Эта стратегия позволяет оценивать и отслеживать тренды, используя в комбинации средние значения SMA с различными периодами. Основная идея заключается в следующем: сравнивать восходящее и нисходящее направления SMA с различными периодами, чтобы определить тенденцию; делать больше, когда короткий период SMA проходит более длинный период SMA; делать пустое, когда короткий период SMA проходит более длинный период SMA.
Эта стратегия позволяет эффективно оценивать направление рыночных тенденций, объединяя несколько средних циклов SMA, и генерирует количественные торговые сигналы. При этом применение ZeroLagEMA повышает эффективность стратегии. В целом, стратегия реализует количественную торговую концепцию, основанную на отслеживании тенденций, и эффект значителен.
start: 2024-01-04 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-03 00:00:00
period: 2h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
strategy("Forex MA Racer - SMA Performance /w ZeroLag EMA Trigger", shorttitle = "FX MA Racer (5x SMA, 2x zlEMA)", overlay=false )
// === INPUTS ===
hr0 = input(defval = true, title = "=== SERIES INPUTS ===")
smaSource = input(defval = close, title = "SMA Source")
sma1Length = input(defval = 10, title = "SMA 1 Length")
sma2Length = input(defval = 20, title = "SMA 2 Length")
sma3Length = input(defval = 50, title = "SMA 3 Length")
sma4Length = input(defval = 100, title = "SMA 4 Length")
sma5Length = input(defval = 200, title = "SMA 5 Length")
smaDirSpan = input(defval = 4, title = "SMA Direction Span")
zlmaSource = input(defval = close, title = "ZeroLag EMA Source")
zlmaFastLength = input(defval = 9, title = "ZeroLag EMA Fast Length")
zlmaSlowLength = input(defval = 21, title = "ZeroLag EMA Slow Length")
hr1 = input(defval = true, title = "=== PLOT TIME LIMITER ===")
useTimeLimit = input(defval = true, title = "Use Start Time Limiter?")
// set up where we want to run from
startYear = input(defval = 2018, title = "Start From Year", minval = 0, step = 1)
startMonth = input(defval = 02, title = "Start From Month", minval = 0,step = 1)
startDay = input(defval = 01, title = "Start From Day", minval = 0,step = 1)
startHour = input(defval = 00, title = "Start From Hour", minval = 0,step = 1)
startMinute = input(defval = 00, title = "Start From Minute", minval = 0,step = 1)
hr2 = input(defval = true, title = "=== TRAILING STOP ===")
useStop = input(defval = false, title = "Use Trailing Stop?")
slPoints = input(defval = 200, title = "Stop Loss Trail Points", minval = 1)
slOffset = input(defval = 400, title = "Stop Loss Trail Offset", minval = 1)
// === /INPUTS ===
// === SERIES SETUP ===
// Fast ZeroLag EMA
zema1=ema(zlmaSource, zlmaFastLength)
zema2=ema(zema1, zlmaFastLength)
// Slow ZeroLag EMA
zema3=ema(zlmaSource, zlmaSlowLength)
zema4=ema(zema3, zlmaSlowLength)
// Simple Moving Averages
period10 = sma(close, sma1Length)
period20 = sma(close, sma2Length)
period50 = sma(close, sma3Length)
period100 = sma(close, sma4Length)
period200 = sma(close, sma5Length)
// === /SERIES SETUP ===
// === PLOT ===
// colors of plotted MAs
p1 = (close < period10) ? #FF0000 : #00FF00
p2 = (close < period20) ? #FF0000 : #00FF00
p3 = (close < period50) ? #FF0000 : #00FF00
p4 = (close < period100) ? #FF0000 : #00FF00
p5 = (close < period200) ? #FF0000 : #00FF00
plot(period10, title='10 Period', color = p1, linewidth=1)
plot(period20, title='20 Period', color = p2, linewidth=2)
plot(period50, title='50 Period', color = p3, linewidth=4)
plot(period100, title='100 Period', color = p4, linewidth=6)
plot(period200, title='200 Period', color = p5, linewidth=10)
// === /PLOT ===
//BFR = BRFIB ? (maFast+maSlow)/2 : abs(maFast - maSlow)
// === STRATEGY ===
// calculate SMA directions
direction10 = rising(period10, smaDirSpan) ? +1 : falling(period10, smaDirSpan) ? -1 : 0
direction20 = rising(period20, smaDirSpan) ? +1 : falling(period20, smaDirSpan) ? -1 : 0
direction50 = rising(period50, smaDirSpan) ? +1 : falling(period50, smaDirSpan) ? -1 : 0
direction100 = rising(period100, smaDirSpan) ? +1 : falling(period100, smaDirSpan) ? -1 : 0
direction200 = rising(period200, smaDirSpan) ? +1 : falling(period200, smaDirSpan) ? -1 : 0
// conditions
// SMA Direction Trigger
dirUp = direction10 > 0 and direction20 > 0 and direction100 > 0 and direction200 > 0
dirDn = direction10 < 0 and direction20 < 0 and direction100 < 0 and direction200 < 0
longCond = (period10>period20) and (period20>period50) and (period50>period100) and dirUp//and (close > period10) and (period50>period100) //and (period100>period200)
shortCond = (period10<period20) and (period20<period50) and dirDn//and (period50<period100) and (period100>period200)
longExit = crossunder(zlemaFast, zlemaSlow) or crossunder(period10, period20)
shortExit = crossover(zlemaFast, zlemaSlow) or crossover(period10, period20)
// entries and exits
startTimeOk() =>
// get our input time together
inputTime = timestamp(syminfo.timezone, startYear, startMonth, startDay, startHour, startMinute)
// check the current time is greater than the input time and assign true or false
timeOk = time > inputTime ? true : false
// last line is the return value, we want the strategy to execute if..
// ..we are using the limiter, and the time is ok -OR- we are not using the limiter
r = (useTimeLimit and timeOk) or not useTimeLimit
if( true )
// entries
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, when = longCond)
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, when = shortCond)
// trailing stop
if (useStop)
strategy.exit("XL", from_entry = "long", trail_points = slPoints, trail_offset = slOffset)
strategy.exit("XS", from_entry = "short", trail_points = slPoints, trail_offset = slOffset)
// exits
strategy.close("long", when = longExit)
strategy.close("short", when = shortExit)
// === /STRATEGY ===