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저자:발명가들의 수량화 - 작은 꿈, 창작: 2022-06-30 18:24:06, 업데이트: 2024-02-06 17:36:19

4번: IFELSE ((C-INTPART©>=0.5,CEILING©,FLOOR©); // 종료 가격을 가장 가까운 정수까지 둥근 `


    전체 번호를 가져가세요.

    INTPART(X), take the integer part of X.
    Example 1:
    INTPART(12.3);      // The return value is 12
    Example 2:
    INTPART(-3.5);      // The return value is -3
    Example 3:
    INTPART(10);        // The return value is 10
    Example 4:
    INTPART(C);         // Find the integer part of the closing price
  • LN

    자연 로그리듬

    LN(X), find the natural logarithm of X.
    1.X takes values in the range of non-zero natural numbers, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...
    2.If X takes a value of 0 or a negative number, the return value is null.
    LN(OPEN);           // Find the logarithm of the opening price
  • 로그

    일반적인 로가리듬

    LOG(X), find the common logarithmic value of X.
    1.The range of values of X in this function is X>0.
    2.There is no logarithm for 0 and negative numbers, and the return value is null when X is 0 or negative.
    Example 1:
    LOG(100);  // Return 2
    Example 2:
    LOG(0);    // Return null
  • 최대


    MAX(A,B), the maximum value is taken. Take the larger of A, B.
    If A=B, the return value is the value of A or B.
    Example 1:
    MAX(CLOSE,OPEN);        // Indicates the larger one of the opening price and the closing price
    Example 2:
    MAX(CLOSE-OPEN,0);      // Indicates if the closing price is greater than the opening price, then return the difference between them, otherwise return 0
    Example 3:
    MAX(A,MAX(B,MAX(C,D))); // Find the maximum value of A, B, C and D
  • MAX1

    최대값을 가져가세요

    MAX1(A...P), takes the maximum value in A to P.
    1.Supports 2-16 values for comparison.
    2.A...P can be either a number or a variable.
    Example 1:
    MAX1(CLOSE,OPEN);                                 // Indicates to take the larger one of the opening price and the closing price
    Example 2:
    MAX1(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16);     // Indicates to take the maximum value of the number 1 to 16

    중간값을 구하세요.

    MEDIAN(X,N), find the middle value of X in N periods.
    1.After sorting all X in N periods, if N is odd, the (N+1)/2nd is chosen as the median, and if N is even, the median is the average of (N/2 as well as N/2+1).
    2.N can be a variable.
    Example 1:
    The closing prices of soybean meal 1509 in the last 3 days are 2727, 2754 and 2748, so the current return value of MEDIAN(C,3) is 2748.
    Example 2:
    The opening prices of soybean meal 1509 in the last 4 days are 2752, 2743, 2730, 2728, so the current return value of MEDIAN(O,4) is 2736.5.

    중간값을 구해봅시다

    MEDIAN1(A,...,P), find the middle value from A to P.
    1.Supports up to 16 parameters for calculation.
    2.A...P can be either a value or a variable.
    3.If the number of parameters is N, and after sorting the N parameters, if N is an odd number, the (N+1)/2th is selected as the median; if N is an even number, the median is (N/2 and N /2+1).
    Example 1:
    AA:=MEDIAN1(O,C,H);                                        // The opening price, closing price, and highest price are sorted by numerical value, and the value in the middle is taken.
    Example 2:
    BB:=MEDIAN1(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16);       // Indicate to take the median of numbers 1-16, BB returns 8.5
  • 미니

    최소한의 값

    MIN(A,B), take the minimum value. Take the smaller one of A and B.
    If A=B, the return value will be the value of A or B.
    Example 1:
    MIN(OPEN,CLOSE);            // Indicate to take the smaller one of the opening price and the closing price
    Example 2:
    MIN(C,MIN(O,REF(C,1)));     // Find the opening price, the closing price of the current period, and the minimum value between the closing price of the previous period
  • 미니 1

    최소값을 가져가세요.

    MIN1(A...P), take the minimum value from A to P.
    1.Supports 2-16 values for comparison.
    2.A...P can be either a number or a variable.
    Example 1:
    MIN1(CLOSE,OPEN);                                 // Indicates to take the smaller one of the opening price and closing price
    Example 2:
    MIN1(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16);     // Indicates to take the minimum value of the numbers 1-16
  • MOD

    모듈을 가져와

    MOD(A,B), take the modulus. Return A to B for modulus.
    Example 1:
    MOD(26,10);          // Returns 6, the remainder of 26 divided by 10 is 6, that is, the modulus of 26 to 10 is 6
    Example 2:
    MOD(A,2)=0;          // Determine if A is an even number
  • MODE

    복수를 찾아라

    MODE(X,N), find the most frequent value of X in N periods.
    1.If N periods do not contain duplicate values, the function returns null.
    2.N can be a variable.
  • 포로


    POW(X,Y), find X to the Y power.
    1.When X is negative, Y must be an integer, because when the base is negative, the square root operation cannot be performed, and the return value is null.
    2.X,Y can be either numeric values or variables.
    Example 1:
    POW(CLOSE,2);      // Find the 2nd power of the closing price
    Example 2:
    POW(10,2);         // The return value is 100
    Example 3:
    POW(1/2,-2);       // The return value is 4
    Example 4:
    POW(100,O-C);      // Return to the O-Cth power of 100
  • 랜드

