/*backtest start: 2023-08-11 00:00:00 end: 2023-08-25 00:00:00 period: 5m basePeriod: 1m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=5 // By Jordan Hall // finished: 3/28/2023 strategy("Strategy Creator", overlay=true, margin_long=100, margin_short=100, pyramiding=10, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// PERIOD /// testStartYear = input(2023, "Backtest Start Year") testStartMonth = input(1, "Backtest Start Month") testStartDay = input(1, "Backtest Start Day") testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,0,0) testStopYear = input(2023, "Backtest Stop Year") testStopMonth = input(12, "Backtest Stop Month") testStopDay = input(31, "Backtest Stop Day") testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear,testStopMonth,testStopDay,0,0) testPeriod() => time >= testPeriodStart and time <= testPeriodStop ? true : false /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////EMA INPUTS////////////////////////////////////////////////// EMAON = input.bool(true, "EMA ON?", group = "EMA Settings", tooltip = "Check box for on") IS1EMA = input.bool(false,"Only 1 EMA", " USE EMA FAST LENGTH FOR INPUT", group = "EMA Settings") IS2EMA = input.bool(false, "Only 2 EMAs", "Only leave this box checked for 2 EMAs. USE EMA MIDDLE LENGTH AND FAST LENGTH", group = "EMA Settings") EMAFAST = input.int(50,title = "EMA Fast Length", minval = 1, maxval = 2000, group = "EMA Settings") EMAMIDDLE = input.int(100, title= "EMA middle Length", minval = 1, maxval = 2000, group = "EMA Settings") EMASLOW = input.int(200, title= "EMA Slow Length", minval = 1, maxval = 2000, group = "EMA Settings") /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////RSI///////////////////////////////////////////////////// RSION = input.bool(true, "RSI ON?", group = "RSI Settings", tooltip = "Check box for on") ma(source, length, type) => switch type "SMA" => ta.sma(source, length) "Bollinger Bands" => ta.sma(source, length) "EMA" => ta.ema(source, length) "SMMA (RMA)" => ta.rma(source, length) "WMA" => ta.wma(source, length) "VWMA" => ta.vwma(source, length) //INPUTS & CALCULATIONS RSIUL = input.float(52, "RSI SHORT", 0,100, tooltip = "RSI must be greater this number to enter a SHORT position", group = "RSI Settings") RSILL = input.float(48, "RSI LONG", 0,100, tooltip = "RSI must be lower this number to enter a LONG position", group = "RSI Settings") rsiLengthInput = input.int(14, minval=1, title="RSI Length", group="RSI Settings") rsiSourceInput = input.source(close, "Source", group="RSI Settings") maTypeInput = input.string("SMA", title="MA Type", options=["SMA", "Bollinger Bands", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA"], group="RSI Settings") maLengthInput = input.int(14, title="MA Length", group="RSI Settings") up = ta.rma(math.max(ta.change(rsiSourceInput), 0), rsiLengthInput) down = ta.rma(-math.min(ta.change(rsiSourceInput), 0), rsiLengthInput) rsi = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down)) rsiMA = ma(rsi, maLengthInput, maTypeInput) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////TSI////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TSION = input.bool(true, "TSI ON?", group = "TSI Settings", tooltip = "Check box for on") // TSIUL = input.float(1, "TSI SHORT", -50,50, tooltip = "TSI must be greater this number to enter a SHORT position", group = "TSI Settings") // TSILL = input.float(-1, "TSI LONG", -50,50, tooltip = "TSI must be lower this number to enter a LONG position", group = "TSI Settings") // long = input(title="Long Length", defval=25, group = "TSI Settings") // short = input(title="Short Length", defval=13, group = "TSI Settings") // signaltsi = input(title="Signal Length", defval=13,group = "TSI Settings") // price = close // double_smooth(src, long, short) => // fist_smooth = ta.ema(src, long) // ta.ema(fist_smooth, short) // pc = ta.change(price) // double_smoothed_pc = double_smooth(pc, long, short) // double_smoothed_abs_pc = double_smooth(math.abs(pc), long, short) // tsi_value = 100 * (double_smoothed_pc / double_smoothed_abs_pc) // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////Stochastic/////////////////////////////////////////////////// STOCHON = input.bool(true, "STOCHASTIC ON?", group = "Stochastic Settings", tooltip = "Check box for on") periodK = input.int(14, title="%K Length", minval=1,group = "Stochastic Settings") smoothK = input.int(1, title="%K Smoothing", minval=1,group = "Stochastic Settings") periodD = input.int(3, title="%D Smoothing", minval=1,group = "Stochastic Settings") k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(close, high, low, periodK), smoothK) d = ta.sma(k, periodD) byValueOrByCrossover = input.bool(true, "By Crossover?", tooltip = "Check box for crossover of k>d for LONG and k<d for SHORT. If by value, input value k must be for position entry", group = "Stochastic Settings") kValueComparisonSHORT = input.float(50, "k is greater than", 0,100, tooltip = "When k (blueline) is greater than this number, enter a SHORT postion", group = "Stochastic Settings") kValueComparisonLONG = input.float(50, "k is less than", 0,100, tooltip = "When k (blueline) is less than this number, enter a LONG position", group = "Stochastic Settings") /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////MACD W/ diff timeframes//////////////////////////////////////// //Create inputs MACDON = input.bool(true, "MACD ON?", group = "MACD Settings", tooltip = "Check box for on") MACD_Other_TimeFrame = input.timeframe("1", title="Time Frame MACD", group = "MACD Settings") fastAvgLength = input(title="Fast Length", defval=12, group = "MACD Settings") slowAvgLength = input(title="Slow Length", defval=26, group = "MACD Settings") src = input(title="Source", defval=close, group = "MACD Settings") signal_length = input.int(title="Signal Smoothing", minval = 1, maxval = 50, defval = 9, group = "MACD Settings") sma_source = input.string(title="Oscillator MA Type", defval="EMA", options=["SMA", "EMA"], group = "MACD Settings") sma_signal = input.string(title="Signal Line MA Type", defval="EMA", options=["SMA", "EMA"], group = "MACD Settings") // Calculating MACD fast_ma = sma_source == "SMA" ? ta.sma(src, fastAvgLength) : ta.ema(src, fastAvgLength) slow_ma = sma_source == "SMA" ? ta.sma(src, slowAvgLength) : ta.ema(src, slowAvgLength) macd = fast_ma - slow_ma signal = sma_signal == "SMA" ? ta.sma(macd, signal_length) : ta.ema(macd, signal_length) hist = macd - signal //AVERAGES MACD var pos_hist_cnt = 0 var pos_hist_total = 0.0 var pos_hist_avg = 0.0 var neg_hist_cnt = 0 var neg_hist_total = 0.0 var neg_hist_avg = 0.0 if (hist <0) neg_hist_total := neg_hist_total + hist neg_hist_cnt := neg_hist_cnt + 1 neg_hist_avg := neg_hist_total / neg_hist_cnt if (hist >0) pos_hist_total := pos_hist_total + hist pos_hist_cnt := pos_hist_cnt + 1 pos_hist_avg := pos_hist_total / pos_hist_cnt posavgadd = input(false, "Add average positve histogram value?", tooltip = "current histogram value must be greater than the positive average plus '+ (absolute val)' number", group = "MACD Settings") negavgadd = input(false, "Subtract average negative histogram value?", tooltip = "current histogram value must be less than the negative average plus '- (absolute val)' number", group = "MACD Settings") posnumber = input.float(0.0000, " + (absolute val)", tooltip = "current histogram value must be greater than this (plus positive average if checked) to enter SHORT position", group = "MACD Settings", step = 0.0001) negnumber = input.float(0.0000, " - (absolute val)", tooltip = "current histogram value must be less than this (minus negative average if checked) to enter LONG position", group = "MACD Settings", step = 0.0001) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ADX/////////////////////////////////////////////////// ADXON = input.bool(true, "ADX ON?", group = "ADX Settings", tooltip = "Check box for on") adxlen = input(14, title="ADX Smoothing", group = "ADX Settings") dilen = input(14, title="DI Length", group = "ADX Settings") dirmov(len) => upADX = ta.change(high) downADX = -ta.change(low) plusDM = na(upADX) ? na : (upADX > downADX and upADX > 0 ? upADX : 0) minusDM = na(downADX) ? na : (downADX > upADX and downADX > 0 ? downADX : 0) truerange = ta.rma(ta.tr, len) plus = fixnan(100 * ta.rma(plusDM, len) / truerange) minus = fixnan(100 * ta.rma(minusDM, len) / truerange) [plus, minus] adx(dilen, adxlen) => [plus, minus] = dirmov(dilen) sum = plus + minus adx = 100 * ta.rma(math.abs(plus - minus) / (sum == 0 ? 