
创建日期: 2023-10-10 14:51:13 最后修改: 2023-10-10 14:51:13
复制: 0 点击次数: 627




  1. 计算VFI指标:根据股价的对数变化和交易量计算VFI值,通过平滑处理消除震荡。

  2. 判断趋势方向:VFI指标上穿0轴为看涨信号,下穿0轴为看跌信号。

  3. 交易信号:快速EMA上穿慢速EMA,且VFI上穿买入线时做多;VFI下穿卖出线时平仓。

  4. 止损方式:设定固定止损比例。

该策略主要依靠VFI指标判断趋势方向,与均线系统配合发出交易信号。VFI指标通过股价波动和交易量变化反映市场情绪,是一种趋势跟踪指标。与单一价格指标相比,VFI指标 judgments更全面,能更好地识别趋势转折点,过滤震荡。


  1. VFI指标判断趋势优于单一价格指标,能有效过滤震荡市和假突破。

  2. 均线系统辅助判断,避免VFI指标在震荡市中发出错误信号。

  3. 设定固定止损点控制风险,有利于风险管理。

  4. 采用趋势跟踪模式,无需猜测市场转折点,跟踪趋势即可获得超额收益。

  5. 参数设置灵活,可根据市场调整参数,适应不同周期和品种。


  1. 大幅震荡市场中,VFI指标可能发出错误信号。

  2. 固定止损点可能过大或过小,导致止损过早或止损过晚。

  3. 若买入卖出参数设定不当,可能导致交易频繁或漏单。

  4. 趋势跟踪策略无法抓住反转,需要及时止损。

  5. 参数不当可能导致进场过早或过晚。


  1. 调整VFI参数,优化指标计算。

  2. 调整均线周期,优化发信号时机。

  3. 动态调整止损点,优化止损方式。

  4. 结合其他指标滤波,提高信号质量。

  5. 针对大周期和小周期分别优化参数组合。

  6. 测试不同品种参数健壮性,提高参数适应性。



start: 2023-10-02 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-06 21:00:00
period: 3m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © mohanee
//This strategy is based on VFI indicator published by  UTS.  
//more details of VFI indicator can be found at  [url=http://mkatsanos.com/VFI.html]http://mkatsanos.com/VFI.html[/url] 
// I have added buy line and sell line to the indicator  and tested  SPY stock/index on one hour chart

strategy(title="VFI  strategy [based on VFI indicator published by  UTS]", overlay=false,pyramiding=2, default_qty_type=strategy.fixed,    initial_capital=10000, currency=currency.USD)

// Const
kMaColor = color.aqua
kNeutralColor = color.gray
kBearColor = color.red
kBullColor = color.green

kAlma = "ALMA"
kEma = "EMA"
kSma = "SMA"
kWma = "WMA"

// Input

vfi_length = input(8, title="Length", minval=1)  //default 130
vfi_coef = input(0.2, title="Coef", minval=0.1)
vfi_volCutoff = input(2.5, title="Volume Cutoff", minval=0.1)
vfi_smoothLen = input(3, title="Smoothing Period", minval=1)
vfi_smoothType = input(kEma, title="Smoothing Type", options=[kAlma, kEma, kSma, kWma])

//These are adde by me for the strategy purpose  BEGIN
vfi_buyLine = input(-4, title="Buy Line", minval=-10)
vfi_sellLine = input(5, title="Sell Line", minval=-10)
stopLoss = input(title="Stop Loss%", defval=5, minval=1)
//These are adde by me for the strategy purpose  END

vfi_longEMA = input(200, title="Long EMA", minval=1)
vfi_shortEMA1 = input(50, title="short EMA1", minval=1)
vfi_shortEMA2 = input(9, title="short EM2A", minval=1)

vfi_showTrend = input(false, title="Visualize Trend")
vfi_showFill = input(true, title="Apply Filling")
vfi_showMa = input(true, title="Show Moving Average")
vfi_maType = input(kSma, title="Moving Average Type", options=[kAlma, kEma, kSma, kWma])
vfi_maLength = input(30, title="Moving Average Length", minval=1)
vfi_almaOffset = input(0.85, title="• ALMA - Offset (global setting)", minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, step=0.05) // more smoothness (closer to 1) vs. more responsiveness (closer to 0)
vfi_almaSigma = input(6.0, title="• ALMA - Sigma (global setting)", minval=0.0, step=0.05) // the larger sigma the smoother ALMA

