
Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-02-06 12:13:22





  1. 支撑阻力位识别
    • 当收盘价连续4天高于前4天的收盘价时,记录该点为下行支撑位
    • 当收盘价连续4天低于前4天的收盘价时,记录该点为上行阻力位
  2. 信号生成
    • 在识别到支撑位后,如果价格上涨期数达到设置的长仓阈值(默认9天),产生做多信号
    • 在识别到阻力位后,如果价格下跌期数达到设置的短仓阈值(默认9天),产生做空信号
  3. 移动平均线过滤和止损
    • 进场时要求价格高于或低于设置期限的移动平均线,用来过滤信号
    • 止损位设置为进场时的移动平均线


  1. 使用支撑阻力位判断较为可靠,不会被短期波动误导
  2. 结合移动平均线过滤可以减少假信号
  3. 双向交易,可以提高操作频率,增加盈利机会
  4. 参数可调,可以根据不同品种和市场情况优化


  1. 在趋势市场中,短期内可能出现多次亏损交易
    • 可以适当调高移动平均线周期,减少交易频率
  2. 支持位或阻力位判断失误的概率
    • 可以适当调整判定支撑阻力位的长度阈值
  3. 大幅震荡市场中,止损可能过于频繁被触发
    • 可以适当放宽止损范围
    • 增加趋势判断指标


  1. 加入更多技术指标判断,提高策略稳定性
    • 增加趋势、动量等判断指标
  2. 优化支撑阻力位判断逻辑
    • 测试不同参数对结论的影响
  3. 针对具体品种和周期进行参数优化
    • 不同品种参数可调范围不一样
  4. 开发自适应止损机制
    • 根据市场波动程度动态调整止损幅度



start: 2023-01-30 00:00:00
end: 2024-02-05 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © GlobalMarketSignals

strategy("GMS: TD Sequential Strategy", overlay=true)

LongShort     = input(title="Long Only or Short Only or Both?", type=input.string, defval="Both", options=["Both", "Long Only", "Short Only"])
PriceFlipL    = input(title="TD Sequential Long Price Flip", type = input.integer ,defval=9)
PriceFlipS    = input(title="TD Sequential Short Price Flip", type = input.integer ,defval=9)
MAs1          = input(title="Long MA", type=input.string, defval="SMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "VWMA"])
MAs2          = input(title="Short MA", type=input.string, defval="SMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "VWMA"])
SMAlenL       = input(title="Long MA Exit Length", type = input.integer ,defval=10)
SMAlenS       = input(title="Short MA Exit Length", type = input.integer ,defval=10)
AboveBelowL   = input(title="Long Trend Filter?", type=input.string, defval="Above", options=["Above", "Below", "Don't Include"])
AboveBelowS   = input(title="Short Trend Filter?", type=input.string, defval="Below", options=["Above", "Below", "Don't Include"])
TLma          = input(title="Trend MA", type=input.string, defval="SMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "VWMA"])
TrendLength   = input(title="Trend MA Length", type = input.integer ,defval=200)
PTbutton      = input(title="Profit Target On/Off", type=input.bool, defval=true)
ProfitTarget  = input(title="Profit Target %", type=input.float, defval=1, step=0.1, minval=0)
SLbutton      = input(title="Stop Loss On/Off", type=input.bool, defval=true)
StopLoss      = input(title="Stop Loss %", type=input.float, defval=-1, step=0.1, maxval=0)


if PTbutton == true and SLbutton == true
    strategy.exit("EXIT", profit=((close*(ProfitTarget*0.01))/syminfo.mintick), loss=((close*(StopLoss*-0.01))/syminfo.mintick))
    if PTbutton == true and SLbutton == false
        strategy.exit("PT EXIT", profit=((close*(ProfitTarget*0.01))/syminfo.mintick))
        if PTbutton == false and SLbutton == true
            strategy.exit("SL EXIT", loss=((close*(StopLoss*-0.01))/syminfo.mintick))
            strategy.cancel("PT EXIT")

// S/R Code By johan.gradin (lines 36-46)
// Buy setup//
priceflip1 = barssince(close>close[4])
buysetup = close<close[4] and priceflip1
buy = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=9)
buyovershoot = barssince(priceflip1!=13) and buysetup
// Sell Setup //
priceflip = barssince(close<close[4])
sellsetup = close>close[4] and priceflip
sell = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=9)
sellovershoot = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=13)

/////// SMA

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))  

/////// EMA

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and  close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and  close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS)) 

/////// VWMA

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close>sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close<sma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "SMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS)) 


/////// SMA

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))  

/////// EMA

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and  close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and  close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS)) 

/////// VWMA

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close>ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close<ema(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "EMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS)) 


/////// SMA

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<sma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>sma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) and close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "SMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>sma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<sma(close,SMAlenS))  

/////// EMA

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and  close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) and  close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<ema(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>ema(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) and close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "EMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>ema(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<ema(close,SMAlenS)) 

/////// VWMA

if LongShort =="Long Only" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Long Only" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Short Only" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and AboveBelowL == "Above" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Below" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) and  close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowL == "Don't Include" and MAs1 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("LONG", true, when = buysetup and barssince(priceflip1!=PriceFlipL) and close<vwma(close,SMAlenL) )
    strategy.close("LONG", when = close>vwma(close,SMAlenL))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Above" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close>vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT", when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))
if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Below" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) and close<vwma(close,TrendLength))
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS))

if LongShort =="Both" and  AboveBelowS == "Don't Include" and MAs2 == "VWMA" and TLma == "VWMA"
    strategy.entry("SHORT", false, when = sellsetup and barssince(priceflip!=PriceFlipS) and close>vwma(close,SMAlenS) )
    strategy.close("SHORT",  when = close<vwma(close,SMAlenS)) 

