/*backtest start: 2023-12-01 00:00:00 end: 2023-12-31 23:59:59 period: 1h basePeriod: 15m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // TASC Issue: April 2022 - Vol. 40, Issue 4 // Article: Sell In May? Stock Market Seasonality // Article By: Markos Katsanos // Language: TradingView's Pine Script v5 // Provided By: PineCoders, for tradingview.com //@version=5 strategy(title = "TASC 2022.04 S&P500 Hybrid Seasonal System", shorttitle = "HSS v2.0", overlay = true, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 10, initial_capital = 100000, currency = currency.USD, commission_type = strategy.commission.percent, commission_value = 0.01 ) // Helper Functions: // @function Returns the ratio to max/min of a sample period // @param src float, data source. // @param length int, period of the sample. // @returns [float, float] tuple. volatility (float src, int length) => [(src / ta.highest(src, length)[1] - 1.0) * 100.0, (src / ta.lowest (src, length)[1] - 1.0) * 100.0] // @function Volume Flow Indicator. // @param Period int, period of the data sample. // @param VCoef float, Volume Volatility Coefficient. // @param Coef float, Cutoff Coefficient. // @returns float. // ref: https://mkatsanos.com/volume-flow-vfi-indicator/ vfi (int Period = 130, float VCoef = 2.5, float Coef = 0.2) => lastHLC3 = nz(hlc3[1], hlc3) MF = hlc3 - lastHLC3 Vinter = ta.stdev(math.log(hlc3) - math.log(lastHLC3), 30) Vave = ta.sma(volume, Period)[1] Cutoff = Coef * close * Vinter VC = math.min(volume, Vave * VCoef) VCP = MF > Cutoff ? VC : MF < -Cutoff ? -VC : 0.0 VFI1 = nz(math.sum(VCP, Period) / Vave) VFI = ta.ema(VFI1, 3) // inputs: // optional strategy obserservation window parameters: string ig_ow = 'Observation Window:' bool i_Sdate = input( title = 'Start date:', defval = timestamp('2021-01-01'), inline = 'Sdate', group = ig_ow ) < time // bool i_useSdate = input.bool( title = '', defval = false, group = ig_ow, inline = 'Sdate', tooltip = 'Optional start date to clamp strategy observation window.' ) // bool i_Edate = input( title = 'End date:', defval = timestamp('2022-01-01'), inline = 'Edate', group = ig_ow ) > time // bool i_useEdate = input.bool( title = '', defval = false, group = ig_ow, inline = 'Edate', tooltip = 'Optional end date to clamp strategy observation window.' ) // // string ig_ro = 'Lookback Options:' int i_lback = input.int( title = 'Lookback Shift:', defval = 0, minval = 0, group = ig_ro, tooltip = 'Optional, inspect previous signal values.' ) // // string ig_so = 'Signal Options:' bool i_onlyL = input.bool( title = 'Long Only:', defval = true, group = ig_so, tooltip = 'If switched off, short entries are initiated by sell signals.' ) // int i_sMonth = input.int( title = 'Sell Month:', defval = 8, minval = 1, maxval = 12, step = 1, group = ig_so, tooltip = 'The worst performing month, originally clamped between months 5 and 8.' ) // int i_maxVI = input.int( title = 'Max VIX up:', defval = 60, minval = 50, maxval = 60, step = 5, group = ig_so, tooltip = 'Volatility maximum threshold.' ) // int i_critVFI = input.int( title = 'Critical VFI Sell:', defval = -20, minval = -20, maxval = -15, step = 5, group = ig_so, tooltip = 'Critical money float (VFI) threshold for sell signal.' ) // float i_K = input.float( title = 'ATR/VIX Ratio:', defval = 1.5, minval = 1.3, maxval = 1.7, step = 0.2, group = ig_so, tooltip = 'ATR to VIX ratio for sell signal.' ) // // string i_VIticker = input( title = 'Volatility Index:', defval = 'VIX', group = ig_so, tooltip = 'Volatility Index Ticker.' ) // string i_VItf = input.timeframe( title = '', defval = 'D', group = ig_so, tooltip = 'Volatility Index Timeframe.' ) // int i_VIiperiod = input.int( title = 'Implied Volatility period:', defval = 25, group = ig_so ) // int i_VIhperiod = input.int( title = 'Historical Volatility period:', defval = 15, group = ig_so ) // // int i_VFIperiod = input.int( title = 'VFI period:', defval = 130, group = ig_so, inline = 'VFI1' ) // int i_VFIMperiod = input.int( title = 'MA:', defval = 10, group = ig_so, inline = 'VFI1', tooltip = 'VFI and Moving Average sampling period.' ) // float i_VFIcoef = input.float( title = 'VFI Coef Cuttoff:', defval = 0.2, group = ig_so, inline = 'VFI2' ) // float i_VFIvcoef = input.float( title = 'Volat.:', defval = 2.5, group = ig_so, inline = 'VFI2', tooltip = 'VFI Cutoff and Volatility coefficient.' ) // int i_ATRperiod = input.int( title = 'ATR length:', defval = 15, group = ig_so, inline = 'ATR', tooltip = 'ATR length.' ) // // string ig_to = 'Table Options:' bool i_showT = input.bool( title = 'Show Table:', defval = false, group = ig_to, tooltip = 'Optional toggle.' ) // string i_Tpos = input.string(title = 'Position:', defval = position.middle_right, options = [ position.top_left, position.top_center, position.top_right, position.middle_left, position.middle_center, position.middle_right, position.bottom_left, position.bottom_center, position.bottom_right ], group = ig_to) // int i_Ttransp = input.int( title = 'Transparency:', defval = 0, minval = 1, maxval = 99, group = ig_to ) // // color i_Tcframe = input.color( title = 'Table Colors:', defval = #000000, group = ig_to, inline = 'table color' ) // color i_Tcrowe = input.color( title = '', defval = #d6dae3, group = ig_to, inline = 'table color' ) // color i_Tcrowo = input.color( title = '', defval = #cccccc, group = ig_to, inline = 'table color', tooltip = 'Table background colors, in order: frame, even row, odd row.' ) // string i_Ttsize = input.string(title = 'Table Text:', defval = size.small, options = [size.auto, size.huge, size.large, size.normal, size.small, size.tiny], group = ig_to, inline = 'table text' ) // color i_Tcdeft = input.color( title = 'Text Colors:', defval = #000000, group = ig_to, inline = 'table text' ) // color i_Tcsigt = input.color( title = '', defval = color.red, group = ig_to, inline = 'table text' ) // color i_Tctitt = input.color( title = '', defval = color.navy, group = ig_to, inline = 'table text', tooltip = 'Table text size and colors, in order: default, short signal, title.' ) // // Comparison Index float VIX = request.security(i_VIticker, i_VItf, close) [VIdn, VIup] = volatility(VIX, i_VIiperiod) // Implied [ATRdn, ATRup] = volatility(ta.atr(i_VIhperiod), i_VIiperiod) // Historical float VFI = vfi(i_VFIperiod, i_VFIvcoef, i_VFIcoef) float VFI10 = ta.sma(VFI, i_VFIMperiod) // bool VFIatCrit = VFI > i_critVFI bool lowVolat = (VIup < i_maxVI) or (ATRup < (i_K * i_maxVI)) bool VolatC = VFIatCrit ? lowVolat : false bool Long = ((month >= 10) or (month < i_sMonth)) and VolatC[1] bool Sseasonal = month == i_sMonth // SEASONAL EXIT/SHORT bool