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Merancang Perpustakaan Plot Berbilang Carta

Penulis:Ninabadass, Dicipta: 2022-04-02 17:21:44, Dikemas kini: 2023-09-28 21:09:20

Design a Multiple-Chart Plotting Library

Merancang Perpustakaan Plot Berbilang Carta

Perpustakaan jenis ini sering digunakan untuk membuat carta dan plot apabila menulis dan merancang strategi.perpustakaan plot(pengguna yang tidak biasa dengan konsep perpustakaan templat di FMZ boleh memeriksa dokumentasi FMZ API), yang sangat mudah untuk operasi plot. Walau bagaimanapun, untuk senario yang memerlukan beberapa carta, perpustakaan templat ini tidak dapat memenuhi keperluan. Kemudian kita belajar idea reka bentuk perpustakaan plot ini, dan atas dasar ini, merancang versi perpustakaan plot berbilang carta.

Reka bentuk fungsi eksport Perpustakaan Templat

Belajar dari reka bentuk fungsi eksport Perpustakaan plot, kita juga boleh merancang fungsi eksport yang sama untuk perpustakaan plot multi-grafik.

  • $.PlotMultRecords Digunakan untuk melukis carta garis K, parameter yang direka: cfgName, seriesName, rekod, sambungan。 cfgName: sebagai carta tunggal, nama objek yang dikonfigurasikan;
    seriesName: nama siri data yang perlu digambar K-garis pada masa ini; Rekod: data K-line yang dihantar; lanjutan: maklumat konfigurasi dimensi carta, contohnya: lulus{layout: 'single', col: 6, height: '600px'}, iaitu, meminta carta dengan nama objek yang dikonfigurasikan cfgName untuk memaparkan lebar: 6, ketinggian: 600px.

  • $.PlotMultLine Digunakan untuk melukis garis, parameter yang direka: cfgNama, siriNama, titik, ts, sambungan cfgName: sebagai carta tunggal, nama objek yang dikonfigurasikan; seriesName: nama siri data yang perlu digambar pada masa ini; Titik: nilai urutan titik pada garis yang akan digambar; ts: stempel masa, iaitu nilai pada paksi masa X; lanjutan: maklumat konfigurasi dimensi carta.

  • $.PlotMultHLine Digunakan untuk melukis garis mendatar; parameter yang direka: cfgNama, nilai, label, warna, gaya cfgName: objek yang dikonfigurasikan dalam carta; nilai: nilai urutan garis mendatar; label: teks yang dipaparkan pada garis mendatar; warna: warna garis; gaya: gaya baris, contohnya:Solid ShortDash ShortDot ShortDashDot ShortDashDotDot Dot Dash LongDash DashDot LongDashDot LongDashDotDot.

  • $.PlotMultTitle Digunakan untuk mengubah tajuk dan subjudul carta; parameter yang direka: cfgNama, tajuk, cartaJudul cfgName: nama objek yang dikonfigurasikan; tajuk: subjudul; chartTitle: tajuk carta.

  • $.PlotMultFlag Digunakan untuk melukis bendera; parameter yang direka: cfgName, seriesName, ts, teks, tajuk, bentuk, warna, onSeriesName cfgName: objek yang dikonfigurasikan dalam carta; siriNama: nama siri data; ts: cap masa; teks: teks dalam bendera; tajuk: tajuk bendera; bentuk: bentuk bendera; warna: warna bendera; onSeriesName: ia berdasarkan siri data yang akan dipaparkan; nilainya adalah id siri data.

  • $.GetArrCfg Digunakan untuk mengembalikan array objek yang dikonfigurasikan carta.

Fungsi Ujian Reka Bentuk

Untuk memudahkan pemahaman, saya menulis komen secara langsung pada fungsi ujian, menerangkan apa yang dilakukan setiap panggilan fungsi.

