具体的には,戦略は,高い確率の場合のみにポジションを開き,科学的ストップ・ローズを設定し,損失を最大限に回避します. これは,資金の安定した成長を保証します.
具体的には,EnvironmentError アルゴリズムを使用して,強化学習に基づく継続的に繰り返されるパラメータを使用して,戦略の利益を最大化することができる.
しかし,フィルタが多すぎると,機会が逃れることもあり,フィルタリングの強さをバランスする必要があります. さらに,フィルタ自身は,関連性を避ける必要があります.
start: 2023-12-12 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-15 01:00:00
period: 30m
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
//Created by frasmac2k Strategy credit to Alex Morris
strategy("Mechanical", shorttitle="MECH", overlay=true)
// Get the current date and time
currentYear = year
currentMonth = month
currentDay = dayofmonth
// Create a timestamp for the present date and time
currentTimestamp = timestamp(currentYear, currentMonth, currentDay)
// Define time interval for backtesting
dStart = input(timestamp('2023-07-01'), title='Set Start date', tooltip='Select a start date to run the script from')
// Define direction of strategy
direction = input.string('Forward',title='Direction', tooltip='Forward will go LONG on a Green anchor candle. Inverse will go short on a Green anchor candle and vice versa for Red candle', options=['Forward', 'Inverse'])
// Define the anchor hour as user input with a range of 0 to 23
anchorHour = input.int(11, title="Anchor Hour", tooltip='Set the hour to trade', minval=0, maxval=23)
// Define the take profit and stop loss in pips
takeProfitPips = input.int(10, title='Define TP Pips', tooltip='How many pips do you want to set TP. Choose a sensible value related to the instrument', minval=5)
stopLossPips = input.int(10,'Define SL Pips', tooltip='How many pips do you want to set SL. Choose a sensible value related to the instrument', minval=5)
// Define Tick size
tick10p = input.int(100, title='tick size', tooltip='Choose how many ticks equal 10 pips. This can vary by broker so measure 10 pips on the chart and select how many ticks that equates to. Forex is typically 100. Some instruments such as indices can be 1000', options=[100,1000])
// Declare TP/SL variables
var float takeProfit = na
var float stopLoss = na
// Calculate take profit and stop loss levels in ticks
if tick10p == 100
takeProfit := takeProfitPips * 10
stopLoss := stopLossPips * 10
if tick10p == 1000
takeProfit := takeProfitPips * 100
stopLoss := stopLossPips * 100
// Declare offset time
var int offset = na
if currentTimestamp > timestamp('2023-10-29')
offset := 4
offset := 5
//adjust for exchange time
anchorHour := anchorHour - offset
// Define the anchor hour as user input with a range of 0 to 23
tradeHour = anchorHour
// Define logical check for strategy date range
isStratTime = true
// Calculate the time condition for placing the order at the user-defined hour (start of the next hour)
isTradeTime = true
// Logic condition for forwards or inverse
isForward = direction == 'Forward'
isInverse = direction == 'Inverse'
// Declare entry condition variables
var bool longCondition = na
var bool shortCondition = na
// Declare and initialize variables for anchorCandle open and close prices
var float anchorOpen = na
var float anchorClose = na
var float tradeOpen = na
var float tradeClose = na
// Set logic by direction
if isForward
// Strategy logic
if isTradeTime and isStratTime
//Obtain candle open/close
anchorOpen := open
anchorClose := close
// Define entry conditions
longCondition := anchorClose > anchorOpen
shortCondition := anchorClose < anchorOpen
// Entry logic
if longCondition
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
strategy.exit("Exit Long", from_entry="Long", profit=takeProfit, loss=stopLoss, comment_profit='TP', comment_loss='SL')
if shortCondition
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
strategy.exit("Exit Short", from_entry="Short", profit=takeProfit, loss=stopLoss, comment_profit='TP', comment_loss='SL')
if isInverse
// Strategy logic
if isTradeTime and isStratTime
//Obtain candle open/close
anchorOpen := open
anchorClose := close
// Define entry conditions
shortCondition := anchorClose > anchorOpen
longCondition := anchorClose < anchorOpen
// Entry logic
if longCondition
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
strategy.exit("Exit Long", from_entry="Long", profit=takeProfit, loss=stopLoss, comment_profit='TP', comment_loss='SL')
if shortCondition
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)
strategy.exit("Exit Short", from_entry="Short", profit=takeProfit, loss=stopLoss, comment_profit='TP', comment_loss='SL')
// Define the time range for the background shade
startHour = anchorHour
startMinute = 0
endHour = anchorHour
endMinute = 0
// Check if the current time is within the specified range
isInTimeRange = (hour == startHour and minute >= startMinute) or (hour == endHour and minute <= endMinute) or (hour > startHour and hour < endHour)
// Define the background color for the shade
backgroundColor = color.new(color.red, 90)
// Apply the background shade
bgcolor(isInTimeRange ? backgroundColor : na)