Cette stratégie utilise l'indicateur MACD et le principe de l'intersection de la ligne uniforme pour construire des signaux de négociation. Son avantage est qu'il est possible d'optimiser les paramètres du MACD pour les directions de plus et de moins, afin de configurer les paramètres de manière optimale pour les différentes directions du marché.
Comment gérer les risques: 1. Évitez de courir après les hauts et les bas en combinant les autres indicateurs pour juger du tableau général. 2. Définir les paramètres de retard et de glissement des signaux pour réduire les signaux erronés. 3. Optimiser les paramètres en les testant à plusieurs reprises pour qu'ils correspondent aux rythmes des différentes cycles. 4. Mettre en place des mécanismes d'arrêt des pertes et de maîtrise des pertes monétaires.
Il est possible d'optimiser cette stratégie pour les points suivants:
Tester différentes combinaisons de paramètres de longueur de ligne rapide et lente pour trouver les paramètres les plus appropriés pour différents secteurs cycliques.
En testant différents paramètres de la ligne de signal, la ligne de signal Smoother peut filtrer plus de bruit.
Testez la différence entre les filtres croisés des lignes de signal ouvertes et fermées pour trouver le meilleur équilibre.
Le taux optimal d'arrêt-perte est déterminé en fonction des conditions de retestation.
Essayez de ne faire que plus ou rien pour voir si vous pouvez maximiser l'effet stratégique.
Le MACD double orientation optimiser la stratégie de négociation par la configuration des paramètres de multiplication et de non-déploiement, afin d'optimiser pour les différentes directions du marché, la direction de participation peut être librement ajustée. Il ajoute également un mécanisme de filtrage des signaux pour éviter les faux signaux.
start: 2023-01-15 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-21 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Gentleman-Goat & TradingTools.Software/Optimizer
strategy(title="MACD Short/Long Strategy for TradingView Input Optimizer", shorttitle="MACD Short/Long TVIO", initial_capital=1000, default_qty_value=100, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity)
// Get Inputs Long
allow_long = input.bool(title="Allow Long", defval=true, group="inputs long")
fast_length_long = input.int(title="Fast Length Long", defval=13, group="inputs long")
slow_length_long = input.int(title="Slow Length Long", defval=19, group="inputs long")
src_long = input.source(title="Source Long", defval=close, group="inputs long")
signal_length_long = input.int(title="Signal Smoothing Long", minval = 1, maxval = 50, defval = 9, group="inputs long")
sma_source_long = input.string(title="Oscillator MA Type Long", defval="EMA", options=["SMA", "EMA"], group="inputs long")
sma_signal_long = input.string(title="Signal Line MA Type Long", defval="EMA", options=["SMA", "EMA"], group="inputs long")
cross_point_long = input.int(title="Cross Point Long", defval=0, group="inputs long")
cross_delay_macd_long = input.int(title="MacD Cross Delay Long", defval=0, group="inputs long")
signal_must_cross_long = input.bool(title="Signal Must Also Cross Long", defval=false, group="inputs long")
cross_delay_signal_long = input.int(title="Signal Cross Delay Long", defval=0, group="inputs long")
//Get Inputs Short
allow_short = input.bool(title="Allow Short", defval=true, group="inputs short")
fast_length_short = input.int(title="Fast Length Short", defval=11, group="inputs short")
slow_length_short = input.int(title="Slow Length Short", defval=20, group="inputs short")
src_short = input.source(title="Source Short", defval=close, group="inputs short")
signal_length_short = input.int(title="Signal Smoothing Short", minval = 1, maxval = 50, defval = 9, group="inputs short")