    무작위 숫자를 생성하는 무작위 함수

    RAND(X,Y), A random function that generates random numbers, return to random number in the range X to Y.
    1.Both X and Y parameters are supported to be set as variables.
    2.This function supports returning integers only.
    3.When X>Y, the function returns null.
    4.When the range of X and Y is less than 1, the function returns an invalid value.
    Example 1:
    RAND(1,60);      // Returns to a random value between 1 and 60
    Example 2:
    RAND(C,O);       // Returns to a random value between the closing price and the opening price
  • 범위


    RANGE(X,Y,Z): within a certain range. Returns to 1 if X is greater than Y and less than Z, otherwise returns to 0
    Example 1:
    RANGE(5,4,6);              // The return value is 1
    Example 2:
    RANGE(8,3,6);              // The return value is 0
    Example 3:
    RANGE(MA10,MA20,MA5),BK;   // The 10-period SMA buys open positions between the 5-period SMA and the 20-period SMA
                               // RANGE(MA10,MA20,MA5)=1,BK; has the same meaning as RANGE(MA10,MA20,MA5),BK;
  • 역행

    역값을 취합니다.

    REVERSE(X), takes the reverse value. Returns to -X.
    Example 1:
    REVERSE(LOW);              // Returns to -LOW
    Example 2:
    REVERSE(-55);              // The return value is 55
    Example 3:
    REVERSE(0);                // The return value is 0
  • 라운드

    지정된 숫자는 둥글게 표시됩니다.

    ROUND(N,M), the number N is rounded to the nearest M digits.
    1.N supports writing as variables and parameters; M does not support writing as variables, but can be written as parameters.
    2.If M>0, round the number N to M decimal places after the decimal point.
    3.If M=0, round the number N to an integer.
    4.If M<0, round the number N before M digits to the left of the decimal point.
    Example 1:
    ROUND(125.345,2);         // Returns to 125.35
    Example 2:
    ROUND(125.345,0);         // Returns to 125
    Example 3:
    ROUND(125.345,-1);        // Returns to 130
  • SGN

    기호를 가져와

    SGN(X), take the symbol. Returns to 1 if X>0, -1 if X<0, otherwise returns to 0.
    Example 1:
    SGN(5);                  // The return value is 1
    Example 2:
    SGN(-5);                 // The return value is -1
    Example 3:
    SGN(0);                  // The return value is 0
  • SIN

    시노스를 찾으세요

    SIN(X), find the sine of X.
    1.X takes the value of R (the set of real numbers).
    2.The value range is (-1, 1).
    Example 1:
    SIN(-1.57);             // Returns to the sine of -1.57
    Example 2:
    SIN(1.57);              // Returns to the sine of 1.57
  • SQRT


    SQRT(X), find the square root of X.
    X takes a positive value and returns null when X is negative.
    Example 1:
    SQRT(CLOSE);           // Square root of closing price
  • 사각형


    SQUARE(X) finds the square of X.
    Example 1:
    SQUARE(C);            // Square of closing price
    Example 2:
    SQUARE(2);            // Square of 2
  • TAN


    TAN(X), returns to the tangent of X.
    Example 1:
    TAN(0);              // Returns to the tangent of 0
    Example 2:
    TAN(-3.14);          // Returns to the tangent of -3.14
  • 거래 명령

    • ## BK

    BK오픈 포지션을 구매하세요.

    • ## BP

    BP가까운 포지션을 사

    • ## SK

    SK오픈 포지션을 팔자

    • ## SP

    SP가까운 포지션을 팔자

    • ## BPK

    BPK닫힌 포지션을 사서 새로운 포지션을 사게 됩니다.

    • ## SPK

    SPK닫은 포지션을 팔고, 새로운 오픈 포지션을 팔고

    • ## CLOSEOUT

    CLOSEOUT모든 방향으로 포지션을 닫는 청산 명령.

    • ## 선택

    SELECT일반적으로 패턴 인식에 사용되는 지원 가능한 K-라인에서 패턴을 식별합니다.

    • ## TRADE_AGAIN

    TRADE_AGAIN(N), 이 함수를 가진 덧셈과 셈 모델에서 N 신호는 동일한 명령 줄에서 연속적으로 출력될 수 있다.


    AUTOFILTER, 포지션을 열고 닫을 신호 필터링 메커니즘을 가능하게 합니다.

    • ## MULTSIG

    MULTSIG(Sec1, Sec2, N), 여러 신호 명령어 가격 방법과 함께 k 라인을 설정합니다 (TICK 백테스트로 백테스트, 그것은 백테스트 정확도를 설정할 수 있습니다).

    When the position opening signal comes out the signal Sec 1 second, the order will be placed without review.
    When the position opening signal comes out the signal Sec 2 second, the order will be placed without review.
  • 제어 기능을 계산

    • ## 필터

    필터 ((COND,N), 연속적으로 나타나는 신호를 필터링합니다. COND 조건이 유효하면 다음 N 기간의 데이터가 0으로 반환됩니다.

    예를 들어:

    a:=FILTER(CLOSE>OPEN, 3)     // Find the positive line, the positive line that appears again within 3 periods will not be recorded

    참고: BKPRICE, BARSBK, SKPRICE, BARSSK와 함께 사용할 수 없습니다.


