損失のリスクを減らすために, Stop Loss 戦略を導入する.
start: 2023-09-06 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-06 00:00:00
period: 4h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © Julien_Eche
strategy("MACD TrueLevel Strategy", shorttitle="MACD TL", overlay=true)
// Input parameters for MACD
fastLength = input(12, title="Fast Length", type=input.integer)
slowLength = input(26, title="Slow Length", type=input.integer)
signalLength = input(9, title="Signal Length", type=input.integer)
// Inputs for selecting bands
entry_band = input(12, title="Entry TrueLevel Band", type=input.integer, minval=1, maxval=14)
exit_band = input(12, title="Exit TrueLevel Band", type=input.integer, minval=1, maxval=14)
// Input for long and short mode
long_and_short = input(false, title="Enable Long and Short", type=input.bool)
// Calculate the MACD
[macdLine, signalLine, _] = macd(close, fastLength, slowLength, signalLength)
// User inputs
len1 = input(title="Length 1", type=input.integer, defval=126)
len2 = input(title="Length 2", type=input.integer, defval=189)
len3 = input(title="Length 3", type=input.integer, defval=252)
len4 = input(title="Length 4", type=input.integer, defval=378)
len5 = input(title="Length 5", type=input.integer, defval=504)
len6 = input(title="Length 6", type=input.integer, defval=630)
len7 = input(title="Length 7", type=input.integer, defval=756)
len8 = input(title="Length 8", type=input.integer, defval=1008)
len9 = input(title="Length 9", type=input.integer, defval=1260)
len10 = input(title="Length 10", type=input.integer, defval=1638)
len11 = input(title="Length 11", type=input.integer, defval=2016)
len12 = input(title="Length 12", type=input.integer, defval=2646)
len13 = input(title="Length 13", type=input.integer, defval=3276)
len14 = input(title="Length 14", type=input.integer, defval=4284)
fill_color = input(title="Fill Color", type=input.color, defval=color.rgb(0, 191, 255, 95))
mult = input(title="Multiple", type=input.float, defval=1, step=0.2, options=[0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4])
src = input(title="Source", type=input.source, defval=close)
// Upper band calculation function
upperBand(length) =>
linreg = linreg(src, length, 0)
stddev = mult * stdev(src, length)
upperband = linreg + stddev
// Lower band calculation function
lowerBand(length) =>
linreg = linreg(src, length, 0)
stddev = mult * stdev(src, length)
lowerband = linreg - stddev
// Calculate upper and lower bands for each length
upperband_1 = upperBand(len1)
upperband_2 = upperBand(len2)
upperband_3 = upperBand(len3)
upperband_4 = upperBand(len4)
upperband_5 = upperBand(len5)
upperband_6 = upperBand(len6)
upperband_7 = upperBand(len7)
upperband_8 = upperBand(len8)
upperband_9 = upperBand(len9)
upperband_10 = upperBand(len10)
upperband_11 = upperBand(len11)
upperband_12 = upperBand(len12)
upperband_13 = upperBand(len13)
upperband_14 = upperBand(len14)
lowerband_1 = lowerBand(len1)
lowerband_2 = lowerBand(len2)
lowerband_3 = lowerBand(len3)
lowerband_4 = lowerBand(len4)
lowerband_5 = lowerBand(len5)
lowerband_6 = lowerBand(len6)
lowerband_7 = lowerBand(len7)
lowerband_8 = lowerBand(len8)
lowerband_9 = lowerBand(len9)
lowerband_10 = lowerBand(len10)
lowerband_11 = lowerBand(len11)
lowerband_12 = lowerBand(len12)
lowerband_13 = lowerBand(len13)
lowerband_14 = lowerBand(len14)
// Plot envelope bands for each length
upperband_1_plot = plot(upperband_1, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 1")
lowerband_1_plot = plot(lowerband_1, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 1")
upperband_2_plot = plot(upperband_2, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 2")
lowerband_2_plot = plot(lowerband_2, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 2")
upperband_3_plot = plot(upperband_3, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 3")
lowerband_3_plot = plot(lowerband_3, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 3")
upperband_4_plot = plot(upperband_4, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 4")
lowerband_4_plot = plot(lowerband_4, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 4")
upperband_5_plot = plot(upperband_5, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 5")
lowerband_5_plot = plot(lowerband_5, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 5")
upperband_6_plot = plot(upperband_6, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 6")
lowerband_6_plot = plot(lowerband_6, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 6")
upperband_7_plot = plot(upperband_7, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 7")
lowerband_7_plot = plot(lowerband_7, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 7")
upperband_8_plot = plot(upperband_8, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 8")
lowerband_8_plot = plot(lowerband_8, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 8")
upperband_9_plot = plot(upperband_9, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 9")
lowerband_9_plot = plot(lowerband_9, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 9")
upperband_10_plot = plot(upperband_10, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 10")
lowerband_10_plot = plot(lowerband_10, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 10")
