Strategi ini menggunakan kedua-dua indikator Supertrend dan StochRSI untuk menganalisis trend harga dan overbought dan oversold dalam tempoh masa yang berbeza untuk mengenal pasti isyarat beli dan jual yang berpotensi. Strategi ini bertujuan untuk berdagang mengikut arah trend utama dan menangkap arah utama harga pada garis tengah dan panjang.
Strategi ini menggunakan indikator Supertrend untuk dua tempoh masa 1 jam dan 4 jam untuk menentukan arah trend harga. Apabila kedua-dua tempoh masa Supertrend berada di arah yang sama, kita boleh menganggap bahawa terdapat trend harga yang lebih kuat.
Selain itu, strategi menggunakan indikator StochRSI untuk menentukan sama ada terdapat keadaan jual beli yang berlebihan. Indikator StochRSI menggabungkan kelebihan kedua-dua indikator RSI dan Stochastic Oscillator.
Jika StochRSI juga menunjukkan fenomena overbought dan oversold pada masa yang sama, maka ini adalah masa yang baik untuk membeli atau menjual. Untuk mengesahkan isyarat lebih lanjut, strategi ini juga menetapkan tempoh pengembalian, selepas StochRSI menunjukkan isyarat overbought dan oversold, perlu mengembalikan beberapa baris K, jika pergerakan harga dalam tempoh ini mengesahkan isyarat StochRSI, maka ia akan mencetuskan membeli atau menjual.
Secara keseluruhannya, strategi ini menggabungkan penggunaan Supertrend dalam bingkai masa dua untuk menentukan trend besar, dan kaedah StochRSI untuk menentukan penyesuaian tempatan, untuk melakukan perdagangan jenis trend di garis tengah dan panjang.
Kaedah pengoptimuman:
Strategi dapur dapur dua saluran memanfaatkan kaedah Supertrend untuk menentukan trend besar dan penilaian StochRSI untuk penyesuaian tempatan, untuk mewujudkan strategi pemantauan trend yang boleh dipercayai. Strategi ini mengutamakan pengendalian garis tengah, yang dapat menghalang kerugian pendapatan yang disebabkan oleh perdagangan yang terlalu kerap.
start: 2023-09-09 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-09 00:00:00
period: 4h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © Baby_whale_to_moon
strategy('Kitchen [ilovealgotrading]', overlay=true, format=format.price, initial_capital = 1000)
Start_Time = input(defval=timestamp('01 January 2017 13:30 +0000'), title='Start_Time', group = " ################# BACKTEST DATE ################ " )
End_Time = input(defval=timestamp('30 April 2024 19:30 +0000'), title='End_Time', group = " ################# BACKTEST DATE ################ " )
// supertrend
atrPeriod = input(10, 'ATR Length', group = " ################# Supertrend ################ ")
factor = input(3, 'Factor', group = " ################# Supertrend ################ ")
time1 = input.string(title='Short Time Period', defval='07 1h', options=['01 1m','02 3m','03 5m', '04 15m', '05 30m', '06 45m', '07 1h', '08 2h', '09 3h', '10 4h', '11 1D', '12 1W' ], group = " ################# Supertrend ################ ",tooltip = "this timeframe is the value of our short-time supertrend indicator")
time2 = input.string(title='Long Time Period', defval='10 4h', options=[ '01 1m','02 3m','03 5m', '04 15m', '05 30m', '06 45m', '07 1h', '08 2h', '09 3h', '10 4h', '11 1D', '12 1W' ], group = " ################# Supertrend ################ ",tooltip = "this timeframe is the value of our long-time supertrend indicator")
res(Resolution) =>
if Resolution == '00 Current'
if Resolution == '01 1m'
if Resolution == '02 3m'
if Resolution == '03 5m'
if Resolution == '04 15m'
if Resolution == '05 30m'
if Resolution == '06 45m'
if Resolution == '07 1h'
if Resolution == '08 2h'
if Resolution == '09 3h'
if Resolution == '10 4h'
if Resolution == '11 1D'
if Resolution == '12 1W'
if Resolution == '13 1M'
// supertrend Long time period
[supertrend2, direction2] =, res(time2), ta.supertrend(factor, atrPeriod))
bodyMiddle4 = plot((open + close) / 2, display=display.none)
upTrend2 = plot(direction2 < 0 ? supertrend2 : na, 'Up Trend',, 0), style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2)
downTrend2 = plot(direction2 < 0 ? na : supertrend2, 'Down Trend',, 0), style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2)
// supertrend short time period
[supertrend1, direction1] =, res(time1), ta.supertrend(factor, atrPeriod))
bodyMiddle = plot((open + close) / 2, display=display.none)
upTrend = plot(direction1 < 0 ? supertrend1 : na, 'Up Trend',, 0), style=plot.style_linebr)
downTrend = plot(direction1 < 0 ? na : supertrend1, 'Down Trend',, 0), style=plot.style_linebr)
// Stochastic RSI
low_limit_stoch_rsi = input.float(title = 'Stoch Rsi Low Limit', step=0.5, defval=15, group = " ################# Stoch RSI ################ ", tooltip = "when Stock rsi value crossover Low Limit value we get Long")