    시그널 필터링 메커니즘을 한 개 열고 한 개 닫는 위치로 활성화합니다.

    AUTOFILTER enable the signal filtering mechanism of one opening and one closing position.
    If AutoFilter function is included in the model, enable the signal filtering mechanism of one opening and one closing position.
    If this function is not written in the model, each instruction is valid and supports adding and subtracting positions.
    Filtering rules of the model.
    1.Only the first one of consecutive commands in the same direction is valid, and the others will be filtered;
    2.Trading orders must be opened first and then closed, and a pair of opening and closing position will appear:
    When the BK command appears, the next command only allows the SP\SPK command;
    When the SK command appears, the next command only allows the BP\BPK command;
    When a closing command such as SP/BP/CLOSEOUT appears, the next one can be any one of BK/SK/SPK/BPK;
    The backhand commands SPK and BPK appear crosswise.
    AUTOFILTER;                  // Enable the signal filtering mechanism of one opening and one closing position
    • ## TRADE_AGAIN

    제한 신호 기능

    TRADE_AGAIN(N), it can output N signals continuously in the same instruction line.
    TRADE_AGAIN(N) contains this function in the scaling in/dumping position model, it can output N signals continuously in the same instruction line.
    1.This function is only applicable to plus and minus position models.
    2.The function is written in the model, a K-line supports one signal only. It cannot be used at the same time as the MULTSIG function.
    3.N signals must be executed consecutively, and if other signals appear during the period, N counts from new.
    4.N cannot be written as a variable.
    C>O,BK(1);                   // K-line is positive, buy and open a position of 1 lot
    C<O,SP(BKVOL);               // K-line is negative, sell to close long position
    TRADE_AGAIN(3);              // The same command line can be executed three times in a row (if there are three consecutive positive lines, then buy open positions for three consecutive times)
  • 신호 기록 기능

    • ## BKPRICE

    데이터 계약의 마지막 구매 오픈 신호 가격으로 돌아갑니다.

    BKPRICE returns to the latest buy and open signal price of the data contract.
    BKPRICE returns to the latest price of the data contract when the last buy and open signal was issued.
    1.The BKPRICE value and the BKPRICE1 value are equal when the data contract and the trading contract are the same.
    2.When there are multiple consecutive position opening signals (scaling in) in the model, the function returns to the price of the latest position opening signal, not the average position opening price.
    3.The return values for the different signal execution methods are:
    (1)Signal execution mode is no signal review
        Historical backtest: BKPRICE returns to the latest price of the data contract market at the time the signal was sent.
    (2)Signal execution method: choose the K-line to go through the confirmation signal to place an order
        Historical backtest: BKPRICE returns to the closing price of the current K-line of the data contract at the time the signal was sent.
    (3)Set the signal execution mode to check the signal after the K-line is completed
        Historical backtest: BKPRICE returns to the closing price of the current K-line of the data contract when the signal is sent.
    BKPRICE-CLOSE>60 && BKPRICE>0 && BKVOL>0, SP;         // If the bid-opening price is 60 higher than the current price, and a long position exists, sell and close the position
    • ## BKPRICEAV

    데이터 계약의 평균 긴 포지션 개시 가격으로 반환됩니다.

    BKPRICEAV returns to the average long position opening price of the data contract.
    BKPRICEAV returns to the average long position opening price of the data contract.
    1.Signal filtering model of one opening and one leveling
    (1)After the signal for opening a position, when there is no signal for closing a position: the value of BKPRICEAV is the same as the value of BKPRICE.
    (2)after the closing signal: BKPRICEAV returns to a value of 0.
    2.Model of scaling in and dumping positions:
    (1)When the position is not 0: BKPRICEAV returns to the average opening price of the data contract position.
    (2)When the position of scaling in and dumping position model is 0: the return value of BKPRICEAV is 0.
    The calculation takes into account the slippage of this function.
    CLOSE-BKPRICEAV>60,SP(BKVOL);                        // The current price is 60 higher than the average long position opening price, close all long positions
    • ## BKVOL

    입시 시그널을 구매하는 롯의 수.

    The number of lots of buying opening position signal.
    BKVOL returns to the current long position of the model.
    1.Loading runs:
    (1)When the backtesting system is running, BKVOL is not limited by the capital and it shows the number of opening position lots according to the signal.
    2.Backtest is running:
    (1)If there is no enough capital to open a position, the number of opening position lots is 0 and BKVOL returns a value of 0.
    (2)When the BK (BPK) signal appears and confirmed to be fixed, the value of BKVOL increases the value of the number of opening position lots; when the SP (SPK) signal appears and confirmed to be fixed, the value of BKVOL decreases the value of the number of closed position lots.
    BKVOL=0&&C>O,BK(1);                   // When the long position is 0 and the closing price is greater than the opening price, buy a lot of opening position
    BKVOL>=1&&H>HV(H,5),BK(2);            // When the long position is greater than or equal to 1, and the highest price of a K-line is greater than the maximum of the highest price in the previous 5 periods, scale in 2 lots of position
    BKVOL>0&&L<REF(L,5),SP(BKVOL);        // When the long position is greater than 0 and the lowest price of the K-line is less than the lowest price of the K-line before 5 periods, sell all long positions
    • ## BKHIGH

    포지션을 개설하기 위해 데이터 계약이 구매된 이래 가장 높은 가격으로 반환됩니다.

