
Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2023-11-01 16:42:41






多头信号: 34日EMA交叉144日EMA



默认颜色设置: 上涨均线为绿色 下跌均线为红色

默认可视化斐波那契均线设置: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181日均线

默认可视化均线设置: 50, 100, 150, 200日均线

默认长仓或短仓设置: 多头信号: 34日EMA交叉144日EMA

空头信号: 55日SMA下穿144日EMA










  1. 使用移动平均线能有效过滤市场噪音,识别趋势方向

  2. 交易信号来自均线交叉具有一定的可靠性

  3. 可以自由选择长短均线组合,优化参数

  4. 结合多条不同周期的均线,能在更大时间维度识别趋势

  5. 可同时采用EMA和SMA,根据品种特性选择最优参数

  6. 视觉上直观形象,通过多颜色均线交叉清晰可见

  7. 实现简单,容易掌握,适合初学者

  8. 可灵活应用于不同品种,具有一定的普适性



  1. 在震荡市中,均线可能产生大量不确定信号,导致超短线交易,增加交易频率和手续费负担。

  2. 选取的参数不合适可能导致错误信号,应选择合适的长短均线组合并验证效果。

  3. 在趋势剧烈反转时,均线交叉信号会滞后,无法及时反应价格变化。

  4. 均线交叉并不能完全避免亏损,需要合理设置止损点。

  5. 需防止过度优化导致的曲线拟合。应在不同市场周期中测试参数稳定性。



  1. 测试不同的长短均线组合,寻找最佳参数,可基于历史数据反复回测。

  2. 尝试调整均线类型,比较SMA和EMA的效果差异。品种趋势更明显可选择SMA,品种波动更剧烈可选择EMA。

  3. 结合其他指标如KDJ、MACD等过滤假信号,提高信号质量。

  4. 增加止损策略,以控制单笔亏损风险。可设定移动止损或追踪止损。

  5. 优化资金管理策略,如根据回撤情况调整仓位等,控制整体风险敞口。

  6. 测试在不同品种及不同周期中的稳定性,评估参数健壮性。必要时可针对品种微调参数。



start: 2022-10-25 00:00:00
end: 2023-10-31 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Options360 : Fibonacci MAI (Moving Averages Input) beta 10/15/22
// © Options360 original public release = 2/25/23
// * This script uses altered pieces of code from my @Options360 "Fibonacci MA7" indicator*
// 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811
strategy(title="Fibonacci Moving Averages Input", shorttitle = "FibMAI", overlay=true)

src = input(ohlc4, 'source')
string  GRP = "Long or Short Settings"
exponential1 = input(true, title="long EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked", group = GRP)
long = input.int(34, minval=1, title="long", tooltip="Signal Moving average long input")
long1 = exponential1 ? ta.ema(src, long) : ta.sma(src, long)

exponential2 = input(true, title="crossover EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked")
longer = input.int(144, minval=1, title="crossover", tooltip="Crossed over Moving average long input")
long2 = exponential2 ? ta.ema(src, longer) : ta.sma(src, longer)

exponential3 = input(true, title="short EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked")
short = input.int(55, minval=1, title="short", tooltip="Signal Moving average short input")
short1 = exponential3 ? ta.ema(src, short) : ta.sma(src, short)

exponential4 = input(false, title="crossunder EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked")
shorter = input.int(144, minval=1, title="crossunder", tooltip="Crossed under Moving average short input")
short2 = exponential4 ? ta.ema(src, shorter) : ta.sma(src, shorter)
string  GRP2 = "Visual FibMA Settings"
exponential = input(true, title="Fib EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked", group = GRP2)
smaplot11 = input (true, title="MA1")
len11 = input.int(1, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out11 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len11) : ta.sma(src, len11)
up11 = out11 > out11[1]
down11 = out11 < out11[1]
mycolor11 = up11 ? #3cfe12 : down11 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out11 and smaplot11 ? out11 :na, title="1", color=mycolor11, linewidth=1)

