
创建日期: 2024-02-05 13:54:34 最后修改: 2024-02-05 13:54:34
复制: 0 点击次数: 320






  1. 计算多种移动平均线,包括SMA、EMA、Hull MA和加权移动平均线VWMA等。通过与当前价格比较,评定多空级别。
  2. 计算一系列震荡指标,包括RSI、CCI、MACD、威廉指标%R、随机指标等。判断震荡指标多空态势差异,评定多空级别。
  3. 技术指标评级法综合上述两个方面指标评分结果,得出最终操作信号。信号绝对值超过0.5为强信号,0.1-0.5为弱信号。
  4. 根据最终操作信号,策略可以做多或做空。同时设定止损和止盈退出逻辑。



  1. 结合众多技术指标,指标评分法判断市场时机更加全面和可靠
  2. 采用动态止损和止盈设定,有助于抑制亏损风险
  3. 可自定义指标评级成分,实现对策略的定制化操作
  4. 支持做多和做空两个方向,适应更多市场环境
  5. 可选择是否开启某个交易方向,降低不必要的交易次数


  1. 指标评分法作为决策依据,本身也存在一定主观性
  2. 部分震荡指标对于创新高和低位判断不准确
  3. 需要详细评估技术指标权重配置以优化评分法
  4. 大量指标计算增加策略运算量,可能影响运行效率
  5. 须关注长时间运行内的总体盈亏情况,防止过度交易




  1. 评估每种技术指标的有效性,优化评分法中的指标选择
  2. 调整各技术指标的评分权重和信号强弱阈值
  3. 优化移动止损止盈的参数,进一步控制交易风险
  4. 根据不同品种特点,设定最佳的指标参数取值
  5. 增加机器学习等手段辅助判决指标评分信号




start: 2024-01-05 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-04 00:00:00
period: 3h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy(title="Ratings", shorttitle="Ratings", default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100, commission_value = 0.1, overlay=true)

useLong = input(true, title = "Long")
useShort = input(true, title = "Short")
res = input("", title="Indicator Timeframe", type=input.resolution)
ratingSignal = input(defval = "All", title = "Rating is based on", options = ["MAs", "Oscillators", "All"])
startTime = input(defval = timestamp("01 Jan 2000 00:00 +0000"), title = "Start Time", type = input.time, inline = "time1")
finalTime = input(defval = timestamp("31 Dec 2099 23:59 +0000"), title = "Final Time", type = input.time, inline = "time1")
trueTime = true

