
Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-10-30 15:27:34





  1. 计算两组不同参数的VWAP均线,分别代表长期趋势和短期趋势

    • 慢速天幕线和基准线计算长期趋势
    • 快速天幕线和基准线计算短期趋势
  2. 分别取两组天幕线和基准线的平均值作为慢速均线和快速均线

  3. 计算布林带指标判断盘整和突破

    • 中线为快速均线和慢速均线的平均值
    • 布林带上下轨用于判断突破
  4. 计算TSV指标判断交易量能量

    • TSV大于0表示上涨力量大于下跌力量
    • TSV大于其EMA表示力量增强
  5. 计算RSI指标判断超买超卖

    • RSI低于30时为超卖区间,可以买入
    • RSI高于70时为超买区间,应该卖出
  6. 入场条件:

    • 快速均线上穿慢速均线
    • 关闭价上穿布林带上轨
    • TSV大于0且大于其EMA
    • RSI低于30
  7. 出场条件:

    • 快速均线下穿慢速均线
    • RSI高于70


  1. 使用双均线系统,可以同时捕捉长短期趋势

  2. RSI指标避免买入超买区域,卖出超卖区域

  3. TSV指标确保有足够的交易量支撑趋势

  4. 利用布林带判断关键的突破点

  5. 多种指标组合,可以有效过滤假突破


  1. 均线系统容易产生错误信号,需要辅助指标过滤

  2. RSI指标参数需要优化,否则可能错过买卖点

  3. TSV指标对参数也很敏感,需要仔细测试

  4. 突破布林带上轨有可能是假突破,需要验证

  5. 多指标组合,参数优化难度大,容易过度优化

  6. 训练和测试数据不充分可能导致曲线拟合


  1. 测试更多周期参数,寻找最佳参数组合

  2. 尝试其他指标如MACD、KD替代或结合RSI

  3. 参数优化要充分利用walk forward分析

  4. 增加止损策略,以控制单笔损失

  5. 考虑加入机器学习模型辅助信号判断

  6. 针对不同市场调整参数,不要过度依赖单一参数组合



start: 2022-10-23 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-29 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// @version=4

// Credits

// "Vwap with period" code which used in this strategy to calculate the leadLine was written by "neolao" active on https://tr.tradingview.com/u/neolao/
// "TSV" code which used in this strategy was written by "liw0" active on https://www.tradingview.com/u/liw0. The code is corrected by "vitelot" December 2018.
// "Vidya" code which used in this strategy was written by "everget" active on https://tr.tradingview.com/u/everget/

strategy("HYE Combo Market [Strategy] (Vwap Mean Reversion + Trend Hunter)", overlay = true, initial_capital = 1000, default_qty_value = 100, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, commission_value = 0.025)
//Strategy inputs

source = input(title = "Source", defval = close, group = "Mean Reversion Strategy Inputs")
smallcumulativePeriod = input(title = "Small VWAP", defval = 8, group = "Mean Reversion Strategy Inputs")
bigcumulativePeriod = input(title = "Big VWAP", defval = 10, group = "Mean Reversion Strategy Inputs")
meancumulativePeriod = input(title = "Mean VWAP", defval = 50, group = "Mean Reversion Strategy Inputs")
percentBelowToBuy = input(title = "Percent below to buy %", defval = 2, group = "Mean Reversion Strategy Inputs")
rsiPeriod = input(title = "Rsi Period", defval = 2, group = "Mean Reversion Strategy Inputs")
rsiEmaPeriod = input(title = "Rsi Ema Period", defval = 5, group = "Mean Reversion Strategy Inputs") 
rsiLevelforBuy = input(title = "Maximum Rsi Level for Buy", defval = 30, group = "Mean Reversion Strategy Inputs")
slowtenkansenPeriod = input(9, minval=1, title="Slow Tenkan Sen VWAP Line Length", group = "Trend Hunter Strategy Inputs")
slowkijunsenPeriod = input(13, minval=1, title="Slow Kijun Sen VWAP Line Length", group = "Trend Hunter Strategy Inputs")
fasttenkansenPeriod = input(3, minval=1, title="Fast Tenkan Sen VWAP Line Length", group = "Trend Hunter Strategy Inputs")
fastkijunsenPeriod = input(7, minval=1, title="Fast Kijun Sen VWAP Line Length", group = "Trend Hunter Strategy Inputs")
BBlength = input(20, minval=1, title= "Bollinger Band Length", group = "Trend Hunter Strategy Inputs")
BBmult = input(2.0, minval=0.001, maxval=50, title="Bollinger Band StdDev", group = "Trend Hunter Strategy Inputs")
tsvlength  = input(20, minval=1, title="TSV Length", group = "Trend Hunter Strategy Inputs")
tsvemaperiod = input(7, minval=1, title="TSV Ema Length", group = "Trend Hunter Strategy Inputs")
length = input(title="Vidya Length", type=input.integer, defval=20, group = "Trend Hunter Strategy Inputs") 
src = input(title="Vidya Source", type=input.source, defval= hl2 , group = "Trend Hunter Strategy Inputs")