smaplot18 = input (true, title="MA2")
len18 = input.int(2, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out18 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len18) : ta.sma(src, len18)
up18 = out18 > out18[1]
down18 = out18 < out18[1]
mycolor18 = up18 ? #3cfe12 : down18 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out18 and smaplot18 ? out18 :na , title="2", color=mycolor18, linewidth=1)

smaplot13 = input (true, title="MA3")
len13 = input.int(3, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out13 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len13) : ta.sma(src, len13)
up13 = out13 > out13[1]
down13 = out13 < out13[1]
mycolor13 = up13 ? #3cfe12 : down13 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out13 and smaplot13 ? out13 :na , title="3", color=mycolor11, linewidth=1)

smaplot9 = input (true, title="MA5")
len9 = input.int(5, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out9 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len9) : ta.sma(src, len9)
up9 = out9 > out9[1]
down9 = out9 < out9[1]
mycolor9 = up9 ? #3cfe12 : down9 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out9 and smaplot9 ? out9 :na , title="5", color=mycolor9, linewidth=1)

smaplot8 = input (true, title="MA8")
len8 = input.int(8, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out8 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len8) : ta.sma(src, len8)
up8 = out8 > out8[1]
down8 = out8 < out8[1]
mycolor8 = up8 ? #3cfe12 : down8 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out8 and smaplot8 ? out8 :na , title="8", color=mycolor8, linewidth=1)

smaplot7 = input (true, title="MA13")
len7 = input.int(13, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out7 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len7) : ta.sma(src, len7)
up7 = out7 > out7[1]
down7 = out7 < out7[1]
mycolor7 = up7 ? #3cfe12 : down7 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out7 and smaplot7 ? out7 :na , title="13", color=mycolor7, linewidth=1)

smaplot = input (true, title="MA21")
len = input.int(21, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len) : ta.sma(src, len)
up = out > out[1]
down = out < out[1]
mycolor = up ? #3cfe12 : down ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out and smaplot ? out :na, title="21", color=mycolor, linewidth=1)

smaplot2 = input (true, title="MA34")
len2 = input.int(34, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out2 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len2) : ta.sma(src, len2)
up2 = out2 > out2[1]
down2 = out2 < out2[1]
mycolor2 = up2 ? #3cfe12 : down2 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out2 and smaplot2 ? out2 :na , title="34", color=mycolor2, linewidth=1)

smaplot3 = input (true, title="MA55")
len3 = input.int(55, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out3 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len3) : ta.sma(src, len3)
up3 = out3 > out3[1]
down3 = out3 < out3[1]
mycolor3 = up3 ? #3cfe12 : down3 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out3 and smaplot3 ? out3 :na, title="55", color=mycolor3, linewidth=1)

smaplot4 = input (true, title="MA89")
len4 = input.int(89, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out4 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len4) : ta.sma(src, len4)
up4 = out4 > out4[1]
down4 = out4 < out4[1]
mycolor4 = up4 ? #3cfe12 : down4 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out4 and smaplot4 ? out4 :na , title="89", color=mycolor4, linewidth=1)

smaplot5 = input (true, title="MA144")
len5 = input.int(144, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out5 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len5) : ta.sma(src, len5)
up5 = out5 > out5[1]
down5 = out5 < out5[1]
mycolor5 = up5 ? #3cfe12 : down5 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out5 and smaplot5 ? out5 :na, title="144", color=mycolor5, linewidth=1)

smaplot6 = input (true, title="MA233")
len6 = input.int(233, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out6 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len6) : ta.sma(src, len6)
up6 = out6 > out6[1]
down6 = out6 < out6[1]
mycolor6 = up6 ? #3cfe12 : down6 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out6 and smaplot6 ? out6 :na , title="233", color=mycolor6, linewidth=1)

smaplot10 = input (true, title="MA377")
len10 = input.int(377, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out10 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len10) : ta.sma(src, len10)
up10 = out10 > out10[1]
down10 = out10 < out10[1]
mycolor10 = up10 ? #3cfe12 : down10 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out10 and smaplot10 ? out10 :na , title="377", color=mycolor10, linewidth=1)