// test
function main() {
    var i = 0 
    var prePrintTs = 0

    while (true) {
        var r = exchange.GetRecords()   // Get K-line data
        var t = exchange.GetTicker()    // Get the real-time tick data 

        $.PlotMultRecords("chart1", "kline1", r, {layout: 'single', col: 6, height: '600px'})   // Create a K-line chart named chart1, and display it solely; the width is 6, and the height is 600px; the K-line data series name is kline1, and use r obtained above as the data source to draw the chart
        $.PlotMultRecords("chart2", "kline2", r, {layout: 'single', col: 6, height: '600px'})   // Craete the second K-line chart, named chart2
        $.PlotMultLine("chart2", "line1", t.Last, r[r.length - 1].Time)  // Add a line to the K-line chart, namely chart2, the name of the data series is line1, and use the Last of the real-time tick data as the Y value of the dot on the line. The timestamp of the last BAR of the K-line data is used as the X value
        $.PlotMultLine("chart3", "line2", t.Last)   // Create a chart named chart3 that only draws lines, with data series name line2; use the Last of real-time tick data to draw a dot at the current time (X value) (t.Last is Y value); note that the chart is not displayed solely
        $.PlotMultLine("chart6", "line6", t.Time)   // Create a chart chart6 that only draws lines; note that the chart is not displayed solely, it will be displayed with chart3 on pagination 
        $.PlotMultLine("chart4", "line3", t.Sell, new Date().getTime(), {layout: 'single', col: 4, height: '300px'})  // Create a chart named chart4 that only draws lines, solely displayed, width 4, height 300px
        $.PlotMultLine("chart5", "line4", t.Volume, new Date().getTime(), {layout: 'single', col: 8, height: '300px'})  // Create a chart named chart5 that only draws lines, solely displayed, width 8, height 300px  

        $.PlotMultHLine("chart1", r[r.length - 1].Close, "HLine1", "blue", "ShortDot")   // Add horizontal lines in chart1
        $.PlotMultHLine("chart4", t.Sell, "HLine2", "green")  // Add horizontal lines in chart4
        $.PlotMultTitle("chart3", "change : chart3->test1", "test1")   // Modify the title of chart3

        var ts = new Date().getTime()
        if (ts - prePrintTs > 1000 * 20) {
            prePrintTs = ts 
            // when triggered, draw a flag on chart3
            $.PlotMultFlag("chart3", "flag1", new Date().getTime(), "flag test", "flag1")
        if (i == 10) {
            Log("i == 10")
            // when triggered, draw a flag on chart4, and chart1
            $.PlotMultFlag("chart4", "flag2", new Date().getTime(), "flag test", "flag2")
            $.PlotMultFlag("chart1", "flag3", new Date().getTime(), "flag test", "flag3", "squarepin", "green", "kline1")
        } else if (i == 20) {
            Log("i == 20")
            // when triggered, add a line on chart1, but only draw a dot of the line; X coordinate is timestamp, and Y coordinate is the value of t.Last 
            $.PlotMultLine("chart1", "line5", t.Last, r[r.length - 1].Time)
        } else if (i == 30) {
            Log("i == 30")
            // when triggered, draw a flag on chart2 
            $.PlotMultFlag("chart2", "flag4", new Date().getTime(), "flag test", "flag4", "circlepin", "black", "kline2")
        Sleep(1000 * 5)

Ujian operasi

Design a Multiple-Chart Plotting Library

Design a Multiple-Chart Plotting Library

Anda boleh lihat bahawa dengan hanya satu baris panggilan fungsi, anda boleh dengan mudah melukis carta, dan anda boleh memaparkan pelbagai jenis carta pada masa yang sama.

