var account = _C(exchanges[0].GetAccount); // Get the account information before the strategy starts running, and then assign it to the global variable account
var coinValue = {}; // Declare the global variable coinValue , assign it with an empty object
var totalValue = 0; // totalValue
function updateValue(){ // update Value
var logString = 'Time: '+ _D() + '\n'; // Declare a variable, log string, initialize it, and record the current time
totalValue = coinValue[BaseAsset].value; // Update totalValue
logString += BaseAsset + ': ' + _N(coinValue[BaseAsset].value,5) + '\n'; // Add data of current base asset's total value to logString.
for(var i=0;i<exchanges.length;i++){ // Check through exchanges
coinValue[BaseAsset] = {amount:account.Balance + account.FrozenBalance, value:account.Balance + account.FrozenBalance}; // Initialize amount and value to BaseAsset.
var account = _C(exchanges[i].GetAccount); // Update current indexed account information
var ticker = _C(exchanges[i].GetTicker); // Update current indexed ticker information
var symbol = exchanges[i].GetCurrency().split('_')[0]; // Get currency name
coinValue[symbol].amount = account.Stocks + account.FrozenStocks; // Record the amount of currency
coinValue[symbol].value = coinValue[symbol].amount * ticker.Last; // Record the value of currency
totalValue += coinValue[symbol].value; // Cumulative total value
coinValue[symbol].buyPrice = ticker.Buy; // Update the latest buying price info of the current indexed exchange object
coinValue[symbol].sellPrice = ticker.Sell; // Update the latest selling price info of the current indexed exchange object
logString += symbol + ': ' + _N(coinValue[symbol].value,5) + '\n' // Add the value of the currency of the current indexed exchange to logString.
LogStatus(logString); // LogStatus
var keepPercent = Ratio.split('|').map(Number); // Split the Ratio parameter with the character "|", then call the map function and convert the string to the Number type to return a new array.
if(math.sum(keepPercent) > 1){ // Count the sum of the element values in the keepPercent array
throw 'sum of keep percent should be lower than 1'; // The sum of assets should not exceed 100%
var buyPercent = ToBuy.split('|').map(Number); // Construct a buy ratio array based on the parameter processing string
var sellPercent = ToSell.split('|').map(Number); // Construct sell ratio array based on the parameter processing string
for(var i=0;i<exchanges.length;i++){ // Check through the array of exchange objects
var symbol = exchanges[i].GetCurrency().split('_')[0]; // Get currency name in the transaction pair, and assign it to symbol
coinValue[symbol] = {amount:0, value:0, buyPrice:0, sellPrice:0, keepPercent:0, buyPercent:0, sellPercent:0}; // Construct data about each currency in transaction pair:amount, value, buyPrice, sellPrice, keepPercent, buyPercent, sellPercent.
coinValue[symbol].keepPercent = keepPercent[i]; // Initialization, keepPercent
coinValue[symbol].buyPercent = buyPercent[i]; // Initialization, buyPercent
coinValue[symbol].sellPercent = sellPercent[i]; // Initialization, sellPercent
function CancelPendingOrders(e) { // Cancel all pending orders
var orders = _C(e.GetOrders);
for (var j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) {
exchange.CancelOrder(orders[j].Id, orders[j]);
function onTick(){ // the implementation of main function
updateValue(); // Update currency net value
for(var i=0;i<exchanges.length;i++){ // check through exchanges
var symbol = exchanges[i].GetCurrency().split('_')[0]; // Get the currency name of the current exchange
if(coinValue[symbol].value > (1+coinValue[symbol].sellPercent)*totalValue*coinValue[symbol].keepPercent){
var sellAmount = (coinValue[symbol].value - totalValue*coinValue[symbol].keepPercent)/coinValue[symbol].buyPrice
exchanges[i].Sell(coinValue[symbol].buyPrice, sellAmount)
else if(coinValue[symbol].value < (1-coinValue[symbol].buyPercent)*totalValue*coinValue[symbol].keepPercent){
var buyAmount = (totalValue*coinValue[symbol].keepPercent - coinValue[symbol].value)/coinValue[symbol].sellPrice
exchanges[i].Buy(coinValue[symbol].sellPrice, buyAmount);
function main() {
while(true){ // Main loop
onTick(); // Main function