smaplot14 = input (true, title="MA610")
len14 = input.int(610, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out14 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len14) : ta.sma(src, len14)
up14 = out14 > out14[1]
down14 = out14 < out14[1]
mycolor14 = up14 ? #3cfe12 : down14 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out14 and smaplot14 ? out14 :na , title="610", color=mycolor14, linewidth=1)

smaplot15 = input (true, title="MA987")
len15 = input.int(987, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out15 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len15) : ta.sma(src, len15)
up15 = out15 > out15[1]
down15 = out15 < out15[1]
mycolor15 = up15 ? #3cfe12 : down15 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out15 and smaplot15 ? out15 :na , title="987", color=mycolor15, linewidth=1)

smaplot16 = input (true, title="MA1597")
len16 = input.int(1597, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out16 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len16) : ta.sma(src, len16)
up16 = out16 > out16[1]
down16 = out16 < out16[1]
mycolor16 = up16 ? #3cfe12 : down16 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out16 and smaplot16 ? out16 :na , title="1597", color=mycolor16, linewidth=1)

smaplot17 = input (true, title="MA2584")
len17 = input.int(2584, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out17 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len17) : ta.sma(src, len17)
up17 = out17 > out17[1]
down17 = out17 < out17[1]
mycolor17 = up17 ? #3cfe12 : down17 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out17 and smaplot17 ? out17 :na , title="2584", color=mycolor17, linewidth=1)

smaplot19 = input (true, title="MA4181")
len19 = input.int(4181, minval=1, title="ma Length")
out19 = exponential ? ta.ema(src, len19) : ta.sma(src, len19)
up19 = out19 > out19[1]
down19 = out19 < out19[1]
mycolor19 = up19 ? #3cfe12 : down19 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(out19 and smaplot19 ? out19 :na , title="4181", color=mycolor19, linewidth=1)
string  GRP3 = "Visual MA Settings"
exponential5 = input(false, title="EMA or SMA", tooltip="EMA checked or SMA unchecked", group = GRP3)

smaplot50 = input (true, title="MA50")
len50 = input.int(50, minval=1, title="ma Length")
ma50 = exponential5 ? ta.ema(src, len50) : ta.sma(src, len50)
up50 = ma50 > ma50[1]
down50 = ma50 < ma50[1]
mycolor50 = up50 ? #3cfe12 : down50 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(ma50 and smaplot50 ? ma50 :na , title="50", color=mycolor50, linewidth=1)

smaplot100 = input (true, title="MA100")
len100 = input.int(100, minval=1, title="ma Length")
ma100 = exponential5 ? ta.ema(src, len100) : ta.sma(src, len100)
up100 = ma100 > ma100[1]
down100 = ma100 < ma100[1]
mycolor100 = up100 ? #3cfe12 : down100 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(ma100 and smaplot100 ? ma100 :na , title="100", color=mycolor100, linewidth=1)

smaplot150 = input (true, title="MA150")
len150 = input.int(150, minval=1, title="ma Length")
ma150 = exponential5 ? ta.ema(src, len150) : ta.sma(src, len150)
up150 = ma150 > ma150[1]
down150 = ma150 < ma150[1]
mycolor150 = up150 ? #3cfe12 : down150 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(ma150 and smaplot150 ? ma150 :na , title="150", color=mycolor150, linewidth=1)

smaplot200 = input (true, title="MA200")
len200 = input.int(200, minval=1, title="ma Length")
ma200 = exponential5 ? ta.ema(src, len200) : ta.sma(src, len200)
up200 = ma200 > ma200[1]
down200 = ma200 < ma200[1]
mycolor200 = up200 ? #3cfe12 : down200 ? #ff0202 : #008eff
plot(ma200 and smaplot200 ? ma200 :na , title="200", color=mycolor200, linewidth=1)
if (ta.crossover(long1, long2))
	strategy.entry("maL", strategy.long, comment="maLong")
if (ta.crossunder(short1, short2))
	strategy.entry("maS", strategy.short, comment="maShort")
