
Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-01-23 15:33:59






  1. Coral Trend Indicator:利用三重或更高阶的指数平滑移动平均线组合判断价格趋势
  2. SSL Channel:结合移动平均线判断价格通道及趋势
  3. Heikin Ashi RSI:利用换手率指标与日内均线组合判断趋势
  4. MACD DEMA:双指数移动平均线与MACD组合判断趋势
  5. WaveTrend Oscillator:根据价格通道判断趋势


举例来说,如果我们选择了2个指标:Coral Trend和SSL Channel。那么只有当它们两个同时发出买入信号时,我们才做多;只有当它们两个同时发出卖出信号时,我们才做空。



  1. 使用多个指标组合,可以识别趋势反转高概率情况,提高交易胜率
  2. 各指标使用不同的计算方式,使信号更加全面准确
  3. 可任意选择1到5个指标进行组合,组合灵活
  4. 提供各指标的详细参数设置,可以针对不同市场进行优化
  5. 提供回看窗口参数,可以调整识别买卖点的灵敏度


  1. 单一指标存在误导风险

    • 解决方法:使用多个指标的组合验证
  2. 参数设置不当可能导致过于灵敏或过于迟钝

    • 解决方法:根据不同周期及品种反复测试优化参数
  3. 指标之间存在一定滞后

    • 解决方法:设置适当的回看时间窗口


  1. 测试更多类型的趋势判断指标,扩大指标池,丰富组合
  2. 增加机器学习算法,自动识别最佳指标组合
  3. 增加参数自适应优化模块,使参数可以动态调整
  4. 结合情绪指标、基本面指标等识别趋势反转
  5. 开发量化风险管理模型,控制交易风险



start: 2023-12-01 00:00:00
end: 2023-12-31 23:59:59
period: 1h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

//Any trade decisions you make are entirely your own responsibility//

strategy('GT 5.1 Strategy', 'GT 5.1 Strategy •', true, default_qty_type=strategy.cash)
dec1 = input(true,"HARSI", group=GROUP_6)
harsi_back = input.int(6, 'Lookback HARSI', group=GROUP_6, minval=1, maxval=32)
dec2 = input(true,"SSL", group=GROUP_6)
ssl_back = input.int(1, 'Lookback SSL', group=GROUP_6, minval=0, maxval=4)
dec3 = input(true,"CORAL", group=GROUP_6)
coral_back = input.int(4, 'Lookback CORAL', group=GROUP_6, minval=1, maxval=10)
dec4 = input(false,"MACD DEMA", group=GROUP_6)
macd_back =input.int(0, 'Lookback MACD DEMA', group=GROUP_6, minval=0, maxval=10)
dec5 = input(false,"WAVE TREND", group=GROUP_6)
wave_back=input.int(0, 'Lookback WAVE', group=GROUP_6, minval=0, maxval=10)


string GROUP_1 = 'Config » HARSI'
i_lenHARSI = input.int(14, 'Length', group=GROUP_1, minval=1)
i_smoothing = input.int(7, 'Open Smoothing', group=GROUP_1, minval=1, maxval=100)
f_zrsi(_source, _length) => ta.rsi(_source, _length) - 50
f_zstoch(_source, _length, _smooth, _scale) =>
    float _zstoch = ta.stoch(_source, _source, _source, _length) - 50
    float _smoothed = ta.sma(_zstoch, _smooth)
    float _scaled = (_smoothed / 100 )* _scale
f_rsi(_source, _length, _mode) =>
    float _zrsi = f_zrsi(_source, _length)
    var float _smoothed = na
    _smoothed := na(_smoothed[1]) ? _zrsi : (_smoothed[1] + _zrsi) / 2
    _mode ? _smoothed : _zrsi
f_rsiHeikinAshi(_length) =>
    float _closeRSI = f_zrsi(close, _length)
    float _openRSI = nz(_closeRSI[1], _closeRSI)
    float _highRSI_raw = f_zrsi(high, _length)
    float _lowRSI_raw = f_zrsi(low, _length)
    float _highRSI = math.max(_highRSI_raw, _lowRSI_raw)
    float _lowRSI = math.min(_highRSI_raw, _lowRSI_raw)
    float _close = (_openRSI + _highRSI + _lowRSI + _closeRSI) / 4
    var float _open = na
    _open := na(_open[i_smoothing]) ? (_openRSI + _closeRSI) / 2 : ((_open[1] * i_smoothing) + _close[1]) / (i_smoothing + 1)
    float _high = math.max(_highRSI, math.max(_open, _close))
    float _low = math.min(_lowRSI, math.min(_open, _close))
    [_open, _high, _low, _close]
[O, H, L, C] = f_rsiHeikinAshi(i_lenHARSI)


