Il s'agit d'une stratégie de trading qui combine UT Bot et une moyenne mobile exponentielle (EMA) de 50 périodes. La stratégie fonctionne principalement sur un laps de temps de 1 minute tout en utilisant une ligne de tendance de 5 minutes comme filtre directionnel.
La logique de base repose sur les éléments clés suivants:
Les signaux de trading sont déclenchés lorsque le prix franchit les niveaux de support/résistance de UT Bot
Cette stratégie construit un système de négociation complet grâce à la combinaison de plusieurs indicateurs techniques et de délais. Elle comprend non seulement des conditions d'entrée et de sortie claires, mais également des mécanismes complets de gestion des risques.
/*backtest start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00 end: 2024-12-18 08:00:00 period: 1d basePeriod: 1d exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=5 //Created by Nasser mahmoodsani' all rights reserved // E-mail : strategy("UT Bot Strategy with T/P and S/L and Trend EMA", overlay=true) // Inputs along = input(1, title='Key Value (Sensitivity - Long)', group="LONG") clong = input(10, title='ATR Period (Long)', group="LONG") h = input(true, title='Signals from Heikin Ashi Candles') ashort = input(7, title='Key Value (Sensitivity - Short)', group="SHORT") cshort = input(2, title='ATR Period (Short)', group="SHORT") tradeType = input.string("Both", title="Trade Type", options=["Buy Only", "Sell Only", "Both"]) tp1_percent = input.float(0.5, title="TP1 Percentage", step=0.1, group="TP Settings") // TP1 % input tp2_percent = input.float(1.0, title="TP2 Percentage", step=0.1, group="TP Settings") // TP2 % input sl_percent = input.float(1.0, title="Stop Loss Percentage", step=0.1, group="TP Settings") // SL % input sl_in_percent = input(true, title="Use Stop Loss in Percentage", group="TP Settings") tp1_qty = input.float(0.5, title="Take Profit 1 Quantity (as % of position size)", minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, step=0.1) tp2_qty = input.float(0.5, title="Take Profit 2 Quantity (as % of position size)", minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, step=0.1) // Check that total quantities for TPs do not exceed 100% if tp1_qty + tp2_qty > 1 runtime.error("The sum of Take Profit quantities must not exceed 100%.") // Calculate 50 EMA from 5-Minute Timeframe trendEmaPeriod = 50 trendEma_5min =, "5", ta.ema(close, trendEmaPeriod)) plot(trendEma_5min, title="Trend EMA (5-Min)",, linewidth=2) // Calculations xATRlong = ta.atr(clong) xATRshort = ta.atr(cshort) nLosslong = along * xATRlong nLossshort = ashort * xATRshort src = h ?, timeframe.period, close) : close // LONG var float xATRTrailingStoplong = na var float stopLossLong = na var float takeProfit1 = na var float takeProfit2 = na iff_1long = src > nz(xATRTrailingStoplong[1], 0) ? src - nLosslong : src + nLosslong iff_2long = src < nz(xATRTrailingStoplong[1], 0) and src[1] < nz(xATRTrailingStoplong[1], 0) ? math.min(nz(xATRTrailingStoplong[1]), src + nLosslong) : iff_1long xATRTrailingStoplong := src > nz(xATRTrailingStoplong[1], 0) and src[1] > nz(xATRTrailingStoplong[1], 0) ? math.max(nz(xATRTrailingStoplong[1]), src - nLosslong) : iff_2long buy = src > xATRTrailingStoplong and ta.crossover(ta.ema(src, 21), xATRTrailingStoplong) and close > trendEma_5min if buy and (tradeType == "Buy Only" or tradeType == "Both") takeProfit1 := close * (1 + tp1_percent / 100) takeProfit2 := close * (1 + tp2_percent / 100) // Calculate stop loss based on