// Awesome Oscillator
AO() => 
    sma(hl2, 5) - sma(hl2, 34)
// Stochastic RSI
StochRSI() =>
    rsi1 = rsi(close, 14)
    K = sma(stoch(rsi1, rsi1, rsi1, 14), 3)
    D = sma(K, 3)
    [K, D]
// Ultimate Oscillator
tl() => close[1] < low ? close[1]: low
uo(ShortLen, MiddlLen, LongLen) =>
    Value1 = sum(tr, ShortLen)
    Value2 = sum(tr, MiddlLen)
    Value3 = sum(tr, LongLen)
    Value4 = sum(close - tl(), ShortLen)
    Value5 = sum(close - tl(), MiddlLen)
    Value6 = sum(close - tl(), LongLen)
    float UO = na
    if Value1 != 0 and Value2 != 0 and Value3 != 0
        var0 = LongLen / ShortLen
        var1 = LongLen / MiddlLen
        Value7 = (Value4 / Value1) * (var0)
        Value8 = (Value5 / Value2) * (var1)
        Value9 = (Value6 / Value3)
        UO := (Value7 + Value8 + Value9) / (var0 + var1 + 1)
// Ichimoku Cloud
donchian(len) => avg(lowest(len), highest(len))
ichimoku_cloud() =>
    conversionLine = donchian(9)
    baseLine = donchian(26)
    leadLine1 = avg(conversionLine, baseLine)
    leadLine2 = donchian(52)
    [conversionLine, baseLine, leadLine1, leadLine2]
calcRatingMA(ma, src) => na(ma) or na(src) ? na : (ma == src ? 0 : ( ma < src ? 1 : -1 ))
calcRating(buy, sell) => buy ? 1 : ( sell ? -1 : 0 )
calcRatingAll() =>
    //============== MA =================
    SMA10 = sma(close, 10)
    SMA20 = sma(close, 20)
    SMA30 = sma(close, 30)
    SMA50 = sma(close, 50)
    SMA100 = sma(close, 100)
    SMA200 = sma(close, 200)
    EMA10 = ema(close, 10)
    EMA20 = ema(close, 20)
    EMA30 = ema(close, 30)
    EMA50 = ema(close, 50)
    EMA100 = ema(close, 100)
    EMA200 = ema(close, 200)
    HullMA9 = hma(close, 9)
    // Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA)
    VWMA = vwma(close, 20)
    [IC_CLine, IC_BLine, IC_Lead1, IC_Lead2] = ichimoku_cloud()
    // ======= Other =============
    // Relative Strength Index, RSI
    RSI = rsi(close,14)
    // Stochastic
    lengthStoch = 14
    smoothKStoch = 3
    smoothDStoch = 3
    kStoch = sma(stoch(close, high, low, lengthStoch), smoothKStoch)
    dStoch = sma(kStoch, smoothDStoch)
    // Commodity Channel Index, CCI
    CCI = cci(close, 20)
    // Average Directional Index
    float adxValue = na, float adxPlus = na, float adxMinus = na
    [P, M, V] = dmi(14, 14)
    adxValue := V
    adxPlus := P
    adxMinus := M
    // Awesome Oscillator
    ao = AO()
    // Momentum
    Mom = mom(close, 10)
    // Moving Average Convergence/Divergence, MACD
    [macdMACD, signalMACD, _] = macd(close, 12, 26, 9)
    // Stochastic RSI
    [Stoch_RSI_K, Stoch_RSI_D] = StochRSI()
    // Williams Percent Range
    WR = wpr(14)
    // Bull / Bear Power
    BullPower = high - ema(close, 13)
    BearPower = low - ema(close, 13)
    // Ultimate Oscillator
    UO = uo(7,14,28)
    if not na(UO)
        UO := UO * 100
    PriceAvg = ema(close, 50)
    DownTrend = close < PriceAvg
    UpTrend = close > PriceAvg
    // calculate trading recommendation based on SMA/EMA
    float ratingMA = 0
    float ratingMAC = 0
    if not na(SMA10)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(SMA10, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(SMA20)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(SMA20, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(SMA30)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(SMA30, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(SMA50)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(SMA50, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(SMA100)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(SMA100, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(SMA200)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(SMA200, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(EMA10)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(EMA10, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(EMA20)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(EMA20, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(EMA30)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(EMA30, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(EMA50)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(EMA50, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(EMA100)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(EMA100, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(EMA200)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + calcRatingMA(EMA200, close)
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(HullMA9)
        ratingHullMA9 = calcRatingMA(HullMA9, close)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + ratingHullMA9
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    if not na(VWMA)
        ratingVWMA = calcRatingMA(VWMA, close)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + ratingVWMA
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    float ratingIC = na
    if not (na(IC_Lead1) or na(IC_Lead2) or na(close) or na(close[1]) or na(IC_BLine) or na(IC_CLine))
