动量突破策略主要利用 stochastic oscillator 指标判断市场趋势方向,结合 ADX 指标判断趋势强弱,形成交易信号。该策略主要适用于中长线趋势交易。
Stochastic oscillator 指标:用于判断市场趋势方向。Stochastic oscillator 的值为 0 到 100,当周期为 14,值在 45 到 55 区间意味着没有明确趋势,Stochastic 在 55 以上为看涨信号,在 45 以下为看跌信号。
ADX 指标:用于判断趋势强弱。ADX 在 20 以下表示趋势较弱。
策略首先根据 Stochastic oscillator 的值判断市场目前是否存在明确的上涨或下跌趋势。当 Stochastic 在 55 以上时,认为存在看涨趋势;当 Stochastic 在 45 以下时,认为存在看跌趋势。
然后策略会检测 ADX 是否在 20 以上,如果 ADX 在 20 以上,说明趋势较强,可以进行趋势交易。如果 ADX 在 20 以下,说明趋势不够明显,此时策略不会产生交易信号。
综合 Stochastic oscillator 和 ADX 的判断,当同时满足以下两个条件时,策略会产生买入/卖出信号:
捕捉中长线趋势:结合 Stochastic 和 ADX,能够有效判断市场中长线趋势方向和强度,把握主要趋势。
参数优化空间:Stochastic 周期和 ADX 周期都可以进行优化,可以针对不同市场调整参数。
universality:The strategy can be applied to different markets with parameter tuning.
错过突破点:Stochastic 和 ADX 都属于趋势跟随型指标,可能会错过潜在的趋势转折点,錯过早期的突破交易机会。
趋势反转风险:在趋势末期,Stochastic 和 ADX 可能会错误判断趋势仍在继续,而错过及时退出的机会,导致亏损放大。
参数优化难度:Stochastic 和 ADX 参数需要针对不同市场进行优化,存在一定难度。
Divergence:When the price trend conflicts with the Stochastic oscillator trend, divergence emerges, which may lead to losing trades.
Increase the ADX threshold to filter out weak trend signals in ranging markets.
Apply additional indicators to confirm the Stochastic signals and avoid divergence trades.
优化 Stochastic 参数:调整 K 周期、D 周期等参数,优化买卖点定位。
优化 ADX 参数:调整 ADX 周期,确定最佳判定趋势强弱的参数。
增加趋势反转信号:在 Stochastic 超买超卖区域加大仓位,设置止损。
结合其它指标:与 RSI、MACD 等指标结合,确定买卖时机。
Trailong stop loss: Add trailing stop loss to lock in profits as the trend extends.
Money management: Optimize the risk management by adjusting position sizing based on ADX strength.
综上所述,该动量突破策略整体以趋势为导向,利用 Stochastic 判断趋势方向,ADX 判断趋势强度,形成中长线交易策略。策略优势是捕捉趋势,控制回撤,简单直观,缺点是可能错过早期突破点,存在趋势反转风险。我们可以通过调整参数、增加信号、止损等方法来优化该策略,在控制风险的同时获取较好的收益回报。
/*backtest start: 2023-09-23 00:00:00 end: 2023-10-23 00:00:00 period: 4h basePeriod: 15m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //Created by Bitcoinduke //Original Creator is Jake Bernstein // Link: https://school.stockcharts.com/doku.php?id=trading_strategies:stochastic_pop_drop // Tested: XBTUSD 3h | BTCPERP FTX 3h //@version=4 // strategy(shorttitle="Stochastic Pop and Drop", title="Pop and Drop", overlay=false, // calc_on_every_tick=false, pyramiding=0, default_qty_type=strategy.cash, // default_qty_value=1000, currency=currency.USD, initial_capital=1000, // commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.075) upper_threshold_buy = input(55, minval=50, title="Buy Entry/Exit Line") lower_threshold_sell = input(45, maxval=50, title="Sell Entry/Exit Line") oscillator_length = input(14, minval=1, title="Stochastic Length - Default 14") sma_length = input(2, minval=1, title="SMA Length - 3-day (3 by default) simple moving average of stoch") stoch_oscillator = sma(stoch(close, high, low, oscillator_length), sma_length) //Upper and Lower Entry Lines upper_line = upper_threshold_buy lower_line = lower_threshold_sell stoch_color = stoch_oscillator >= upper_line ? green : stoch_oscillator <= lower_line ? red : purple //Charts plot(stoch_oscillator, title="Stochastic", style=histogram, linewidth=4, color=stoch_color) upper_threshold = plot(upper_line, title="Upper Line", style=line, linewidth=4, color=green) lower_threshold = plot(lower_line, title="Lower Line", style=line, linewidth=4, color=red) // Strategy Logic LongSignal = stoch_oscillator >= upper_line and not (stoch_oscillator > lower_line and stoch_oscillator < upper_line) ? true : false ShortSignal = stoch_oscillator <= lower_line and not (stoch_oscillator > lower_line and stoch_oscillator < upper_line) ? true : false strategy.entry("POP_Short", strategy.short, when=ShortSignal) strategy.entry("POP_Long", strategy.long, when=LongSignal) // === Backtesting Dates === thanks to Trost testPeriodSwitch = input(true, "Custom Backtesting Dates") testStartYear = input(2019, "Backtest Start Year") testStartMonth = input(1, "Backtest Start Month") testStartDay = input(1, "Backtest Start Day") testStartHour = input(0, "Backtest Start Hour") testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear, testStartMonth, testStartDay, testStartHour, 0) testStopYear = input(2020, "Backtest Stop Year") testStopMonth = input(1, "Backtest Stop Month") testStopDay = input(5, "Backtest Stop Day") testStopHour = input(0, "Backtest Stop Hour") testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear, testStopMonth, testStopDay, testStopHour, 0) testPeriod() => time >= testPeriodStart and time <= testPeriodStop ? true : false testPeriod_1 = testPeriod() isPeriod = testPeriodSwitch == true ? testPeriod_1 : true // === /END