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Penelitian dan Contoh pada Maker Spots dan Futures Hedging Strategy Design

Penulis:FMZ~Lydia, Dibuat: 2022-11-09 14:49:29, Diperbarui: 2025-01-11 18:18:30

Research and Example on the Maker Spots and Futures Hedging Strategy Design

Untuk waktu yang lama, hedging berjangka dan spot umumnya dirancang untuk mendeteksi perbedaan harga. Ketika perbedaan harga terpenuhi, kita akan mengambil pesanan untuk hedge. Dapatkah itu dirancang sebagai maker hedging? Jawabannya benar-benar ya. Hari ini, saya akan membawa Anda ide desain dan prototipe kode untuk maker hedging.

Gagasan lindung nilai pembuat

Dalam pasar yang berbeda dari jenis subjek yang sama atau yang sama, peluang lindung nilai muncul ketika ada perbedaan besar antara pesanan jual dan pesanan beli dari dua pasar. Secara umum, kita akan melakukan pembuat yang memenuhi perbedaan harga dan memegang posisi lindung nilai. Oleh karena itu, ada dua tujuan untuk lindung nilai. Yang pertama adalah untuk lindung nilai posisi dan yang kedua adalah untuk memastikan bahwa perbedaan antara pesanan beli dan jual memenuhi harapan kita sejauh mungkin. Keuntungan dari perdagangan pembuat dalam hal ini adalah bahwa biaya komisi lebih rendah. Kelemahannya adalah tidak mudah untuk melakukan kesepakatan, dan mudah untuk melakukan kesepakatan pada satu posisi.

Ide trading yang kami rancang adalah untuk menempatkan order beli di buku order pasar A dan order jual di buku order pasar B. Kemudian kami memeriksa akun kami pending order, dan melakukan langkah selanjutnya untuk transaksi order pending yang diperiksa. Misalnya, jika kami menemukan perubahan dalam order pending, kami menyeimbangkan posisi lindung nilai spot dan futures segera, dan menutup atau menutup posisi overflow di posisi spot dan futures. Menurut peningkatan posisi lindung nilai, kami menyesuaikan jarak order pending pertama dalam order ke posisi berikutnya dalam order, dan lindung nilai untuk mendapatkan spread yang lebih besar secara bertahap.

Desain kode

Komentar ditulis dalam kode secara langsung. Contoh ini digunakan untuk desain referensi saja dan telah diuji pada demo OKEX V5. Contoh ini bukan strategi yang sempurna, silahkan gunakan untuk referensi saja.

// Temporary parameters
var fuContractType = "quarter"    // Futures contracts
var fuSymbol = "ETH_USDT"         // Futures trading pairs
var spSymbol = "ETH_USDT"         // Spots trading pairs
var minAmount = 0.1               // Amount per transaction, minimum transaction amount, currency
var step = 40                     // Difference step length
var buff = 5                      // Buffer price difference
var balanceType = "open"          // When the single position transaction is balanced, open the covering position and close the closing position

var depthManager = function(fuEx, spEx, fuCt, fuSymbol, spSymbol) {
    var self = {}
    self.fuExDepth = null
    self.spExDepth = null 
    self.plusPrice = null
    self.minusPrice = null 

    self.update = function() {        
        if (!IsVirtual()) {

        var fuRoutine = fuEx.Go("GetDepth")
        var spRoutine = spEx.Go("GetDepth")
        var fuDepth = fuRoutine.wait()
        var spDepth = spRoutine.wait()
        if (!fuDepth || !spDepth) {
            return false 
        self.fuExDepth = fuDepth
        self.spExDepth = spDepth

        if (fuDepth.Bids.length == 0 || fuDepth.Asks.length == 0 || spDepth.Bids.length == 0 || spDepth.Asks.length == 0) {
            return false 
        self.plusPrice = fuDepth.Bids[0].Price - spDepth.Asks[0].Price   // futures Bid - spot Ask
        self.minusPrice = fuDepth.Asks[0].Price - spDepth.Bids[0].Price  // futures Ask - spot Bid
        return true 

    self.getData = function() {       
        return {
            "fuExDepth" : self.fuExDepth,
            "spExDepth" : self.spExDepth,
            "plusPrice" : self.plusPrice,
            "minusPrice" : self.minusPrice
    return self 

var positionManager = function(fuEx, spEx, fuCt, fuSymbol, spSymbol, step, buffDiff, balanceType, initSpAcc) {
    var self = {}
    self.balanceType = balanceType
    self.depth = null 
    self.level = 1
    self.lastUpdateTs = 0
    self.fuPos = []
    self.spPos = []
    self.initSpAcc = initSpAcc
    self.spAcc = null
    self.hedgePos = null
    self.hedgePosPrice = 0
    self.minAmount = 0.01
    self.offset = ["", 0]

