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Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-10-24 14:14:00





  1. 当RSI指标低于超卖线29,并且收盘价低于均线时,做多开启首单。

  2. 当股价较首单跌幅达到2%时加仓做多;当跌幅达到3%时第三次加仓,以此类推至最多8次加仓。这实现了分批建仓的效果。

  3. 每次开仓后,会记录当时的开仓价格。这些价格点即为进场的参考价格。并在图表上绘制这些价格线。

  4. 开仓后,会计算出持仓的平均价格。以平均价格的3%作为每笔仓位的止盈价格,4%作为整体头寸的止盈价格。

  5. 当价格上涨超过某笔仓位的止盈价格时,会选择平仓该仓位。

  6. 渐进式止盈的计算方式:每平掉一笔仓位,会在整体止盈价格中扣除该仓位实现的利润。这样可以使止盈线缓慢下移,只有当所有仓位的利润足以弥补最大亏损时,才会全部止盈。

  7. 当价格触发渐进止盈线时,选择全部平仓。


  1. RSI指标可以较准确判断超卖区,有利于抓住反转机会。

  2. 多次分批加仓,可以在低点平均持仓成本。

  3. 渐进止盈可以减少亏损风险,实现渐进退出。即使出现亏损也可以控制在一定范围。

  4. 可配置的止盈比例和加仓比例,可以根据市场调整策略风险。

  5. 在图表描绘开仓参考线和止盈线,可以直观判断仓位分布。


  1. 在震荡行情中,可能多次触发开仓和止盈,交易频繁造成滑点损失。可以适当放宽RSI参数,减少交易次数。

  2. 加仓次数和比例设定不当可能导致过度交易,应根据资金情况谨慎配置。

  3. 若市场继续下跌加仓,可能面临无底洞风险。应预设加仓次数上限,且最后一层加仓比例保守。

  4. 若止盈比例设置过小,可能导致止盈过早。应根据历史回测数据设定适当的止盈比例。


  1. 可以引入MACD等指标过滤RSI信号,减少无效交易。

  2. 可以根据ATR设置止损,避免极端行情带来的巨额亏损。

  3. 可以优化加仓次数、比例、止盈比例等参数,使策略更适应不同品种。

  4. 可以根据波动率智能调整止盈比例,在波动大时适当放宽。



start: 2023-09-23 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-23 00:00:00
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © A3Sh

// RSI Strategy that buys the dips, uses Price Averaging and Pyramiding.
// When the price drops below specified percentages of the price (8 PA layers), new entries are openend to average the price of the assets.
// Open entries are closed by a specified take profit.
// Entries can be reopened, after closing and consequently crossing a PA layer again.
// This strategy is based on the RSI+PA+DCA strategy I created earlier. The difference is the way the Take Profit is calculated.
// Instead of directly connecting the take profit limit to the decreasing average price level with an X percent above the average price, 
// the take profit is calculated for a part on the decreasing average price and for another part on the deduction 
// of the profits of the individual closed positions.
// The Take Profit Limit drop less significant then the average price level and the full position only completely exits 
// when enough individual closed positions made up for the losses.
// This makes it less risky and more conservative and great for a long term trading strategy
// RSI code is adapted from the build in Relative Strength Index indicator
// MA Filter and RSI concept adapted from the Optimized RSI Buy the Dips strategy, by Coinrule
// https://www.tradingview.com/script/Pm1WAtyI-Optimized-RSI-Strategy-Buy-The-Dips-by-Coinrule/
// Pyramiding entries code adapted from Pyramiding Entries on Early Trends startegy, by Coinrule
// Pyramiding entries code adapted from Pyramiding Entries on Early Trends startegy, by Coinrule
// https://www.tradingview.com/script/7NNJ0sXB-Pyramiding-Entries-On-Early-Trends-by-Coinrule/
// Plot entry layers code adapted from HOWTO Plot Entry Price by vitvlkv
// https://www.tradingview.com/script/bHTnipgY-HOWTO-Plot-Entry-Price/

strategy(title='RSI+PA+PTP', pyramiding=16, overlay=true, initial_capital=400, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=15, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.075, close_entries_rule='FIFO')

port = input.float(12, group = "Risk", title='Portfolio % Used To Open The 8 Positions', step=0.1, minval=0.1, maxval=100)
q    = strategy.equity / 100 * port / open

