
Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-10-17 16:19:59





  1. 使用 Bollinger Bands 判断价格是否波动较小。具体实现是比较ATR和BOLL通道带宽。

  2. 计算过去N天的平均成交量,和当前Volume比较判断成交量是否增加。

  3. 当价格低位运行,成交量增加,波动较小时买入。

  4. 设置止损点,跟踪最低价更新。

  5. 当价格向下突破止损点时止损。

  6. 当价格形成多头吞噬模式时止盈。


  1. 结合成交量和波动性指标,可以有效过滤假突破。

  2. 采用趋势跟踪止损方法,可以最大限度锁定利润。

  3. 利用多头吞噬等形态判断作为止盈信号,可以在趋势反转前夕及时止盈。

  4. 策略较为直观简单,容易理解和跟踪。

  5. 止损和止盈规则比较明确,降低了闭市antisipate带来的不确定性。


  1. 成交量指标存在滞后,可能错过最佳入场点。

  2. 多头吞噬等形态判断作为止盈信号可能不足够可靠,存在过早止盈的风险。

  3. 止损点靠后的策略,存在单笔损失可能较大的风险。

  4. 需要合理参数调整,如ATR和成交量周期等,否则可能出现频繁交易。

  5. 需要关注和优化止盈止损规则,降低不必要平仓的可能。


  1. 尝试结合其他指标过滤入场信号,如MACD等。

  2. 优化ATR和成交量周期参数,降低频繁交易风险。

  3. 尝试其他止盈信号,如价格突破下轨等Exit机制。

  4. 研究通过动态调整止损位来锁定更多利润的可能性。

  5. 测试不同持仓时间对绩效的影响,寻找最优持仓周期。

  6. 回测不同品种合约效果,找到最佳适用品种。



start: 2022-10-10 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-16 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © DojiEmoji (kevinhhl)

strategy("[KL] Relative Volume Strategy",overlay=true,pyramiding=1)
ENUM_LONG = "Long"
opened_position = false

// Timeframe {
backtest_timeframe_start = input(defval = timestamp("01 Apr 2016 13:30 +0000"), title = "Backtest Start Time", type = input.time)
USE_ENDTIME = input(false,title="Define backtest end-time (If false, will test up to most recent candle)")
backtest_timeframe_end = input(defval = timestamp("01 May 2021 19:30 +0000"), title = "Backtest End Time (if checked above)", type = input.time)
within_timeframe = true
// }

// Volatility Indicators {
// BOLL:
BOLL_length = 20, BOLL_src = close, SMA20 = sma(BOLL_src, BOLL_length), BOLL_sDEV_x2 = 2 * stdev(BOLL_src, BOLL_length)
BOLL_upper = SMA20 + BOLL_sDEV_x2, BOLL_lower = SMA20 - BOLL_sDEV_x2
plot(SMA20, "Basis", color=#872323, offset = 0)
BOLL_p1 = plot(BOLL_upper, "BOLL Upper", color=color.navy, offset = 0, transp=50)
BOLL_p2 = plot(BOLL_lower, "BOLL Lower", color=color.navy, offset = 0, transp=50)
//fill(BOLL_p1, BOLL_p2, title = "Background", color=#198787, transp=85)
// ATR v. sDev of prices
ATR_x2 = atr(input(10,title="Length of ATR [Trailing Stop Loss] (x2)"))*2
//plot(SMA20+ATR_x2, "SMA20 + ATR_x2", color=color.gray, offset = 0, transp=50)
//plot(SMA20-ATR_x2, "SMA20 - ATR_x2", color=color.gray, offset = 0, transp=50)
//plotchar(ATR_x2, "ATR_x2", "", location = location.bottom)
is_low_volat = ATR_x2 > BOLL_sDEV_x2
// }

// Trailing stop loss {
TSL_source = low

var entry_price = float(0), var stop_loss_price = float(0)

TSL_line_color = color.green
if strategy.position_size == 0 or not within_timeframe
    TSL_line_color := color.black
    stop_loss_price := TSL_source - ATR_x2 
else if strategy.position_size > 0
    stop_loss_price := max(stop_loss_price, TSL_source - ATR_x2)
plot(stop_loss_price, color=TSL_line_color)

// }

// Relative volume indicator {
LEN_RELATIVE_VOL = input(5, title="SMA(volume) length (for relative comparison)")
relative_vol = sma(volume,LEN_RELATIVE_VOL)
// }

// price actions {
bar_range_ratio = abs(close-open)/(high-low)
engulfing = low < low[1] and high > high[1] and abs(close-open) > abs(close-open)[1]
// }

// MAIN:
if within_timeframe
	entry_msg = "", exit_msg = close <= entry_price ? "stop loss" : "take profit"

    // ENTRY :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
	if close > open and volume > relative_vol and is_low_volat
		if strategy.position_size > 0
			entry_msg := "adding"
		else if strategy.position_size == 0
			entry_msg := "initial"

		if strategy.position_size == 0
			entry_price := close
			stop_loss_price := TSL_source - ATR_x2
			ATR_x2 := ATR_x2

		strategy.entry(ENUM_LONG, strategy.long, comment=entry_msg)

    // EXIT ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
	if strategy.position_size > 0
		bExit = false		
		// EXIT: Case (A) touches trailing stop loss
		if TSL_source <= stop_loss_price
			exit_msg := exit_msg + "[TSL]"
			bExit := true
		// EXIT: Case (B)
		else if close < open and not is_low_volat and engulfing and (high-low) > ATR_x2
			exit_msg := VERBOSE_MODE ? exit_msg + "[engulfing bearish]" : exit_msg
			bExit := true
        strategy.close(ENUM_LONG, when=bExit, comment=exit_msg)

if strategy.position_size == 0
	entry_price := 0
	stop_loss_price := float(0)