    self.update = function() {
        if (!IsVirtual()) {

        self.offset = ["", 0]
        var fuRoutine = fuEx.Go("GetPosition")
        var spRoutine = spEx.Go("GetAccount")
        var fuPos = fuRoutine.wait()
        var spAcc = spRoutine.wait()
        if (!fuPos || !spAcc) {
            return false 
        self.fuPos = fuPos
        self.spAcc = spAcc
        if (!self.initSpAcc) {
            return false 
        self.spPos = (spAcc.Stocks + spAcc.FrozenStocks) - (self.initSpAcc.Stocks + self.initSpAcc.FrozenStocks)   // Current one minus the initial one, positive number means going long
        // Check fuPos
        if (fuPos.length > 1) {
            return false 
        fuPosAmount = fuPos.length == 0 ? 0 : (fuPos[0].Type == PD_LONG ? fuPos[0].Amount : -fuPos[0].Amount)
        if ((fuPosAmount > 0 && self.spPos > 0) || (fuPosAmount < 0 && self.spPos < 0)) {
            return false 

        fuPosAmount = self.piece2Coin(fuPosAmount)

        self.hedgePos = (fuPosAmount == 0 || self.spPos == 0) ? 0 : (fuPosAmount < 0 && self.spPos > 0 ? Math.min(Math.abs(fuPosAmount), Math.abs(self.spPos)) : -Math.min(Math.abs(fuPosAmount), Math.abs(self.spPos)))
        var diffBalance = (spAcc.Balance + spAcc.FrozenBalance) - (self.initSpAcc.Balance + self.initSpAcc.FrozenBalance)
        if (self.hedgePos == 0) {
            self.hedgePosPrice = 0    
        } else {
            self.hedgePosPrice = fuPos[0].Price - (Math.abs(diffBalance) / Math.abs(self.spPos))
        self.offset[1] = fuPosAmount + self.spPos  // If positive, long positions overflow, if negative, short positions overflow
        if (fuPosAmount > 0 && self.spPos < 0) {   // Reverse arbitrage
            self.offset[0] = "minus"
        } else if (fuPosAmount < 0 && self.spPos > 0) {
            self.offset[0] = "plus"
        } else if (fuPosAmount == 0 && self.spPos < 0) {
            self.offset[0] = "minus"
        } else if (fuPosAmount > 0 && self.spPos == 0) {
            self.offset[0] = "minus"
        } else if (fuPosAmount == 0 && self.spPos > 0) {
            self.offset[0] = "plus"
        } else if (fuPosAmount < 0 && self.spPos == 0) {
            self.offset[0] = "plus"
        return true 

    self.getData = function() {
        return {
            "fuPos" : self.fuPos,
            "spPos" : self.spPos,
            "initSpAcc" : self.initSpAcc,
            "spAcc" : self.spAcc,
            "hedgePos" : self.hedgePos,
            "hedgePosPrice" : self.hedgePosPrice,

    self.keepBalance = function(depth) {
        var fuDepth = depth.fuExDepth
        var spDepth = depth.spExDepth
        if (self.offset[0] == "plus") {
            if (self.offset[1] >= self.minAmount) {
                if (self.balanceType == "close") {
                    // If the spot long position is excessive, close the spot long position
                    spEx.Sell(-1, self.offset[1])
                } else if (self.balanceType == "open") {
                    // If the spot long position is excessive, open the future short position
                    fuEx.Sell(-1, self.coin2Piece(Math.abs(self.offset[1])))
            } else if (self.offset[1] <= -self.minAmount) {
                if (self.balanceType == "close") {
                    // If the future short position is excessive, close the future short position
                    fuEx.Buy(-1, self.coin2Piece(Math.abs(self.offset[1])))
                } else if (self.balanceType == "open") {
                    // If the future short position is excessive, open the spot long position
                    spEx.Buy(-1, spDepth.Asks[0].Price * Math.abs(self.offset[1]))
            return false 
        } else if (self.offset[0] == "minus") {
            if (self.offset[1] >= self.minAmount) {
                if (self.balanceType == "close") {
                    // If the future long position is excessive, close the future long position
                    fuEx.Sell(-1, self.coin2Piece(self.offset[1]))
                } else if (self.balanceType == "open") {
                    // If the future long position is excessive, open the spot short position
                    spEx.Sell(-1, self.offset[1])
            } else if (self.offset[1] <= -self.minAmount) {
                if (self.balanceType == "close") {
                    // If the spot short position is excessive, close the spot short position
                    spEx.Buy(-1, spDepth.Asks[0].Price * Math.abs(self.offset[1]))
                } else if (self.balanceType == "open") {
                    // If the spot short position is excessive, open the future long position
                    fuEx.Buy(-1, self.coin2Piece(Math.abs(self.offset[1])))
            return false 
        return true 

