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Pelaksanaan bahasa JavaScript penunjuk Fisher dan melukis pada FMZ

Penulis:FMZ~Lydia, Dicipta: 2022-11-07 11:37:48, Dikemas kini: 2024-12-02 21:42:27

JavaScript language implementation of Fisher indicators and drawing on FMZ

Semasa analisis teknikal perdagangan, peniaga menganalisis dan mengkaji data harga saham sebagai data taburan normal.Fisher Transformationadalah satu kaedah yang boleh mengubah data harga ke dalam pengedaran normal.Fisher TransformationSinyal dagangan boleh dihantar dengan menggunakan penunjuk hari semasa dan hari sebelumnya.

Terdapat banyak kandungan mengenaiFisher Transformdi Baidu, Zhihu, di sini kita tidak akan mengulangi.

Algoritma penunjuk:

  • Harga pertengahan hari ini:
- Judge the calculation period, which can be 10 days. Calculate the highest and lowest price in the period:

  ```lowestLow = lowest price in the period```,```highestHigh = highest price in the period```.
- Define the price change parameter (the ```ratio``` is a constant between 0-1, for example, 0.5 or 0.33):
  ![JavaScript language implementation of Fisher indicators and drawing on FMZ](/upload/asset/28d651ee2fee1aec1bd73.jpg) 

- Using the ```Fisher``` transformation on the price change parameter ```x```, the ```Fisher``` indicator is obtained:
  ![JavaScript language implementation of Fisher indicators and drawing on FMZ](/upload/asset/28d87a37d48661f503b10.png) 

### Implement the algorithm by using the JavaScript language

It is implemented step by step according to the indicator algorithm. It should be noted that the algorithm is an iterative algorithm. For ```preX``` and ```preFish```, they were set to 0 at the beginning. For ```Math Log``` is to find the logarithm based on the natural constant e. In addition, the above algorithm did not mention the correction of x, which I almost ignored when writing:

Correct the value of x, force it to be 0.999 if it is greater than 0.99. Same for that of less than -0.99.
    if (x > 0.99) {
        x = 0.999
    } else if (x < -0.99) {
        x = -0.999

The first time I saw the algorithm and indicators, I transplanted them according to the algorithm. I have not verified this implementation, and some who are interested in research can verify whether there are any errors. Thank you very much for pointing out the mistakes.

```Fisher Transform``` indicator algorithm source code:
function getHighest(arr, period) {
    if (arr.length == 0 || arr.length - period < 0) {
        return null 
    var beginIndex = arr.length - period
    var ret = arr[beginIndex].High
    for (var i = 0 ; i < arr.length - 1 ; i++) {
        if (arr[i + 1].High > ret) {
            ret = arr[i + 1].High
    return ret

function getLowest(arr, period) {
    if (arr.length == 0 || arr.length - period < 0) {
        return null 
    var beginIndex = arr.length - period
    var ret = arr[beginIndex].Low
    for (var i = 0 ; i < arr.length - 1 ; i++) {
        if (arr[i + 1].Low < ret) {
            ret = arr[i + 1].Low
    return ret

function calcFisher(records, ratio, period) {
    var preFish = 0 
    var preX = 0
    var arrFish = []
    // When the length of K-line is not enough to meet the period
    if (records.length < period) {
        for (var i = 0 ; i < records.length ; i++) {
        return arrFish

    // traverse the K-line
    for (var i = 0 ; i < records.length ; i++) {
        var fish = 0
        var x = 0
        var bar = records[i]
        var mid = (bar.High + bar.Low) / 2
        // When the current BAR is insufficient in period calculation
        if (i < period - 1) {
            fish = 0
            preFish = 0