    Returns to the highest price since the data contract was bought to open a position.
    BKHIGH returns to the highest price of the data contract from the most recent model buy open position to the current one.
    1.The return values for the different signal execution methods are:
    (1)The signal execution method is to confirm the signal order after the K-line is completed.
    a.In the historical signal calculation, the K-line following the BK (BPK) signal returns to the highest price of the data contract market since the commission.
    b.During the loading and running process, when the current K-line of the BK (BPK) signal returns the latest price of the data contract market when the signal is sent, the K-line after BK returns to the highest price of the data contract market since the commission.
    The highest price of the data contract market is counted from the time the BK (BPK) signal is issued; if the signal disappears, it returns to the highest price of the data contract market since the last time it was bought, and if the signal is confirmed to exist, the highest price of the data contract market recorded by the current K-line is returned.
    After the BK signal is issued, the signal disappears in the middle, and the highest price of the contract is counted from the last signal appearance.
    (3)The signal execution method is selected without signal review (e.g., writing MULTSIG in the model).
    The current K-line of the BK(BPK) signal returns to the highest price of the data contract market from the time the signal was sent to the time the K-line was completed; the K-line following the BK(BPK) signal returns to the highest price of the data contract market since the signal was sent.
    AUTOFILTER;                            // If the latest price is 5 points lower than the highest price of the data contract since the position was opened, take profit and close the position
    • ## BKLOW

    포지션을 개설하기 위해 데이터 계약이 구매된 이래 가장 낮은 가격으로 반환됩니다.

    Returns to the lowest price since the data contract was bought to open a position.
    BKLOW returns to the latest model buy open position of the data contract to the current lowest price.
    1.The return values for the different signal execution methods are:
    (1)Place an order after the K-line completed the confirmation signal
        a.In the calculation of historical signals, the K-line after the BK (BPK) signal returns to the lowest price of the data contract since the commission was issued.
        b.During the loading and running process, when the current K-line of the BK (BPK) signal returns to the latest price of the data contract market when the signal is sent, the K-line after BK returns to the lowest price of the data contract market since the commission was issued.
    The lowest price of the data contract market starts from the time when the BK (BPK) signal is sent out; if the signal disappears, it returns to the lowest price of the data contract market since the last time it was bought and opened. If the signal confirmation exists, returns to the lowest price of the data contract market price recorded by the current K-line.
    Remark: After the BK signal is issued, the signal disappears in the middle, and the lowest price of the data contract is counted from the last signal.
    (3)Signal execution mode choose not to perform signal review (for example: write MULTSIG in the model)
    For BK(BPK) signal, the lowest price of the data contract market from the time the signal is sent to the end of the K-line when the current K-line returns; The K-line after the BK (BPK) signal returns to the lowest price of the data contract since the signal was sent.
    AUTOFILTER;                            // If the latest price is 5 points higher than the lowest price of the data contract since the position was opened, close the position
    • ## SKPRICE

    데이터 계약의 최신 오픈 포지션 신호 판매 가격을 반환합니다.

    SKPRICE returns to the latest price of selling open position signal of the data contract.
    SKPRICE returns to the latest price of the data contract when the last sell open signal was issued.
    1.When the data contract and the trading contract are the same, the SKPRICE value and the SKPRICE1 value are equal.
    2.When there are multiple consecutive position opening signals (scaling in positions) in the model, the function returns to the price of the latest position opening signal, not the average price of opening position.
    3.The return values for the different signal execution methods are:
    (1)The signal execution mode is no signal review
        a.Historical backtesting: SKPRICE returns to the latest price of the data contract when the signal is sent.
    (2)Select the K-line to complete the confirmation signal to place an order for signal execution method
        a.Historical backtesting: SKPRICE returns to the closing price of the current K-line of the data contract when the signal is sent.
    (3)Set the signal execution mode to check the signal after the K-line is completed
        a.Historical backtesting: SKPRICE returns to the closing price of the current K-line of the data contract when the signal is sent.
    CLOSE-SKPRICE>60 && SKPRICE>0 && SKVOL>0, BP;          // If the selling price is 60 lower than the current price, and there is a short position, buy the close position
    • ## SKPRICEAV

    데이터 계약에서 열린 짧은 포지션의 평균 가격을 반환합니다.

    SKPRICEAV returns to the average price of open short positions in data contracts.
    SKPRICEAV returns to the average price of open short positions in data contracts.
    1.Signal filtering model of one opening and one leveling
    (1)When there is no close signal after the open position signal: SKPRICEAV takes the same value as SKPRICE.
    (2)After the position closing signal: the return value of SKPRICEAV is 0.
    2.Model of scaling in and dumping positions
    (1)When the position is not 0: SKPRICEAV returns to the average opening price of the data contract position.
    (2)When the scaling in/dumping model position is 0:the return value of SKPRICEAV is 0.
    The calculation of this function takes into account the slippage.
    SKPRICEAV-CLOSE>60,BP(SKVOL);                          // The current price is 60 lower than the average price of opening short positions, close all short positions
    • ## SKVOL