1 : sum), adxlen) sig = adx(dilen, adxlen) ADXSIGNALSTRENGTH = input.float(25, "ADX signal strength > ", 0, 100, group = "ADX Settings") //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////TP AND SL INPUTS AND CALCULATIONS///////////////////////////////////// StopLossLongPercentage = input.float(title="Long Stop Loss (%)", minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=0.4, group="Take Profit and Stop Loss") * 0.01 StopLossLongPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - StopLossLongPercentage) StopLossShortPercentage = input.float(title="Short Stop Loss (%)", minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=0.4, group="Take Profit and Stop Loss") * 0.01 StopLossShortPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + StopLossShortPercentage) TakeProfitLongPercentage = input.float(title="Long Take Profit (%)", minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=0.5, group="Take Profit and Stop Loss") * 0.01 TakeProfitLongPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + TakeProfitLongPercentage) TakeProfitShortPercentage = input.float(title="Short Take Profit (%)", minval=0.0, step=0.1, defval=0.5, group="Take Profit and Stop Loss") * 0.01 TakeProfitShortPrice = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - TakeProfitShortPercentage) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////VARIABLES/////////////////////////////////////////////////// //EMAMIDDLE == SHORTER EMA LENGTH, EMASLOW == EMA LONGER LENGTH. IS1EMA == 1 EMA LINE? //rsi == RELATIVE STRENGTH INDEX VALUE (0 to 100) //tsi_value == TSI VALUES //k == K% VALUE (BLUE LINE), d == D% VALUE (RED LINE) //hist == MACD HISTOGRAM VALUES, macd == MACD VALUE, signal == SIGNAL LINE CROSSING MACD //neg_hist-avg == NEGATIVE HISTOGRAM VALUES, pos_hist_values == POSITIVE HISTOGRAM VALUES //adx == ADX VALUES (0 to 100) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IS1EMA = input.bool(false,"Only 1 EMA", " USE EMA FAST LENGTH FOR INPUT", group = "EMA Settings") // IS2EMA = input.bool(false, "2 EMAs", "Only leave this box checked for 2 EMAs. USE EMA MIDDLE LENGTH AND FAST LENGTH", group = "EMA Settings") // IS3EMA = input.bool(true, "3 EMAs", "Only leave this box checked for 3 EMAs. USE EMA FAST LENGTH AND MIDDLE AND SLOW LENGTH", group = "EMA Settings") ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////ON OR OFF//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //EMA HowManyEMAsLong = IS1EMA ? close > ta.ema(close, EMAFAST) : IS2EMA ? ta.ema(close, EMAFAST) > ta.ema(close, EMAMIDDLE) : ta.ema(close, EMAFAST) > ta.ema(close, EMAMIDDLE) and ta.ema(close, EMAMIDDLE) > ta.ema(close, EMASLOW) HowManyEMAsShort = IS1EMA ? close < ta.ema(close, EMAFAST) : IS2EMA ? ta.ema(close, EMAFAST) < ta.ema(close, EMAMIDDLE) : ta.ema(close, EMAFAST) < ta.ema(close, EMAMIDDLE) and ta.ema(close, EMAMIDDLE) < ta.ema(close, EMASLOW) EMAENTRYLONG = EMAON ? HowManyEMAsLong : true EMAENTRYSHORT = EMAON ? HowManyEMAsShort : true //RSI RSILONG = rsi < RSILL RSISHORT = rsi > RSIUL RSIENTRYLONG = RSION ? RSILONG : true RSIENTRYSHORT = RSION ? RSISHORT : true //STOCHASTIC STOCHLONG = byValueOrByCrossover ? (k > d) : (k < kValueComparisonLONG) STOCHSHORT = byValueOrByCrossover ? (k < d) : (k > kValueComparisonSHORT) STOCHENTRYLONG = STOCHON ? STOCHLONG : true STOCHENTRYSHORT = STOCHON ? STOCHSHORT : true //MACD HISTLONG = negavgadd ? hist < (neg_hist_avg - negnumber) : hist < negnumber HISTSHORT = posavgadd ? hist > (pos_hist_avg + posnumber) : hist > posnumber