
Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-10-13 15:40:49






  1. 输入参数:快速均线周期maLen1,慢速均线周期maLen2,均线类型maTypeChoice

  2. 根据输入参数计算快速均线maValue1和慢速均线maValue2

  3. 比较两条均线大小关系,定义买入和卖出条件:

    • 买入条件:maValue1上穿maValue2

    • 卖出条件:maValue1下穿maValue2

  4. 在买入和卖出条件成立时,进行相应的交易操作

  5. 可视化显示均线,并用不同颜色区分均线大小关系

  6. 发送买入和卖出信号提示


  • 使用双均线交叉原理,避免被单一均线震荡误导

  • 均线参数可调,可适应不同周期操作

  • 交易逻辑简单直接,容易理解实现

  • 可自定义买入卖出信号提示,实时掌握交易时机

  • 可视化显示均线走势,形成直观交易指标

  • 可通过参数优化找到最佳参数组合

  • 可用于回测寻找最优参数,也可用于实盘交易


  • 均线交叉容易产生错误信号,应结合趋势和形态进行判断

  • 双均线震荡时,容易频繁开仓造成交易费用损失

  • 参数不当可导致过于频繁或不频繁交易

  • 突发事件可能导致剧烈行情,无法止损

  • 大周期突破时,短周期指标可能失效

  • 需要频繁监控,无法全自动实现


  • 结合趋势指标,避免震荡劈头交易

  • 结合形态指标,确认信号有效性

  • 优化参数,使交易频率达到合理水平

  • 设置止损止盈点,控制单笔损失

  • 多时间段验证参数稳定性

  • 采用时间或信号过滤,避免假突破


  • 测试不同均线参数,寻找最优参数

  • 测试不同均线类型,选择产生信号最准确的均线

  • 结合趋势指标,避免不顺趋势交易

  • 结合波动指标,判断合适出场时机

  • 加入时间或信号过滤,减少错误信号

  • 设置滑点控制,优化实盘交易效果

  • 多品种多周期验证稳定性

  • 加入自动止损止盈策略

  • 探索机器学习等技术提升回测效果



start: 2023-10-05 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-05 22:00:00
period: 15m
basePeriod: 5m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// © sehweijun
//study( title="Arch1tect's New Toy", shorttitle="Arch1tect's New Toy", overlay=true, resolution="")
// strategy( title="Arch1tect's New Toy (Strategy Tester Version)", shorttitle="Arch1tect's New Toy (Strategy Tester Version)", overlay=true, initial_capital = 100000, commission_value=0.07, commission_type=strategy.commission.cash_per_contract)

maTypeChoice = input( "EMA", title="MA Type", options=["EMA", "WMA", "SMA"] )
maSrc = input( close, title="MA Source" )
maLen1 = input( 15, minval=1, title="MA Length" )
maLen2 = input( 95, minval=1, title="MA Length" )

maValue1 = if ( maTypeChoice == "EMA" )
    ema( maSrc, maLen1 )
else if ( maTypeChoice == "WMA" )
    wma( maSrc, maLen1 )
else if ( maTypeChoice == "SMA" )
    sma( maSrc, maLen1 )
maValue2 = if ( maTypeChoice == "EMA" )
    ema( maSrc, maLen2 )
else if ( maTypeChoice == "WMA" )
    wma( maSrc, maLen2 )
else if ( maTypeChoice == "SMA" )
    sma( maSrc, maLen2 )

buySignal = crossover( maValue1, maValue2 )
sellSignal = crossunder( maValue1, maValue2 )

mainMAColour = ( maValue1 > maValue2 ) ? color.green : color.red 

plot( maValue1, title="Arch1tect's New Toy", color=mainMAColour, offset=0, linewidth=4 )
//plot( maValue2, title="Arch1tect's Filter", color=color.black, offset=0, linewidth=2 )

var color buyCandleColour = #00ff0a
var color sellCandleColour = #ff1100

barcolor( buySignal ? buyCandleColour : sellSignal ? sellCandleColour : na, title="Signal Bar Colour" )
bgcolor( color=buySignal ? buyCandleColour : sellSignal ? sellCandleColour : na, transp=85, title="Signal Background Colour")

alertcondition( buySignal or sellSignal, title="Signal change!", message="Signal change!")
alertcondition( buySignal, title="Buy signal!", message="Buy signal!")
alertcondition( sellSignal, title="Sell signal!", message="Sell signal!")