// Long position PA entry layers. Percentage from the entry price of the the first long
ps2 = input.float(2,  group = "Long Position Entry Layers", title='2nd Long Entry %', step=0.1)
ps3 = input.float(3,  group = "Long Position Entry Layers", title='3rd Long Entry %', step=0.1)
ps4 = input.float(5,  group = "Long Position Entry Layers", title='4th Long Entry %', step=0.1)
ps5 = input.float(10, group = "Long Position Entry Layers", title='5th Long Entry %', step=0.1)
ps6 = input.float(16, group = "Long Position Entry Layers", title='6th Long Entry %', step=0.1)
ps7 = input.float(25, group = "Long Position Entry Layers" ,title='7th Long Entry %', step=0.1)
ps8 = input.float(40, group = "Long Position Entry Layers", title='8th Long Entry %', step=0.1)

// Calculate Moving Averages
plotMA               = input.bool(group = "Moving Average Filter", title='Plot Moving Average', defval=false)
movingaverage_signal = ta.sma(close, input(100, group = "Moving Average Filter", title='MA Length'))

plot (plotMA ? movingaverage_signal : na, color = color.new (color.green, 0))

// RSI inputs and calculations
rsiLengthInput = input.int(14, minval=1, title="RSI Length", group="RSI Settings")
rsiSourceInput = input.source(close, "Source", group="RSI Settings")

up   = ta.rma(math.max(ta.change(rsiSourceInput), 0), rsiLengthInput)
down = ta.rma(-math.min(ta.change(rsiSourceInput), 0), rsiLengthInput)
rsi  = down == 0 ? 100 : up == 0 ? 0 : 100 - (100 / (1 + up / down))

overSold = input.int(29, title="Oversold, Trigger to Enter First Position", group = "RSI Settings")

// Long trigger (co)
co = ta.crossover(rsi, overSold) and close < movingaverage_signal

// Store values to create and plot the different PA layers
long1 = ta.valuewhen(co, close, 0)
long2 = ta.valuewhen(co, close - close / 100 * ps2, 0)
long3 = ta.valuewhen(co, close - close / 100 * ps3, 0)
long4 = ta.valuewhen(co, close - close / 100 * ps4, 0)
long5 = ta.valuewhen(co, close - close / 100 * ps5, 0)
long6 = ta.valuewhen(co, close - close / 100 * ps6, 0)
long7 = ta.valuewhen(co, close - close / 100 * ps7, 0)
long8 = ta.valuewhen(co, close - close / 100 * ps8, 0)

eps1 = 0.00
eps1 := na(eps1[1]) ? na : eps1[1]

eps2 = 0.00
eps2 := na(eps2[1]) ? na : eps2[1]

eps3 = 0.00
eps3 := na(eps3[1]) ? na : eps3[1]

eps4 = 0.00
eps4 := na(eps4[1]) ? na : eps4[1]

eps5 = 0.00
eps5 := na(eps5[1]) ? na : eps5[1]

eps6 = 0.00
eps6 := na(eps6[1]) ? na : eps6[1]

eps7 = 0.00
eps7 := na(eps7[1]) ? na : eps7[1]

eps8 = 0.00
eps8 := na(eps8[1]) ? na : eps8[1]

plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps1 : na, title='Long entry 1', style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps2 : na, title='Long entry 2', style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps3 : na, title='Long entry 3', style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps4 : na, title='Long entry 4', style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps5 : na, title='Long entry 5', style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps6 : na, title='Long entry 6', style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps7 : na, title='Long entry 7', style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(strategy.position_size > 0 ? eps8 : na, title='Long entry 8', style=plot.style_linebr)

// Take Profit Settings
ProfitTarget_Percent     = input.float(3.0,   group = "Take Profit Settings", title='Take Profit % (Per Position)')
ProfitTarget_Percent_All = input.float(4.0,   group = "Take Profit Settings", title='Take Profit % (Exit All, Progressive Take Profit Limit')
TakeProfitProgression    = input.float(12,    group = "Take Profit Settings", title='Take Profit Progression', tooltip = 'Progression is defined by the position size. By default 12% of the start equity (portfolio) is used to open a position, see Risk. This same % percentage is used to calculate the profit amount that will be deducted from the Take Profit Limit.')
entryOn                  = input.bool (true,  group = "Take Profit Settings", title='New entries affect Take Profit limit', tooltip = 'This option changes the behaviour of the Progressive Take Profit. When switchted on, the difference between the former and current original Take Profit is deducted from the Progressive Take Profit. When switchted off, the Progressive Take Profit is only affected by the profit deduction or each closed position.')
avPricePlot              = input.bool (false, group = "Take Profit Settings", title='Plot Average Price (FIFO)')
// Original Take Profit Limit
tpLimit                  = strategy.position_avg_price + (strategy.position_avg_price / 100 * ProfitTarget_Percent_All) 

// Create variables to calculate the Take Profit Limit Progresssion
var endVal   = 0.0   
var startVal = 0.0