// Functionality

isRising(sig) =>
    sig > sig[1]
isFlat(sig) =>
    sig == sig[1]

vfi_trendColor(sig) =>
    isFlat(sig) ? kNeutralColor : isRising(sig) ? kBullColor : kBearColor
vfi_color(sig) =>
    isFlat(sig) ? kNeutralColor : sig > 0 ? kBullColor : kBearColor
osc_color(sig) =>
    sig == 0 ? kNeutralColor : sig > 0 ? kBullColor : kBearColor

smooth(t, sig, len) =>
    ma = float(sig)         // None
    if t == kSma            // Simple
        ma := sma(sig, len)
    if t == kEma            // Exponential
        ma := ema(sig, len)
    if t == kWma            // Weighted
        ma := wma(sig, len)
    if t == kAlma           // Arnaud Legoux
        ma := alma(sig, len, vfi_almaOffset, vfi_almaSigma)

calc_vfi(fviPeriod, smoothType, smoothLen, coef, vCoef) =>
    avg = nz(hlc3)
    inter = log(avg) - log(avg[1])
    vInter = stdev(inter, 30)
    cutOff = coef * vInter * close
    vAve = smooth(kSma, volume[1], fviPeriod)
    vMax = vAve * vCoef
    vC = min(volume, vMax)
    mf = avg - avg[1]
    vCp = iff(mf > cutOff, vC, iff(mf < -cutOff, -vC, 0))
    sVfi = sum(vCp, fviPeriod) / vAve
    vfi = smooth(smoothType, sVfi, smoothLen)
value_vfi = calc_vfi(vfi_length, vfi_smoothType, vfi_smoothLen, vfi_coef, vfi_volCutoff)
value_ma = smooth(vfi_maType, value_vfi, vfi_maLength)

longEMAval= ema(close, vfi_longEMA)
shortEMAval1= ema(close, vfi_shortEMA1)
shortEMAval2= ema(close, vfi_shortEMA2)

color_vfi = vfi_showTrend ? vfi_trendColor(value_vfi) : vfi_color(value_vfi)
color_osc = vfi_showFill ? osc_color(value_vfi) : na
color_ma = vfi_showMa ? kMaColor : na

// Drawings

plot_vfi = plot(value_vfi, title="VFI", color=color_vfi, linewidth=1)
plot_fill = plot(0, color=color_vfi, editable=false)
fill(plot_vfi, plot_fill, title="Oscillator Fill", color=color_osc, transp=75) 
hline(vfi_buyLine, color=color.green, title="Buy Line", linewidth=2, linestyle=hline.style_dashed)
hline(vfi_sellLine, color=color.purple, title="Sell Line", linewidth=2, linestyle=hline.style_dashed)
plot(value_ma, title="MA", color=color_ma, linewidth=2)

strategy.entry(id="VFI LE", long=true,  when=crossover(value_vfi,vfi_buyLine)  and ( shortEMAval1 >= longEMAval  ))

//strategy.close(id="VFI LE", comment="Exit",   when=crossunder(value_vfi,vfi_sellLine))
strategy.close(id="VFI LE", comment="TP Exit",   when=crossunder(value_vfi,vfi_sellLine) and close>strategy.position_avg_price)
//strategy.close(id="VFI LE", comment="Exit",   when=  (shortEMAval1 > shortEMAval2 )  and crossunder(close, shortEMAval2))

stopLossVal =   strategy.position_avg_price -  (strategy.position_avg_price*stopLoss*0.01) 
strategy.close(id="VFI LE", comment="SL Exit",   when=crossunder(value_vfi,vfi_sellLine) and close < stopLossVal)
