Strategi ini adalah sistem perdagangan canggih yang didasarkan pada analisis pivot point dan memprediksi potensi pembalikan tren dengan mengidentifikasi titik-titik penting di pasar. Strategi ini menggunakan metode “pivot of pivot” yang inovatif, yang dikombinasikan dengan indikator ATR untuk manajemen posisi, membentuk sistem perdagangan yang lengkap. Strategi ini berlaku untuk beberapa pasar dan dapat dioptimalkan parameter sesuai dengan karakteristik pasar yang berbeda.
Inti dari strategi ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi peluang untuk membalikkan pasar melalui analisis pivot point dua tingkat. Pivot point tingkat pertama adalah titik tinggi dan rendah yang mendasar, dan pivot point tingkat kedua adalah titik pergeseran yang signifikan yang dipilih dari pivot point tingkat pertama.
Ini adalah strategi perdagangan reversal tren yang dirancang dengan baik, dengan analisis titik pivot ganda dan manajemen volatilitas ATR, untuk membangun sistem perdagangan yang stabil. Keunggulan strategi ini adalah kemampuan beradaptasi yang kuat dan manajemen risiko yang sempurna, tetapi masih membutuhkan pedagang untuk berhati-hati menggunakan leverage dan terus mengoptimalkan parameter. Dengan arah optimasi yang disarankan, strategi ini masih memiliki ruang untuk peningkatan.
start: 2024-11-04 00:00:00
end: 2024-12-04 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
strategy("Pivot of Pivot Reversal Strategy [MAD]", shorttitle="PoP Reversal Strategy", overlay=true, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1, slippage=3)
// Inputs with Tooltips
leftBars =, minval=1, title='PP Left Bars', tooltip='Number of bars to the left of the pivot point. Increasing this value makes the pivot more significant.')
rightBars =, minval=1, title='PP Right Bars', tooltip='Number of bars to the right of the pivot point. Increasing this value delays the pivot detection but may reduce false signals.')
atr_length =, minval=1, title='ATR Length', tooltip='Length for ATR calculation. ATR is used to assess market volatility.')
atr_mult = input.float(0.1, minval=0.0, step=0.1, title='ATR Multiplier', tooltip='Multiplier applied to ATR for pivot significance. Higher values require greater price movement for pivots.')
allowLongs = input.bool(true, title='Allow Long Positions', tooltip='Enable or disable long positions.')
allowShorts = input.bool(true, title='Allow Short Positions', tooltip='Enable or disable short positions.')
margin_amount = input.float(1.0, minval=1.0, maxval=100.0, step=1.0, title='Margin Amount (Leverage)', tooltip='Set the leverage multiplier (e.g., 3x, 5x, 10x). Note: Adjust leverage in strategy properties for accurate results.')
risk_reward_enabled = input.bool(false, title='Enable Risk/Reward Ratio', tooltip='Enable or disable the use of a fixed risk/reward ratio for trades.')
risk_reward_ratio = input.float(1.0, minval=0.1, step=0.1, title='Risk/Reward Ratio', tooltip='Set the desired risk/reward ratio (e.g., 1.0 for 1:1).')
risk_percent = input.float(1.0, minval=0.1, step=0.1, title='Risk Percentage per Trade (%)', tooltip='Percentage of entry price to risk per trade.')
trail_stop_enabled = input.bool(false, title='Enable Trailing Stop Loss', tooltip='Enable or disable the trailing stop loss.')
trail_percent = input.float(0.5, minval=0.0, step=0.1, title='Trailing Stop Loss (%)', tooltip='Percentage for trailing stop loss.')
start_year =, title='Start Year', tooltip='Backtest start year.')
start_month =, title='Start Month', tooltip='Backtest start month.')
start_day =, title='Start Day', tooltip='Backtest start day.')
end_year =, title='End Year', tooltip='Backtest end year.')
end_month =, title='End Month', tooltip='Backtest end month.')
end_day =, title='End Day', tooltip='Backtest end day.')
