxis": 2
    }, {
        "type": 'area',
        "step": True,
        "lineWidth": 0,
        "name": 'Long',
        "data": [],
        "yAxis": 2
    }, {
        "type": 'area',
        "step": True,
        "lineWidth": 0,
        "name": 'Short',
        "data": [],
        "yAxis": 2
    }, {
        "type": 'line',
        "step": True,
        "color": '#5b4b00',
        "name": 'Asset',
        "data": [],
        "yAxis": 3
    }, {
        "type": 'pie',
        "innerSize": '70%',
        "name": 'Random',
        "data": [],
        "center": ['3%', '6%'],
        "size": '15%',
        "dataLabels": {
            "enabled": False
        "startAngle": -90,
        "endAngle": 90

def main():
    c = Chart(chartCfg)
    preTicker = None
    while True:
        t = exchange.GetTicker()
        c.add(0, [t["Time"], t["Last"]])
        profit = t["Last"] - preTicker["Last"] if preTicker else 0
        c.add(1, [t["Time"], profit])
        r = random.random()
        pos = t["Time"] / 86400
        c.add(2, [t["Time"], pos / 2])
        long = pos if r > 0.8 else None
        c.add(3, [t["Time"], long])
        short = -pos if r < 0.8 else None
        c.add(4, [t["Time"], short])
        c.add(5, [t["Time"], random.random() * 100])            

        # update pie
        chartCfg["series"][len(chartCfg["series"]) - 1]["data"] = [
            ["A", random.random() * 100], 
            ["B", random.random() * 100]
        preTicker = t
start: 2020-03-11 00:00:00
end: 2020-04-09 23:59:00
period: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Bitfinex","currency":"BTC_USD"}]

void main() {
    json chartCfg = R"({
        "subtitle": {
            "text": "subtitle"
        "yAxis": [{
            "height": "40%",
            "lineWidth": 2,
            "title": {
                "text": "PnL"
            "tickPixelInterval": 20,
            "minorGridLineWidth": 1,
            "minorTickWidth": 0,
            "opposite": true,
            "labels": {
                "align": "right",
                "x": -3
        }, {
            "title": {
                "text": "Profit"
            "top": "42%",
            "height": "18%",
            "offset": 0,
            "lineWidth": 2
        }, {
            "title": {
                "text": "Vol"
            "top": "62%",
            "height": "18%",
            "offset": 0,
            "lineWidth": 2
        }, {
            "title": {
                "text": "Asset"
            "top": "82%",
            "height": "18%",
            "offset": 0,
            "lineWidth": 2
        "series": [{
            "name": "PnL",
            "data": [],
            "id": "primary",
            "tooltip": {
                "xDateFormat": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
            "yAxis": 0
        }, {
            "type": "column",
            "lineWidth": 2,
            "name": "Profit",
            "data": [],
            "yAxis": 1
        }, {
            "type": "column",
            "name": "Trade",
            "data": [],
            "yAxis": 2
        }, {
            "type": "area",
            "step": true,
            "lineWidth": 0,
            "name": "Long",
            "data": [],
            "yAxis": 2
        }, {
            "type": "area",
            "step": true,
            "lineWidth": 0,
            "name": "Short",
            "data": [],
            "yAxis": 2
        }, {
            "type": "line",
            "step": true,
            "color": "#5b4b00",
            "name": "Asset",
            "data": [],
            "yAxis": 3
        }, {
            "type": "pie",
            "innerSize": "70%",
            "name": "Random",
            "data": [],
            "center": ["3%", "6%"],
            "size": "15%",
            "dataLabels": {
                "enabled": false
            "startAngle": -90,
            "endAngle": 90
    Chart c = Chart(chartCfg);
    Ticker preTicker;
    while(true) {
        auto t = exchange.GetTicker();
        c.add(0, {t.Time, t.Last});
        auto profit = preTicker.Valid ? t.Last - preTicker.Last : 0;
        c.add(1, {t.Time, profit});    
        auto r = rand() % 100;
        auto pos = t.Time / 86400.0;
        c.add(2, {t.Time, pos / 2.0});
        auto longPos = r > 0.8 ? pos : NULL;
        c.add(3, {t.Time, longPos});
        auto shortPos = r < 0.8 ? -pos : NULL;
        c.add(4, {t.Time, shortPos});
        c.add(5, {t.Time, rand() % 100});
        // update pie 
        json pie = R"([["A", 0], ["B", 0]])"_json;
        pie[0][1] = rand() % 100;
        pie[1][1] = rand() % 100;
        chartCfg["series"][chartCfg["series"].size() - 1]["data"] = pie;
        preTicker = t;

Ejemplos complejos de uso de gráficos híbridos:

// update pie
chartCfg.series[chartCfg.series.length-1].data = [
    ["A", Math.random()*100],
    ["B", Math.random()*100],
# update pie
chartCfg["series"][len(chartCfg["series"]) - 1]["data"] = [
    ["A", random.random() * 100], 
    ["B", random.random() * 100]
// update pie 
json pie = R"([["A", 0], ["B", 0]])"_json;
pie[0][1] = rand() % 100;
pie[1][1] = rand() % 100;
chartCfg["series"][chartCfg["series"].size() - 1]["data"] = pie;

Las tablas de tipopiePor ejemplo, el código en el ejemplo anterior actualiza el gráfico usandoc.update(chartCfg)después de actualizar los datos, como sigue:

ElChart()función devuelve un objeto de gráfico que tiene 4 métodos:add(), reset(), update(), del().

    1. Elupdate()Método: Elupdate()El parámetro de este método es el objeto de configuración de gráfico (JSON).
    1. Eldel()Método: Eldel()El método puede eliminar la serie de datos del índice especificado basado en el parámetro de serie pasado.
    1. Eladd()Método: Eladd()El método puede escribir datos en el gráfico, con los siguientes parámetros en orden:
    • series: se utiliza para establecer el índice de la serie de datos, que es un número entero.
    • data: se utiliza para establecer los datos específicos a escribir, es una matriz.
    • index(opcional): se utiliza para establecer el índice de datos, es un número entero.-1se refiere a los últimos datos del conjunto de datos. Por ejemplo, al dibujar una línea, modificar los datos en el último punto de la línea:chart.add(0, [1574993606000, 13.5], -1), es decir, cambiar los datos en el penúltimo primer punto del gráficoseries[0].data- ¿ Por qué? Elindexno se establece el parámetro, lo que significa que los datos se añaden al último punto de la serie de datos actual.
    1. Elreset()Método: Elreset()El método se utiliza para vaciar los datos del gráfico.reset()método puede tomar un parámetroremainPara especificar el número de entradas a mantener.remainse pasa para borrar todos los datos.

¿Por qué no lo haces?

Habilitar el registro Los resultados de las evaluaciones