sma_source_short = input.string(title="Oscillator MA Type Short", defval="EMA", options=["SMA", "EMA"], group="inputs short")
sma_signal_short = input.string(title="Signal Line MA Type Short", defval="EMA", options=["SMA", "EMA"], group="inputs short")
cross_point_short = input.int(title="Cross Point Short", defval=0, group="inputs short")
cross_delay_macd_short = input.int(title="MacD Cross Delay Short", defval=1, group="inputs short")
signal_must_cross_short = input.bool(title="Signal Must Also Cross Short", defval=false, group="inputs short")
cross_delay_signal_short = input.int(title="Signal Cross Delay Short", defval=0, group="inputs short")
use_stop_loss_long = input.bool(defval=false,title="Use Stop Loss Long", group="Stop/Profit Long")
stop_loss_long_percentage = input.float(defval=1,title="Stop Loss % Long",minval=0.0,step=0.1, group="Stop/Profit Long") * .01
use_take_profit_long = input.bool(defval=false,title="Use Take Profit Long", group="Stop/Profit Long")
take_profit_long_percentage = input.float(defval=1,title="Take Profit % Long",minval=0.0,step=0.1, group="Stop/Profit Long") * .01
use_stop_loss_short = input.bool(defval=true,title="Use Stop Loss Short", group="Stop/Profit Short")
stop_loss_short_percentage = input.float(defval=21,title="Stop Loss % Short",minval=0.0,step=0.1, group="Stop/Profit Short") * .01
use_take_profit_short = input.bool(defval=true,title="Use Take Profit Short", group="Stop/Profit Short")
take_profit_short_percentage= input.float(defval=20,title="Take Profit % Short",minval=0.0,step=0.1, group="Stop/Profit Short") * .01
// Plot colors Long
col_macd_long = input.color(#2962FF, "MACD Line Long", group="Color Settings", inline="MACD")
col_signal_long = input.color(#FF6D00, "Signal Line Long", group="Color Settings", inline="Signal")
col_grow_above_long = input.color(#26A69A, "Grow Above Long", group="Histogram Color Settings", inline="Above Long")
col_fall_above_long = input.color(#B2DFDB, "Fall Above Long", group="Histogram Color Settings", inline="Above Long")
col_grow_below_long = input.color(#FFCDD2, "Grow Below Long", group="Histogram Color Settings", inline="Below Long")
col_fall_below_long = input.color(#FF5252, "Fall Below Long", group="Histogram Color Settings", inline="Below Long")
// Plot colors Short
col_macd_short = input.color(#B03DFF, "MACD Line Short", group="Color Settings", inline="MACD")
col_signal_short = input.color(#00FFE8, "Signal Line Short", group="Color Settings", inline="Signal")
col_grow_above_short = input.color(#D95965, "Grow Above Short", group="Histogram Color Settings", inline="Above Short")
col_fall_above_short = input.color(#4D2024, "Fall Above Short", group="Histogram Color Settings", inline="Above Short")
col_grow_below_short = input.color(#00322D, "Grow Below Short", group="Histogram Color Settings", inline="Below Short")
col_fall_below_short = input.color(#00ADAD, "Fall Below Short", group="Histogram Color Settings", inline="Below Short")
// Calculate Long
fast_ma_long = sma_source_long == "SMA" ? ta.sma(src_long, fast_length_long) : ta.ema(src_long, fast_length_long)
slow_ma_long = sma_source_long == "SMA" ? ta.sma(src_long, slow_length_long) : ta.ema(src_long, slow_length_long)
macd_long = fast_ma_long - slow_ma_long
signal_long = sma_signal_long == "SMA" ? ta.sma(macd_long, signal_length_long) : ta.ema(macd_long, signal_length_long)
hist_long = macd_long - signal_long
// Calculate Short
fast_ma_short = sma_source_short == "SMA" ? ta.sma(src_short, fast_length_short) : ta.ema(src_short, fast_length_short)
slow_ma_short = sma_source_short == "SMA" ? ta.sma(src_short, slow_length_short) : ta.ema(src_short, slow_length_short)
macd_short = fast_ma_short - slow_ma_short
