Cette stratégie est une stratégie de négociation quantitative de type multi-facteur combinant des indicateurs de dynamique et des indicateurs de tendance. La stratégie détermine la tendance générale du marché et la direction de la dynamique en calculant une combinaison mathématique de plusieurs moyennes, émettant un signal de négociation en fonction des conditions de dépréciation.
Cette stratégie juge l’état du marché en utilisant une combinaison de facteurs de dynamique et de tendance, et émet des signaux de négociation en fonction des seuils définis. L’avantage de la stratégie réside dans sa grande configuration, son adaptation aux différents environnements de marché et sa facilité d’apprentissage. L’inconvénient est la difficulté d’optimisation des paramètres, la fréquence des transactions peut être trop élevée et l’effet est fortement lié au marché.
start: 2022-11-16 00:00:00
end: 2023-11-22 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// Copyright by HPotter v1.0 14/03/2017
// This is modified version of Dale Legan's "Confluence" indicator written by Gary Fritz.
// ================================================================
// Here is Gary`s commentary:
// Since the Confluence indicator returned several "states" (bull, bear, grey, and zero),
// he modified the return value a bit:
// -9 to -1 = Bearish
// -0.9 to 0.9 = "grey" (and zero)
// 1 to 9 = Bullish
// The "grey" range corresponds to the "grey" values plotted by Dale's indicator, but
// they're divided by 10.
// You can change long to short in the Input Settings
// Please, use it only for learning or paper trading. Do not for real trading.
strategy(title="Confluence", shorttitle="Confluence")
Harmonic = input(10, minval=1)
BuyBand = input(9)
SellBand = input(-9)
reverse = input(false, title="Trade reverse")
hline(SellBand, color=red, linestyle=line)
hline(BuyBand, color=green, linestyle=line)
Price = close
STL = round((Harmonic * 2) - 1 - 0.5)
ITL = round((STL * 2) - 1 - 0.5)
LTL = round((ITL * 2) - 1 - 0.5)
HOFF = round(Harmonic / 2 - 0.5)
SOFF = round(STL / 2 - 0.5)
IOFF = round(ITL / 2 - 0.5)
xHavg = sma(Price, Harmonic)
xSavg = sma(Price, STL)
xIavg = sma(Price, ITL)
xLavg = sma(Price, LTL)
xvalue2 = xSavg - xHavg[HOFF]
xvalue3 = xIavg - xSavg[SOFF]
xvalue12 = xLavg - xIavg[IOFF]
xmomsig = xvalue2 + xvalue3 + xvalue12
xLavgOHLC = sma(ohlc4, LTL - 1)
xH2 = sma(Price, Harmonic - 1)
xS2 = sma(Price, STL - 1)
xI2 = sma(Price, ITL - 1)
xL2 = sma(Price, LTL - 1)
DerivH = (xHavg * 2) - xHavg[1]
DerivS = (xSavg * 2) - xSavg[1]
DerivI = (xIavg * 2) - xIavg[1]
DerivL = (xLavg * 2) - xLavg[1]
SumDH = Harmonic * DerivH
SumDS = STL * DerivS
SumDI = ITL * DerivI
SumDL = LTL * DerivL
LengH = Harmonic - 1
LengS = STL - 1
LengI = ITL - 1
LengL = LTL - 1
N1H = xH2 * LengH
N1S = xS2 * LengS
N1I = xI2 * LengI
N1L = xL2 * LengL
DRH = SumDH - N1H
DRS = SumDS - N1S
DRI = SumDI - N1I
DRL = SumDL - N1L
SumH = xH2 * (Harmonic - 1)
SumS = xS2 * (STL - 1)
SumI = xI2 * (ITL - 1)
SumL = xLavgOHLC * (LTL - 1)
xvalue5 = (SumH + DRH) / Harmonic
xvalue6 = (SumS + DRS) / STL
xvalue7 = (SumI + DRI) / ITL
xvalue13 = (SumL + DRL) / LTL
value9 = xvalue6 - xvalue5[HOFF]
value10 = xvalue7 - xvalue6[SOFF]
value14 = xvalue13 - xvalue7[IOFF]
xmom = value9 + value10 + value14
HT = sin(xvalue5 * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xvalue5 * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
HTA = sin(xHavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xHavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
ST = sin(xvalue6 * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xvalue6 * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