string GROUP_2 = 'Config » SSL Channel'
int len = input.int(10, 'Period', group=GROUP_2)
float smaHigh = ta.sma(high, len)
float smaLow = ta.sma(low, len)
float Hlv = na
Hlv := close > smaHigh ? 1 : close < smaLow ? -1 : Hlv[1]
float sslDown = Hlv < 0 ? smaHigh : smaLow
float sslUp = Hlv < 0 ? smaLow : smaHigh
plot(sslDown, linewidth=2, color=color.new(color.red, 0))
plot(sslUp, linewidth=2, color=color.new(color.lime, 0))


string GROUP_3 = 'Config » Coral Trend Candles'
src = close
sm = input.float(9, 'Smoothing Period', group=GROUP_3, minval=1)
cd = input.float(0.4, 'Constant D', group=GROUP_3, minval=0.1)
float di = (sm) / 2.0 + 1.0
float c1 = 2 / (di + 1.0)
float c2 = 1 - c1
float c3 = 3.0 * (cd * cd + cd * cd * cd)
float c4 = -3.0 * (2.0 * cd * cd + cd + cd * cd * cd)
float c5 = 3.0 * cd + 1.0 + cd * cd * cd + 3.0 * cd * cd
var float i1 = na
var float i2 = na
var float i3 = na
var float i4 = na
var float i5 = na
var float i6 = na
i1 := c1 * src + c2 * nz(i1[1])
i2 := c1 * i1 + c2 * nz(i2[1])
i3 := c1 * i2 + c2 * nz(i3[1])
i4 := c1 * i3 + c2 * nz(i4[1])
i5 := c1 * i4 + c2 * nz(i5[1])
i6 := c1 * i5 + c2 * nz(i6[1])
var float bfr = na
bfr := -cd * cd * cd * i6 + c3 * i5 + c4 * i4 + c5 * i3
color bfrC = bfr > nz(bfr[1]) ? color.green : bfr < nz(bfr[1]) ? color.red : color.blue
plot(bfr, title='Trend', linewidth=3, style=plot.style_circles, color=bfrC)

//=======================================================================MACD DEMA=======================================================================//
string GROUP_4 = 'Config » MACD DEMA'
sma = input(12,title='DEMA Short', group=GROUP_4)
lma = input(26,title='DEMA Long', group=GROUP_4)
tsp = input(9,title='Signal', group=GROUP_4)
//dolignes = input(true,title="Lines", group=GROUP_4)

MMEslowa = ta.ema(close,lma)
MMEslowb = ta.ema(MMEslowa,lma)
DEMAslow = ((2 * MMEslowa) - MMEslowb )
MMEfasta = ta.ema(close,sma)
MMEfastb = ta.ema(MMEfasta,sma)
DEMAfast = ((2 * MMEfasta) - MMEfastb)
LigneMACDZeroLag = (DEMAfast - DEMAslow)
MMEsignala = ta.ema(LigneMACDZeroLag, tsp)
MMEsignalb = ta.ema(MMEsignala, tsp)
Lignesignal = ((2 * MMEsignala) - MMEsignalb )
MACDZeroLag = (LigneMACDZeroLag - Lignesignal)
swap1 = MACDZeroLag>0?color.green:color.red

//p1 = plot(dolignes?LigneMACDZeroLag:na,"LigneMACD",color.blue)
//p2 = plot(dolignes?Lignesignal:na,"Signal",color.red)
//fill(p1, p2, color.blue)

//=======================================================================WAVE TREND=======================================================================//
string GROUP_5 = 'Config » WAVE TREND'

n1 = input(10, "Channel Length", group=GROUP_5)
n2 = input(21, "Average Length", group=GROUP_5)
//obLevel1 = input(60, "Over Bought Level 1", group=GROUP_5)
//obLevel2 = input(53, "Over Bought Level 2", group=GROUP_5)
//osLevel1 = input(-60, "Over Sold Level 1", group=GROUP_5)
//osLevel2 = input(-53, "Over Sold Level 2", group=GROUP_5)
ap = hlc3 
esa = ta.ema(ap, n1)
d = ta.ema(math.abs(ap - esa), n1)
ci = (ap - esa) / (0.015 * d)
tci = ta.ema(ci, n2)
wt1 = tci
wt2 = ta.sma(wt1,4)
//plot(0,"a" ,color.gray)
//plot(obLevel1,"a", color.red)
//plot(osLevel1,"a", color.green)
//plot(obLevel2,"a", color.red)
//plot(osLevel2,"a", color.green)
//plot(wt1,"a", color.green)
//plot(wt2,"a", color.red)
//plot(wt1-wt2,"a",color.blue, 1)