    오픈 포지션 신호를 판매하는 롯의 수

    Number of lots for selling open positions signal
    SKVOL returns to the current short position of the model.
    1.Load and run:
    (1)During the operation of the backtesting system, SKVOL is not limited by the capital, and displays the number of open positions lots according to the signal.
    2.Backtest running:
    (1)If the funds are not enough to open the position, the open lot size is 0, and the return value of SKVOL is 0.
    (2)After the SK (SPK) signal appears and confirmed to be fixed, the value of SKVOL increases the value of the opening position lot; after the BP (BPK) signal appears and confirmed to be fixed, the value of SKVOL decreases the value of the closed lot.
    SKVOL=0&&C<O,SK(1);                                    // If the short position is 0 and the closing price is less than the opening price, sell the open lot
    SKVOL>=1&&L<LV(L,5),SK(2);                             // If the short position is greater than or equal to 1, and when the lowest price of the current K-line is less than the minimum value of the lowest price in the previous 5 periods, scale in 2 lots
    SKVOL>0&&H>REF(H,5),BP(SKVOL);                         // If the short position is greater than 0, and when the highest price of the current K-line is greater than the highest price of the K-line 5 periods ago, all short positions are closed.
    • ## SKHIGH

    데이터 계약 판매 포지션 개설 이후 가장 높은 가격으로 반환됩니다.

    Returns to the highest price since the data contract sell position was opened.
    SKHIGH returns to the latest model sell position of the data contract to the current highest price.
    1.The return values for the different signal execution methods are:
    (1)After the K-line is completed, the confirmation signal is placed to place an order
       a.In the calculation of historical signals, the K-line following the SK (SPK) signal returns to the highest price of the data contract market since the commission.
       b.During the loading and running process, when the current K-line of the SK (SPK) signal returns to the latest price of the data contract market when the signal is sent, the K-line after SK returns the highest price of the data contract market since the commission.
    The highest price of the data contract market starts to be counted from the time when the SK (SPK) signal is sent; if the signal disappears, and the highest price of the data contract market since the last sale is returned. If the signal is confirmed to exist, it will return to the highest price of the data contract recorded by the current K-line.
    Remark: After the SK signal is issued, if the signal disappears in the middle, the highest price of the data contract is counted from the appearance of the last signal.
    (3)Select signal execution method without signal review (e.g., write MULTSIG in the model)
    The SK(SPK) signal returns to the highest price of the data contract from the time the signal is issued to the time the K-line is completed; the K-line following the SK(SPK) signal returns to the highest price of the data contract market since the signal was issued.
    AUTOFILTER;                                            // If the latest price is 5 points lower than the highest price of the data contract since the sell position was opened, the position will be closed.
    • ## SLOW

    데이터 계약 판매 포지션 개시 이후 가장 낮은 가격으로 반환됩니다.

    Returns to the lowest price since the data contract sell position was opened.
    SKLOW returns to the last model selling position of the data contract to the current lowest price.
    1.The return values of different signal execution methods are:
    (1)After the K-line is completed, the confirmation signal is placed to place an order
       a.In the calculation of historical signals, the K-line following the SK (SPK) signal returns to the lowest price of the data contract since the commission.
       b.During the loading and running process, when the current K-line of the SK (SPK) signal returns to the latest price of the data contract market when the signal is sent, the K-line following the SK returns to the lowest price of the data contract market since the commission.
    When the signal is issued, the market starts to count the lowest price of the data contract; if the signal disappears, it returns to the lowest price of the data contract since the last time it was sold. If the signal is confirmed to exist, it returns to the lowest price of the data contract recorded by the current K-line.
    Remark: After the SK signal is issued, the signal disappears in the middle, and the lowest price of the data contract is counted from the last signal.
    (3)Select signal execution method without signal review (e.g., write MULTSIG in the model)
    The current K-line of the SK(SPK) signal returns to the lowest price of the data contract market from the time the signal is issued to the time the K-line is completed; the K-line following the SK(SPK) signal returns to the lowest price of the data contract market since the signal was issued.
    AUTOFILTER;                                           // The latest price is 5 points higher than the lowest price of the data contract since the opening of the sell position, and the position is closed by stopping out
    • ## ISLASTBK

    이전 신호가 BK인지 확인합니다.

    ISLASTBK determines whether the previous signal is BK.
    ISLASTBK returns to 1 (Yes) if the last trading signal is BK, otherwise it returns to 0 (No).
    ISLASTBK returns to a value of 0 when the BK signal is not acknowledged.
    After the BK signal is confirmed, ISLASTBK returns to 1.
    b.Select the signal execution method without signal review (e.g., writing MULTSIG in the model) and the current ISLASTBK of the BK signal returns to a value of 1.
    Remark: When the model contains BPK conditions, and the last signal is the closing signal, the BK signal generated by the BPK command, and ISLASTBK returns to 0, ISLASTBPK returns to 1.
    AUTOFILTER;                                           // The previous signal is a BK signal and the latest price is greater than the opening price, sell to close the position
    • ## ISLASTSK

    이전 신호가 SK인지 여부를 결정합니다.

    ISLASTSK determines whether the previous signal is SK.
    ISLASTSK returns to 1 (Yes) if the last trading signal is SK, otherwise it returns to 0 (No).
    When the SK signal is not acknowledged, ISLASTSK returns to a value of 0.
    After the SK signal is confirmed, ISLASTSK returns to 1.
    b.Select the signal execution method without signal review (e.g., writing MULTSIG in the model) and the current ISLASTSK of the SK signal returns to a value of 1.
    Remark: If the model contains SPK conditions, and the last signal is the closing signal, the SK signal generated by the SPK command, ISLASTSK returns to 0, and ISLASTSPK returns to 1.
    AUTOFILTER;                                         // The last signal is SK signal, and the latest price is less than the opening price, buy and close the position
    • ## ISLASTBP

    이전 신호가 BP인지 확인합니다.

