本策略名称为“双指数平均线交叉量化交易策略”。该策略通过计算双指数移动平均线(Exponential Moving Average, EMA)并进行交叉买卖点判断,结合量化交易开仓原理,实现自动化交易。
优化方向: - 1. 可以测试调整EMA参数,优化交叉信号 - 2. 可以结合更多指标过滤信号 - 3. 可以通过机器学习算法自动优化参数
/*backtest start: 2023-01-18 00:00:00 end: 2024-01-24 00:00:00 period: 1d basePeriod: 1h exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © smottybugger //@version= 5 strategy("The Averages Moving_X_Vortex", shorttitle="2.5billion BTC lol" , calc_on_order_fills=true, calc_on_every_tick=true, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.02, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, initial_capital=100, margin_long=0, margin_short=0,overlay=true) // Dual Vortex period_1 = input(15, "short Time") period_2 = input(25, "long time") VMP = math.sum(math.abs(high - low[3]), period_1) VMM = math.sum(math.abs(low - high[1]), period_2) STR = math.sum(ta.atr(1), period_1) STR2 = math.sum(ta.atr(1), period_2) VXpower= (input(5,"Vortex Power")/10000)*close shorterV =(VMP / STR)*VXpower longerV = (VMM / STR2)*VXpower // MACross shortlen = input(20, "ShortMa") longlen = input(29, "LongMA") shorterMA = ta.sma(close, shortlen) longerMA = ta.sma(close, longlen) // Vortex "MACross Stabilized" Varance = input(1, "Vortex Stabilize") Vpercent = (Varance / 100) shortV= ((((shorterMA-close)* Vpercent)+shorterV)/2)+close longV = ((((longerMA -close )*Vpercent)+longerV)/2)+close //MAcross vortex stabilized Marance = input(1, "MACross Stabilize") MApercent = Marance / 100 shortMA = ((((shorterMA-close)*MApercent)+shorterV)/2)+close longMA = ((((longerMA-close)*MApercent)+longerV)/2)+close //VMXadveraged Moving cross adveraged VMXL=(longV+longMA)/2 VMXS=(shortV+shortMA)/2 VXcross= ta.cross(VMXS,VMXL) ? VMXS : na VMXcross= ta.cross(VMXS,VMXL) //plot plot(VMXS,"BUY",color=#42D420) plot(VMXL,"SELL",color=#e20420) crossV= ta.cross(shortV, longV) ? shortV : na plot(shortV ,"shortV", color=#42D420) plot(longV,"longV", color=#e20420) plot(crossV,"crossV", color=#2962FF, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=4) crossMA = ta.cross(shortMA, longMA) ? shortMA : na plot(shortMA,"shortMA", color=#42D420) plot(longMA,"longMA", color=#e20420) plot(crossMA,"crossMA", color=#2962FF, style=plot.style_cross, linewidth=4) plot(VXcross,"VMXcross",color=#2962FF, style= plot.style_cross,linewidth=4) plot(close,color=#999999) // Vortex Condistyle is_Vlong =shortV< longV is_Vshort =shortV>longV // Vortex commands Vlong = ta.crossunder(longV, shortV) Vshort =ta.crossover(shortV,longV) VorteX = ta.cross(longV, shortV) // MACross Conditions is_MAlong = shortMA < longV is_MAshort = shortMA > shortV //VMX Conditions is_VMXlong=VMXS<VMXL is_VMXshort=VMXS>VMXL // MA commands MAlong = ta.crossunder(shortMA, longV) MAshort =ta.crossover(shortMA, shortV) MAcross = ta.cross(shortMA, longMA) //VMX COMMANss VMXBUY=ta.crossover( VMXS,VMXL) VMXSELL=ta.crossunder(VMXS,VMXL) // Close Crossing PositionLMXs CS=is_MAshort or is_VMXshort CL= is_MAlong or is_VMXlong OS=MAshort or VMXSELL OL=MAlong or VMXBUY if VMXcross strategy.close_all ("closed") //if CS and OL strategy.close("Short",comment="Short Closed") //if CL and OS strategy.close("Long",comment="Long Closed" ) //CA1= is_MAcross and is_VorteX //if CA1 // strategy.close_all(comment="X2X") // Defalongyntry qty if is_VMXlong and VMXSELL strategy.entry("sell",strategy.short) if is_VMXshort and VMXBUY strategy.entry("buy",strategy.long) // Stop Losses & Taking Profit sllp = input(0, "Stop Loss Long") sll = (1 - sllp / 100) * strategy.position_avg_price is_sll = input(true, "Stop Long") tplp = input(0, "Take Profit Long") tpl = (1 + tplp / 100) * strategy.position_avg_price is_tpl = input(true, "Take Long") slsp = input(0, "Stop Loss Short") sls = (1 + slsp / 100) * strategy.position_avg_price is_sls = input(true, "Stop Short") tpsp = input(0, "Take Profit Short") tps = (1 - tpsp / 100) * strategy.position_avg_price is_tps = input(true, "Take Short") if (is_sll or is_sls) strategy.close("Stop Losses", qty_percent=100) if (is_tpl or is_tps) strategy.close("Take Profits", qty_percent=100) //Strategy Backtest //plot(strategy.equity, "Equity", color=color.red, linewidth=2, style=plot.style_areabr)