/*backtest start: 2024-01-18 00:00:00 end: 2024-01-25 00:00:00 period: 15m basePeriod: 5m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © TradingInsights2 //@version=5 strategy("Ultimate 5EMA Strategy By PowerOfStocks", overlay=true) Eusl = input.bool(false, title="Enable the Extra SL shown below") usl = input.int(defval=5, title='Value to set SL number of points below-low or above-high', minval=1, maxval=100) RiRe = input.int(defval=3, title='Risk to Reward Ratio', minval=1, maxval=25) ShowSell = input.bool(true, 'Show Sell Signals') ShowBuy = input.bool(false, 'Show Buy Signals') BSWCon = input.bool(defval=false, title='Buy/Sell with Extra Condition - candle close') // Moving Average ema5 = ta.ema(close, 5) pema5 = plot(ema5, '5 Ema', color=color.new(#da1a1a, 0), linewidth=2) var bool Short = na var bool Long = na var shortC = 0 var sslhitC = 0 var starhitC = 0 var float ssl = na var float starl = na var float star = na var float sellat = na var float alert_shorthigh = na var float alert_shortlow = na var line lssl = na var line lstar = na var line lsell = na var label lssllbl = na var label lstarlbl = na var label lselllbl = na var longC = 0 var lslhitC = 0 var ltarhitC = 0 var float lsl = na var float ltarl = na var float ltar = na var float buyat = na var float alert_longhigh = na var float alert_longlow = na var line llsl = na var line lltar = na var line lbuy = na var label llsllbl = na var label lltarlbl = na var label lbuylbl = na ShortWC = low[1] > ema5[1] and low[1] > low and shortC == 0 and close < close[1] ShortWOC = low[1] > ema5[1] and low[1] > low and shortC == 0 Short := BSWCon ? ShortWC : ShortWOC sslhit = high > ssl and shortC > 0 and sslhitC == 0 starhit = low < star and shortC > 0 and starhitC == 0 LongWC = high[1] < ema5[1] and high[1] < high and longC == 0 and close > close[1] LongWOC = high[1] < ema5[1] and high[1] < high and longC == 0 Long := BSWCon ? LongWC : LongWOC lslhit = low < lsl and longC > 0 and lslhitC == 0 ltarhit = high > ltar and longC > 0 and ltarhitC == 0 if Short and ShowSell shortC := shortC + 1 sslhitC := 0 starhitC := 0 alert_shorthigh := high[1] if Eusl ssl := high[1] + usl starl := BSWCon ? ((high[1] - close) + usl) * RiRe : ((high[1] - low[1]) + usl) * RiRe else ssl := high[1] starl := BSWCon ? (high[1] - close) * RiRe : (high[1] - low[1]) * RiRe star := BSWCon ? close - starl : low[1] - starl sellat := BSWCon ? close : low[1] // lssl := line.new(bar_index, ssl, bar_index, ssl, color=color.new(#fc2d01, 45), style=line.style_dashed) // lstar := line.new(bar_index, star, bar_index, star, color=color.new(color.green, 45), style=line.style_dashed) // lsell := line.new(bar_index, sellat, bar_index, sellat, color=color.new(color.orange, 45), style=line.style_dashed) // lssllbl := label.new(bar_index, ssl, style=label.style_none, text='Stop Loss - Short' + ' (' + str.tostring(ssl) + ')', textcolor=color.new(#fc2d01, 35), color=color.new(#fc2d01, 35)) // lstarlbl := label.new(bar_index, star, style=label.style_none, text='Target - Short' + ' (' + str.tostring(star) + ')', textcolor=color.new(color.green, 35), color=color.new(color.green, 35)) // lselllbl := label.new(bar_index, sellat, style=label.style_none, text='Sell at' + ' (' + str.tostring(sellat) + ')', textcolor=color.new(color.orange, 35), color=color.new(color.orange, 35)) if sslhit == false and starhit == false and shortC > 0 // line.set_x2(lssl, bar_index) // line.set_x2(lstar, bar_index) // line.set_x2(lsell, bar_index) sslhitC := 0 starhitC := 0 else if