Strategi ini adalah sistem perdagangan bertingkat berdasarkan momentum dan trend. Ia mengenal pasti peluang berbilang peluang yang berkemungkinan tinggi dengan menggabungkan Indeks Williams Shark, Indeks Williams Split, Indeks Magic Shock (AO) dan Indeks Moving Average (EMA). Strategi ini menggunakan mekanisme pelaburan bertingkat dana, meningkatkan kedudukan secara beransur-ansur apabila trend meningkat, dan maksimum 5 kedudukan boleh dipegang pada masa yang sama, dengan setiap kedudukan menggunakan 10% dana.
Strategi menggunakan mekanisme penapisan berganda untuk memastikan ketepatan arah perdagangan. Pertama, melalui EMA untuk membuat keputusan mengenai trend jangka panjang, mencari peluang untuk melakukan lebih banyak hanya apabila harga berada di atas EMA. Kedua, melalui kombinasi William’s Shark Indicator dan Segmentation untuk menilai trend jangka pendek, dan mengesahkan trend naik apabila pecah Segmentation berlaku di atas garis gigi Shark.
Untuk mengurangkan risiko ini, disyorkan untuk:
Ini adalah strategi trend-tracking yang direka dengan munasabah, dengan penggunaan gabungan pelbagai petunjuk teknikal, dengan jaminan keselamatan, prestasi keuntungan yang baik dicapai. Inovasi strategi adalah mekanisme pengesahan trend bertingkat dan kaedah pengurusan dana yang beransur-ansur. Walaupun terdapat beberapa tempat yang perlu dioptimumkan, secara keseluruhan sistem perdagangan yang patut dicuba.
start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00
end: 2024-12-04 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © Skyrexio
//_______ <licence>
strategy(title = "MultiLayer Awesome Oscillator Saucer Strategy [Skyrexio]",
shorttitle = "AO Saucer",
overlay = true,
format = format.inherit,
pyramiding = 5,
calc_on_order_fills = false,
calc_on_every_tick = false,
default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity,
default_qty_value = 10,
initial_capital = 10000,
currency = currency.NONE,
commission_type = strategy.commission.percent,
commission_value = 0.1,
slippage = 5,
use_bar_magnifier = true)
//_______ <constant_declarations>
var const color skyrexGreen =, 0)
var const color skyrexGray =, 0)
var const color skyrexWhite =, 0)
//________<variables declarations>
var int trend = 0
var float upFractalLevel = na
var float upFractalActivationLevel = na
var float downFractalLevel = na
var float downFractalActivationLevel = na
var float saucerActivationLevel = na
bool highCrossesUpfractalLevel = ta.crossover(high, upFractalActivationLevel)
bool lowCrossesDownFractalLevel = ta.crossunder(low, downFractalActivationLevel)
var int signalsQtyInRow = 0
//_______ <inputs>
// Trading bot settings
sourceUuid = input.string(title = "sourceUuid:", defval = "yourBotSourceUuid", group = "🤖Trading Bot Settings🤖")
secretToken = input.string(title = "secretToken:", defval = "yourBotSecretToken", group = "🤖Trading Bot Settings🤖")
// Trading period settings
lookBackPeriodStart = input(title = "Trade Start Date/Time", defval = timestamp('2023-01-01T00:00:00'), group = "🕐Trading Period Settings🕐")
lookBackPeriodStop = input(title = "Trade Stop Date/Time", defval = timestamp('2025-01-01T00:00:00'), group = "🕐Trading Period Settings🕐")
// Strategy settings
EMaLength =, minval = 10, step = 10, title = "EMA Length", group = "📈Strategy settings📈")
//_______ <function_declarations>
//@function Used to calculate Simple moving average for Alligator
//@param src Sourse for smma Calculations
//@param length Number of bars to calculate smma
//@returns The calculated smma value
smma(src, length) =>
var float smma = na
sma_value = ta.sma(src, length)
smma := na(smma) ? sma_value : (smma * (length - 1) + src) / length
//_______ <calculations>
//Upfractal calculation
upFractalPrice = ta.pivothigh(2, 2)
upFractal = not na(upFractalPrice)
//Downfractal calculation
downFractalPrice = ta.pivotlow(2, 2)
downFractal = not na(downFractalPrice)
//Calculating Alligator's teeth
teeth = smma(hl2, 8)[5]
//Calculating upfractal and downfractal levels
if upFractal
upFractalLevel := upFractalPrice
upFractalLevel := upFractalLevel[1]
if downFractal
downFractalLevel := downFractalPrice
downFractalLevel := downFractalLevel[1]
//Calculating upfractal activation level, downfractal activation level to approximate the trend and this current trend