Kod Sumber Strategi Lengkap

Tetapan parameter:Design a Multiple-Chart Plotting Library

Pelaksanaan kod sumber strategi:

var registerInfo = {}
var chart = null 
var arrCfg = []

function updateSeriesIdx() {
    var index = 0
    var map = {}
    _.each(arrCfg, function(cfg) {
        _.each(cfg.series, function(series) {
            var key = + "|" +
            map[key] = index

    for (var cfgName in registerInfo) {
        for (var i in registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs) {
            var seriesName = registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].seriesName
            var key = cfgName + "|" + seriesName
            if (map[key]) {
                registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].index = map[key]

            // Reset preBarTime of K-line data
            if (registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].type == "candlestick") {
                registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].preBarTime = 0
            } else if (registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].type == "line") {
                registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].preDotTime = 0
            } else if (registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].type == "flag") {
                registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].preFlagTime = 0
    if (!chart) {
        chart = Chart(arrCfg)

    _G("registerInfo", registerInfo)
    _G("arrCfg", arrCfg)

    for (var cfgName in registerInfo) {
        for (var i in registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs) {
            var buffer = registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].buffer            
            var index = registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].index
            if (buffer && buffer.length != 0 && registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].type == "line" && registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].preDotTime == 0) {                
                _.each(buffer, function(obj) {
                    chart.add(index, [obj.ts,])
                    registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].preDotTime = obj.ts
            } else if (buffer && buffer.length != 0 && registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].type == "flag" && registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].preFlagTime == 0) {
                _.each(buffer, function(obj) {
                    registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[i].preFlagTime = obj.ts

function checkBufferLen(buffer, maxLen) {
    while (buffer.length > maxLen) {

$.PlotMultRecords = function(cfgName, seriesName, records, extension) {
    if (typeof(cfgName) == "undefined") {
        throw "need cfgName!"

    var index = -1
    var eleIndex = -1

    do {
        var cfgInfo = registerInfo[cfgName]
        if (typeof(cfgInfo) == "undefined") {
            var cfg = {
                name : cfgName,
                __isStock: true,
                title : {
                    text: cfgName
                tooltip: {
                    xDateFormat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, %A'
                legend: {
                    enabled: true,
                plotOptions: {
                    candlestick: {
                        color: '#d75442',
                        upColor: '#6ba583'
                rangeSelector: {
                    buttons: [{
                        type: 'hour',
                        count: 1,
                        text: '1h'
                    }, {
                        type: 'hour',
                        count: 3,
                        text: '3h'
                    }, {
                        type: 'hour',
                        count: 8,
                        text: '8h'
                    }, {
                        type: 'all',
                        text: 'All'
                    selected: 2,
                    inputEnabled: true
                series: [{
                    type: 'candlestick',
                    name: seriesName,
                    id: seriesName,
                    data: []

            if (typeof(extension) != "undefined") {
                cfg.extension = extension

            registerInfo[cfgName] = {
                "cfgIdx" : arrCfg.length,                                                                               
                "seriesIdxs" : [{seriesName: seriesName, index: arrCfg.length, type: "candlestick", preBarTime: 0}],    

        if (!chart) {
            chart = Chart(arrCfg)
        } else {

        _.each(registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs, function(ele, i) {
            if (ele.seriesName == seriesName && ele.type == "candlestick") {
                index = ele.index
                eleIndex = i
        if (index == -1) {
                type: 'candlestick',
                name: seriesName,
                id: seriesName,
                data: []
            registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs.push({seriesName: seriesName, index: arrCfg.length, type: "candlestick", preBarTime: 0})
    } while (index == -1)

    for (var i = 0 ; i < records.length ; i++) {
        if (records[i].Time == registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[eleIndex].preBarTime) {
            chart.add(index, [records[i].Time, records[i].Open, records[i].High, records[i].Low, records[i].Close], -1)
        } else if (records[i].Time > registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[eleIndex].preBarTime) {
            registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[eleIndex].preBarTime = records[i].Time
            chart.add(index, [records[i].Time, records[i].Open, records[i].High, records[i].Low, records[i].Close])
    return chart

$.PlotMultLine = function(cfgName, seriesName, dot, ts, extension) {
    if (typeof(cfgName) == "undefined") {
        throw "need cfgName!"