// Strategy Tester
stratTesterOn    = input( title="Strategy Tester [ON/OFF]", group="Strategy Tester", type=input.bool, defval=true)
entryTime        = input( "2200-1200", title = "Daily trading time session (in Exchange GMT)", group="Strategy Tester", type = input.session )
startTime        = input( "2200-2201", title = "Start Time", group="Strategy Tester", type = input.session )
maxDailyLoss     = input( 2500, title = "Max daily loss", group="Strategy Tester", type = input.integer )
maxTotalDrawdown = input( 12000, title = "Max daily loss", group="Strategy Tester", type = input.integer )
contractSize     = input( 1, title = "Contract size", group="Strategy Tester", type = input.integer )

tradeOnStartSess = input( title="First trade on session start [ON/OFF]", group="Strategy Tester", type=input.bool, defval=true)

fixedTPSL        = input( title="Fixed TP/SL PIPS [ON/OFF]", group="Strategy Tester", type=input.bool, defval=false)
fixedTPValue     = input ( 10.00, minval=0.01, type=input.float, title="TP", group="Strategy Tester" )
fixedSLValue     = input ( 10.00, minval=0.01, type=input.float, title="SL", group="Strategy Tester" )

fromDay          = input(defval = 1,    title = "From Day", group="Date Range", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 31)
fromMonth        = input(defval = 1,    title = "From Month", group="Date Range", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 12)
fromYear         = input(defval = 2020, title = "From Year", group="Date Range", type = input.integer, minval = 1970)
thruDay          = input(defval = 1,    title = "Thru Day", group="Date Range", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 31)
thruMonth        = input(defval = 1,    title = "Thru Month", group="Date Range", type = input.integer, minval = 1, maxval = 12)
thruYear         = input(defval = 2112, title = "Thru Year", group="Date Range", type = input.integer, minval = 1970)

start     = timestamp(fromYear, fromMonth, fromDay, 00, 00)        // backtest start window
finish    = timestamp(thruYear, thruMonth, thruDay, 23, 59)        // backtest finish window
window()  => time >= start and time <= finish ? true : false       // create function "within window of time"

// strategy.risk.max_intraday_loss( maxDailyLoss, strategy.cash )
// strategy.risk.max_drawdown( maxTotalDrawdown, strategy.cash )

isTime(_position) =>
    range = time( timeframe.period, _position + ':1234567' )
bgcolor( color=isTime( entryTime ) and stratTesterOn and window() ? color.yellow : na, title="Daily trading time session (in Exchange GMT)", transp=75 )

if ( stratTesterOn and window() )
    if ( buySignal and isTime( entryTime ) )
        if ( not fixedTPSL )
            strategy.entry( "Buy", strategy.long, contractSize )
        if ( fixedTPSL and strategy.position_size == 0 )
            strategy.entry( "Buy", strategy.long, contractSize )
            strategy.exit( "TP/SL", "Buy", stop=close[0]-fixedSLValue, limit=close[0]+fixedTPValue )
    if ( sellSignal and isTime( entryTime ))
        if ( not fixedTPSL )
            strategy.entry( "Sell", strategy.short, contractSize )
        if ( fixedTPSL and strategy.position_size == 0  )
            strategy.entry( "Sell", strategy.short, contractSize )
            strategy.exit( "TP/SL", "Sell", stop=close[0]+fixedSLValue, limit=close[0]-fixedTPValue )
    if ( isTime( startTime ) and tradeOnStartSess and strategy.position_size == 0 )
        if ( maValue1 > maValue2 )
            strategy.entry( "Buy", strategy.long, contractSize )
            if ( fixedTPSL )
                strategy.exit( "TP/SL", "Buy", stop=close[0]-fixedSLValue, limit=close[0]+fixedTPValue )
            strategy.entry( "Sell", strategy.short, contractSize ) 
            if ( fixedTPSL )
                strategy.exit( "TP/SL", "Sell", stop=close[0]+fixedSLValue, limit=close[0]-fixedTPValue )
    strategy.close_all( when=not isTime( entryTime ) )

plot( strategy.equity )