STA = sin(xSavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xSavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
IT = sin(xvalue7 * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xvalue7 * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
ITA = sin(xIavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360) + cos(xIavg * 2 * 3.14 / 360)
xSum = HT + ST + IT
xErr = HTA + STA + ITA
Condition2 = (((xSum > xSum[SOFF]) and (xHavg < xHavg[SOFF])) or ((xSum < xSum[SOFF]) and (xHavg > xHavg[SOFF])))
Phase = iff(Condition2 , -1 , 1)
xErrSum = (xSum - xErr) * Phase
xErrSig = sma(xErrSum, SOFF)
xvalue70 = xvalue5 - xvalue13
xvalue71 = sma(xvalue70, Harmonic)
ErrNum = iff (xErrSum > 0 and xErrSum < xErrSum[1] and xErrSum < xErrSig, 1,
iff (xErrSum > 0 and xErrSum < xErrSum[1] and xErrSum > xErrSig, 2,
iff (xErrSum > 0 and xErrSum > xErrSum[1] and xErrSum < xErrSig, 2,
iff (xErrSum > 0 and xErrSum > xErrSum[1] and xErrSum > xErrSig, 3,
iff (xErrSum < 0 and xErrSum > xErrSum[1] and xErrSum > xErrSig, -1,
iff (xErrSum < 0 and xErrSum < xErrSum[1] and xErrSum > xErrSig, -2,
iff (xErrSum < 0 and xErrSum > xErrSum[1] and xErrSum < xErrSig, -2,
iff (xErrSum < 0 and xErrSum < xErrSum[1] and xErrSum < xErrSig, -3, 0))))))))
momNum = iff (xmom > 0 and xmom < xmom[1] and xmom < xmomsig , 1,
iff (xmom > 0 and xmom < xmom[1] and xmom > xmomsig, 2,
iff (xmom > 0 and xmom > xmom[1] and xmom < xmomsig, 2,
iff (xmom > 0 and xmom > xmom[1] and xmom > xmomsig, 3,
iff (xmom < 0 and xmom > xmom[1] and xmom > xmomsig, -1,
iff (xmom < 0 and xmom < xmom[1] and xmom > xmomsig, -2,
iff (xmom < 0 and xmom > xmom[1] and xmom < xmomsig, -2,
iff (xmom < 0 and xmom < xmom[1] and xmom < xmomsig, -3, 0))))))))
TCNum = iff (xvalue70 > 0 and xvalue70 < xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 < xvalue71, 1,
iff (xvalue70 > 0 and xvalue70 < xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 > xvalue71, 2,
iff (xvalue70 > 0 and xvalue70 > xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 < xvalue71, 2,
iff (xvalue70 > 0 and xvalue70 > xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 > xvalue71, 3,
iff (xvalue70 < 0 and xvalue70 > xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 > xvalue71, -1,
iff (xvalue70 < 0 and xvalue70 < xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 > xvalue71, -2,
iff (xvalue70 < 0 and xvalue70 > xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 < xvalue71, -2,
iff (xvalue70 < 0 and xvalue70 < xvalue70[1] and xvalue70 < xvalue71, -3,0))))))))
value42 = ErrNum + momNum + TCNum
Confluence = iff (value42 > 0 and xvalue70 > 0, value42,
iff (value42 < 0 and xvalue70 < 0, value42,
iff ((value42 > 0 and xvalue70 < 0) or (value42 < 0 and xvalue70 > 0), value42 / 10, 0)))
Res1 = iff (Confluence >= 1, Confluence, 0)
Res2 = iff (Confluence <= -1, Confluence, 0)
Res3 = iff (Confluence == 0, 0, iff (Confluence > -1 and Confluence < 1, 10 * Confluence, 0))
pos = iff(Res2 >= SellBand and Res2 != 0, -1,
iff(Res1 <= BuyBand and Res1 != 0, 1,
iff(Res3 != 0, 0, nz(pos[1], 0))))
possig = iff(reverse and pos == 1, -1,
iff(reverse and pos == -1, 1, pos))
if (possig == 1)
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
if (possig == -1)
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
if (possig == 0)
strategy.close("Long", when = possig == 0)
strategy.close("Short", when = possig == 0)
barcolor(possig == -1 ? red: possig == 1 ? green : blue )
plot(Res1, color=green, title="Confluence", linewidth=3, style = histogram)
plot(Res2, color=red, title="Confluence", linewidth=3, style = histogram)
plot(Res3, color=gray, title="Confluence", linewidth=3, style = histogram)