    ISLASTBP determines whether the previous signal is BP.
    SLASTBP returns to 1 (Yes) if the last trading signal is BP, otherwise it returns to 0 (No).
    When the BP signal is not acknowledged, ISLASTBP returns to a value of 0.
    After the BP signal is confirmed, ISLASTBP returns to 1.
    b.Select the signal execution method without signal review (e.g., writing MULTSIG in the model) and the current ISLASTBP of the BP signal returns to a value of 1.
    ISLASTBP,BP(1);                                    // The last signal is to buy and close the position, then dump in the position by one lot
    • ## ISLASTSP

    이전 신호가 SP인지 여부를 결정합니다.

    ISLASTSP determines whether the previous signal is SP.
    ISLASTSP, if the last trading signal is SP, it will return to 1 (Yes), otherwise it will return to 0 (No).
    When the SP signal is not acknowledged, ISLASTSP returns to the value of 0.
    After the SP signal is confirmed, ISLASTSP returns to 1.
    b.Select the signal execution method without signal review (e.g., writing MULTSIG in the model) and the current ISLASTSP of the SP signal returns to a value of 1.
    ISLASTSP,SP(1);                                   // The last signal is to sell and close the position, then dump in the position by one lot
    • ## ISLASTBPK

    이전 신호가 BPK인지 확인합니다.

    ISLASTBPK determines whether the previous signal is BPK.
    ISLASTBPK returns to 1 (Yes) if the last trading signal is BPK, otherwise it returns to 0 (No).
    ISLASTBPK returns to a value of 0 when the BPK signal is not acknowledged.
    ISLASTBPK returns to 1 after the BPK signal is confirmed.
    b.Select the signal execution method without signal review (e.g., writing MULTSIG in the model) and the current ISLASTBPK of the BPK signal returns to a value of 1.
    Remark: When the model contains BPK conditions, and the previous signal is the closing signal, the BK signal generated by the BPK command, ISLASTBK returns to 0, and ISLASTBPK returns to 1.
    AUTOFILTER;                                      // If the previous signal is a BPK signal, then backhand SPK
    • ## ISLASTSPK

    이전 신호가 SPK인지 확인합니다.

    ISLASTSPK determines whether the previous trading signal is SPK.
    ISLASTSPK returns to 1 (Yes) if the last trading signal is SPK, otherwise it returns to 0 (No).
    ISLASTSPK returns to a value of 0 if the SPK signal is not acknowledged.
    ISLASTSPK returns to 1 after the SPK signal is acknowledged.
    b.Select the signal execution method without signal review (e.g., writing MULTSIG in the model) and the current ISLASTSPK of the SPK signal returns to a value of 1.
    Remark: When the model contains SPK conditions, and the previous signal is the closing signal, the SK signal generated by the SPK command, ISLASTSK returns to 0, and ISLASTSPK returns to 1.
    AUTOFILTER;                                     // If the previous signal is a SPK signal, then backhand BPK

    이전 신호가 STOP인지 확인합니다.

    ISLASTSTOP determines whether the previous signal is STOP.
    ISLASTSTOP returns to 1 (Yes) if the last trading signal is STOP, otherwise it returns to 0 (No).
    Remark: The return value of ISLASTSTOP of the current K-line under the STOP signal of the closing price model is 1; the return value of ISLASTSTOP of the current K-line of the STOP signal of the order price model is 1.
    ISLASTSTOP&&CROSS(C,MA(C,10)),BK(1);           // The last signal was a STOP signal, and the price crossed the 10-period moving average, opening a position

    이전 신호가 CLOSEOUT인지 확인합니다.

    ISLASTCLOSEOUT determines whether the previous signal is CLOSEOUT.
    ISLASTCLOSEOUT the last trading signal is CLOSEOUT returns to 1 (Yes), otherwise it returns to 0 (No).
    ISLASTCLOSEOUT returns to the value 0 when the CLOSEOUT signal is not acknowledged.
    After the CLOSEOUT signal is acknowledged, ISLASTCLOSEOUT returns to 1.
    b.Select the signal execution method without signal review (e.g., writing MULTSIG in the model) and the current ISLASTCLOSEOUT of the CLOSEOUT signal returns to a value of 1.
    ISLASTCLOSEOUT&&C>O,BK(1);                     // If the last signal is a liquidation signal and the current K-line is positive, then buy and open a lot
    • ## BARSBK