if upFractalLevel > teeth
upFractalActivationLevel := upFractalLevel
if highCrossesUpfractalLevel
trend := 1
upFractalActivationLevel := na
downFractalActivationLevel := downFractalLevel
if downFractalLevel < teeth
downFractalActivationLevel := downFractalLevel
if lowCrossesDownFractalLevel
trend := -1
downFractalActivationLevel := na
upFractalActivationLevel := upFractalLevel
if trend == 1
upFractalActivationLevel := na
if trend == -1
downFractalActivationLevel := na
//Calculating filter EMA
filterEMA = ta.ema(close, EMaLength)
//Сalculating AO saucer signal
ao = ta.sma(hl2,5) - ta.sma(hl2,34)
diff = ao - ao[1]
saucerSignal = ao > ao[1] and ao[1] < ao[2] and ao > 0 and ao[1] > 0 and ao[2] > 0 and trend == 1 and close > filterEMA
//Calculating sauser activation level
if saucerSignal
saucerActivationLevel := high
saucerActivationLevel := saucerActivationLevel[1]
if not na(saucerActivationLevel[1]) and high < saucerActivationLevel[1] and diff > 0
saucerActivationLevel := high
saucerSignal := true
if (high > saucerActivationLevel[1] and not na(saucerActivationLevel)) or diff < 0
saucerActivationLevel := na
//Calculating number of valid saucer signal in current trading cycle
if saucerSignal and not saucerSignal[1]
signalsQtyInRow := signalsQtyInRow + 1
if not na(saucerActivationLevel[1]) and diff < 0 and na(saucerActivationLevel) and not (strategy.opentrades[1] <= strategy.opentrades - 1)
signalsQtyInRow := signalsQtyInRow - 1
if trend == -1 and trend[1] == 1
signalsQtyInRow := 0
//_______ <strategy_calls>
//Defining trade close condition
closeCondition = trend[1] == 1 and trend == -1
//Cancel stop buy order if current Awesome oscillator column lower, than prevoius
if diff < 0
//Strategy entry
if (signalsQtyInRow == 1 and not na(saucerActivationLevel))
strategy.entry(id = "entry1", direction = strategy.long, stop = saucerActivationLevel + syminfo.mintick, alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "entry1",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')
if (signalsQtyInRow == 2 and not na(saucerActivationLevel))
strategy.entry(id = "entry2", direction = strategy.long, stop = saucerActivationLevel + syminfo.mintick, alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "entry2",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')
if (signalsQtyInRow == 3 and not na(saucerActivationLevel))
strategy.entry(id = "entry3", direction = strategy.long, stop = saucerActivationLevel + syminfo.mintick, alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "entry3",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')
if (signalsQtyInRow == 4 and not na(saucerActivationLevel))
strategy.entry(id = "entry4", direction = strategy.long, stop = saucerActivationLevel + syminfo.mintick, alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "entry4",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')
if (signalsQtyInRow == 5 and not na(saucerActivationLevel))
strategy.entry(id = "entry5", direction = strategy.long, stop = saucerActivationLevel + syminfo.mintick, alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "entry5",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')
//Strategy exit
if (closeCondition)
strategy.close_all(alert_message = '{\n"base": "' + syminfo.basecurrency + '",\n"quote": "' + syminfo.currency + '",\n"position": "close",\n"price": "' + str.tostring(close) + '",\n"sourceUuid": "' + sourceUuid + '",\n"secretToken": "' + secretToken + '",\n"timestamp": "' + str.tostring(timenow) + '"\n}')
//_______ <visuals>
//Plotting shapes for adding to current long trades
gradPercent = if strategy.opentrades == 2
else if strategy.opentrades == 3
else if strategy.opentrades == 4
else if strategy.opentrades == 5
pricePlot = plot(close, title="Price",, 100))
teethPlot = plot(strategy.opentrades > 1 ? teeth : na, title="Teeth", color= skyrexGreen, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth = 2)
fill(pricePlot, teethPlot, color =, gradPercent))
if strategy.opentrades != 1 and strategy.opentrades[1] == strategy.opentrades - 1, teeth, style = label.style_label_up, color = color.lime, size = size.tiny, text="Buy More", textcolor =, text_formatting = text.format_bold)
//_______ <alerts>