    self.process = function(depthManager) {
        var ts = new Date().getTime()
        var depth = depthManager.getData()
        var orders = self.getOrders()
        if (!orders) {
        self.depth = depth
        var fuOrders = orders[0]
        var spOrders = orders[1]
        if (fuOrders.length == 0 && spOrders.length == 0) {
            // Reset level
            if (self.hedgePos == 0) {
                self.level = 1
            } else {
                self.level = Math.max(1, _N(self.hedgePos / self.minAmount, 0))

            // Limit the maximum position
            if (Math.abs(self.hedgePos) > 1) {

            // Pending orders
            var fuDepth = depth.fuExDepth
            var spDepth = depth.spExDepth

            if (self.hedgePos >= 0 && fuDepth.Bids[0].Price - spDepth.Asks[0].Price > 0) {        // Positive arbitrage
                var distance = (step * self.level - (fuDepth.Asks[0].Price - spDepth.Bids[0].Price)) / 2          
                fuEx.Sell(fuDepth.Asks[0].Price + distance, self.coin2Piece(self.minAmount), fuDepth.Asks[0].Price, "Price difference of makers:", fuDepth.Asks[0].Price + distance - (spDepth.Bids[0].Price - distance))
                spEx.Buy(spDepth.Bids[0].Price - distance, self.minAmount, spDepth.Bids[0].Price)
            } else if (self.hedgePos <= 0 && spDepth.Bids[0].Price - fuDepth.Asks[0].Price > 0) { // Reverse arbitrage
                var distance = (step * self.level - (spDepth.Asks[0].Price - fuDepth.Bids[0].Price)) / 2          
                fuEx.Buy(fuDepth.Bids[0].Price - distance, self.coin2Piece(self.minAmount), fuDepth.Bids[0].Price, "Price difference of makers:", spDepth.Asks[0].Price + distance - (fuDepth.Bids[0].Price - distance))
                spEx.Sell(spDepth.Asks[0].Price + distance, self.minAmount, spDepth.Asks[0].Price)
        } else if (fuOrders.length == 1 && spOrders.length == 1) {
            var fuDepth = depth.fuExDepth
            var spDepth = depth.spExDepth            
            // Judge the position
            var isCancelAll = false 
            if (self.hedgePos >= 0 && fuDepth.Bids[0].Price - spDepth.Asks[0].Price > 0) {        // Positive arbitrage
                var distance = (step * self.level - (fuDepth.Asks[0].Price - spDepth.Bids[0].Price)) / 2
                if (Math.abs(fuOrders[0].Price - (fuDepth.Asks[0].Price + distance)) > buffDiff || Math.abs(spOrders[0].Price - (spDepth.Bids[0].Price - distance)) > buffDiff) {
                    isCancelAll = true 
            } else if (self.hedgePos <= 0 && spDepth.Bids[0].Price - fuDepth.Asks[0].Price > 0) { // Reverse arbitrage
                var distance = (step * self.level - (spDepth.Asks[0].Price - fuDepth.Bids[0].Price)) / 2
                if (Math.abs(spOrders[0].Price - (spDepth.Asks[0].Price + distance)) > buffDiff || Math.abs(fuOrders[0].Price - (fuDepth.Bids[0].Price - distance)) > buffDiff) {
                    isCancelAll = true 
            } else {
                isCancelAll = true 
            if (isCancelAll) {
                self.cancelAll(fuEx, fuOrders)
                self.cancelAll(spEx, spOrders)
                self.lastUpdateTs = 0
        } else {            
            self.cancelAll(fuEx, fuOrders)
            self.cancelAll(spEx, spOrders)       
            self.lastUpdateTs = 0

        if (ts - self.lastUpdateTs > 1000 * 60 * 2) {
            self.lastUpdateTs = ts 
        LogStatus(_D())   // The status bar can be designed to output the data and information to be observed