    마지막 시그널 포지션

    BARSBK the last buy open signal position.
    BARSBK returns to the number of periods from the K-line of the last buy and open position to the current K-line (excluding the K-line with the BK signal).
    Take the number of periods from the K-line containing the BK signal to the current K-line, it is necessary to +1 after this function, that is, BARSBK+1; since the BK signal returns to null on the K-line when the BK signal is sent, BARSBK+1 returns to null when the BK signal is issued.
    1.If there is no BK signal before the current K-line, the function returns to null.
    2.BARSBK returns to null after the BK signal is fixed.
    (1)Set the signal execution method as that K-line go through to confirm the signal to place an order.
    The return value of BARSBK is the number of current K-line from the last BK signal to the current one (including the current K-line)
    (2)Set the signal execution to place an order immediately after the signal is issued, without review (e.g., write MULTSIG in the model)
        a.In the calculation of historical signals, when the current K-line of the BK signal appears, BARSBK returns to null.
        b.During the loading operation, BARSBK returns to null after the signal is fixed.
    The return value of BARSBK is the number of K-lines (including the current K-line) from the previous BK signal to the current K-line.
    1.BARSBK>10,SP;                  // The last time to buy and open a position (excluding the K-line with a buy-to-open signal) is greater than 10 periods from the current K-line, sell to close.
    2.HHV(H,BARSBK+1);               // The maximum value from the last buy and open position (including the current K-line when the opening signal appears) to the current highest price
    When the BK signal appears on the current K-line, AA returns to null, and the highest price on the current K-line needs to be returned. The model needs to be modified as follows:
    (1) When the BK signal appears on the current K-line, BARSBK returns to null, and the condition of BARSBK>=1 is not satisfied, then the value is the highest price H of the current K-line.
    (2) After the BK signal is sent, the K-line BARSBK returns to the number of periods from the K-line for buying and opening the position to the current K-line. If the condition of BARSBK>=1 is satisfied, the value is HHV(H, BARSBK+1), which is the maximum value of the buy opening position (including the current K-line where the open position signal appears) to the current maximum price.
    After the modification, if the value of AA is used in the closing conditions, a closing signal can appear when the current K-line meets the closing conditions.
    3.AA:=IFELSE(BARSBK>=1,REF(C,BARSBK),C);           // Take the closing price of the K-line of the latest open position
    (1)When the current K-line BARSBK that sends the BK signal returns to null, then when the K-line does not meet the condition of BARSBK>=1, AA returns to the closing price of the current K-line.
    (2)The K-line BARSBK after the BK signal is sent returns to the number of periods from the K-line for buying and opening the position to the current K-line, then AA returns REF(C, BARSBK), which is the closing price of the K-line for opening the position.
    (3)Example: three K-lines: 1, 2, and 3, the K-line in 1 is the current K-line of the position opening signal, then returns to the closing price of the current K-line, and the K-line AA in 2, 3 returns to the closing price of the K-line in 1.
    • ## BARSSK

    마지막 판매 시그널 포지션

    BARSSK the last sell open signal position.
    BARSSK returns to the number of periods from the last K-line of selling and opening to the current K-line (excluding the K-line with the SK signal).
    Take the number of periods from the K-line that contains the SK signal to the current K-line, you need to +1 after this function, that is, BARSSK+1; since the current K-line that sends the SK signal BARSSK returns to null, then BARSSK+1 returns to null when the SK signal is sent.
    1.If there is no SK signal before the current K-line, the function returns to null.
    2.After the SK signal is fixed, BARSSK returns to null.
    (1)Set the signal execution method as that K-line go through to confirm the signal to place an order.
    The return value of BARSSK is the number of K-line from the previous SK signal to the current K-line (including the current K-line)
    (2)Set the signal execution method to place an order immediately after the signal is issued, without review (for example: write MULTSIG in the model)
        a.In the calculation of historical signals, when the SK signal appears as the K-line, BARSSK returns to null.
        b.During the loading and running process, the SK signal is used as the current K-line, and BARSSK returns to null after the signal is fixed.
    The return value of BARSSK is the number of K-lines (including the current K-line) from the previous SK signal to the current K-line.
    1.BARSSK>10,BP;                                        // The period of the last sell open position (excluding the K-line with the buy-open signal) is greater than 10 from the current K-line, the buy is closed.
    2.LLV(L,BARSSK+1);                                     // The minimum value from the last sell open position (including the current K-line of the open position signal) to the current lowest price
    When the SK signal appears on the current K-line, AA returns to null. If the lowest price on the current K-line needs to be returned, the model needs to be modified as:
    (1)When the SK signal appears on the current K-line, BARSSK returns to null. If the condition of BARSSK>=1 is not met, the value is the lowest price L of the current K-line.
    (2)After the SK signal is issued, the K-line SARSBK returns to the number of periods from the K-line for selling and opening positions to the current K-line. If the condition of BARSSK>=1 is satisfied, the value is LLV(L,BARSSK+1), that is, the minimum value from the current lowest price (including the current K-line where the opening signal appears) to the current lowest price.
    After the modification, if the value of AA is used in the closing conditions, when the current K-line meets the closing conditions, a closing signal can appear.
    3.AA:=IFELSE(BARSSK>=1,REF(C,BARSSK),C);               // Take the closing price of the last K-line for selling and opening a position
    (1)When BARSSK of the current K-line that sends the SK signal returns to null, then the K-line does not meet the condition of BARSSK>=1, AA returns the closing price of the current K-line.
    (2)The K-line BARSSK after the SK signal is sent, returns to the period number of the K-line for selling and opening the position from the current K-line, then AA returns REF(C, BARSSK), which is the closing price of the K-line for opening the position.
    (3)Example: three K-lines:1, 2, and 3, 1K-line is the current K-line of the position opening signal, then returns to the closing price of the current K-line, and the AA return value of 2 and 3K-lines is the closing price of 1K-line.
    • ## BARSSP

