
Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-02-05 14:09:14





  1. 比较当前K线收盘价close与前一K线收盘价close[1],如果close > close[1],则判断为看涨机会,设置longCondition=1;如果close < close[1],则判断为看跌机会,设置shortCondition=1。

  2. 在允许交易的时间段内,如果longCondition=1,则逐步加仓做多;如果shortCondition=1,则逐步加仓做空。

  3. 加仓次数由参数pyramiding设置,可选择1到5次加仓,默认为4次。

  4. 每次加仓后,会同时设置对冲条件,如果行情转向,会立即止损。

  5. 可选择把交易信号输出到不同的交易接口,如toast、telegram等。



  1. 逐步加仓方式能更好跟踪趋势

  2. 加仓次数可调,更灵活

  3. 可选择不同的交易接口,拓宽数量型

  4. 有止损机制,可控风险

  5. 时间过滤功能,避免错误信号


  1. 参数设置不当可能导致亏损加大

  2. 网络问题可能导致无法及时止损

  3. 需适当调整参数以适应不同品种

  4. 需适时止损以锁定利润


  1. 调整加仓次数,默认4次为宜

  2. 检查网络连接

  3. 根据品种特点调整参数

  4. 设置止损位


  1. 可以考虑加入更多指标判断信号强弱

  2. 可以测试不同品种参数优化效果

  3. 可以加入机器学习算法优化参数

  4. 可以优化风险管理机制



start: 2024-01-05 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-04 00:00:00
period: 3h
basePeriod: 15m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © torresbitmex

strategy("torres_strategy_real_test_v1.0", process_orders_on_close=true, overlay=true, initial_capital=1000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, commission_value=0.03, calc_on_order_fills=false, pyramiding=4)

in_trade(int start_time, int end_time) =>    
    allowedToTrade = (time>=start_time) and (time<=end_time)
    if barstate.islastconfirmedhistory
        var myLine = line(na)
        myLine := line.new(start_time, low, start_time, high, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color = color.rgb(255, 153, 0, 50), width = 3, extend = extend.both, style = line.style_dashed)

// 매매시간세팅
start_time = input(timestamp("31 Jan 2024 00:00 +0900"), title="매매 시작", group='매매 시간세팅')
end_time = input(timestamp("31 Dec 2030 00:00 +0900"), title="매매 종료", group='매매 시간세팅')
start_trade = true
bgcolor(start_trade ? color.new(color.gray, 90)   : color(na))

var bool Alarm_TVExtbot = false
var bool Alarm_Alert = false

bot_mode = input.string(title='봇선택', defval = "POA", options = ["TVEXTBOT", "POA"], group = "봇선택", inline = '1')
if bot_mode == "TVEXTBOT"
    Alarm_TVExtbot := true
else if bot_mode == "POA"
    Alarm_Alert := true
    Alarm_TVExtbot := false
    Alarm_Alert := false

// 계정정보
account = input.string(title='계정', defval='아무거나입력', inline='1', group='계정정보')
token = input.string(title='TVExtBot 인증키', defval='', inline='1', group='계정정보')

mul_input = input.float(4, minval=1, maxval=5, step=1, title="분할진입수", group='진입 세팅', inline='1')
// 진입주문메세지입력
buyOrderid = input.string(title='롱 진입1', defval='', group='진입주문 메세지입력', inline='2')
buyOrderid2 = input.string(title='롱 진입2', defval='', group='진입주문 메세지입력', inline='3')
buyOrderid3 = input.string(title='롱 진입3', defval='', group='진입주문 메세지입력', inline='4')
buyOrderid4 = input.string(title='롱 진입4', defval='', group='진입주문 메세지입력', inline='5')
buyOrderid5 = input.string(title='롱 진입5', defval='', group='진입주문 메세지입력', inline='6')
sellOrderid = input.string(title='숏 진입1', defval='', group='진입주문 메세지입력', inline='2')
sellOrderid2 = input.string(title='숏 진입2', defval='', group='진입주문 메세지입력', inline='3')
sellOrderid3 = input.string(title='숏 진입3', defval='', group='진입주문 메세지입력', inline='4')
sellOrderid4 = input.string(title='숏 진입4', defval='', group='진입주문 메세지입력', inline='5')
sellOrderid5 = input.string(title='숏 진입5', defval='', group='진입주문 메세지입력', inline='6')