bool checker_1   = false   // HARSI BUY
bool checker_11  = false   // HARSI lookback BUY
bool checker_2   = false   // HARSI SELL
bool checker_21  = false   // HARSI lookback SELL
bool checker_3   = false   // SSL AL
bool checker_31  = false   // SSL lookback 0 dan büyükse al
bool checker_4   = false   // SSL SAT
bool checker_41  = false   // SSL lookback 0 dan büyükse sat
bool checker_5   = false   // CORAL AL
bool checker_51  = false   // CORAL lookback 1 den büyükse al
bool checker_6   = false   // CORAL SAT
bool checker_61  = false   // CORAL lookback 1 den büyükse sat
bool checker_7   = false   // MACD AL
bool checker_71  = false   // MACD lookback 0 dan büyükse al
bool checker_8   = false   // MACD SAT
bool checker_81  = false   // MACD lookback 0 dan büyükse sat
bool checker_9   = false   // WAVE AL
bool checker_91  = false   // WAVE lookback 0 dan büyükse al
bool checker_10  = false   // WAVE SAT
bool checker_101 = false   // WAVE lookback 0 dan büyükse sat

if harsi_back==1
    if ( C > O and C[1] < O[1] and C > C[1])
        checker_1 := true
//HARSI SELL                
    if (C < O and C[1] > O[1] )
        checker_2 := true
if harsi_back>1
    int say_1=0
    while harsi_back>say_1 and checker_11 == false
        if ( C[say_1] > O[say_1] and C[say_1+1] < O[say_1+1] and C[say_1] > C[say_1+1])
            checker_11 := true
    int say_2=0   
    while harsi_back>say_2 and checker_21 == false        
        if (C[say_2] < O[say_2] and C[say_2+1] > O[say_2+1])
            checker_21 := true
if ssl_back==0
    if (ta.crossover(sslUp, sslDown))
        checker_3 := true
    if (ta.crossover(sslDown, sslUp))
        checker_4 := true
if ssl_back>0
    int say_3=0
    while ssl_back>=say_3 and checker_31==false
        if (sslUp[say_3]>sslDown[say_3] and sslUp[say_3+1]<sslDown[say_3+1] )
            checker_31 := true
    int say_4=0
    while ssl_back>=say_4 and checker_41==false
        if (sslUp[say_4]<sslDown[say_4] and sslUp[say_4+1]>sslDown[say_4+1])
            checker_41 := true
if coral_back==1
    if(bfrC == color.green and bfrC[1] == color.red)
        checker_5 := true
    if(bfrC == color.red and bfrC[1] == color.green)
        checker_6 := true
if coral_back>1
    int say_5=0
    while coral_back>say_5 and checker_51 == false
        if(bfrC[say_5] == color.green and bfrC[say_5+1] == color.red)
            checker_51 := true
        say_5 := say_5+1
    int say_6=0
    while coral_back>say_6 and checker_61 == false
        if(bfrC[say_6] == color.red and bfrC[say_6+1] == color.green)
            checker_61 := true
        say_6 := say_6+1

