この戦略は,双 EMA と ATR ダイナミックストップロスのベースでトレンドフォローする取引システムである. 38 期および 62 期指数移動平均 (EMA) を使用して市場のトレンドを特定し,高速 EMA との価格クロスオーバーを通じてエントリー信号を決定し,ダイナミックストップロスの管理のための ATR インジケーターを組み込む.この戦略は,さまざまなリスクの好みを有するトレーダーに対応するために,積極的および保守的な取引モードの両方を提供している.
基本的な論理は次の主要な要素に基づいています トレンド決定:市場傾向は38期と62期EMAsの相対位置によって識別される.高速EMAsが遅いEMAsよりも高くなる場合,上昇傾向が確認される.そしてその逆. 2. 入力シグナル: 上向きのトレンド中に価格が急速なEMAを超えるとロングシグナルが発生し,下向きのトレンド中に価格が急速なEMAを下回るとショートシグナルが発生する. 3.リスク管理: ATRベースのダイナミックストップ・ロストシステムを採用し,価格が好調に動くとストップレベルを調整し,早期出口を回避しながら利益を保護する.固定パーセントストップ・ロストと利益目標も実装されている.
/*backtest start: 2024-12-10 00:00:00 end: 2025-01-08 08:00:00 period: 4h basePeriod: 4h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © aalapsharma //@version=5 strategy(title="CM_SlingShotSystem - Strategy", shorttitle="SlingShotSys_Enhanced_v5", overlay=true, initial_capital=100000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, pyramiding=1) // Inputs sae = input.bool(true, "Show Aggressive Entry Bars? (Highlight only)") sce = input.bool(true, "Show Conservative Entry Bars? (Highlight only)") st = input.bool(true, "Show Trend Arrows (Top/Bottom)?") def = input.bool(false, "(Unused) Only Choose 1 - Either Conservative Entry Arrows or 'B'-'S' Letters") pa = input.bool(true, "Show Conservative Entry Arrows?") sl = input.bool(false, "Show 'B'-'S' Letters?") useStopLoss = input.bool(true, "Use Stop-Loss?") stopLossPerc = input.float(5.0, "Stop-Loss (%)", step=0.1) useTakeProfit = input.bool(true, "Use Take-Profit?") takeProfitPerc = input.float(20.0, "Take-Profit (%)", step=0.1) useTrailingStop = input.bool(false, "Use ATR Trailing Stop?") atrLength = input.int(14, "ATR Length", minval=1) atrMult = input.float(2.0, "ATR Multiple for Trailing Stop", step=0.1) // Calculations emaSlow = ta.ema(close, 62) emaFast = ta.ema(close, 38) upTrend = emaFast >= emaSlow downTrend = emaFast < emaSlow pullbackUpT() => emaFast > emaSlow and close < emaFast pullbackDnT() => emaFast < emaSlow and close > emaFast entryUpT() => emaFast > emaSlow and close[1] < emaFast and close > emaFast entryDnT() => emaFast < emaSlow and close[1] > emaFast and close < emaFast entryUpTrend = entryUpT() ? 1 : 0 entryDnTrend = entryDnT() ? 1 : 0 atrValue = ta.atr(atrLength) // Trailing Stop Logic (Improved) var float trailStopLong = na var float trailStopShort = na if (strategy.position_size > 0) trailStopLong := math.max(close - (atrValue * atrMult), nz(trailStopLong[1], close)) trailStopLong := strategy.position_avg_price > trailStopLong ? strategy.position_avg_price : trailStopLong else trailStopLong := na if (strategy.position_size < 0) trailStopShort := math.min(close + (atrValue * atrMult), nz(trailStopShort[1], close)) trailStopShort := strategy.position_avg_price < trailStopShort ? strategy.position_avg_price : trailStopShort else trailStopShort := na // Plotting col = emaFast > emaSlow ? color.lime : emaFast < emaSlow ? color.red : color.yellow p1 = plot(emaSlow, "Slow MA (62)", linewidth=4, color=col) p2 = plot(emaFast, "Fast MA (38)", linewidth=2, color=col) fill(p1, p2, color=color.silver, transp=50) barcolor((sae and pullbackUpT()) ? color.yellow : (sae and pullbackDnT()) ? color.yellow : na) barcolor((sce and entryUpT()) ? color.aqua : (sce and entryDnT()) ? color.aqua : na) plotshape(st and upTrend, title="Trend UP", style=shape.triangleup, location=location.bottom, color=color.lime) plotshape(st and downTrend, title="Trend DOWN", style=shape.triangledown, location=location.top, color=color.red) plotarrow((pa and entryUpTrend == 1) ? 1 : na, title="Up Entry Arrow", colorup=color.lime, maxheight=30, minheight=30) plotarrow((pa and entryDnTrend == 1) ? -1 : na, title="Down Entry Arrow", colordown=color.red, maxheight=30, minheight=30) plotchar(sl and entryUpTrend ? (low - ta.tr) : na, title="Buy Entry (Letter)", char='B', location=location.absolute, color=color.lime) plotchar(sl and entryDnTrend ? (high + ta.tr) : na, title="Short Entry (Letter)", char='S', location=location.absolute, color=color.red) plot(useTrailingStop and strategy.position_size > 0 ? trailStopLong : na, "Trailing Stop Long", color=color.green, style=plot.style_linebr) plot(useTrailingStop and strategy.position_size < 0 ? trailStopShort : na, "Trailing Stop Short", color=color.red, style=plot.style_linebr) // Function to calculate stop and limit prices f_calcStops(_entryPrice, _isLong) => _stopLoss = _isLong ? _entryPrice * (1.0 - stopLossPerc / 100.0) : _entryPrice * (1.0 + stopLossPerc / 100.0) _takeProfit = _isLong ? _entryPrice * (1.0 + takeProfitPerc / 100.0) : _entryPrice * (1.0 - takeProfitPerc / 100.0) [_stopLoss, _takeProfit] // Entry and Exit Logic (Simplified using strategy.close) if (entryUpT() and strategy.position_size == 0) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long) if (entryDnT() and strategy.position_size == 0) strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short) // Exit conditions based on Stop-loss and Take-profit [slPrice, tpPrice] = f_calcStops(strategy.position_avg_price, strategy.position_size > 0) if (strategy.position_size > 0) strategy.exit("Exit Long", "Long", stop=slPrice, limit=tpPrice, trail_price = trailStopLong, trail_offset = atrValue * atrMult) if (strategy.position_size < 0) strategy.exit("Exit Short", "Short", stop=slPrice, limit=tpPrice, trail_price = trailStopShort, trail_offset = atrValue * atrMult) // Close opposite position on new entry signal if (entryUpT() and strategy.position_size < 0) strategy.close("Short", comment="Close Short on Long Signal") if (entryDnT() and strategy.position_size > 0) strategy.close("Long", comment="Close Long on Short Signal")