        // Calculate the highest and lowest price in the period
        var bars = []
        for (var j = 0 ; j <= i ; j++) {
        var lowestLow = getLowest(bars, period)
        var highestHigh = getHighest(bars, period)               
        // price change parameters
        x = ratio * 2 * ((mid - lowestLow) / (highestHigh - lowestLow) - 0.5) + (1 - ratio) * preX
        if (x > 0.99) {
            x = 0.999
        } else if (x < -0.99) {
            x = -0.999
        preX = x 
        fish = 0.5 * Math.log((1 + x) / (1 - x)) + 0.5 * preFish
        preFish = fish
    return arrFish

Carta lukisan

Ia mudah untuk menarik pada FMZ, Strategy Square: sebilangan besar contoh di atasnya untuk rujukan, anda boleh mencari mereka.

var cfg = {    // The object used to initialize chart settings (i.e. chart settings)
    plotOptions: {
        candlestick: {
            color: '#d75442',  // color value
            upColor: '#6ba583' // color value
    title: { text: 'Fisher Transform'},     //title
    subtitle: {text: ''},     //sub-title
    plotOptions: {
        candlestick: {
        tooltip: {
            '<span style="color:{point.color}">\u25CF</span> <b> {}</b><br/>' +
            'opening quotation: {}<br/>' +
            'the highest: {point.high}<br/>' +
            'the lowest: {point.low}<br/>' +
            'closing quotation: {point.close}<br/>'
    yAxis: [{
        title: {
            text: 'K-line market'
        height: '70%',
        lineWidth: 1
    }, {
        title: {
            text: 'Fisher Transform'
        top: '75%',
        height: '30%',
        offset: 0,
        lineWidth: 1
    series: [//series
            type: 'candlestick',
            yAxis: 0,
            name: 'K-line',
            id: 'KLine',
            // Control the candle color with downward trend
            color: 'green',
            lineColor: 'green',
            // Control the candle color with upward trend
            upColor: 'red',
            upLineColor: 'red',
            data: []
            type: 'line',         // Set the current data series type as line
            yAxis: 1,             // The y-axis used as the y-axis with the index of 0 (a highcharts chart can have multiple y-axes, and the y-axis with the index of 0 is specified here)
            showInLegend: true,   // 
            name: 'fish',          // Set it according to the parameter label passed in by the function
            lineWidth: 1,
            data: [],             // Data items of data series
            tooltip: {            // Tooltip
                valueDecimals: 2  // The decimal point of the value is reserved for 5 digits
            type: 'line',         // Set the current data series type as line
            yAxis: 1,             // The y-axis used as the y-axis with the index of 0 (a highcharts chart can have multiple y-axes, and the y-axis with the index of 0 is specified here)
            showInLegend: true,   // 
            name: 'preFish',      // Set it according to the parameter label passed in by the function
            lineWidth: 1,
            data: [],             // Data items of data series
            tooltip: {            // Tooltip
                valueDecimals: 2  // The decimal point of the value is reserved for 5 digits

var chart = Chart(cfg)
function main() {
    var ts = 0
    while (true) {
        var r = exchange.GetRecords()
        var fisher = calcFisher(r, 0.33, 10)                
        if (!r || !fisher) {
        for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++){
            if (ts == r[i].Time) {
                chart.add([0,[r[i].Time, r[i].Open, r[i].High, r[i].Low, r[i].Close], -1])
                chart.add([1,[r[i].Time, fisher[i]], -1])
                if (i - 1 >= 0) {
                    chart.add([2,[r[i].Time, fisher[i - 1]], -1])
            }else if (ts < r[i].Time) {
                chart.add([0,[r[i].Time, r[i].Open, r[i].High, r[i].Low, r[i].Close]])
                chart.add([1,[r[i].Time, fisher[i]]])
                if (i - 1 >= 0) {
                    chart.add([2,[r[i].Time, fisher[i - 1]]])
                ts = r[i].Time

JavaScript language implementation of Fisher indicators and drawing on FMZ

Jadi ia adalah sangat mudah untuk mengkaji data, carta paparan dan reka bentuk strategi di FMZ. Di sini kita hanya menunjukkan contoh, anda semua dialu-alukan untuk meninggalkan mesej.

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