ध्यान केंद्रित करना

OKEX वायदा सिमुलेशन ट्रेडिंग लगातार विफल हो रही है

में बनाया: 2021-06-12 20:11:36, को अपडेट:
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GetAccount: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} GetOrders: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} GetOrders: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} GetOrders: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} Futures_OP 3: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} Futures_OP 3: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”} Futures_OP 3: 401: {“msg”:“Broker id of APIKey does not match current environment.”,“code”:“50101”}

okex_samulate_v5 af2b2***** केवल पढ़ें लेन-देन 2021-06-12 13:22:02 okex का v5 api key भी ठीक है, लेकिन यह काम नहीं करता है