// 종료주문메세지입력
buycloseOrderid = input.string(title='롱 전체종료', defval='', group='종료주문 메세지입력', inline='1')
sellcloseOrderid = input.string(title='숏 전체종료', defval='', group='종료주문 메세지입력', inline='1')

longCondition = 0, shortCondition = 0

if(close[1] < close)
    longCondition := 1
    longCondition := 0
if(close[1] > close)
    shortCondition := 1
    shortCondition := 0

if start_trade
    if Alarm_Alert
        if strategy.position_size == 0
            if (longCondition == 1)
                strategy.entry("buy1", strategy.long, alert_message = buyOrderid)

            if (shortCondition == 1)
                strategy.entry("sell1", strategy.short, alert_message = sellOrderid)

        if strategy.position_size > 0
            if (longCondition == 1)
                if (strategy.opentrades == 1) and (mul_input == 2 or mul_input == 3 or mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("buy2", strategy.long, alert_message = buyOrderid2)  
                if (strategy.opentrades == 2) and (mul_input == 3 or mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("buy3", strategy.long, alert_message = buyOrderid3)  
                if (strategy.opentrades == 3) and (mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("buy4", strategy.long, alert_message = buyOrderid4)  
                if (strategy.opentrades == 4) and (mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("buy5", strategy.long, alert_message = buyOrderid5)  

        if strategy.position_size < 0
            if (shortCondition == 1)
                if (strategy.opentrades == 1) and (mul_input == 2 or mul_input == 3 or mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("sell2", strategy.short, alert_message = sellOrderid2)  
                if (strategy.opentrades == 2) and (mul_input == 3 or mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("sell3", strategy.short, alert_message = sellOrderid3)  
                if (strategy.opentrades == 3) and (mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("sell4", strategy.short, alert_message = sellOrderid4)
                if (strategy.opentrades == 4) and (mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("sell5", strategy.short, alert_message = sellOrderid5)

        if (longCondition == 1 and strategy.position_size > 0)
            if mul_input == 1 and strategy.opentrades == 1
                strategy.close_all(comment='롱전체종료', alert_message = buycloseOrderid)
            if mul_input == 2 and strategy.opentrades == 2
                strategy.close_all(comment='롱전체종료', alert_message = buycloseOrderid)
            if mul_input == 3 and strategy.opentrades == 3
                strategy.close_all(comment='롱전체종료', alert_message = buycloseOrderid)
            if mul_input == 4 and strategy.opentrades == 4
                strategy.close_all(comment='롱전체종료', alert_message = buycloseOrderid)
            if mul_input == 5 and strategy.opentrades == 5
                strategy.close_all(comment='롱전체종료', alert_message = buycloseOrderid)
        if (shortCondition == 1 and strategy.position_size < 0)
            if mul_input == 1 and strategy.opentrades == 1
                strategy.close_all(comment='숏전체종료', alert_message = sellcloseOrderid)
            if mul_input == 2 and strategy.opentrades == 2
                strategy.close_all(comment='숏전체종료', alert_message = sellcloseOrderid)
            if mul_input == 3 and strategy.opentrades == 3
                strategy.close_all(comment='숏전체종료', alert_message = sellcloseOrderid)
            if mul_input == 4 and strategy.opentrades == 4
                strategy.close_all(comment='숏전체종료', alert_message = sellcloseOrderid)
            if mul_input == 5 and strategy.opentrades == 5
                strategy.close_all(comment='숏전체종료', alert_message = sellcloseOrderid)
    else if Alarm_TVExtbot
        if strategy.position_size == 0
            if (longCondition == 1)
                strategy.entry("buy1", strategy.long, alert_message = '롱 1차 진입 📈📈 TVM:{"orderid":"' + buyOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')

            if (shortCondition == 1)
                strategy.entry("sell1", strategy.short, alert_message = '숏 1차 진입 📉📉 TVM:{"orderid":"' + sellOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')