if macd_back==0 
    if ta.crossover(LigneMACDZeroLag,Lignesignal)
        checker_7 := true
    if ta.crossover(Lignesignal,LigneMACDZeroLag) 
        checker_8 := true
if macd_back>0
    int say_7=0
    while macd_back>=say_7 and checker_71==false
        if ta.crossover(LigneMACDZeroLag[say_7],Lignesignal[say_7])
            checker_71 := true
    int say_8=0
    while macd_back>=say_8 and checker_81==false
        if ta.crossover(Lignesignal[say_8],LigneMACDZeroLag[say_8])
            checker_81 := true
//=======================================================================WAVE TREND=======================================================================//
if wave_back ==0
    if ta.crossover(wt1,wt2)
        checker_9  := true
    if ta.crossover(wt2,wt1)
        checker_10 :=true
if wave_back>0
    int say_9 =0
    while wave_back>=say_9 and checker_91==false
        if (ta.crossover(wt1[say_9],wt2[say_9]))
            checker_91 := true
    int say_10=0
    while wave_back>=say_10 and checker_101==false
        if (ta.crossover(wt2[say_10],wt1[say_10]))
            checker_101 := true
var buy  = false
var sell = true
//=======================================================================TEK SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
if buy == false and sell==true
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_1 or checker_11
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
    if dec2 == true and dec1==false and dec3== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_3 or checker_31
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up,textcolor= color.white, size=size.small, text="SSL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
    if dec3 == true and dec2==false and dec1== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_5 or checker_51
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up,textcolor= color.white, size=size.small, text="CORAL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
    if dec4 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec1==false and dec5==false
        if checker_7 or checker_71
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
    if dec5 == true and dec1==false and dec2== false and dec3==false and dec4==false
        if checker_9 or checker_91
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//=======================================================================2 SEÇENEK=======================================================================// 
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_1== true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec3
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec2 dec3
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec2 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec2 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_5 == true or checker_51==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_5 == true or checker_51==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== true
        if (checker_7 == true or checker_71==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="MACD\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//=======================================================================3 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
// dec 1 dec2 dec3
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4 ==false and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec1 dec2 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4 ==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD ")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec1 dec2 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4 ==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n WAVE ")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec1 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n MACD ")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec1 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n WAVE ")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec1 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == false and dec4 ==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n MACD\n\n WAVE ")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec2 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) 
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec2 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n  WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec2 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== true
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n MACD\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
// dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_5 == true or checker_51==true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n MACD\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//=======================================================================4 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n CORAL\n\n\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec2 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11==true) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n CORAL\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//dec2 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true 
        if (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 ==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91==true)
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//=======================================================================5 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true 
        if (checker_1 == true or checker_11) and (checker_3 == true or checker_31 == true) and (checker_5 == true or checker_51 == true) and (checker_7 == true or checker_71 ==true) and (checker_9 == true or checker_91==true) 
            label.new(bar_index, low-ta.tr, color=color.green,style= label.style_label_up, size=size.small, text="SUPER BUY")
            strategy.entry("long", strategy.long)
            sell:= false
//=======================================================================TEK SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
if buy == true and sell==false
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_2 or checker_21
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
    if dec2 == true and dec1==false and dec3== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_4 or checker_41
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
    if dec3 == true and dec2==false and dec1== false and dec4==false and dec5==false
        if checker_6 or checker_61
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="CORAL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
    if dec4 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec1==false and dec5==false
        if checker_8 or checker_81
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
    if dec5 == true and dec1==false and dec2== false and dec3==false and dec4==false
        if checker_10 or checker_101
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//=======================================================================2 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_2==true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 or checker_41 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec3
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec2 dec3
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== false
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec2 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec2 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
 //dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== true and dec5== false
        if (checker_6 == true or checker_61==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_6 == true or checker_61==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== true
        if (checker_8 == true or checker_81==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="MACD\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//=======================================================================3 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
// dec1 dec2 dec3
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4 ==false and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr/2, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n CORAL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
            buy := false
// dec1 dec2 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4 ==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr/2, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
            buy := false
// dec1 dec2 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4 ==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr/2, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD ")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec1 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n MACD ")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec1 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD ")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec1 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == false and dec4 ==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n MACD\n\n WAVE ")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec2 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec2 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== true and dec4== false and dec5== true
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec2 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3== false and dec4== true and dec5== true
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
// dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4 ==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_6 == true or checker_61==true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 == true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="CORAL\n MACD\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//=======================================================================4 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec4
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== false
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n CORAL\n\n\n MACD")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==false and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n CORAL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec2 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == false and dec4==true and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 == true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==false and dec5== true
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21==true) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 ==true)
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="HARSI\n SSL\n\n CORAL\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//dec2 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == false and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true 
        if (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 ==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101==true) 
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SSL\n CORAL\n\n MACD\n\n\n WAVE")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)
            sell:= true
//=======================================================================5 SEÇENEK=======================================================================//
//dec1 dec2 dec3 dec4 dec5
    if dec1 == true and dec2==true and dec3 == true and dec4==true and dec5== true 
        if (checker_2 == true or checker_21) and (checker_4 == true or checker_41 == true) and (checker_6 == true or checker_61 == true) and (checker_8 == true or checker_81 ==true) and (checker_10 == true or checker_101==true) 
            label.new(bar_index, high+ta.tr, color=color.red,style= label.style_label_down, size=size.small, text="SUPER SELL")
            strategy.entry("short", strategy.short)            
            sell:= true