// The value at the the start of the loop is the value of the end of the previous loop
startVal := endVal 

// Set variable to the original Take Profit Limit when the first position opens.
if strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.position_size[1] ==0
    endVal := tpLimit  

// Everytime a specific position opens, the difference of the previous (original) Take Profit price and the current (original) Take Profit price will be deducted from the Progressive Take Profit Limit
// This feature can be toggled on and off in the settings panel. By default it is toggled on.
entryAmount = 0.0
for i = 1 to strategy.opentrades
    entryAmount := i
    if entryOn  and strategy.position_size > 0 and strategy.opentrades[1] == (entryAmount) and strategy.opentrades == (entryAmount + 1)
        endVal := startVal - (tpLimit[1] - tpLimit)

// Everytime a specific position closes, the amount of profit from that specific position will be deducted from the Progressive Take Profit Limit.
exitAmount = 0.0
for id = 1 to strategy.opentrades
    exitAmount := id
    if strategy.opentrades[1] ==(exitAmount + 1) and strategy.opentrades == (exitAmount)
        endVal := startVal - (TakeProfitProgression / 100 * strategy.opentrades.entry_price (id - 1) / 100 * ProfitTarget_Percent )

// The Final Take Profit Price
tpn = (strategy.position_avg_price + (strategy.position_avg_price / 100 * ProfitTarget_Percent_All))  - (strategy.position_avg_price + (strategy.position_avg_price / 100 * ProfitTarget_Percent_All) - endVal)
plot  (strategy.position_size > 0 ? tpn : na, title = "Take Profit Limit", color=color.new(color.red, 0), style = plot.style_linebr, linewidth = 1) 

// Plot position average price as reference
plot  (avPricePlot ? strategy.position_avg_price : na, title= "Average price", color = color.new(color.white, 0), style = plot.style_linebr, linewidth = 1) 

// When to trigger the Take Profit per position or the Progressive Take Profit
tpl1 = close < tpn ? eps1 + close * (ProfitTarget_Percent / 100) : tpn
tpl2 = close < tpn ? eps2 + close * (ProfitTarget_Percent / 100) : tpn
tpl3 = close < tpn ? eps3 + close * (ProfitTarget_Percent / 100) : tpn
tpl4 = close < tpn ? eps4 + close * (ProfitTarget_Percent / 100) : tpn
tpl5 = close < tpn ? eps5 + close * (ProfitTarget_Percent / 100) : tpn
tpl6 = close < tpn ? eps6 + close * (ProfitTarget_Percent / 100) : tpn
tpl7 = close < tpn ? eps7 + close * (ProfitTarget_Percent / 100) : tpn
tpl8 = close < tpn ? eps8 + close * (ProfitTarget_Percent / 100) : tpn

// Submit Entry Orders
if co and strategy.opentrades == 0
    eps1 := long1
    eps2 := long2
    eps3 := long3
    eps4 := long4
    eps5 := long5
    eps6 := long6
    eps7 := long7
    eps8 := long8

    strategy.entry('Long1', strategy.long, q)

if strategy.opentrades == 1
    strategy.entry('Long2', strategy.long, q, limit=eps2)

if strategy.opentrades == 2
    strategy.entry('Long3', strategy.long, q, limit=eps3)

if strategy.opentrades == 3
    strategy.entry('Long4', strategy.long, q, limit=eps4)

if strategy.opentrades == 4
    strategy.entry('Long5', strategy.long, q, limit=eps5)

if strategy.opentrades == 5
    strategy.entry('Long6', strategy.long, q, limit=eps6)

if strategy.opentrades == 6
    strategy.entry('Long7', strategy.long, q, limit=eps7)

if strategy.opentrades == 7
    strategy.entry('Long8', strategy.long, q, limit=eps8)

// Submit Exit orders
if strategy.position_size > 0
    strategy.exit(id='Exit 1', from_entry='Long1', limit=tpl1)
    strategy.exit(id='Exit 2', from_entry='Long2', limit=tpl2)
    strategy.exit(id='Exit 3', from_entry='Long3', limit=tpl3)
    strategy.exit(id='Exit 4', from_entry='Long4', limit=tpl4)
    strategy.exit(id='Exit 5', from_entry='Long5', limit=tpl5)
    strategy.exit(id='Exit 6', from_entry='Long6', limit=tpl6)
    strategy.exit(id='Exit 7', from_entry='Long7', limit=tpl7)
    strategy.exit(id='Exit 8', from_entry='Long8', limit=tpl8)

// Make sure that all open limit orders are canceled after exiting all the positions 
longClose = strategy.position_size[1] > 0 and strategy.position_size == 0 ? 1 : 0
if longClose