        ratingIC := calcRating(
         IC_Lead1 > IC_Lead2 and close > IC_Lead1 and close < IC_BLine and close[1] < IC_CLine and close > IC_CLine,
         IC_Lead2 > IC_Lead1 and close < IC_Lead2 and close > IC_BLine and close[1] > IC_CLine and close < IC_CLine)
    if not na(ratingIC)
        ratingMA := ratingMA + ratingIC
        ratingMAC := ratingMAC + 1
    ratingMA := ratingMAC > 0 ? ratingMA / ratingMAC : na
    float ratingOther = 0
    float ratingOtherC = 0
    ratingRSI = RSI
    if not(na(ratingRSI) or na(ratingRSI[1]))
        ratingOtherC := ratingOtherC + 1
        ratingOther := ratingOther + calcRating(ratingRSI < 30 and ratingRSI[1] < ratingRSI, ratingRSI > 70 and ratingRSI[1] > ratingRSI)
    if not(na(kStoch) or na(dStoch) or na(kStoch[1]) or na(dStoch[1]))
        ratingOtherC := ratingOtherC + 1
        ratingOther := ratingOther + calcRating(kStoch < 20 and dStoch < 20 and kStoch > dStoch and kStoch[1] < dStoch[1], kStoch > 80 and dStoch > 80 and kStoch < dStoch and kStoch[1] > dStoch[1])
    ratingCCI = CCI
    if not(na(ratingCCI) or na(ratingCCI[1]))
        ratingOtherC := ratingOtherC + 1
        ratingOther := ratingOther + calcRating(ratingCCI < -100 and ratingCCI > ratingCCI[1], ratingCCI > 100 and ratingCCI < ratingCCI[1])
    if not(na(adxValue) or na(adxPlus[1]) or na(adxMinus[1]) or na(adxPlus) or na(adxMinus))
        ratingOtherC := ratingOtherC + 1
        ratingOther := ratingOther + calcRating(adxValue > 20 and adxPlus[1] < adxMinus[1] and adxPlus > adxMinus, adxValue > 20 and adxPlus[1] > adxMinus[1] and adxPlus < adxMinus)
    if not(na(ao) or na(ao[1]))
        ratingOtherC := ratingOtherC + 1
        ratingOther := ratingOther + calcRating(crossover(ao,0) or (ao > 0 and ao[1] > 0 and ao > ao[1] and ao[2] > ao[1]), crossunder(ao,0) or (ao < 0 and ao[1] < 0 and ao < ao[1] and ao[2] < ao[1]))
    if not(na(Mom) or na(Mom[1]))
        ratingOtherC := ratingOtherC + 1
        ratingOther := ratingOther + calcRating(Mom > Mom[1], Mom < Mom[1])
    if not(na(macdMACD) or na(signalMACD))
        ratingOtherC := ratingOtherC + 1
        ratingOther := ratingOther + calcRating(macdMACD > signalMACD, macdMACD < signalMACD)
    float ratingStoch_RSI = na
    if not(na(DownTrend) or na(UpTrend) or na(Stoch_RSI_K) or na(Stoch_RSI_D) or na(Stoch_RSI_K[1]) or na(Stoch_RSI_D[1]))
        ratingStoch_RSI := calcRating(
         DownTrend and Stoch_RSI_K < 20 and Stoch_RSI_D < 20 and Stoch_RSI_K > Stoch_RSI_D and Stoch_RSI_K[1] < Stoch_RSI_D[1],
         UpTrend and Stoch_RSI_K > 80 and Stoch_RSI_D > 80 and Stoch_RSI_K < Stoch_RSI_D and Stoch_RSI_K[1] > Stoch_RSI_D[1])
    if not na(ratingStoch_RSI)
        ratingOtherC := ratingOtherC + 1
        ratingOther := ratingOther + ratingStoch_RSI
    float ratingWR = na
    if not(na(WR) or na(WR[1]))
        ratingWR := calcRating(WR < -80 and WR > WR[1], WR > -20 and WR < WR[1])
    if not na(ratingWR)
        ratingOtherC := ratingOtherC + 1
        ratingOther := ratingOther + ratingWR
    float ratingBBPower = na
    if not(na(UpTrend) or na(DownTrend) or na(BearPower) or na(BearPower[1]) or na(BullPower) or na(BullPower[1]))
        ratingBBPower := calcRating(
         UpTrend and BearPower < 0 and BearPower > BearPower[1],
         DownTrend and BullPower > 0 and BullPower < BullPower[1])
    if not na(ratingBBPower)
        ratingOtherC := ratingOtherC + 1
        ratingOther := ratingOther + ratingBBPower
    float ratingUO = na
    if not(na(UO))
        ratingUO := calcRating(UO > 70, UO < 30)
    if not na(ratingUO)
        ratingOtherC := ratingOtherC + 1
        ratingOther := ratingOther + ratingUO
    ratingOther := ratingOtherC > 0 ? ratingOther / ratingOtherC : na
    float ratingTotal = 0
    float ratingTotalC = 0
    if not na(ratingMA)
        ratingTotal := ratingTotal + ratingMA
        ratingTotalC := ratingTotalC + 1
    if not na(ratingOther)
        ratingTotal := ratingTotal + ratingOther
        ratingTotalC := ratingTotalC + 1
    ratingTotal := ratingTotalC > 0 ? ratingTotal / ratingTotalC : na
    [ratingTotal, ratingOther, ratingMA, ratingOtherC, ratingMAC]
[ratingTotal, ratingOther, ratingMA, ratingOtherC, ratingMAC]  = security(syminfo.tickerid, res, calcRatingAll())
StrongBound = 0.5
WeakBound = 0.1
getSignal(ratingTotal, ratingOther, ratingMA) =>
    float _res = ratingTotal
    if ratingSignal == "MAs"
        _res := ratingMA
    if ratingSignal == "Oscillators"
        _res := ratingOther
tradeSignal = getSignal(ratingTotal, ratingOther, ratingMA)

dynSLpoints(factor) => factor * atr(14) / syminfo.mintick

lotLong = useLong and trueTime ? na : 0
lotShort = useShort and trueTime ? na : 0
strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, lotLong, when = tradeSignal > StrongBound)
strategy.entry("short", strategy.short, lotShort, when = tradeSignal < -StrongBound)
strategy.exit("sl/tp", loss = dynSLpoints(3), trail_points = dynSLpoints(5), trail_offset = dynSLpoints(2))

//Cancel all
if time > finalTime