    var index = -1
    var eleIndex = -1

    do {
        var cfgInfo = registerInfo[cfgName]
        if (typeof(cfgInfo) == "undefined") {
            var cfg = {
                name : cfgName,
                __isStock: true,
                title : {
                    text: cfgName
                xAxis: {
                    type: 'datetime'
                series: [{
                    type: 'line',
                    name: seriesName,
                    id: seriesName,
                    data: [],

            if (typeof(extension) != "undefined") {
                cfg.extension = extension

            registerInfo[cfgName] = {
                "cfgIdx" : arrCfg.length,
                "seriesIdxs" : [{seriesName: seriesName, index: arrCfg.length, type: "line", buffer: [], preDotTime: 0}], 

        if (!chart) {
            chart = Chart(arrCfg)
        } else {

        _.each(registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs, function(ele, i) {
            if (ele.seriesName == seriesName && ele.type == "line") {
                index = ele.index
                eleIndex = i
        if (index == -1) {
                type: 'line',
                name: seriesName,
                id: seriesName,
                data: [],
            registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs.push({seriesName: seriesName, index: arrCfg.length, type: "line", buffer: [], preDotTime: 0})
    } while (index == -1)

    if (typeof(ts) == "undefined") {
        ts = new Date().getTime()

    var buffer = registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[eleIndex].buffer
    if (registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[eleIndex].preDotTime != ts) {
        registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[eleIndex].preDotTime = ts
        chart.add(index, [ts, dot])
        buffer.push({ts: ts, dot: dot})       
        checkBufferLen(buffer, maxBufferLen)  
    } else {
        chart.add(index, [ts, dot], -1)
        buffer[buffer.length - 1].dot = dot   

    return chart

$.PlotMultHLine = function(cfgName, value, label, color, style) {
    if (typeof(cfgName) == "undefined" || typeof(registerInfo[cfgName]) == "undefined") {
        throw "need cfgName!"

    var cfg = arrCfg[registerInfo[cfgName].cfgIdx]
    if (typeof(cfg.yAxis) == "undefined") {
        cfg.yAxis = {
            plotLines: []
    } else if (typeof(cfg.yAxis.plotLines) == "undefined") {
        cfg.yAxis.plotLines = []

    var obj = {
        value: value,
        color: color || 'red',
        width: 2,
        dashStyle: style || 'Solid',
        label: {
            text: label || '',
            align: 'center'
    var found = false 
    for (var i = 0; i < cfg.yAxis.plotLines.length; i++) {
        if (cfg.yAxis.plotLines[i].label.text == label) {
            cfg.yAxis.plotLines[i] = obj
            found = true

    if (!found) {
    if (!chart) {
        chart = Chart(arrCfg)
    } else {

    return chart

$.PlotMultTitle = function(cfgName, title, chartTitle) {
    if (typeof(cfgName) == "undefined" || typeof(registerInfo[cfgName]) == "undefined") {
        throw "need cfgName!"

    var cfg = arrCfg[registerInfo[cfgName].cfgIdx]

    cfg.subtitle = {
        text: title

    if (typeof(chartTitle) !== 'undefined') {
        cfg.title = {
            text: chartTitle

    if (chart) {

    return chart

$.PlotMultFlag = function(cfgName, seriesName, ts, text, title, shape, color, onSeriesName) {
    if (typeof(cfgName) == "undefined" || typeof(registerInfo[cfgName]) == "undefined") {
        throw "need cfgName!"

