Pattern Recognition Pinbar Trading Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-09-18 14:14:51


This strategy implements price pattern trading by identifying candlestick patterns. It looks for the nearest pinbar pattern and goes long or short based on the signal. Traders can set take profit and stop loss multiples. A trailing stop locks in more profit as the trend develops.

Strategy Logic

Identify if the current candle meets pinbar requirements - body in lower half, close and open near low. Long signal is the opposite - body in upper half, close/open near high. Find the last signal candle and calculate its body height. Set take profit to N times the height, and stop loss to M times the height (M < N).

After entry, begin trailing the stop. Keep moving take profit towards profit while maintaining stop loss, until either is hit.

Advantage Analysis

  • Price patterns identify low frequency signals, avoiding overtrading
  • Customizable profit/loss multiples balance risk and reward
  • Trailing stop locks in more profits
  • Filters false breakouts avoiding traps

Risk Analysis

  • Pattern recognition accuracy is never 100%
  • Small stop loss risks being stopped out by noise
  • Take profit needs timely adjusting when trailing

Risks can be reduced via parameter optimization, adding indicators etc.

Optimization Directions

  • Test different take profit and stop loss settings
  • Add indicators to filter false signals
  • Optimize pattern recognition logic
  • Test robustness across products


This strategy identifies opportunities through pattern recognition with good backtest results. Reasonable stops control trade risk. Further refinements like parameter optimization can make it a simple and practical system.

start: 2023-09-10 00:00:00
end: 2023-09-17 00:00:00
period: 5m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// Pinbar strategy script by samgozman (
// Detailed instruction how to use this script:
// If you liked the script and want to support me:
// ++++++++++ Warning: The script is provided for educational purposes only. ++++++++++ //

strategy('Pinbar strategy', default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, initial_capital=10000)

profitMultiplier = input.float(2.0, "Profit multiplier", minval=0.1, step=0.1, group="Profit options", tooltip="X times signal candle size from high")
lossMultiplier =  input.float(1.0, "Loss multiplier", minval=0.1, step=0.1, group="Profit options", tooltip="X times signal candle size from low")

isTrailingStop = input.bool(true, "Use trailing stops?", group="Trading options", tooltip="Highly recommended!")
isCloseOnOppositSignal = input.bool(false, "Close trade if opposit signal occures?", group="Trading options", tooltip="Close long on short signal")
isLongEligible = input.bool(true, "Enter long trades?", group="Trading options")
isShortEligible = input.bool(true, "Enter short trades?", group="Trading options")

useDateFilter = input.bool(true, title="Begin Backtest at Start Date", group="Backtest Time Period")
backtestStartDate = input(timestamp("1 Jan 2021"), title="Start Date", group="Backtest Time Period")

// Predefined time trading zone for back testing
inTradeWindow = true


// calculate candle size for N bars back. Use 0 for current
calcCandle(int periods) =>
    math.abs(high[periods] - low[periods])

// if body is below 50% and close/open below 30%
isBearishPinbar(float candle) =>
    lower30 = low + candle * 0.30
    bottomHalf1 = close < hl2
    bottomHalf2 = open < hl2
    lowerRegion1 = close < lower30
    lowerRegion2 = open < lower30
    con1 = bottomHalf1 and bottomHalf2
    con2 = lowerRegion1 and lowerRegion2
    con3 = high > high[1]
    con1 and con2 and con3

// if body is above 50% and close/open above 30%  
isBullishPinbar(float candle) =>
    upper30 = high - candle * 0.30
    topHalf1 = close > hl2
    topHalf2 = open > hl2
    upperRegion1 = close > upper30
    upperRegion2 = open > upper30
    con1 = topHalf1 and topHalf2
    con2 = upperRegion1 and upperRegion2
    con3 = low < low[1]
    con1 and con2 and con3
barsSinceLastEntry() =>
    strategy.opentrades > 0 ? bar_index - strategy.opentrades.entry_bar_index(strategy.opentrades - 1) : na

// Calculate trading signals
currentCandle = calcCandle(0)
longSignal = isBullishPinbar(currentCandle) and inTradeWindow
shortSignal = isBearishPinbar(currentCandle) and inTradeWindow

if longSignal and isLongEligible
    strategy.entry("buy", strategy.long, when = strategy.position_size == 0)

if shortSignal and isShortEligible 
    strategy.entry("sell", strategy.short, when = strategy.position_size == 0)

barsSinceEntry = barsSinceLastEntry()
candleFromEntry = calcCandle(barsSinceEntry)
// long
long_take_limit = strategy.position_avg_price + (candleFromEntry*profitMultiplier)
long_target_percent_profit = long_take_limit / strategy.position_avg_price - 1
long_target_percent_loss = (long_target_percent_profit / profitMultiplier) * lossMultiplier
long_stop_limit = low[barsSinceEntry] * (1 - long_target_percent_loss)
short_take_limit = strategy.position_avg_price - (candleFromEntry*profitMultiplier)
short_target_percent_profit = strategy.position_avg_price / short_take_limit - 1
short_target_percent_loss = (short_target_percent_profit / profitMultiplier) * lossMultiplier
short_stop_limit = high[barsSinceEntry] * (1 + short_target_percent_loss)

if strategy.position_size > 0 or strategy.position_size < 0
    if isTrailingStop
        strategy.exit(id="exit", from_entry="buy", trail_price = long_take_limit, stop=long_stop_limit)
        strategy.exit(id="exit", from_entry="sell", trail_price = short_take_limit, stop=short_stop_limit)
        strategy.exit(id="exit", from_entry="buy", limit = long_take_limit, stop=long_stop_limit)
        strategy.exit(id="exit", from_entry="sell", limit = short_take_limit, stop=short_stop_limit)
    if isCloseOnOppositSignal
        strategy.close("buy", when = shortSignal)
        strategy.close("sell", when = longSignal)

plotshape(longSignal, style=shape.arrowup,, 0), size=size.large, location=location.belowbar)
plotshape(shortSignal, style=shape.arrowdown,, 0), size=size.large, location=location.abovebar)
