Стратегия объединяет три показателя для торговли: Доньчжаньский канал, Ларри Уильямс Большой торговый индекс (LWTI) и объемная скользящая средняя. Когда цена прорывает Доньчаньский канал вверх, LWTI - зеленый, объем сделки больше, чем в среднем; когда цена прорывает Доньчаньский канал вниз, LWTI - красный, объем сделки больше, чем в среднем.
Танцянский канал и стратегия индекса крупных сделок Ларри Уильямса являются классической стратегией торговли, отслеживающей тенденции. С помощью танцянского канала захватывается направление тенденции, используются индикаторы фильтрации сигналов, такие как LWTI, объем сделок, динамический стоп-стоп, строгий контроль риска, в целом это стратегическая структура с стабильной прибылью. Однако следует отметить, что стратегия является более чувствительной к параметрам, плохо работает в условиях волатильности рынка и рекомендуется использовать в трендовых рынках.
start: 2024-04-04 00:00:00
end: 2024-04-11 00:00:00
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0
//at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © DillonGrech
//This is a Donchian Channel Trading Strategy which was found through the
//YouTube channel TradingLab.
//This Strategy uses the Donchian Channel, Larry Williams Large Trade Index,
//and Volume with Moving Average indicators for long and short trades.
//Strategy will enter based off indicator entry conditions and will not
//re-enter a trade until the price crosses through the Donchian Channel
//basis line (to prevent re-entering trades in same trend). Strategy will
//exit at stop loss or take profit, or when price crosses donchian basis.
//The strategy has been coded by Dillon Grech as part of his YouTube channel
//and a detailed video can be found on his channel at:
//Source code and template files can be found on his GitHub at:
strategy("Donchian Channel Strategy [DillonGrech]", overlay=true, margin_long=100, margin_short=100)
//Allow user to select whether they would like to use indicator
Don_Input = input(true, title='Use Donchian Channel?', group = "Donchian Settings")
don_length = input.int(96, minval = 1, group = "Donchian Settings")
don_lower = ta.lowest(don_length)
don_upper = ta.highest(don_length)
don_basis = math.avg(don_upper, don_lower)
plot(don_basis, "Don Basis", color = #FF6D00)
u = plot(don_upper, "Don Upper", color = #2962FF)
l = plot(don_lower, "Don Lower", color = #2962FF)
fill(u, l, color = color.rgb(33, 150, 243, 95), title = "Background")
//Conditions - Enter trades when there is a cross of price and previous donchian channel value
Ind_1_L = Don_Input == false ? false : ta.crossover(close,don_upper[1])
Ind_1_S = Don_Input == false ? false : ta.crossunder(close,don_lower[1])
//Allow user to select whether they would like to use indicator
LWTI_Input = input(true, title='Use LWTI?', group = "LWTI Settings")
greencolor = #2DD204
redcolor = #D2042D
variant(type, src, len) =>
sig = 0.0
if type == "SMA"
sig := ta.sma(src, len)
else if type == "EMA"
sig := ta.ema(src, len)
else if type == "WMA"
sig := ta.wma(src, len)
else if type == "RMA"
sig := ta.rma(src, len)
LWTI_per = input.int(25, "Period", group = "LWTI Settings")
LWTI_smthit = input.bool(false, "Smooth LWPI?", group = "LWTI Settings")
LWTI_type = input.string("SMA", "Smoothing Type", options = ["EMA", "WMA", "RMA", "SMA"], group = "LWTI Settings")
LWTI_smthper = input.int(20, "Smoothing Period", group = "LWTI Settings")
LWTI_ma = ta.sma(close - nz(close[LWTI_per]), LWTI_per)
LWTI_atr = ta.atr(LWTI_per)
LWTI_out = LWTI_ma/LWTI_atr * 50 + 50
LWTI_out := LWTI_smthit ? variant(LWTI_type, LWTI_out, LWTI_smthper) : LWTI_out
LWTI_colorout = LWTI_out > 50 ? greencolor : redcolor
//Conditions - Enter on color of indicator
Ind_2_L = LWTI_Input == false ? true : LWTI_colorout == greencolor