// Vidya Calculation 

getCMO(src, length) =>
    mom = change(src)
    upSum = sum(max(mom, 0), length)
    downSum = sum(-min(mom, 0), length)
    out = (upSum - downSum) / (upSum + downSum)

cmo = abs(getCMO(src, length))

alpha = 2 / (length + 1)

vidya = 0.0
vidya := src * alpha * cmo + nz(vidya[1]) * (1 - alpha * cmo)

// Make input options that configure backtest date range 

startDate = input(title="Start Date", type=input.integer,
     defval=1, minval=1, maxval=31, group = "Strategy Date Range")
startMonth = input(title="Start Month", type=input.integer,
     defval=1, minval=1, maxval=12, group = "Strategy Date Range")
startYear = input(title="Start Year", type=input.integer,
     defval=2000, minval=1800, maxval=2100, group = "Strategy Date Range")

endDate = input(title="End Date", type=input.integer, 
     defval=31, minval=1, maxval=31, group = "Strategy Date Range")
endMonth = input(title="End Month", type=input.integer,
     defval=12, minval=1, maxval=12, group = "Strategy Date Range") 
endYear = input(title="End Year", type=input.integer,
     defval=2021, minval=1800, maxval=2100, group = "Strategy Date Range")
inDateRange = true
// Mean Reversion Strategy Calculation 

typicalPriceS = (high + low + close) / 3
typicalPriceVolumeS = typicalPriceS * volume
cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeS = sum(typicalPriceVolumeS, smallcumulativePeriod)
cumulativeVolumeS = sum(volume, smallcumulativePeriod)
smallvwapValue = cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeS / cumulativeVolumeS

typicalPriceB = (high + low + close) / 3
typicalPriceVolumeB = typicalPriceB * volume
cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeB = sum(typicalPriceVolumeB, bigcumulativePeriod)
cumulativeVolumeB = sum(volume, bigcumulativePeriod)
bigvwapValue = cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeB / cumulativeVolumeB 

typicalPriceM = (high + low + close) / 3
typicalPriceVolumeM = typicalPriceM * volume
cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeM = sum(typicalPriceVolumeM, meancumulativePeriod)
cumulativeVolumeM = sum(volume, meancumulativePeriod)
meanvwapValue = cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeM / cumulativeVolumeM

rsiValue = rsi(source, rsiPeriod)
rsiEMA   = ema(rsiValue, rsiEmaPeriod)
buyMA = ((100 - percentBelowToBuy) / 100) * bigvwapValue[0]

inTrade = strategy.position_size > 0
notInTrade = strategy.position_size <= 0

if(crossunder(smallvwapValue, buyMA) and rsiEMA < rsiLevelforBuy and close < meanvwapValue and inDateRange and notInTrade)
    strategy.entry("BUY-M", strategy.long)

if(close > meanvwapValue or not inDateRange)
// Trend Hunter Strategy Calculation

// Slow Tenkan Sen Calculation

typicalPriceTS = (high + low + close) / 3
typicalPriceVolumeTS = typicalPriceTS * volume
cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeTS = sum(typicalPriceVolumeTS, slowtenkansenPeriod)
cumulativeVolumeTS = sum(volume, slowtenkansenPeriod)
slowtenkansenvwapValue = cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeTS / cumulativeVolumeTS

// Slow Kijun Sen Calculation

typicalPriceKS = (high + low + close) / 3
typicalPriceVolumeKS = typicalPriceKS * volume
cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeKS = sum(typicalPriceVolumeKS, slowkijunsenPeriod)
cumulativeVolumeKS = sum(volume, slowkijunsenPeriod)
slowkijunsenvwapValue = cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeKS / cumulativeVolumeKS

