
创建日期: 2023-10-23 17:18:28 最后修改: 2023-10-23 17:18:28
复制: 0 点击次数: 395














可以测试不同交易品种的参数设置,优化移动平均线周期、ATR周期、ATR乘数等参数。可以考虑将止损改为ATR止损或 trailing stop,以适应市场波动。可以测试将止盈改为波动止盈,根据ATR值来设置目标利润。可以增加过滤条件,判断CCI信号出现时的趋势力度,避免在震荡市场中被套。可以增加量化的趋势力度判断指标,避免错误的趋势判断。



start: 2022-10-16 00:00:00
end: 2023-01-08 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © greenmask9

strategy("Oath", overlay=true)

// 21 EMA
emalength = input(21, title="Short EMA")
emashort = ema(close, emalength)

// 55 EMA
emalength2 = input(55, title="Long EMA")
ema = ema(close, emalength2)

//CCI calculation and inputs
lengthcci = input(20, minval=1, title="Overbought/sold detector period")
src = input(close, title="Overbought/sold detector source")
ma = sma(src, lengthcci)
ccivalue = (src - ma) / (0.015 * dev(src, lengthcci))

//CCI plotting
ccioverbought = input(defval=100, title="Overbought level 1")
ccioverbought2 = input(defval=140, title="Overbought level 2")
ccioverbought3 = input(defval=180, title="Overbought level 3")

ccioversold = input(defval=-100, title="Oversold level 1")
ccioversold2 = input(defval=-140, title="Oversold level 2")
ccioversold3 = input(defval=-180, title="Oversold level 3")

//cciOB = (ccivalue >= ccioverbought and ccivalue < ccioverbought2)
//cciOS = (ccivalue <= ccioversold and ccivalue > ccioversold2)

//cciOB2 = (ccivalue >= ccioverbought2 and ccivalue < ccioverbought3)
//cciOS2 = (ccivalue <= ccioversold and ccivalue > ccioversold3)

//cciOB3 = (ccivalue >= ccioverbought3)
//cciOS3 = (ccivalue <= ccioversold3)


length = input(title="ATR Period", type=input.integer, defval=55)
mult = input(title="ATR Multiplier", type=input.float, step=0.1, defval=5.0)
wicks = input(title="Take Wicks into Account ?", type=input.bool, defval=true)
illuminate = input(title="Illuminate Trend", type=input.bool, defval=false)

atr = mult * atr(length)

longStop = hl2 - atr
longStopPrev = nz(longStop[1], longStop)
longStop := (wicks ? low[1] : close[1]) > longStopPrev ? max(longStop, longStopPrev) : longStop

shortStop = hl2 + atr
shortStopPrev = nz(shortStop[1], shortStop)
shortStop := (wicks ? high[1] : close[1]) < shortStopPrev ? min(shortStop, shortStopPrev) : shortStop

dir = 1
dir := nz(dir[1], dir)
dir := dir == -1 and (wicks ? high : close) > shortStopPrev ? 1 : dir == 1 and (wicks ? low : close) < longStopPrev ? -1 : dir

uptrend = emashort>ema and dir == 1
upsignal = ccivalue<=ccioversold and ccivalue>ccioversold2
upsignal2 = ccivalue<=ccioversold2 and ccivalue>ccioversold3
upsignal3 = ccivalue<=ccioversold3
downtrend = emashort<ema and dir == -1
downsignal = ccivalue>=ccioverbought and ccivalue<ccioverbought2
downsignal2 = ccivalue>=ccioverbought2 and ccivalue<ccioverbought3
downsignal3 = ccivalue>=ccioverbought3

//adapts to the current bar, I need to save the bars number when the condition for buy was true, static number is spread
spread = input (0.00020, title="Spread")
upstoploss = longStop - spread
downstoploss = shortStop + spread
strategy.initial_capital = 50000
testlong = input(title="Test longs", type=input.bool, defval=true)
testshort = input(title="Test shorts", type=input.bool, defval=true)
degree = input(title="Test level 1 overbought/sold levels", type=input.bool, defval=true)
degree2 = input(title="Test level 2 overbought/sold levels", type=input.bool, defval=false)
degree3 = input(title="Test level 3 overbought/sold levels", type=input.bool, defval=false)

statictarget = input(title="Use static target", type=input.bool, defval=true)
statictargetvalue = input(title="Static target in pips", type=input.integer, defval=400)

//timetrade = input(title="Open trades only withing specified time", type=input.bool, defval=true)
//timtrade = input()

//přidat možnost TP podle ATR a sl podle ATR
buy1 = uptrend and upsignal and strategy.opentrades==0 and testlong and degree
x1 = barssince (buy1)
if (buy1)
//bodlo by zakázat atrtarget v tomto případě
    if (statictarget)
        strategy.entry("Oath1", strategy.long, ordersize)
        strategy.exit( "Oath1 Close", from_entry="Oath1" , profit=statictargetvalue,stop=upstoploss[x1])
buy2 = uptrend and upsignal2 and strategy.opentrades==0 and testlong and degree2
x2 = barssince (buy2)
if (buy2)
//bodlo by zakázat atrtarget v tomto případě
    if (statictarget)
        strategy.entry("Oath2", strategy.long, ordersize)
        strategy.exit( "Oath2 Close", from_entry="Oath2" , profit=statictargetvalue,stop=upstoploss[x2])
buy3 = uptrend and upsignal3 and strategy.opentrades==0 and testlong and degree3
x3 = barssince (buy3)
if (buy3)
//bodlo by zakázat atrtarget v tomto případě
    if (statictarget)
        strategy.entry("Oath3", strategy.long, ordersize)
        strategy.exit( "Oath3 Close", from_entry="Oath3" , profit=statictargetvalue,stop=upstoploss[x3])

sell1 = downtrend and downsignal and strategy.opentrades==0 and testshort and degree
y1 = barssince (sell1)
if (sell1)
    if (statictarget)
        strategy.entry("Oath1.s", strategy.short, ordersize)
        strategy.exit( "Oath1 Close", from_entry="Oath1.s" , profit=statictargetvalue,stop=downstoploss[y1])

sell2 = downtrend and downsignal2 and strategy.opentrades==0 and testshort and degree2
y2 = barssince (sell2)
if (sell2)
    if (statictarget)
        strategy.entry("Oath2.s", strategy.short, ordersize)
        strategy.exit( "Oath2 Close", from_entry="Oath2.s" , profit=statictargetvalue,stop=downstoploss[y2])

sell3 = downtrend and downsignal3 and strategy.opentrades==0 and testshort and degree3
y3 = barssince (sell3)
if (sell3)
    if (statictarget)
        strategy.entry("Oath3.s", strategy.short, ordersize)
        strategy.exit( "Oath3 Close", from_entry="Oath3.s" , profit=statictargetvalue,stop=downstoploss[y3])

plotshape(uptrend and upsignal and degree, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, transp=0, style=shape.triangleup, size=size.tiny, text="Oath up")
plotshape(downtrend and downsignal and degree, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, transp=0, style=shape.triangledown, size=size.tiny, text="Oath down")
plotshape(uptrend and upsignal2 and degree2, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, transp=0, style=shape.triangleup, size=size.tiny, text="Oath up+")
plotshape(downtrend and downsignal2 and degree2, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, transp=0, style=shape.triangledown, size=size.tiny, text="Oath down+")
plotshape(uptrend and upsignal3 and degree3, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, transp=0, style=shape.triangleup, size=size.tiny, text="Oath up++")
plotshape(downtrend and downsignal3 and degree3, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, transp=0, style=shape.triangledown, size=size.tiny, text="Oath down++")