Ind_2_S = LWTI_Input == false ? true : LWTI_colorout == redcolor
//Allow user to select whether they would like to use indicator
Vol_Input = input(true, title='Use Volume?', group = "Volume Settings")
Vol_Ma_Period = input.int(30,"Volume MA Period", group = "Volume Settings")
Vol_Ma = ta.sma(volume,Vol_Ma_Period)
//Conditions - Enter when volume is greater than moving average
Ind_3_L = Vol_Input == false ? true : volume > Vol_Ma
Ind_3_S = Vol_Input == false ? true : volume > Vol_Ma
//Stores whether a trade has been taken, and resets when there is a cross of price and donchain basis
Trade_Counter = float(0)
Don_Basis_Cross = ta.cross(don_basis[1], close)
if strategy.position_size!=0
Trade_Counter := 1
else if Don_Basis_Cross
Trade_Counter := 0
Trade_Counter := Trade_Counter[1]
Plot_Trade_Counter = input.bool(false, "Plot Trade Position Counter?", group = "Plot Settings")
plotchar(Plot_Trade_Counter and Trade_Counter == 0 ? true : false, color = na, text = '0')
plotchar(Plot_Trade_Counter and Trade_Counter == 1 ? true : false, color = na, text = '1')
entry_long = strategy.position_size<=0 and Ind_1_L and Ind_2_L and Ind_3_L and Trade_Counter[1] == 0
entry_short = strategy.position_size>=0 and Ind_1_S and Ind_2_S and Ind_3_S and Trade_Counter[1] == 0
strategy.entry("Long Entry", strategy.long)
strategy.entry("Short Entry", strategy.short)
Stop_Input = input(true, title='Use Stop Loss?', group = "Risk Settings")
Profit_Input = input(true, title='Use Take Profit?', group = "Risk Settings")
Profit_RR = input.float(2.0,"Risk Reward Profit Target", group = "Risk Settings")
//Store Price on new entry signal
Entry_Price = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1)
//Store Donchain Channel Basis value on new entry signal
Entry_Don_Basis = float(0.0)
if strategy.position_size == 0 or entry_long or entry_short
Entry_Don_Basis := don_basis
Entry_Don_Basis := Entry_Don_Basis[1]
//Get stop loss distance
Stop_Distance = math.abs(Entry_Price - Entry_Don_Basis)*1.02
//For Long Trades, find the stop loss level
Stop_L = float(0.0)
if Stop_Input == true
Stop_L := Entry_Price - Stop_Distance
//For Long Trades, find the profit level
Profit_L = float(0.0)
if Profit_Input == true
Profit_L := Entry_Price + Stop_Distance*Profit_RR
//For Short Trades, find the stop loss level
Stop_S = float(0.0)
if Stop_Input == true
Stop_S := Entry_Price + Stop_Distance
//For Short Trades, find the profit level
Profit_S = float(0.0)
if Profit_Input == true
Profit_S := Entry_Price - Stop_Distance*Profit_RR
//Plot profit and stop loss levels for long and short trades
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? Profit_L : na, color=color.lime, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2)
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? Stop_L : na, color=color.red, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2)
plot(strategy.position_size < 0 ? Profit_S : na, color=color.lime, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2)
plot(strategy.position_size < 0 ? Stop_S : na, color=color.red, style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2)
//Exit long trades
if Stop_Input
strategy.exit(id = 'Exit Long', from_entry ='Long Entry', comment='Long Stop', stop = Stop_L)
if Profit_Input
strategy.exit(id = 'Exit Long', from_entry ='Long Entry', comment='Long Profit', limit = Profit_L)
//Exit short trades
if Stop_Input
strategy.exit(id = 'Exit Short', from_entry ='Short Entry', comment='Short Stop', stop = Stop_S)
if Profit_Input
strategy.exit(id = 'Exit Short', from_entry ='Short Entry', comment='Short Profit', limit = Profit_S)
exit_long = close < don_basis
exit_short = close > don_basis
strategy.close("Long Entry", comment='Long Close', qty_percent=100)
strategy.close("Short Entry", comment='Short Close', qty_percent=100)