    마지막 매각 신호의 위치

    BARSSP the position of the last sell-out signal.
    BARSSP returns to the number of periods from the last K-line to the current K-line (excluding the K-line with the SP signal).
    Take the number of periods from the K-line containing the appearance of the SP signal to the current K-line, then you need to +1 after this function, that is, BARSSP+1. Since BARSSP returns null on the K-line when the SP signal is sent, BARSSP+1 returns null on the K-line when the SP signal is sent.
    1.If there is no SP signal before the current K-line, the return value of the function is null.
    2.After the SP signal is fixed, BARSSP returns null.
    (1)Set the signal execution mode to confirm the signal order after the K-line is completed.
    The return value of BARSBP is the number of K-lines (including the current K-line) from the previous BP signal to the current K-line.
    (2)Set the signal execution method to place an order immediately after the signal is issued, without review (for example: write MULTSIG in the model)
        a.In the calculation of historical signals, when the SP signal appears the current K-line, BARSSP returns null.
        b.During the loading operation, when the SP signal is fixed, the BARSSP returns null.
    The return value of BARSSP is the number of K-line (including the current K-line) from the previous SP signal to the current K-line.
    1.BARSSP>10,BK;                                 // The last sell-to-close position (excluding the K-line with the sell-to-close signal) is greater than 10 periods from the current K-line, buy open position
    2.AA:=HHV(H,BARSSP+1);                          // The maximum value from the last selling and closing position (including the current K-line when the closing signal appears) to the current highest price
    When the SP signal appears on the current K-line, AA returns null. If the highest price on the current K-line needs to be returned, the model needs to be modified as:
    (1)When the SP signal appears on the current K-line, BARSSP returns null. If the condition of BARSSP>=1 is not satisfied, the value is the highest price H of the current K-line.
    (2)After the SP signal is sent, the K-line BARSSP returns to the number of periods from the K-line for buying and closing the position to the current K-line. If the condition of BARSSP>=1 is satisfied, the value is HHV(H,BARSSP+1), that is, the maximum value of selling and closing the position (including the current K-line where the closing signal appears) to the current highest price.
    3.AA:=IFELSE(BARSSP>=1,REF(C,BARSSP),C);        // Take the closing price of the most recent sell close K-line
    (1)When the BARSSP of the current K-line that sends the SP signal returns null, then the K-line does not meet the condition of BARSSP>=1, AA returns to the closing price of the current K-line.
    (2)The k-line BARSSP after the SP signal is sent, returns to the number of periods from the current K-line of the K-line that sold the closed position, then AA returns to REF(C,BARSSP), which is the closing price of the closed K-line.
    (3) Three K-lines: 1, 2, and 3. If the K-line in 1 is the current K-line of the closing signal, and the closing price of the current K-line is returned, and the K-line AA in 2 and 3 returns to the closing price of K-line in 1.
    • ## BARSBP

    마지막 매입/폐지 시그널 위치

    BARSBP the signal position of the last buy to close position.
    BARSBP returns to the number of periods from the last K-line to the current K-line (excluding the K-line with the BP signal).
    Take the number of periods from the K-line containing the appearance of the BP signal to the current K-line, then you need to +1 after this function, i.e. BARSBP+1.

    BARSBP는 BP 신호가 전송될 때 null을 반환하기 때문에, BARSBP+1는 BP 신호가 전송될 때 null값을 반환합니다. ` 언급: 현재 K-라인 전에 BP 신호가 없다면 함수는 null을 반환합니다. 2.BARSBP는 BP 신호가 고정된 후에 0으로 돌아갑니다. (1) 확인 신호를 통과 한 K- 라인 후에 명령을 내리기 위해 신호 실행 방법을 설정합니다. BARSBP의 반환 값은 이전 BP 신호에서 현재 K 라인 (현재의 K 라인 포함) 으로의 K 라인 수입니다. (2) 신호 실행 방법을 설정하여 신호가 발사 된 직후 순서를 작성합니다. 검토없이 (예를 들어: 모델에 MULTSIG을 입력하십시오.) a.역사 신호 계산에서 BP 신호가 현재 K-라인으로 표시되면 BARSBP는 null을 반환합니다. b. 부하 및 실행 과정에서 BP 신호는 현재 K-라인이며, 신호가 고정된 후에 BARSBP는 null을 반환합니다.

    BARSBP의 반환 값은 이전 BP 신호에서 현재 K 라인 (현재의 K 라인 포함) 으로 K 라인의 수입니다.

    예를 들어: 1.BARSBP>10,BK; // 마지막 구매 및 클로즈 포지션의 기간이 현재 K 라인에서 10보다 크다면 (폐지 신호가 있는 K 라인을 제외한 경우) 오픈 포지션을 구매합니다. 2.AA:=HHV(H,BARSBP+1); // 마지막 구매 및 클로즈 포지션 (클로즈 신호가 표시되는 현재 K 라인을 포함하여) 에서 현재 최고 가격까지의 최대 값 현재 K-라인에서 BP 신호가 나타나면 AA는 null을 반환합니다. 현재 K-라인에서 가장 높은 가격을 반환해야 할 경우 모델을 다음과 같이 수정해야합니다. AA:=IFELSE(BARSBP>=1,HHV(H,BARSBP+1),H; (1) 현재 K-라인에서 BP 신호가 나타나면 BARSBP는 null을 반환하고 BARSBP>=1의 조건이 충족되지 않으면 값은 현재 K-라인의 가장 높은 가격 H입니다.

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