
Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-10-09 15:10:39





  1. 计算一条基准均线,周期参数为len1,代表较长周期趋势的均线。

  2. 计算一条信号均线,周期参数为len2,代表较短周期趋势的均线,len2

  3. 当短均线从上方向下跌穿长均线时,做空交易,表明趋势反转,股价可能向下。

  4. 当短均线从下方向上突破长均线时,做多交易,表明趋势反转,股价可能向上。

  5. 当价格重新回到长均线附近时,平仓套现。

  6. 这样,通过移动平均线的交叉来捕捉中长线趋势的转折点,进行趋势交易。


  1. 利用均线交叉系统,可以有效捕捉中间周期的趋势反转。

  2. 交易信号简单明确,容易掌握。

  3. 可自定义周期参数,适应不同品种和交易者。

  4. 可设置止损止盈,控制每单风险。

  5. 无需预测股价具体数值,只关心趋势方向。


  1. 在震荡行情中,均线交叉频繁,会产生较多虚假信号。

  2. 无法获利于短期价格波动,仅适合中长线趋势交易。

  3. 均线系统滞后于价格变化,无法及时捕捉趋势转折。

  4. 交易频率可能不高,无法盈利充足。

  5. 需适时调整参数,以针对市场调整交易频率。


  1. 结合其他技术指标如MACD、KD等进行确认,过滤虚假信号。

  2. 加入趋势过滤器,只在趋势明确时才发出信号。

  3. 多时间框架交易,不同周期均线同时作用,组合出更多交易机会。

  4. 动态优化参数,让周期参数跟随市场变化。

  5. 加入机器学习模型,辅助判断趋势反转。



start: 2022-10-02 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-08 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//Created by 100kiwi
strategy(title = "TrapTrading", overlay = true)

// Backtesting Period Selector | Component by pbergden
testStartYear = input(2015, "Backtest Start Year")
testStartMonth = input(1, "Backtest Start Month")
testStartDay = input(1, "Backtest Start Day")
testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,0,0)

testStopYear = input(2018, "Backtest Stop Year")
testStopMonth = input(12, "Backtest Stop Month")
testStopDay = input(31, "Backtest Stop Day")
testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear,testStopMonth,testStopDay,0,0)

// A switch to control background coloring of the test period
testPeriodBackground = input(title="Color Background?", type=bool, defval=true)
testPeriodBackgroundColor = testPeriodBackground and (time >= testPeriodStart) and (time <= testPeriodStop) ? #00FF00 : na
bgcolor(testPeriodBackgroundColor, transp=97)

testPeriod() => true

// input
buySide = input(defval = true, title = "Trade Direction (ON: Buy Side OFF: Sell Side)", type = bool)
counterTrend  = input(defval = true, title = "Trade Mode (ON: Counter Trend OFF: Trend Following)", type = bool)
len1 = input(defval = 14, title = "Period")
multiple = input(defval = 1.4, title = "Multiple")

m1 = close - close[len1]
controlPoint = counterTrend ? lowest(abs(m1), len1) == abs(m1) : highest(abs(m1), len1) == abs(m1)
baseLine = valuewhen(controlPoint, avg(close, close[len1]), 0)

// trap line
atr = atr(len1)
line1Up = baseLine + (atr * multiple)
line2Up = baseLine + (atr * 2 * multiple)
line3Up = baseLine + (atr * 3 * multiple)
line4Up = baseLine + (atr * 4 * multiple)
line5Up = baseLine + (atr * 5 * multiple)
line6Up = baseLine + (atr * 6 * multiple)
line7Up = baseLine + (atr * 7 * multiple)
line8Up = baseLine + (atr * 8 * multiple)
line9Up = baseLine + (atr * 9 * multiple)
line10Up = baseLine + (atr * 10 * multiple)
line1Down = baseLine - (atr * multiple)
line2Down = baseLine - (atr * 2 * multiple)
line3Down = baseLine - (atr * 3 * multiple)
line4Down = baseLine - (atr * 4 * multiple)
line5Down = baseLine - (atr * 5 * multiple)
line6Down = baseLine - (atr * 6 * multiple)
line7Down = baseLine - (atr * 7 * multiple)
line8Down = baseLine - (atr * 8 * multiple)
line9Down = baseLine - (atr * 9 * multiple)
line10Down = baseLine - (atr * 9 * multiple)