    var index = -1
    var eleIndex = -1

    do {
        if (!chart) {
            chart = Chart(arrCfg)
        } else {

        _.each(registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs, function(ele, i) {
            if (ele.seriesName == seriesName && ele.type == "flag") {
                index = ele.index
                eleIndex = i
        if (index == -1) {
                type: 'flags',
                name: seriesName,
                onSeries: onSeriesName || arrCfg[registerInfo[cfgName].cfgIdx].series[0].id,
                data: []
            registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs.push({seriesName: seriesName, index: arrCfg.length, type: "flag", buffer: [], preFlagTime: 0})
    } while(index == -1)
    if (typeof(ts) == "undefined") {
        ts = new Date().getTime()

    var buffer = registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[eleIndex].buffer
    var obj = {x: ts, color: color, shape: shape, title: title, text: text}
    if (registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[eleIndex].preFlagTime != ts) {
        registerInfo[cfgName].seriesIdxs[eleIndex].preFlagTime = ts
        chart.add(index, obj)
        buffer.push({ts: ts, data: obj})
        checkBufferLen(buffer, maxBufferLen)
    } else {
        chart.add(index, obj, -1)
        buffer[buffer.length - 1].data = obj

    return chart

$.GetArrCfg = function() {
    return arrCfg

function init() {
    if (isChartReset) {
        Log("Reset the chart", "#FF0000")
        chart = Chart(arrCfg)

        Log("Empty the persistent data, key:", "registerInfo、arrCfg #FF0000")
        _G("registerInfo", null)
        _G("arrCfg", null)
    } else {
        var multChartRegisterInfo = _G("registerInfo")
        var multChartArrCfg = _G("arrCfg")
        if (multChartRegisterInfo && multChartArrCfg) {
            registerInfo = multChartRegisterInfo
            arrCfg = multChartArrCfg
            Log("Recover registerInfo、arrCfg #FF0000")
        } else {
            Log("No data can be recovered #FF0000")

function onexit() {
    _G("registerInfo", registerInfo)
    _G("arrCfg", arrCfg)
    Log("Save data, key : registerInfo, arrCfg #FF0000")

// test
function main() {
    var i = 0 
    var prePrintTs = 0

    while (true) {
        var r = exchange.GetRecords()
        var t = exchange.GetTicker()

        $.PlotMultRecords("chart1", "kline1", r, {layout: 'single', col: 6, height: '600px'})
        $.PlotMultRecords("chart2", "kline2", r, {layout: 'single', col: 6, height: '600px'})
        $.PlotMultLine("chart2", "line1", t.Last, r[r.length - 1].Time)
        $.PlotMultLine("chart3", "line2", t.Last)
        $.PlotMultLine("chart6", "line6", t.Time)
        $.PlotMultLine("chart4", "line3", t.Sell, new Date().getTime(), {layout: 'single', col: 4, height: '300px'})
        $.PlotMultLine("chart5", "line4", t.Volume, new Date().getTime(), {layout: 'single', col: 8, height: '300px'})       

        $.PlotMultHLine("chart1", r[r.length - 1].Close, "HLine1", "blue", "ShortDot")
        $.PlotMultHLine("chart4", t.Sell, "HLine2", "green")
        $.PlotMultTitle("chart3", "change : chart3->test1", "test1")

        var ts = new Date().getTime()
        if (ts - prePrintTs > 1000 * 20) {
            prePrintTs = ts 
            $.PlotMultFlag("chart3", "flag1", new Date().getTime(), "flag test", "flag1")
        if (i == 10) {
            Log("i == 10")
            $.PlotMultFlag("chart4", "flag2", new Date().getTime(), "flag test", "flag2")
            $.PlotMultFlag("chart1", "flag3", new Date().getTime(), "flag test", "flag3", "squarepin", "green", "kline1")
        } else if (i == 20) {
            Log("i == 20")
            $.PlotMultLine("chart1", "line5", t.Last, r[r.length - 1].Time)
        } else if (i == 30) {
            Log("i == 30")
            $.PlotMultFlag("chart2", "flag4", new Date().getTime(), "flag test", "flag4", "circlepin", "black", "kline2")
        Sleep(1000 * 5)

Alamat Strategi:

Di sini saya hanya menggunakan ini untuk memulakan perbincangan dan memikirkan topik. Jika anda berminat, anda boleh meningkatkan jenis carta yang disokong (seperti carta kedalaman pasaran, grafik bar dan carta pai, dll.) dan terus menaik taraf.

Kandungan berkaitan

Lebih lanjut