percentage or ATR if sl_in_percent stopLossLong := close * (1 - sl_percent / 100) else stopLossLong := close - nLosslong strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long) strategy.exit("Take Profit 1", from_entry="Long", limit=takeProfit1, qty=strategy.position_size * tp1_qty) strategy.exit("Take Profit 2", from_entry="Long", limit=takeProfit2, qty=strategy.position_size * tp2_qty) strategy.exit("Stop Loss", from_entry="Long", stop=stopLossLong, qty=strategy.position_size) // // Create Position Projectile for Long // var line tpLineLong1 = na // var line tpLineLong2 = na // var line slLineLong = na // var label entryLabelLong = na // // Update projectile on entry // line.delete(tpLineLong1) // line.delete(tpLineLong2) // line.delete(slLineLong) // label.delete(entryLabelLong) // tpLineLong1 :=, y1=takeProfit1, x2=bar_index + 1, y2=takeProfit1,, width=2, style=line.style_solid) // tpLineLong2 :=, y1=takeProfit2, x2=bar_index + 1, y2=takeProfit2,, width=2, style=line.style_dashed) // slLineLong :=, y1=stopLossLong, x2=bar_index + 1, y2=stopLossLong,, width=2, style=line.style_solid) // SHORT var float xATRTrailingStopshort = na var float stopLossShort = na var float takeProfit1Short = na var float takeProfit2Short = na iff_1short = src > nz(xATRTrailingStopshort[1], 0) ? src - nLossshort : src + nLossshort iff_2short = src < nz(xATRTrailingStopshort[1], 0) and src[1] < nz(xATRTrailingStopshort[1], 0) ? math.min(nz(xATRTrailingStopshort[1]), src + nLossshort) : iff_1short xATRTrailingStopshort := src > nz(xATRTrailingStopshort[1], 0) and src[1] > nz(xATRTrailingStopshort[1], 0) ? math.max(nz(xATRTrailingStopshort[1]), src - nLossshort) : iff_2short sell = src < xATRTrailingStopshort and ta.crossover(xATRTrailingStopshort, ta.ema(src, 21)) and close < trendEma_5min if sell and (tradeType == "Sell Only" or tradeType == "Both") takeProfit1Short := close * (1 - tp1_percent / 100) takeProfit2Short := close * (1 - tp2_percent / 100) // Calculate stop loss based on percentage or ATR if sl_in_percent stopLossShort := close * (1 + sl_percent / 100) else stopLossShort := close + nLossshort strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short) strategy.exit("Take Profit 1 Short", from_entry="Short", limit=takeProfit1Short, qty=strategy.position_size * tp1_qty) strategy.exit("Take Profit 2 Short", from_entry="Short", limit=takeProfit2Short, qty=strategy.position_size * tp2_qty) strategy.exit("Stop Loss Short", from_entry="Short", stop=stopLossShort, qty=strategy.position_size) // Create Position Projectile for Short // var line tpLineShort1 = na // var line tpLineShort2 = na // var line slLineShort = na // var label entryLabelShort = na // // Update projectile on entry // line.delete(tpLineShort1) // line.delete(tpLineShort2) // line.delete(slLineShort) // label.delete(entryLabelShort) // tpLineShort1 :=, y1=takeProfit1Short, x2=bar_index + 1, y2=takeProfit1Short,, width=2, style=line.style_solid) // tpLineShort2 :=, y1=takeProfit2Short, x2=bar_index + 1, y2=takeProfit2Short,, width=2, style=line.style_dashed) // slLineShort :=, y1=stopLossShort, x2=bar_index + 1, y2=stopLossShort,, width=2, style=line.style_solid) // Updating Stop Loss after hitting Take Profit 1 if buy and close >= takeProfit1 strategy.exit("Adjusted Stop Loss", from_entry="Long", stop=close) // Updating Stop Loss after hitting Take Profit 1 for Short if sell and close <= takeProfit1Short strategy.exit("Adjusted Stop Loss Short", from_entry="Short", stop=close)