        if strategy.position_size > 0
            if (longCondition == 1)
                if (strategy.opentrades == 1) and (mul_input == 2 or mul_input == 3 or mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("buy2", strategy.long, alert_message = '롱 2차 진입 📈📈 TVM:{"orderid":"' + buyOrderid2 + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')  
                if (strategy.opentrades == 2) and (mul_input == 3 or mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("buy3", strategy.long, alert_message = '롱 3차 진입 📈📈 TVM:{"orderid":"' + buyOrderid3 + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')  
                if (strategy.opentrades == 3) and (mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("buy4", strategy.long, alert_message = '롱 4차 진입 📈📈 TVM:{"orderid":"' + buyOrderid4 + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')  
                if (strategy.opentrades == 4) and (mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("buy5", strategy.long, alert_message = '롱 5차 진입 📈📈 TVM:{"orderid":"' + buyOrderid5 + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT') 

        if strategy.position_size < 0
            if (shortCondition == 1)
                if (strategy.opentrades == 1) and (mul_input == 2 or mul_input == 3 or mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("sell2", strategy.short, alert_message = '숏 2차 진입 📉📉 TVM:{"orderid":"' + sellOrderid2 + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')  
                if (strategy.opentrades == 2) and (mul_input == 3 or mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("sell3", strategy.short, alert_message = '숏 3차 진입 📉📉 TVM:{"orderid":"' + sellOrderid3 + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')  
                if (strategy.opentrades == 3) and (mul_input == 4 or mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("sell4", strategy.short, alert_message = '숏 4차 진입 📉📉 TVM:{"orderid":"' + sellOrderid4 + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')
                if (strategy.opentrades == 4) and (mul_input == 5)
                    strategy.entry("sell5", strategy.short, alert_message = '숏 5차 진입 📉📉 TVM:{"orderid":"' + sellOrderid5 + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')
        if (longCondition == 1 and strategy.position_size > 0)
            if mul_input == 1 and strategy.opentrades == 1
                strategy.close_all(comment='롱전체종료', alert_message = '롱 종료 📈⛔TVM:{"orderid":"' + buycloseOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')
            if mul_input == 2 and strategy.opentrades == 2
                strategy.close_all(comment='롱전체종료', alert_message = '롱 종료 📈⛔TVM:{"orderid":"' + buycloseOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')
            if mul_input == 3 and strategy.opentrades == 3
                strategy.close_all(comment='롱전체종료', alert_message = '롱 종료 📈⛔TVM:{"orderid":"' + buycloseOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')
            if mul_input == 4 and strategy.opentrades == 4
                strategy.close_all(comment='롱전체종료', alert_message = '롱 종료 📈⛔TVM:{"orderid":"' + buycloseOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')
            if mul_input == 5 and strategy.opentrades == 5
                strategy.close_all(comment='롱전체종료', alert_message = '롱 종료 📈⛔TVM:{"orderid":"' + buycloseOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')            
        if (shortCondition == 1 and strategy.position_size < 0)
            if mul_input == 1 and strategy.opentrades == 1
                strategy.close_all(comment='숏전체종료', alert_message = '숏 종료 📉⛔TVM:{"orderid":"' + sellcloseOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')
            if mul_input == 2 and strategy.opentrades == 2
                strategy.close_all(comment='숏전체종료', alert_message = '숏 종료 📉⛔TVM:{"orderid":"' + sellcloseOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')
            if mul_input == 3 and strategy.opentrades == 3
                strategy.close_all(comment='숏전체종료', alert_message = '숏 종료 📉⛔TVM:{"orderid":"' + sellcloseOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')
            if mul_input == 4 and strategy.opentrades == 4
                strategy.close_all(comment='숏전체종료', alert_message = '숏 종료 📉⛔TVM:{"orderid":"' + sellcloseOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')
            if mul_input == 5 and strategy.opentrades == 5
                strategy.close_all(comment='숏전체종료', alert_message = '숏 종료 📉⛔TVM:{"orderid":"' + sellcloseOrderid + '","memo":"' + account + '","token":"' + token + '"}:MVT')

