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Tác giả:FawkesPan, Ngày: 2018-09-19 13:08:26
Tags:PythonSự mở rộng

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# encoding: utf-8
# Candlestick merger.
# Copyright 2018 FawkesPan
# Contact : i@fawkex.me / Telegram@FawkesPan
# Do What the Fuck You Want To Public License

from math import *
from datetime import datetime

def timeFilter(records, since, to=1000000000000000):
    bars = []
    for i in records:
        if i['Time'] >= since and i['Time'] <= to:

    return bars

def calcRecords(records, period=30, start=None):
    except IndexError:
        return []
    period_ms = period * 60000  # 以毫秒记的K线周期
    end_in = records[len(records)-1]['Time']  # K线的结束时间
    start_at = records[0]['Time']  # K线的开始时间
    # 获得可以用于计算目标K线的开始时间
    r_offest = start_at % period_ms
    start_at = start_at - r_offest + period_ms
    if start is not None:
        start_at = start
    target_count = ceil((end_in-start_at)/period_ms) # 目标K线的数量
    n_records = []
    for i in range(0, target_count):
        bars = timeFilter(records, start_at+i*period_ms, start_at+(i+1)*period_ms-1000)
        except IndexError:
        # 初始化新的Bar
        Time = bars[0]['Time']
        Open = bars[0]['Open']
        High = bars[0]['High']
        Low = bars[0]['Low']
        Close = bars[0]['Close']
        Volume = 0
        for item in bars:
            High = max(High, item['High'])
            Low = min(Low, item['Low'])
            Close = item['Close']
        # 将Bar添加添加到新的K线中
            'Time' : Time,
            'Open' : Open,
            'High' : High,
            'Low' : Low,
            'Close' : Close,
            'Volume' : Volume
    return n_records

def getRecords(exchange, period=30):
    records = exchange.GetRecords(PERIOD_M1)
    return calcRecords(records, period)

def calcRecordsWithOldRecords(records, old_records, period=30):
        start = old_records[len(old_records)-1]['Time']
        del old_records[len(old_records)-1]
    except IndexError:
        old_records = []
        start = None
    return old_records + calcRecords(records=records, period=period, start=start)
ext.calcRecords = calcRecords
ext.getRecords = getRecords
ext.calcRecordsWithOldRecords = calcRecordsWithOldRecords

# Function Test
def main():
    M1 = exchange.GetRecords(PERIOD_M1)
    M15 = exchange.GetRecords(PERIOD_M15)
    M15_GEN = ext.calcRecords(M1, 15) # 使用ext.calcRecords函数 按照1分钟K线 计算出15分钟K线

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