// draw
color = close >= baseLine ? teal : red
barcolor(controlPoint ? yellow : na, title = "Candle Color")

plot(baseLine, title = "Base Line", color = white, linewidth = 4, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line1Up, title = "1Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line2Up, title = "2Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line3Up, title = "3Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line4Up, title = "4Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line5Up, title = "5Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line6Up, title = "6Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line7Up, title = "7Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line8Up, title = "8Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line9Up, title = "9Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line10Up, title = "10Up Line", color = green, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line1Down, title = "1Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line2Down, title = "2Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line3Down, title = "2Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line4Down, title = "4Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line5Down, title = "5Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line6Down, title = "6Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line7Down, title = "7Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line8Down, title = "8Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line9Down, title = "9Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)
plot(line10Down, title = "10Down Line", color = red, linewidth = 1, style = stepline, transp = 0)

// strategy code
if testPeriod() and buySide
    strategy.exit("Exit Long0", from_entry = "Long0", qty = 1, limit = line2Up)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long1", from_entry = "Long1", qty = 1, limit = line1Up)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long2", from_entry = "Long2", qty = 1, limit = baseLine)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long3", from_entry = "Long3", qty = 1, limit = line1Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long4", from_entry = "Long4", qty = 1, limit = line2Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long5", from_entry = "Long5", qty = 1, limit = line3Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long6", from_entry = "Long6", qty = 1, limit = line4Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long7", from_entry = "Long7", qty = 1, limit = line5Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long8", from_entry = "Long8", qty = 1, limit = line6Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long9", from_entry = "Long9", qty = 1, limit = line7Down)
    strategy.exit("Exit Long10", from_entry = "Long10", qty = 1, limit = line8Down)
    strategy.order("Long0", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = baseLine, when = strategy.position_size <= 0)
    strategy.order("Long1", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line1Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 1)
    strategy.order("Long2", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line2Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 2)
    strategy.order("Long3", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line3Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 3)
    strategy.order("Long4", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line4Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 4)
    strategy.order("Long5", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line5Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 5)
    strategy.order("Long6", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line6Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 6)
    strategy.order("Long7", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line7Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 7)
    strategy.order("Long8", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line8Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 8)
    strategy.order("Long9", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line9Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 9)
    strategy.order("Long10", strategy.long, qty = 1, limit = line10Down, when = strategy.position_size <= 10)
    if testPeriod() and not buySide
        strategy.exit("Exit Short0", from_entry = "Short0", qty = 1, limit = line2Down)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short1", from_entry = "Short1", qty = 1, limit = line1Down)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short2", from_entry = "Short2", qty = 1, limit = baseLine)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short3", from_entry = "Short3", qty = 1, limit = line1Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short4", from_entry = "Short4", qty = 1, limit = line2Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short5", from_entry = "Short5", qty = 1, limit = line3Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short6", from_entry = "Short6", qty = 1, limit = line4Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short7", from_entry = "Short7", qty = 1, limit = line5Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short8", from_entry = "Short8", qty = 1, limit = line6Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short9", from_entry = "Short9", qty = 1, limit = line7Up)
        strategy.exit("Exit Short10", from_entry = "Short10", qty = 1, limit = line8Up)
        strategy.order("Short0", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = baseLine, when = strategy.position_size >= 0)
        strategy.order("Short1", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line1Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -1)
        strategy.order("Short2", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line2Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -2)
        strategy.order("Short3", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line3Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -3)
        strategy.order("Short4", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line4Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -4)
        strategy.order("Short5", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line5Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -5)
        strategy.order("Short6", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line6Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -6)
        strategy.order("Short7", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line7Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -7)
        strategy.order("Short8", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line8Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -8)
        strategy.order("Short9", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line9Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -9)
        strategy.order("Short10", strategy.short, qty = 1, limit = line10Up, when = strategy.position_size >= -10)