// Fast Tenkan Sen Calculation

typicalPriceTF = (high + low + close) / 3
typicalPriceVolumeTF = typicalPriceTF * volume
cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeTF = sum(typicalPriceVolumeTF, fasttenkansenPeriod)
cumulativeVolumeTF = sum(volume, fasttenkansenPeriod)
fasttenkansenvwapValue = cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeTF / cumulativeVolumeTF

// Fast Kijun Sen Calculation

typicalPriceKF = (high + low + close) / 3
typicalPriceVolumeKF = typicalPriceKS * volume
cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeKF = sum(typicalPriceVolumeKF, fastkijunsenPeriod)
cumulativeVolumeKF = sum(volume, fastkijunsenPeriod)
fastkijunsenvwapValue = cumulativeTypicalPriceVolumeKF / cumulativeVolumeKF

// Slow LeadLine Calculation
lowesttenkansen_s = lowest(slowtenkansenvwapValue, slowtenkansenPeriod)
highesttenkansen_s = highest(slowtenkansenvwapValue, slowtenkansenPeriod)

lowestkijunsen_s = lowest(slowkijunsenvwapValue, slowkijunsenPeriod)
highestkijunsen_s = highest(slowkijunsenvwapValue, slowkijunsenPeriod)

slowtenkansen = avg(lowesttenkansen_s, highesttenkansen_s)
slowkijunsen = avg(lowestkijunsen_s, highestkijunsen_s)
slowleadLine = avg(slowtenkansen, slowkijunsen)

// Fast LeadLine Calculation 
lowesttenkansen_f = lowest(fasttenkansenvwapValue, fasttenkansenPeriod)
highesttenkansen_f = highest(fasttenkansenvwapValue, fasttenkansenPeriod)

lowestkijunsen_f = lowest(fastkijunsenvwapValue, fastkijunsenPeriod)
highestkijunsen_f = highest(fastkijunsenvwapValue, fastkijunsenPeriod) 

fasttenkansen = avg(lowesttenkansen_f, highesttenkansen_f)
fastkijunsen = avg(lowestkijunsen_f, highestkijunsen_f)
fastleadLine = avg(fasttenkansen, fastkijunsen)

// BBleadLine Calculation
BBleadLine = avg(fastleadLine, slowleadLine)

// Bollinger Band Calculation
basis = sma(BBleadLine, BBlength)
dev = BBmult * stdev(BBleadLine, BBlength)
upper = basis + dev  
lower = basis - dev 

// TSV Calculation

tsv = sum(close>close[1]?volume*(close-close[1]):close<close[1]?volume*(close-close[1]):0,tsvlength)
tsvema = ema(tsv, tsvemaperiod)

// Rules for Entry & Exit  

if(fastleadLine > fastleadLine[1] and slowleadLine > slowleadLine[1] and tsv > 0 and tsv > tsvema and close > upper and close > vidya and inDateRange and notInTrade)
    strategy.entry("BUY-T", strategy.long)
if((fastleadLine < fastleadLine[1] and slowleadLine < slowleadLine[1]) or not inDateRange)

// Plots 

plot(meanvwapValue, title="MEAN VWAP", linewidth=2, color=color.yellow)

//plot(vidya, title="VIDYA", linewidth=2, color=color.green)

//colorsettingS = input(title="Solid Color Slow Leadline", defval=false, type=input.bool)
//plot(slowleadLine, title = "Slow LeadLine", color = colorsettingS ? color.aqua : slowleadLine > slowleadLine[1] ? color.green : color.red, linewidth=3)

//colorsettingF = input(title="Solid Color Fast Leadline", defval=false, type=input.bool)
//plot(fastleadLine, title = "Fast LeadLine", color = colorsettingF ? color.orange : fastleadLine > fastleadLine[1] ? color.green : color.red, linewidth=3)

//p1 = plot(upper, "Upper BB", color=#2962FF)
//p2 = plot(lower, "Lower BB", color=#2962FF)
//fill(p1, p2, title = "Background", color=color.blue)

//plot(smallvwapValue, color=#13C425, linewidth=2)
//plot(bigvwapValue, color=#CA1435, linewidth=2)