HISTENTRYLONG = MACDON ? HISTLONG : true HISTENTRYSHORT = MACDON ? HISTSHORT : true //ADX ADXLONG = sig > ADXSIGNALSTRENGTH ADXSHORT = sig > ADXSIGNALSTRENGTH ADXLONGENTRY = ADXON ? ADXLONG : true ADXSHORTENTRY = ADXON ? ADXSHORT : true ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////ONE TRADE AT A TIME//////////////////////////////////////////// STRATEGYISCLOSED = strategy.opentrades == 0 ? true : false ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////HOW MANY TRADES IN A ROW//////////////////////////////////// getLastPosSign1() => strategy.closedtrades > 0 ? math.sign(strategy.closedtrades.size(strategy.closedtrades-1)) : na lastPos1Back = getLastPosSign1() LastStrategy1BackWasLong = nz(lastPos1Back) >= 0 LastStrategy1BackWasShort = nz(lastPos1Back) <= 0 oneTradeInOneDirectionLong = LastStrategy1BackWasShort ? true : false oneTradeInOneDirectionShort = LastStrategy1BackWasLong ? true : false getLastPosSign2() => strategy.closedtrades > 0 ? math.sign(strategy.closedtrades.size(strategy.closedtrades-2)) : na lastPos2Back = getLastPosSign2() LastStrategy2BackWasLong = nz(lastPos2Back) >= 0 LastStrategy2BackWasShort = nz(lastPos2Back) <= 0 twoTradesInOneDirectionLong = LastStrategy2BackWasShort or oneTradeInOneDirectionLong ? true : false twoTradesInOneDirectionShort = LastStrategy2BackWasLong or oneTradeInOneDirectionShort ? true : false getLastPosSign3() => strategy.closedtrades > 0 ? math.sign(strategy.closedtrades.size(strategy.closedtrades-3)) : na lastPos3Back = getLastPosSign3() LastStrategy3BackWasLong = nz(lastPos3Back) >= 0 LastStrategy3BackWasShort = nz(lastPos3Back) <= 0 threeTradesInOneDirectionLong = LastStrategy3BackWasShort or twoTradesInOneDirectionLong ? true : false threeTradesInOneDirectionShort = LastStrategy3BackWasLong or twoTradesInOneDirectionShort ? true : false getLastPosSign4() => strategy.closedtrades > 0 ? math.sign(strategy.closedtrades.size(strategy.closedtrades-4)) : na lastPos4Back = getLastPosSign4() LastStrategy4BackWasLong = nz(lastPos4Back) >= 0 LastStrategy4BackWasShort = nz(lastPos4Back) <= 0 fourTradesInOneDirectionLong = LastStrategy4BackWasShort or threeTradesInOneDirectionLong ? true : false fourTradesInOneDirectionShort = LastStrategy4BackWasLong or threeTradesInOneDirectionShort ? true : false getLastPosSign5() => strategy.closedtrades > 0 ? math.sign(strategy.closedtrades.size(strategy.closedtrades-5)) : na lastPos5Back = getLastPosSign5() LastStrategy5BackWasLong = nz(lastPos5Back) >= 0 LastStrategy5BackWasShort = nz(lastPos5Back) <= 0 fiveTradesInOneDirectionLong = LastStrategy5BackWasShort or fourTradesInOneDirectionLong ? true : false fiveTradesInOneDirectionShort = LastStrategy5BackWasLong or fourTradesInOneDirectionShort ? true : false getLastPosSign6() => strategy.closedtrades > 0 ? math.sign(strategy.closedtrades.size(strategy.closedtrades-6)) : na lastPos6Back = getLastPosSign6() LastStrategy6BackWasLong = nz(lastPos6Back) >= 0 LastStrategy6BackWasShort = nz(lastPos6Back) <= 0 sixTradesInOneDirectionLong = LastStrategy6BackWasShort or fiveTradesInOneDirectionLong ? true : false sixTradesInOneDirectionShort = LastStrategy6BackWasLong or fiveTradesInOneDirectionShort ? true : false getLastPosSign7() => strategy.closedtrades > 0 ? math.sign(strategy.closedtrades.size(strategy.closedtrades-7)) : na lastPos7Back = getLastPosSign7() LastStrategy7BackWasLong = nz(lastPos7Back) >= 0 LastStrategy7BackWasShort = nz(lastPos7Back) <= 0 sevenTradesInOneDirectionLong = LastStrategy7BackWasShort or sixTradesInOneDirectionLong ? true : false sevenTradesInOneDirectionShort = LastStrategy7BackWasLong or sixTradesInOneDirectionShort ? true : false getLastPosSign8() => strategy.closedtrades > 0 ? math.sign(strategy.closedtrades.size(strategy.closedtrades-8)) : na lastPos8Back = getLastPosSign8() LastStrategy8BackWasLong = nz(lastPos8Back) >= 0 LastStrategy8BackWasShort = nz(lastPos8Back) <= 0 eightTradesInOneDirectionLong = LastStrategy8BackWasShort or sevenTradesInOneDirectionLong ? true : false eightTradesInOneDirectionShort = LastStrategy8BackWasLong or sevenTradesInOneDirectionShort ? true : false getLastPosSign9() => strategy.closedtrades > 0 ? math.sign(strategy.closedtrades.size(strategy.closedtrades-9)) : na lastPos9Back = getLastPosSign9() LastStrategy9BackWasLong = nz(lastPos9Back) >= 0 LastStrategy9BackWasShort = nz(lastPos9Back) <= 0 nineTradesInOneDirectionLong = LastStrategy9BackWasShort or eightTradesInOneDirectionLong ? true : false nineTradesInOneDirectionShort = LastStrategy9BackWasLong or eightTradesInOneDirectionShort ? true : false getLastPosSign10() => strategy.closedtrades > 0 ? math.sign(strategy.closedtrades.size(strategy.closedtrades-10)) : na lastPos10Back = getLastPosSign10() LastStrategy10BackWasLong = nz(lastPos10Back) >= 0 LastStrategy10BackWasShort = nz(lastPos10Back) <= 0 tenTradesInOneDirectionLong = LastStrategy10BackWasShort or nineTradesInOneDirectionLong ? true : false tenTradesInOneDirectionShort = LastStrategy10BackWasLong or nineTradesInOneDirectionShort ? true : false LongEntryArray = array.new<bool>() array.push(LongEntryArray, oneTradeInOneDirectionLong) array.push(LongEntryArray, twoTradesInOneDirectionLong) array.push(LongEntryArray, threeTradesInOneDirectionLong) array.push(LongEntryArray, fourTradesInOneDirectionLong) array.push(LongEntryArray, fiveTradesInOneDirectionLong) array.push(LongEntryArray, sixTradesInOneDirectionLong) array.push(LongEntryArray, sevenTradesInOneDirectionLong) array.push(LongEntryArray, eightTradesInOneDirectionLong) array.push(LongEntryArray, nineTradesInOneDirectionLong) array.push(LongEntryArray, tenTradesInOneDirectionLong) ShortEntryArray = array.new<bool>() array.push(ShortEntryArray, oneTradeInOneDirectionShort) array.push(ShortEntryArray, twoTradesInOneDirectionShort) array.push(ShortEntryArray, threeTradesInOneDirectionShort) array.push(ShortEntryArray, fourTradesInOneDirectionShort) array.push(ShortEntryArray, fiveTradesInOneDirectionShort) array.push(ShortEntryArray, sixTradesInOneDirectionShort) array.push(ShortEntryArray, sevenTradesInOneDirectionShort) array.push(ShortEntryArray, eightTradesInOneDirectionShort) array.push(ShortEntryArray, nineTradesInOneDirectionShort) array.push(ShortEntryArray, tenTradesInOneDirectionShort) HowManyTradesInOneDirectionInput = input.int(3,"How Many Trades Allowed In One Direction?",options = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], group = "Strategy Settings") TRADESINAROWLONG = array.get(LongEntryArray, HowManyTradesInOneDirectionInput -1) TRADESINAROWSHORT = array.get(ShortEntryArray, HowManyTradesInOneDirectionInput -1) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////OPEN LONG/////////////////////////////////////////////////// if EMAENTRYLONG if RSIENTRYLONG if STOCHENTRYLONG if HISTENTRYLONG if ADXLONGENTRY if TRADESINAROWLONG if STRATEGYISCLOSED if testPeriod() strategy.entry("LONG", strategy.long, comment= "ENTER LONG DEAL COMMAND HERE") /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////OPEN SHORT////////////////////////////////////////////////// if EMAENTRYSHORT if RSIENTRYSHORT if STOCHENTRYSHORT if HISTENTRYSHORT if ADXSHORTENTRY if TRADESINAROWSHORT if STRATEGYISCLOSED if testPeriod() strategy.entry("SHORT", strategy.short, comment= "ENTER SHORT DEAL COMMAND HERE") // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////CLOSE LONG//////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (strategy.position_size > 0) strategy.exit("LONG",stop=StopLossLongPrice, limit=TakeProfitLongPrice, comment_profit = "CLOSE LONG DEAL COMMAND HERE", comment_loss = "CLOSE LONG DEAL COMMAND HERE") //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////CLOSE SHORT/////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (strategy.position_size < 0) strategy.exit("SHORT",stop=StopLossShortPrice, limit =TakeProfitShortPrice, comment_profit = "CLOSE SHORT DEAL COMMAND HERE", comment_loss = "CLOSE SHORT DEAL COMMAND HERE") //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////