sslhit shortC := 0 sslhitC := sslhitC + 1 else if starhit shortC := 0 starhitC := starhitC + 1 if Long and ShowBuy longC := longC + 1 lslhitC := 0 ltarhitC := 0 alert_longlow := low[1] if Eusl lsl := low[1] - usl ltarl := BSWCon ? ((close - low[1]) + usl) * RiRe : ((high[1] - low[1]) + usl) * RiRe else lsl := low[1] ltarl := BSWCon ? (close - low[1]) * RiRe : (high[1] - low[1]) * RiRe ltar := BSWCon ? close + ltarl : high[1] + ltarl buyat := BSWCon ? close : high[1] llsl := line.new(bar_index, lsl, bar_index, lsl, color=color.new(#fc2d01, 45), style=line.style_dotted) lltar := line.new(bar_index, ltar, bar_index, ltar, color=color.new(color.green, 45), style=line.style_dotted) lbuy := line.new(bar_index, buyat, bar_index, buyat, color=color.new(color.orange, 45), style=line.style_dotted) llsllbl := label.new(bar_index, lsl, style=label.style_none, text='Stop Loss - Long' + ' (' + str.tostring(lsl) + ')', textcolor=color.new(#fc2d01, 35), color=color.new(#fc2d01, 35)) lltarlbl := label.new(bar_index, ltar, style=label.style_none, text='Target - Long' + ' (' + str.tostring(ltar) + ')', textcolor=color.new(color.green, 35), color=color.new(color.green, 35)) lbuylbl := label.new(bar_index, buyat, style=label.style_none, text='Buy at' + ' (' + str.tostring(buyat) + ')', textcolor=color.new(color.orange, 35), color=color.new(color.orange, 35)) if lslhit == false and ltarhit == false and longC > 0 // line.set_x2(llsl, bar_index) // line.set_x2(lltar, bar_index) // line.set_x2(lbuy, bar_index) lslhitC := 0 ltarhitC := 0 else if lslhit longC := 0 lslhitC := lslhitC + 1 else if ltarhit longC := 0 ltarhitC := ltarhitC + 1 strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, when=Long) strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short, when=Short) strategy.close("ExitBuy", when=sslhit or starhit) strategy.close("ExitSell", when=lslhit or ltarhit) plotshape(ShowSell and Short, title='Sell', location=location.abovebar, offset=0, color=color.new(#e74c3c, 45), style=shape.arrowdown, size=size.normal, text='Sell', textcolor=color.new(#e74c3c, 55)) plotshape(ShowSell and sslhit, title='SL Hit - Short', location=location.abovebar, offset=0, color=color.new(#fc2d01, 25), style=shape.arrowdown, size=size.normal, text='SL Hit - Short', textcolor=color.new(#fc2d01, 25)) plotshape(ShowSell and starhit, title='Target Hit - Short', location=location.belowbar, offset=0, color=color.new(color.green, 45), style=shape.arrowup, size=size.normal, text='Target Hit - Short', textcolor=color.new(color.green, 55)) plotshape(ShowBuy and Long, title='Buy', location=location.belowbar, offset=0, color=color.new(#2ecc71, 45), style=shape.arrowup, size=size.normal, text='Buy', textcolor=color.new(#2ecc71, 55)) plotshape(ShowBuy and lslhit, title='SL Hit - Long', location=location.belowbar, offset=0, color=color.new(#fc2d01, 25), style=shape.arrowdown, size=size.normal, text='SL Hit - Long', textcolor=color.new(#fc2d01, 25)) plotshape(ShowBuy and ltarhit, title='Target Hit - Long', location=location.abovebar, offset=0, color=color.new(color.green, 45), style=shape.arrowup, size=size.normal, text='Target Hit - Long', textcolor=color.new(color.green, 55)) if ShowSell and Short alert("Go Short@ " + str.tostring(sellat) + " : SL@ " + str.tostring(ssl) + " : Target@ " + str.tostring(star) + " ", alert.freq_once_per_bar ) if ShowBuy and Long alert("Go Long@ " + str.tostring(buyat) + " : SL@ " + str.tostring(lsl) + " : Target@ " + str.tostring(ltar) + " ", alert.freq_once_per_bar ) ///// End of code