up_limit_stoch_rsi = input.float(title = 'Stoch Rsi Up Limit', step=0.5, defval=85, group = " ################# Stoch RSI ################ ", tooltip = "when Stock rsi value crossunder Up Limit value we get Short")
stocrsi_back_length =, 'Stoch Rsi retroactive length', minval=1, group = " ################# Stoch RSI ################ ", tooltip = "How many candles are left behind, even if there is a buy or sell signal, it will be valid now")
smoothK =, 'Stochastic RSI K', minval=1, group = " ################# Stoch RSI ################ ")
lengthRSI =, 'RSI Length', minval=1, group = " ################# Stoch RSI ################ ")
lengthStoch =, 'Stochastic Length', minval=1, group = " ################# Stoch RSI ################ ")
src_rsi = input(close, title='RSI Source', group = " ################# Stoch RSI ################ ")
rsi1 =, '240', ta.rsi(src_rsi, lengthRSI))
k =, '240', ta.sma(ta.stoch(rsi1, rsi1, rsi1, lengthStoch), smoothK))
// Strategy settings
dollar = input.float(title='Dollar Cost Per Position ', defval=20000, group = " ################# Strategy Settings ################ ")
trade_direction = input.string(title='Trade_direction', group = " ################# Strategy Settings ################ ", options=['LONG', 'SHORT', 'BOTH'], defval='BOTH')
Long_message_open = input('Long Open', title = "Long Open Message", group = " ################# Strategy Settings ################ ", tooltip = "if you write your alert window this code {{strategy.order.alert_message}} .When trigger Long signal you will get dynamically what you pasted here for Long Open Message ")
Short_message_open = input('Short Open', title = "Short Open Message", group = " ################# Strategy Settings ################ ", tooltip = "if you write your alert window this code {{strategy.order.alert_message}} .When trigger Long signal you will get dynamically what you pasted here for Short Open Message ")
Long_message_close = input('Long Close', title = "Long Close Message", group = " ################# Strategy Settings ################ ", tooltip = "if you write your alert window this code {{strategy.order.alert_message}} .When trigger Long signal you will get dynamically what you pasted here for Long Close Message ")
Short_message_close = input('Short Close', title = "Short Close Message", group = " ################# Strategy Settings ################ ", tooltip = "if you write your alert window this code {{strategy.order.alert_message}} .When trigger Long signal you will get dynamically what you pasted here for Short Close Message ")
Time_interval = true
bgcolor(Time_interval ? color.rgb(255, 235, 59, 95) : na)
back_long = 0
back_short = 0
for i = 1 to stocrsi_back_length by 1
if ta.crossover(k, low_limit_stoch_rsi)[i] == true
back_long += i
if ta.crossunder(k, up_limit_stoch_rsi)[i] == true
back_short += i
// bgcolor(back_long>0?color.rgb(153, 246, 164, 54):na)
// bgcolor(back_short>0?color.rgb(246, 153, 153, 54):na)
buy_signal = false
sell_signal = false
if direction2 < 0 and direction1 < 0 and back_long > 0
buy_signal := true
if direction2 > 0 and direction1 > 0 and back_short > 0
sell_signal := true
//bgcolor(buy_signal ?,90) : na ,title="BUY bgcolor")
plotshape( buy_signal[1] == false and strategy.opentrades == 0 and Time_interval and buy_signal ? supertrend2 : na, title="Buy", text="Buy", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white)
//bgcolor(sell_signal ?,90) : na ,title="SELL bgcolor")
plotshape(sell_signal[1] == false and strategy.opentrades == 0 and Time_interval and sell_signal ? supertrend2 : na , title="Sell", text="Sell", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny,, textcolor=color.white)
// Strategy entries
if strategy.opentrades == 0 and Time_interval and buy_signal and ( trade_direction == 'LONG' or trade_direction == 'BOTH')
strategy.entry('Long_Open', strategy.long, qty=dollar / close, alert_message=Long_message_open)
if strategy.opentrades == 0 and Time_interval and sell_signal and ( trade_direction == 'SHORT' or trade_direction == 'BOTH')
strategy.entry('Short_Open', strategy.short, qty=dollar / close, alert_message=Short_message_open)
// Strategy Close
if close < supertrend1 and strategy.position_size > 0
strategy.exit('Long_Close',from_entry = "Long_Open", stop=close, qty_percent=100, alert_message=Long_message_close)
if close > supertrend1 and strategy.position_size < 0
strategy.exit('Short_Close',from_entry = "Short_Open", stop=close, qty_percent=100, alert_message=Short_message_close)