本策略基于自适应移动平均指标(AIOMA)和加权移动平均指标(WMA)实现交易信号。它通过 AIOMA 和 WMA 的交叉来产生买入和卖出信号。
AIOMA-WMA 自适应交叉策略
AIOMA 指标计算
WMA 指标计算
本策略整合 AIOMA 和 WMA 两个指标的优势,通过交叉产生交易信号。相比单一移动平均线,可以提高信号质量。通过参数优化、止损策略和波动性过滤等进一步完善,可以成为一个稳定可靠的交易系统。
start: 2023-12-01 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-31 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]
// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © SDTA
strategy("AIOMA-WMA Strategy", overlay=true)
// Parametreler
aioma_length = input(14, "AIOMA Length")
wma_length = input(21, "WMA Length")
// AIOMA hesaplama
length1 = aioma_length
ema1 = ta.ema(close, length1)
length2 = aioma_length
ema2 = ta.ema(ema1, length2)
length3 = aioma_length
ema3 = ta.ema(ema2, length3)
length4 = aioma_length
ema4 = ta.ema(ema3, length4)
aioma = ta.ema(ema4, aioma_length)
// WMA hesaplama
wma = ta.wma(close, wma_length)
// Kesişim kontrolü
cross_up = ta.crossover(wma, aioma)
cross_down = ta.crossunder(wma, aioma)
// İşlem fonksiyonu
enterTrade(dir, price, signalText, color) =>
if dir
strategy.entry("Enter", strategy.long)
label.new(x = bar_index, y = price, text = signalText, color = color, textcolor = color, style = label.style_label_up, size = size.small, tooltip = "Entry Signal")
else if not dir
strategy.entry("Exit", strategy.short)
label.new(x = bar_index, y = price, text = signalText, color = color, textcolor = color, style = label.style_label_down, size = size.small, tooltip = "Exit Signal")
// Long pozisyon girişi
if cross_up
enterTrade(true, low, "Buy Signal", color.green)
// Short pozisyon girişi
if cross_down
enterTrade(false, high, "Sell Signal", color.red)
// Pozisyon kapatma
if cross_up and strategy.position_size > 0
if cross_down and strategy.position_size < 0
// Grafiğe plot
plot(aioma, color=color.blue, linewidth=2, title="AIOMA")
plot(wma, color=color.red, linewidth=2, title="WMA")