date_start = timestamp(start_year, start_month, start_day, 00, 00)
date_end = timestamp(end_year, end_month, end_day, 00, 00)
time_cond = time >= date_start and time <= date_end
// Pivot High Significant Function
pivotHighSig(left, right) =>
pp_ok = true
atr = ta.atr(atr_length)
for i = 1 to left
if high[right] < high[right + i] + atr * atr_mult
pp_ok := false
for i = 0 to right - 1
if high[right] < high[i] + atr * atr_mult
pp_ok := false
pp_ok ? high[right] : na
// Pivot Low Significant Function
pivotLowSig(left, right) =>
pp_ok = true
atr = ta.atr(atr_length)
for i = 1 to left
if low[right] > low[right + i] - atr * atr_mult
pp_ok := false
for i = 0 to right - 1
if low[right] > low[i] - atr * atr_mult
pp_ok := false
pp_ok ? low[right] : na
swh = pivotHighSig(leftBars, rightBars)
swl = pivotLowSig(leftBars, rightBars)
swh_cond = not na(swh)
var float hprice = 0.0
hprice := swh_cond ? swh : nz(hprice[1])
le = false
le := swh_cond ? true : (le[1] and high > hprice ? false : le[1])
swl_cond = not na(swl)
var float lprice = 0.0
lprice := swl_cond ? swl : nz(lprice[1])
se = false
se := swl_cond ? true : (se[1] and low < lprice ? false : se[1])
// Pivots of pivots
var float ph1 = 0.0
var float ph2 = 0.0
var float ph3 = 0.0
var float pl1 = 0.0
var float pl2 = 0.0
var float pl3 = 0.0
var float pphprice = 0.0
var float pplprice = 0.0
ph3 := swh_cond ? nz(ph2[1]) : nz(ph3[1])
ph2 := swh_cond ? nz(ph1[1]) : nz(ph2[1])
ph1 := swh_cond ? hprice : nz(ph1[1])
pl3 := swl_cond ? nz(pl2[1]) : nz(pl3[1])
pl2 := swl_cond ? nz(pl1[1]) : nz(pl2[1])
pl1 := swl_cond ? lprice : nz(pl1[1])
pphprice := swh_cond and ph2 > ph1 and ph2 > ph3 ? ph2 : nz(pphprice[1])
pplprice := swl_cond and pl2 < pl1 and pl2 < pl3 ? pl2 : nz(pplprice[1])
// Entry and Exit Logic
if time_cond
// Calculate order quantity based on margin amount
float order_qty = na
if margin_amount > 0
order_qty := (strategy.equity * margin_amount) / close
// Long Position
if allowLongs and le and not na(pphprice) and pphprice != 0
float entry_price_long = pphprice + syminfo.mintick
strategy.entry("PivRevLE", strategy.long, qty=order_qty, comment="PivRevLE", stop=entry_price_long)
if risk_reward_enabled or (trail_stop_enabled and trail_percent > 0.0)
float stop_loss_price = na
float take_profit_price = na
float trail_offset_long = na
float trail_points_long = na
if risk_reward_enabled
float risk_amount = entry_price_long * (risk_percent / 100)
stop_loss_price := entry_price_long - risk_amount
float profit_target = risk_amount * risk_reward_ratio
take_profit_price := entry_price_long + profit_target
if trail_stop_enabled and trail_percent > 0.0
trail_offset_long := (trail_percent / 100.0) * entry_price_long
trail_points_long := trail_offset_long / syminfo.pointvalue
strategy.exit("PivRevLE Exit", from_entry="PivRevLE",
stop=stop_loss_price, limit=take_profit_price,
trail_points=trail_points_long, trail_offset=trail_points_long)
// Short Position
if allowShorts and se and not na(pplprice) and pplprice != 0
float entry_price_short = pplprice - syminfo.mintick
strategy.entry("PivRevSE", strategy.short, qty=order_qty, comment="PivRevSE", stop=entry_price_short)
if risk_reward_enabled or (trail_stop_enabled and trail_percent > 0.0)
float stop_loss_price = na
float take_profit_price = na
float trail_offset_short = na
float trail_points_short = na
if risk_reward_enabled
float risk_amount = entry_price_short * (risk_percent / 100)
stop_loss_price := entry_price_short + risk_amount
float profit_target = risk_amount * risk_reward_ratio
take_profit_price := entry_price_short - profit_target
if trail_stop_enabled and trail_percent > 0.0
trail_offset_short := (trail_percent / 100.0) * entry_price_short
trail_points_short := trail_offset_short / syminfo.pointvalue
strategy.exit("PivRevSE Exit", from_entry="PivRevSE",
stop=stop_loss_price, limit=take_profit_price,
trail_points=trail_points_short, trail_offset=trail_points_short)
// Plotting
plot(lprice,, 55), title='Low Price')
plot(hprice,, 55), title='High Price')
plot(pplprice,, 0), linewidth=2, title='Pivot Low Price')
plot(pphprice,, 0), linewidth=2, title='Pivot High Price')