    self.getOrders = function() {
        if (!IsVirtual()) {

        var fuRoutine = fuEx.Go("GetOrders")
        var spRoutine = spEx.Go("GetOrders")
        var fuOrders = fuRoutine.wait()
        var spOrders = spRoutine.wait()
        if (!fuOrders || !spOrders) {
            return false 
        return [fuOrders, spOrders]
    // Number of currency converted into contracts
    self.coin2Piece = function(amount) {
        if (IsVirtual()) {
            if (fuEx.GetName() == "Futures_Binance") {
                return amount
            } else if (fuEx.GetName() == "Futures_OKCoin") {
                var price = (self.depth.fuExDepth.Bids[0].Price + self.depth.fuExDepth.Asks[0].Price) / 2
                return _N(amount / (100 / price), 0)
            } else {
                throw "not support"
        if (fuEx.GetName() == "Futures_OKCoin") {
            if (fuEx.GetQuoteCurrency() == "USDT") {
                return _N(amount * 10, 0)
            } else if (fuEx.GetQuoteCurrency() == "USD") {
                var price = (self.depth.fuExDepth.Bids[0].Price + self.depth.fuExDepth.Asks[0].Price) / 2
                return _N(amount / (100 / price), 0)
            } else {
                throw "not support"
        } else {
            throw "not support"
    // Number of contracts converted into currency
    self.piece2Coin = function(amount) {
        if (IsVirtual()) {
            if (fuEx.GetName() == "Futures_Binance") {
                return amount
            } else if (fuEx.GetName() == "Futures_OKCoin") {
                var price = (self.depth.fuExDepth.Bids[0].Price + self.depth.fuExDepth.Asks[0].Price) / 2
                return amount * 100 / price
            } else {
                throw "not support"
        if (fuEx.GetName() == "Futures_OKCoin") {
            if (fuEx.GetQuoteCurrency() == "USDT") {
                return amount * 0.1
            } else if (fuEx.GetQuoteCurrency() == "USD") {
                var price = (self.depth.fuExDepth.Bids[0].Price + self.depth.fuExDepth.Asks[0].Price) / 2
                return amount * 100 / price
            } else {
                throw "not support"
        } else {
            throw "not support"

    self.cancelAll = function(e, orders) {
        var isFirst = true 
        while (true) {
            if (orders && isFirst) {
                isFirst = false 
            } else {
                orders = e.GetOrders()
            if (!orders) {
            } else {
                for (var i = 0 ; i < orders.length ; i++) {
                    e.CancelOrder(orders[i].Id, orders[i])
            if (orders.length == 0) {

    self.CoverAll = function() {
        // Close all positions
        // Here we can realize one-click position closing

    self.setMinAmount = function(minAmount) {
        self.minAmount = minAmount

    self.init = function() {
        while(!self.spAcc) {
        if (!self.initSpAcc) {  
            var positionManager_initSpAcc = _G("positionManager_initSpAcc")
            if (!positionManager_initSpAcc) {
                self.initSpAcc = self.spAcc
                _G("positionManager_initSpAcc", self.initSpAcc)
            } else {
                self.initSpAcc = positionManager_initSpAcc
        } else {
            _G("positionManager_initSpAcc", self.initSpAcc)
        // Print the initial information
        Log("self.initSpAcc:", self.initSpAcc.Balance, self.initSpAcc.FrozenBalance, self.initSpAcc.Stocks, self.initSpAcc.FrozenStocks)
    return self

function main() {
    _G(null)       // Clear the persistent data
    LogReset(1)    // Reset logs

    // The following code can be switchedto the OKEX Demo
    // exchanges[0].IO("simulate", true)
    // exchanges[1].IO("simulate", true)

    var dm = depthManager(exchanges[0], exchanges[1], fuContractType, fuSymbol, spSymbol)
    var pm = positionManager(exchanges[0], exchanges[1], fuContractType, fuSymbol, spSymbol, step, buff, balanceType)

    while (true) {
        if (!dm.update()) {

        var cmd = GetCommand()
        if (cmd) {
            // Handle interactions
            Log("Interaction command:", cmd)
            var arr = cmd.split(":") 
            if (arr[0] == "") {


Analisis backtest

Research and Example on the Maker Spots and Futures Hedging Strategy Design Research and Example on the Maker Spots and Futures Hedging Strategy Design Research and Example on the Maker Spots and Futures Hedging Strategy Design Research and Example on the Maker Spots and Futures Hedging Strategy Design

Dari statistik sistem backtesting, akun bursa berjangka kehilangan -0.01666 ETH dan bursa spot menghasilkan keuntungan sebesar 842.23758 USDT. Harga spot ETH adalah 4252 USDT pada akhir backtest, -0.01666 * 4252 = -70.83832000000001.

Tapi itu hanya pada backtest, dan pasti ada lebih banyak detail untuk digarap di bot nyata.

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