upperband_11_plot = plot(upperband_11, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 11")
lowerband_11_plot = plot(lowerband_11, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 11")
upperband_12_plot = plot(upperband_12, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 12")
lowerband_12_plot = plot(lowerband_12, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 12")
upperband_13_plot = plot(upperband_13, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 13")
lowerband_13_plot = plot(lowerband_13, color=color.rgb(14, 139, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 13")
upperband_14_plot = plot(upperband_14, color=color.rgb(14, 116, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Upper Band 14")
lowerband_14_plot = plot(lowerband_14, color=color.rgb(14, 139, 212, 95), linewidth=1, title="Lower Band 14")
// Plot fills for each length
fill(upperband_1_plot, lowerband_1_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 1")
fill(upperband_2_plot, lowerband_2_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 2")
fill(upperband_3_plot, lowerband_3_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 3")
fill(upperband_4_plot, lowerband_4_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 4")
fill(upperband_5_plot, lowerband_5_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 5")
fill(upperband_6_plot, lowerband_6_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 6")
fill(upperband_7_plot, lowerband_7_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 7")
fill(upperband_8_plot, lowerband_8_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 8")
fill(upperband_9_plot, lowerband_9_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 9")
fill(upperband_10_plot, lowerband_10_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 10")
fill(upperband_11_plot, lowerband_11_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 11")
fill(upperband_12_plot, lowerband_12_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 12")
fill(upperband_13_plot, lowerband_13_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 13")
fill(upperband_14_plot, lowerband_14_plot, color=fill_color, title="Fill 14")
// Add variables to store the highest upper band and lowest lower band values
var float highestUpperBand = na
var float lowestLowerBand = na
// Calculate the trueLevelUpperBand and trueLevelLowerBand
trueLevelUpperBand = max(upperband_1, max(upperband_2, max(upperband_3, max(upperband_4, max(upperband_5, max(upperband_6, max(upperband_7, max(upperband_8, max(upperband_9, max(upperband_10, max(upperband_11, max(upperband_12, max(upperband_13, upperband_14)))))))))))))
trueLevelLowerBand = min(lowerband_1, min(lowerband_2, min(lowerband_3, min(lowerband_4, min(lowerband_5, min(lowerband_6, min(lowerband_7, min(lowerband_8, min(lowerband_9, min(lowerband_10, min(lowerband_11, min(lowerband_12, min(lowerband_13, lowerband_14)))))))))))))
// Update the highest upper band and lowest lower band
highestUpperBand := highest(trueLevelUpperBand, 1)
lowestLowerBand := lowest(trueLevelLowerBand, 1)
// Store the upper and lower bands in an array for easy access
upperbands = array.new_float(14)
lowerbands = array.new_float(14)
array.set(upperbands, 0, upperband_1)
array.set(upperbands, 1, upperband_2)
array.set(upperbands, 2, upperband_3)
array.set(upperbands, 3, upperband_4)
array.set(upperbands, 4, upperband_5)
array.set(upperbands, 5, upperband_6)
array.set(upperbands, 6, upperband_7)
array.set(upperbands, 7, upperband_8)
array.set(upperbands, 8, upperband_9)
array.set(upperbands, 9, upperband_10)
array.set(upperbands, 10, upperband_11)
array.set(upperbands, 11, upperband_12)
array.set(upperbands, 12, upperband_13)
array.set(upperbands, 13, upperband_14)
array.set(lowerbands, 0, lowerband_1)
array.set(lowerbands, 1, lowerband_2)
array.set(lowerbands, 2, lowerband_3)
array.set(lowerbands, 3, lowerband_4)
array.set(lowerbands, 4, lowerband_5)
array.set(lowerbands, 5, lowerband_6)
array.set(lowerbands, 6, lowerband_7)
array.set(lowerbands, 7, lowerband_8)
array.set(lowerbands, 8, lowerband_9)
array.set(lowerbands, 9, lowerband_10)
array.set(lowerbands, 10, lowerband_11)
array.set(lowerbands, 11, lowerband_12)
array.set(lowerbands, 12, lowerband_13)
array.set(lowerbands, 13, lowerband_14)
// Get the selected bands for entry and exit
selected_entry_lowerband = array.get(lowerbands, entry_band - 1)
selected_exit_upperband = array.get(upperbands, exit_band - 1)
// Entry conditions
longCondition = crossover(macdLine, signalLine) or crossover(close, selected_entry_lowerband)
shortCondition = crossunder(macdLine, signalLine) or crossunder(close, selected_exit_upperband)
// Exit conditions
exitLongCondition = crossunder(macdLine, signalLine) or crossunder(close, selected_exit_upperband)
exitShortCondition = crossover(macdLine, signalLine) or crossover(close, selected_entry_lowerband)
// Strategy execution
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, when = longCondition)
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, when = shortCondition and long_and_short)
strategy.close("Long", when = exitLongCondition)
strategy.close("Short", when = exitShortCondition)