Svol = VIup > (2.0 * i_maxVI) // VOLATILITY EXIT/SHORT bool Scrit = ta.cross(i_critVFI, VFI) and (VFI10 < VFI10[1]) // VFI EXIT/SHORT bool Short = Sseasonal or Svol[1] or Scrit[1] bool withinObsWindow = true // if withinObsWindow and strategy.equity > 0 _L = strategy.long _S = strategy.short strategy.entry('L' , direction = _L, when = Long ) if i_onlyL strategy.close('L', comment = 'EXIT SEASONAL' , when = Sseasonal ) strategy.close('L', comment = 'EXIT VOLATILITY', when = Svol[1] ) strategy.close('L', comment = 'EXIT MF' , when = Scrit[1] ) else strategy.entry('S Seasonal' , direction = _S, when = Sseasonal ) strategy.entry('S Volatility', direction = _S, when = Svol[1] ) strategy.entry('S MF Crit.' , direction = _S, when = Scrit[1] ) else strategy.close_all() string SIGNAL = switch (Long) => 'Long Seasonal' (Sseasonal and i_onlyL) => 'Exit Seasonal' (Svol[1] and i_onlyL) => 'Exit Volatility' (Scrit[1] and i_onlyL) => 'Exit Money Flow' (Sseasonal and not i_onlyL) => 'Short Seasonal' (Svol[1] and not i_onlyL) => 'Short Volatility' (Scrit[1] and not i_onlyL) => 'Short Money Flow Bearish' => 'none' string date = str.format( '{0,number,0000}-{1,number,00}-{2,number,00}', year, month, dayofmonth ) var table dTable = table.new(position = i_Tpos, columns = 2, rows = 17, frame_color = color.new(#000000, i_Ttransp), frame_width = 4 ) // // @function Helper to populate the table rows. tRow(tableId, idx, left, right, tcol=0) => color _bg = color.new(idx % 2 ? i_Tcrowo : i_Tcrowe, i_Ttransp) color _tx = switch (tcol) (1) => color.new(i_Tcsigt, i_Ttransp) (2) => color.new(i_Tctitt, i_Ttransp) => color.new(i_Tcdeft, i_Ttransp) // table.cell( table_id=tableId, // column=0, row=idx, // text=left, text_color=_tx, text_halign=text.align_right, text_size=i_Ttsize, // bgcolor=_bg) // // table.cell( table_id=tableId, // column=1, row=idx, // text=str.tostring(right), text_color=_tx, text_halign=text.align_left, text_size=i_Ttsize, // bgcolor=_bg) // if i_showT float _atr10 = ta.atr(10)[i_lback] string _nf = '0.00' string _aru = '🔼 ', string _ard = '🔽 ' // id | idx | left label | right label | conditional color | tRow(dTable, 00, 'S&P500 Hybrid Seasonal ' , '' , 2 ) tRow(dTable, 01, 'Created By: Markos Katsanos' , '' , 2 ) tRow(dTable, 02, 'Date:' , date[i_lback] ) tRow(dTable, 03, 'Signal:' , SIGNAL[i_lback] ) tRow(dTable, 04, 'Price:' , open[i_lback] ) tRow(dTable, 05, 'VIX:' , str.tostring( VIX[i_lback], _nf) ) tRow(dTable, 06, 'VFI:' , str.tostring( VFI[i_lback], _nf) , VFIatCrit ? 1 : 0 ) tRow(dTable, 07, 'ATR:' , str.tostring( _atr10, _nf) ) tRow(dTable, 08, 'VIup%:' , str.tostring( VIup[i_lback], _nf) , VIup > i_maxVI ? 1 : 0 ) tRow(dTable, 09, 'ATRup%:' , str.tostring(ATRup[i_lback], _nf) , ATRup > i_K * i_maxVI ? 1 : 0 ) tRow(dTable, 10, 'VIdn%:' , str.tostring( VIdn[i_lback], _nf) ) tRow(dTable, 11, 'ATRdn%:' , str.tostring(ATRdn[i_lback], _nf) ) tRow(dTable, 12, _aru + 'Long Seasonal:' , Long[i_lback] ) tmp = 12 if not i_onlyL tmp := 13 tRow(dTable, 13, _ard + 'Short:' , Short[i_lback] , Short[i_lback] ? 1 : 0 ) tRow(dTable, tmp+1, _ard + 'Seasonal:' , Sseasonal[i_lback] , Sseasonal[i_lback] ? 1 : 0 ) tRow(dTable, tmp+2, _ard + 'Volatility:' , Svol[1+i_lback] , Svol[1 + i_lback] ? 1 : 0 ) tRow(dTable, tmp+3, _ard + 'Money Flow:' , Scrit[i_lback] , Scrit[i_lback] ? 1 : 0 )