
作成日: 2024-01-24 11:13:39 最終変更日: 2024-01-24 11:13:39
コピー: 0 クリック数: 325



この独特な規則化された体系化された取引戦略は,トレンドフォローのカテゴリーに属します.これは,株価を直接使用するのではなく,価格が統一された価格の配列を使用して取引信号を生成します.この戦略は,高級ポジション調整とリスク管理技術を採用しています.これらの技術は,通常,機関ポートフォリオ管理でのみ使用され,商品取引アドバイザー (CTA) とフューチャーファンドなどのポジション調整の証明技術です.







  • 価格の統一処理を利用して偽信号の確率を下げる
  • ポジションの動態調整,リスクのコントロール
  • リアルタイム・ストップ・ローズにより大きな損失を回避する
  • 取引戦略はシンプルで直感的で理解しやすい


  • ハル移動平均は,主要指標として,遅滞している.
  • 波動率を利用してポジションを調整し,リスクをコントロールしながら,利益の余地を制限する可能性があります.
  • ストップダメージは,突破によって引き起こされる可能性が高い



  • 移動平均指標の効果をテストする
  • 移動平均のパラメータを最適化する
  • 余分な時間を過ごしたり 余分な時間を過ごしたり
  • ストップを調整し,ベストポイントを探します.
  • テストする他の方法


この戦略は,価格の統一化,動的調節,ストップなど,複数の技術制御リスクを統合している. シンプルなトレンドフォローの原則を使用し,取引を行う. 市場や個人の状況に応じてパラメータ調整を最適化することができる. 更にテストを検証する価値があり,実用化の可能性がある.

start: 2023-01-17 00:00:00
end: 2024-01-23 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Crunchster1

strategy(title="Crunchster's Normalised Trend Strategy", shorttitle="Normalised Trend Strategy", overlay=false )

// Inputs and Parameters
src = input(close, 'Source', group='Strategy Settings')
length = input.int(title="Lookback period for price normalisation filter", defval=14, minval=2, group='Strategy Settings', tooltip='This sets the lookback period for the volatility adjustment of returns, which is used to transform the price series into the "real price"')
hlength = input.int(title="Lookback period for Hull Moving Average", defval=100, minval=2, group='Strategy Settings')
offset = input.int(title="HMA Offset", defval=0, minval=0, group='Strategy Settings')
long = input(true, 'Long', inline='08', group='Strategy Settings')
short = input(true, 'Short', inline='08', group='Strategy Settings', tooltip='Toggle long/short strategy on/off')

stopMultiple = input.float(1, 'Stop multiple', step=0.25, group='Risk Management Settings', tooltip='Multiple for ATR, setting hard stop loss from entry price')
lev = input.float(1, 'Max Leverage', step=0.5, group='Risk Management Settings', tooltip='Max leverage sets maximum allowable leverage of total capital (initial capital + any net profit), capping maximum volatility adjusted position size')
riskT = input.float(10, maxval=75, title='Annualised Volatility Target %', group='Risk Management Settings', tooltip='Specify annual risk target, used to determine volatility adjusted position size. Annualised daily volatility is referenced to this value and position size adjusted accordingly')
comp = input(false, 'Compounding', inline='09', group='Risk Management Settings')
Comppct = input.float(50, '%', step=5, inline='09', group='Risk Management Settings', tooltip='Toggle compounding of profit, and set % of profit to compound')

// Backtesting period
FromDay = input.int(defval=1, title='From Day', minval=1, maxval=31, inline='04', group='Backtest range')
FromMonth = input.int(defval=1, title='From Mon', minval=1, maxval=12, inline='04', group='Backtest range')
FromYear = input.int(defval=2018, title='From Yr', minval=1900, inline='04', group='Backtest range', tooltip='Set start of backtesting period')
ToDay = input.int(defval=1, title='To Day', minval=1, maxval=31, inline='05', group='Backtest range')
ToMonth = input.int(defval=1, title='To Mon', minval=1, maxval=12, inline='05', group='Backtest range')
ToYear = input.int(defval=9999, title='To Yr', minval=1900, inline='05', group='Backtest range', tooltip='Set end of backtesting period')

start = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00)
finish = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)
window = true

// Normalised returns calculation
nRet = (src - src[1]) / ta.stdev((src - src[1]), length)

nPrice = ta.cum(nRet)

//Hull Moving Average - using normalised price series
fHMA = ta.wma(2 * ta.wma(nPrice[offset], hlength / 2) - ta.wma(nPrice[offset], hlength), math.round(math.sqrt(hlength)))

//Risk Management formulae
strategy.initial_capital = 50000
tr = math.max(high - low, math.abs(high - close), math.abs(low - close)) //True range
stopL = ta.sma(tr, 14) //Average true range
stdev = ta.stdev(close-close[1], 14) //volatility of recent returns
maxcapital = strategy.initial_capital+strategy.netprofit //Maximum capital available to invest - initial capital net of profit
annvol = 100*math.sqrt(365)*stdev/close //converts recent volatility of returns into annualised volatility of returns - assumes daily timeframe

risk = 1.1
if comp
    risk := (strategy.initial_capital+(Comppct*strategy.netprofit/100))//adjust investment capital to include compounding
    risk := strategy.initial_capital

shares = (risk * (riskT/annvol)) / close //calculates volatility adjusted position size, dependent on user specified annualised risk target
if ((shares*close) > lev*maxcapital) //ensures position size does not exceed available capital multiplied by user specified maximum leverage
    shares := lev*maxcapital/close

//To set the price at the entry point of trade
Posopen() =>
    math.abs(strategy.position_size[1]) <= 0 and math.abs(strategy.position_size) > 0

var float openN = na
if Posopen()
    openN := stopL

// Strategy Rules
if long
    longCondition = ta.crossover(nPrice, fHMA) and window
    exitlong = ta.crossunder(nPrice, fHMA)
    if (longCondition)
        strategy.entry('Go Long!', strategy.long, qty=shares)
    if strategy.position_size > 0    
        strategy.exit('Stop Long', from_entry = 'Go Long!', stop=(strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) - (openN * stopMultiple)))
    if (exitlong)
        strategy.close('Go Long!', immediately = true)

if short
    shortCondition = ta.crossunder(nPrice, fHMA) and window
    exitshort = ta.crossover(nPrice, fHMA)
    if (shortCondition)
        strategy.entry('Go Short!', strategy.short, qty=shares)
    if strategy.position_size < 0   
        strategy.exit('Stop Short', from_entry = 'Go Short!', stop=(strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0) + (openN * stopMultiple)))
    if (exitshort)
        strategy.close('Go Short!', immediately = true)

// Visuals of trend and direction
plot(nPrice, title='Real Price', color=color.black)

MAColor = fHMA > fHMA[3] ? #00ff00 : #ff0000
MA1 = plot(fHMA, title='Hull MA', color=MAColor)
MA2 = plot(fHMA[3], title='Hull MA Offset', color=MAColor)
fill(MA1, MA2, title='Band Filler', color=MAColor)