signal_short = sma_signal_short == "SMA" ? ta.sma(macd_short, signal_length_short) : ta.ema(macd_short, signal_length_short)
hist_short = macd_short - signal_short
//Plot Long
plot(hist_long, title="Histogram Long", style=plot.style_columns, color=(hist_long>=0 ? (hist_long[1] < hist_long ? col_grow_above_long : col_fall_above_long) : (hist_long[1] < hist_long ? col_grow_below_long : col_fall_below_long)))
plot(macd_long, title="MACD Long", color=col_macd_long)
plot(signal_long, title="Signal Long", color=col_signal_long)
//Plot Short
plot(hist_short, title="Histogram Short", style=plot.style_columns, color=(hist_short>=0 ? (hist_short[1] < hist_short ? col_grow_above_short : col_fall_above_short) : (hist_short[1] < hist_short ? col_grow_below_short : col_fall_below_short)))
plot(macd_short, title="MACD Short", color=col_macd_short)
plot(signal_short, title="Signal Short", color=col_signal_short)
var detectedLongCrossOver = false
var detectedShortCrossUnder = false
detectedShortCrossUnder := true
detectedShortCrossUnder := false
detectedLongCrossOver := true
detectedLongCrossOver := false
crossover_signal_long = ta.crossover(signal_long,cross_point_long)
crossunder_signal_long = ta.crossunder(signal_long,cross_point_long)
crossunder_signal_short = ta.crossunder(signal_short,cross_point_short)
crossover_signal_short = ta.crossover(signal_short,cross_point_short)
crossover_macd_long = ta.crossover(macd_long,cross_point_long)
crossunder_macd_long = ta.crossunder(macd_long,cross_point_long)
crossunder_macd_short = ta.crossunder(macd_short,cross_point_short)
crossover_macd_short = ta.crossover(macd_short,cross_point_short)
inEntry = false
//Strategy Entries
if (strategy.equity > 0) //This is required for the input optimizer to work since it will fail if the strategy fails to succeed by not having enough equity.
if (strategy.position_size <= 0 and allow_long==true and inEntry==false)
longSignalCondition = detectedLongCrossOver==true and crossover_signal_long[cross_delay_signal_long]
strategy.entry(id="long", direction=strategy.long, when=longSignalCondition)
longMacDCondition = crossover_macd_long[cross_delay_macd_long]
strategy.entry(id="long", direction=strategy.long, when=longMacDCondition)
if (strategy.position_size >= 0 and allow_short==true and inEntry==false)
shortSignalCondition = detectedShortCrossUnder and crossunder_signal_short[cross_delay_signal_short]
strategy.entry(id="short", direction=strategy.short, when=shortSignalCondition)
shortMacDCondition = crossunder_macd_short[cross_delay_macd_short]
strategy.entry(id="short", direction=strategy.short, when=shortMacDCondition)
if(strategy.position_size > 0 and allow_long==true and allow_short==false)
strategy.close(id="long", when=detectedLongCrossOver==false and crossunder_signal_long)
strategy.close(id="long", when=crossunder_macd_long)
if(strategy.position_size < 0 and allow_short==true and allow_long==false)
strategy.close(id="short", when=detectedShortCrossUnder==false and crossover_signal_short)
strategy.close(id="short", when=crossover_macd_short)
stop_loss_value_long = strategy.position_avg_price*(1 - stop_loss_long_percentage)
take_profit_value_long = strategy.position_avg_price*(1 + take_profit_long_percentage)
stop_loss_value_short = strategy.position_avg_price*(1 + stop_loss_short_percentage)
take_profit_value_short = strategy.position_avg_price*(1 - take_profit_short_percentage)
if(strategy.position_size>0) //Long positions only
strategy.exit(id="TP/SL Long",from_entry="long", limit=use_take_profit_long ? take_profit_value_long : na, stop=use_stop_loss_long ? stop_loss_value_long : na)
if(strategy.position_size<0) //Short positions only
strategy.exit(id="TP/SL Short",from_entry="short", limit=use_take_profit_short ? take_profit_value_short : na, stop=use_stop_loss_short ? stop_loss_value_short : na)