/*backtest start: 2023-10-01 00:00:00 end: 2023-10-31 00:00:00 period: 1h basePeriod: 15m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © REV0LUTI0N //@version=4 strategy(title="CCI Strategy", overlay=true, initial_capital = 10000, default_qty_value = 10000, default_qty_type = strategy.cash) //CCI Code length = input(20, minval=1, title="CCI Length") src = input(close, title="Source") ma = sma(src, length) cci = (src - ma) / (0.015 * dev(src, length)) // Strategy Backtesting startDate = input(timestamp("2099-10-01T00:00:00"), type = input.time, title='Backtesting Start Date') finishDate = input(timestamp("9999-12-31T00:00:00"), type = input.time, title='Backtesting End Date') time_cond = true //Time Restriction Settings startendtime = input("", title='Time Frame To Enter Trades') enableclose = input(false, title='Enable Close Trade At End Of Time Frame') timetobuy = true timetoclose = true //Strategy Settings //Strategy Settings - Enable Check Boxes enableentry = input(true, title="Enter First Trade ASAP") enableconfirmation = input(false, title="Wait For Cross To Enter First Trade") enablezero =input(true, title="Use CCI Simple Cross Line For Entries & Exits") enablebands = input(false, title="Use Upper & Lower Bands For Entries & Exits") //Strategy Settings - Band Sources ccisource = input(0, title="CCI Simple Cross") upperbandsource =input(100, title="CCI Enter Long Band") upperbandexitsource =input(100, title="CCI Exit Long Band") lowerbandsource =input(-100, title="CCI Enter Short Band") lowerbandexitsource =input(-100, title="CCI Exit Short Band") //Strategy Settings - Crosses simplecrossup = crossover(cci, ccisource) simplecrossdown = crossunder(cci, ccisource) uppercrossup = crossover(cci, upperbandsource) lowercrossdown = crossunder(cci, lowerbandsource) uppercrossdown = crossunder(cci, upperbandexitsource) lowercrossup = crossover(cci, lowerbandexitsource) upperstop = crossunder(cci, upperbandsource) lowerstop = crossover(cci, lowerbandsource) // Stop Loss & Take Profit % Based enablesl = input(false, title='Enable Stop Loss') enabletp = input(false, title='Enable Take Profit') stopTick = input(5.0, title='Stop Loss %', type=input.float, step=0.1) / 100 takeTick = input(10.0, title='Take Profit %', type=input.float, step=0.1) / 100 longStop = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - stopTick) shortStop = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + stopTick) shortTake = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 - takeTick) longTake = strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + takeTick) plot(strategy.position_size > 0 and enablesl ? longStop : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.red, linewidth=1, title="Long Fixed SL") plot(strategy.position_size < 0 and enablesl ? shortStop : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.red, linewidth=1, title="Short Fixed SL") plot(strategy.position_size > 0 and enabletp ? longTake : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.green, linewidth=1, title="Long Take Profit") plot(strategy.position_size < 0 and enabletp ? shortTake : na, style=plot.style_linebr, color=color.green, linewidth=1, title="Short Take Profit") // Alert messages message_enterlong = input("", title="Long Entry message") message_entershort = input("", title="Short Entry message") message_closelong = input("", title="Close Long message") message_closeshort = input("", title="Close Short message") //Strategy Execution //Strategy Execution - Simple Line Cross if (cci > ccisource and enablezero and enableentry and time_cond and timetobuy) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, alert_message = message_enterlong) if (cci < ccisource and enablezero and enableentry and time_cond and timetobuy) strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, alert_message = message_entershort) if (simplecrossup and enablezero and enableconfirmation and time_cond and timetobuy) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, alert_message = message_enterlong) if (simplecrossdown and enablezero and enableconfirmation and time_cond and timetobuy) strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, alert_message = message_entershort) //Strategy Execution - Upper and Lower Band Entry if (uppercrossup and enablebands and time_cond and timetobuy) strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long, alert_message = message_enterlong) if (lowercrossdown and enablebands and time_cond and timetobuy) strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short, alert_message = message_entershort) //Strategy Execution - Upper and Lower Band Exit if strategy.position_size > 0 and uppercrossdown and enablebands and time_cond and timetobuy strategy.close_all(alert_message = message_closelong) if strategy.position_size < 0 and lowercrossup and enablebands and time_cond and timetobuy strategy.close_all(alert_message = message_closeshort) //Strategy Execution - Upper and Lower Band Stops if strategy.position_size > 0 and upperstop and enablebands and time_cond and timetobuy strategy.close_all(alert_message = message_closelong) if strategy.position_size < 0 and lowerstop and enablebands and time_cond and timetobuy strategy.close_all(alert_message = message_closeshort) //Strategy Execution - Close Trade At End Of Time Frame if strategy.position_size > 0 and timetoclose and enableclose and time_cond strategy.close_all(alert_message = message_closelong) if strategy.position_size < 0 and timetoclose and enableclose and time_cond strategy.close_all(alert_message = message_closeshort) //Strategy Execution - Stop Loss and Take Profit if strategy.position_size > 0 and enablesl and time_cond strategy.exit(id="Close Long", stop=longStop, limit=longTake, alert_message = message_closelong) if strategy.position_size < 0 and enablesl and time_cond strategy.exit(id="Close Short", stop=shortStop, limit=shortTake, alert_message = message_closeshort) if strategy.position_size > 0 and enabletp and time_cond strategy.exit(id="Close Long", stop=longStop, limit=longTake, alert_message = message_closelong) if strategy.position_size < 0 and enabletp and time_cond strategy.exit(id="Close Short", stop=shortStop, limit=shortTake, alert_message = message_closeshort)