判断动量:采用TTM Squeeze指标判断市场的波动率和动量。TTM Squeeze指标通过比较布林带和Keltner通道的宽度来测量波动率,挤压意味着波动率极低。挤压解除则意味着波动率增加和价格即将产生较大方向性移动的信号
产生交易信号:当价格上穿EMA均线、PSAR点,并且TTM Squeeze 指标解除挤压时,产生看多信号;当价格下穿EMA均线、PSAR点,并且TTM Squeeze指标进入挤压时,产生看空信号
TTMSqueeze 指标可有效判断趋势中的调整,避免调整期无效交易
多指标组合判断,虽提高信号准确度,但也增加了跳过 Entry 点位的可能
/*backtest start: 2024-01-01 00:00:00 end: 2024-01-31 23:59:59 period: 1h basePeriod: 15m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ //@version=5 // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © simwai strategy('Octopus Nest Strategy 🐙', shorttitle='🐙', overlay=true ) // -- Colors -- color maximumYellowRed = color.rgb(255, 203, 98) // yellow color rajah = color.rgb(242, 166, 84) // orange color magicMint = color.rgb(171, 237, 198) color languidLavender = color.rgb(232, 215, 255) color maximumBluePurple = color.rgb(181, 161, 226) color skyBlue = color.rgb(144, 226, 244) color lightGray = color.rgb(214, 214, 214) color quickSilver = color.rgb(163, 163, 163) color mediumAquamarine = color.rgb(104, 223, 153) color carrotOrange = color.rgb(239, 146, 46) // -- Inputs -- float src = input.source(close, 'Choose Source', group='General', inline='1') bool isSignalLabelEnabled = input.bool(title='Show Signal Labels?', defval=true, group='General', inline='2') bool isPsarAdaptive = input.bool(title='Is PSAR Adaptive?', defval=false, group='General', inline='2') float highLowStopLossMultiplier = input.float(defval=0.98, step=0.01, minval=0, maxval=1, title='Multiplier', group='High Low Stop Loss', inline='1') float highLowStopLossBackupMultiplier = input.float(defval=0.98, step=0.01, minval=0, maxval=1, title='Backup Multiplier', group='High Low Stop Loss', inline='1') int highLowStopLossLookback = input.int(defval=20, step=5, minval=1, title='Lookback', group='High Low Stop Loss', inline='2') float automaticHighLowTakeProfitRatio = input.float(defval=1.125, step=0.1, minval=0, title='Risk Reward Ratio', group='Automatic High Low Take Profit', inline='2') int emaLength = input.int(100, minval=2, title='Length', group='EMA', inline='1') int ttmLength = input.int(title='Length', defval=20, minval=0, group='TTM Squeeze', inline='1') float psarStart = input.float(0.02, 'Start', step=0.01, minval=0.0, group='PSAR', inline='1') float psarInc = input.float(0.02, 'Increment', step=0.01, minval=0.01, group='PSAR', inline='1') float psarMax = input.float(0.2, 'Max', step=0.05, minval=0.0, group='PSAR', inline='2') startAFactor = input.float(0.02, 'Starting Acceleration Factor', step = 0.001, group='Adaptive PSAR', inline='1') minStep = input.float(0.0, 'Min Step', step = 0.001, group='Adaptive PSAR', inline='1') maxStep = input.float(0.02, 'Max Step', step = 0.001, group='Adaptive PSAR', inline='2') maxAFactor = input.float(0.2, 'Max Acceleration Factor', step = 0.001, group='Adaptive PSAR', inline='2') hiloMode = input.string('On', 'HiLo Mode', options = ['Off', 'On'], group='Adaptive PSAR') adaptMode = input.string('Kaufman', 'Adaptive Mode', options = ['Off', 'Kaufman', 'Ehlers'], group='Adaptive PSAR') adaptSmth = input.int(5, 'Adaptive Smoothing Period', minval = 1, group='Adaptive PSAR') filt = input.float(0.0, 'Filter in Pips', group='Adaptive PSAR', minval = 0) minChng = input.float(0.0, 'Min Change in Pips', group='Adaptive PSAR', minval = 0) SignalMode = input.string('Only Stops', 'Signal Mode', options = ['Only Stops', 'Signals & Stops'], group='Adaptive PSAR') // -- Functions -- tr(_high, _low, _close) => math.max(_high - _low, math.abs(_high - _close[1]), math.abs(_low - _close[1])) // -- Calculation -- var string lastTrade = 'initial' float _low = low float _high = high float _close = close // -- TTM Squeeze – Credits to @Greeny -- bband(ttmLength, mult) => ta.sma(src, ttmLength) + mult * ta.stdev(src, ttmLength) keltner(ttmLength, mult) => ta.ema(src, ttmLength) + mult * ta.ema(tr(_high, _low, _close), ttmLength) e1 = (ta.highest(_high, ttmLength) + ta.lowest(_low, ttmLength)) / 2 + ta.sma(src, ttmLength) osc = ta.linreg(src - e1 / 2, ttmLength, 0) diff = bband(ttmLength, 2) - keltner(ttmLength, 1) osc_color = osc[1] < osc[0] ? osc[0] >= 0 ? #00ffff : #cc00cc : osc[0] >= 0 ? #009b9b : #ff9bff mid_color = diff >= 0 ? color.green : color.red // -- PSAR -- // Credits to @Bjorgum calcBaseUnit() => bool isForexSymbol = syminfo.type == 'forex' bool isYenPair = syminfo.currency == 'JPY' float result = isForexSymbol ? isYenPair ? 0.01 : 0.0001 : syminfo.mintick // Credits to @loxx _afact(mode,input, per, smooth) => eff = 0., seff = 0. len = 0, sum = 0., max = 0., min = 1000000000. len := mode == 'Kaufman' ? math.ceil(per) : math.ceil(math.max(20, 5 * per)) for i = 0 to len if (mode == 'Kaufman') sum += math.abs(input[i] - input[i + 1]) else max := input[i] > max ? input[i] : max min := input[i] < min ? input[i] : min if (mode == 'Kaufman' and sum != 0) eff := math.abs(input - input[len]) / sum else if (mode == 'Ehlers' and (max - min) > 0) eff := (input - min) / (max - min) seff := ta.ema(eff, smooth) seff hVal2 = nz(high[2]), hVal1 = nz(high[1]), hVal0 = high lowVal2 = nz(low[2]), lowVal1 = nz(low[1]), lowVal0 = low hiprice2 = nz(high[2]), hiprice1 = nz(high[1]), hiprice0 = high loprice2 = nz(low[2]), loprice1 = nz(low[1]), loprice0 = low upSig = 0., dnSig = 0. aFactor = 0., step = 0., trend = 0. upTrndSAR = 0., dnTrndSAR = 0. length = (2 / maxAFactor - 1) if (hiloMode == 'On') hiprice0 := high loprice0 := low else hiprice0 := src loprice0 := hiprice0 if bar_index == 1 trend := 1 hVal1 := hiprice1 hVal0 := math.max(hiprice0, hVal1) lowVal1 := loprice1 lowVal0 := math.min(loprice0, lowVal1) aFactor := startAFactor upTrndSAR := lowVal0 dnTrndSAR := 0. else hVal0 := hVal1 lowVal0 := lowVal1 trend := nz(trend[1]) aFactor := nz(aFactor[1]) inputs = 0. inprice = src if (adaptMode != 'Off') if (hiloMode == 'On') inprice := src else inprice := hiprice0 if (adaptMode == 'Kaufman') inputs := inprice else if (adaptMode == 'Ehlers') if (nz(upTrndSAR[1]) != 0.) inputs := math.abs(inprice - nz(upTrndSAR[1])) else if (nz(dnTrndSAR[1]) != 0.) inputs := math.abs(inprice - nz(dnTrndSAR[1])) step := minStep + _afact(adaptMode, inputs, length, adaptSmth) * (maxStep - minStep) else step := maxStep upTrndSAR := 0., dnTrndSAR := 0., upSig := 0., dnSig := 0. if (nz(trend[1]) > 0) if (nz(trend[1]) == nz(trend[2])) aFactor := hVal1 > hVal2 ? nz(aFactor[1]) + step : aFactor aFactor := aFactor > maxAFactor ? maxAFactor : aFactor aFactor := hVal1 < hVal2 ? startAFactor : aFactor else aFactor := nz(aFactor[1]) upTrndSAR := nz(upTrndSAR[1]) + aFactor * (hVal1 - nz(upTrndSAR[1])) upTrndSAR := upTrndSAR > loprice1 ? loprice1 : upTrndSAR upTrndSAR := upTrndSAR > loprice2 ? loprice2 : upTrndSAR else if (nz(trend[1]) == nz(trend[2])) aFactor := lowVal1 < lowVal2 ? nz(aFactor[1]) + step : aFactor aFactor := aFactor > maxAFactor ? maxAFactor : aFactor aFactor := lowVal1 > lowVal2 ? startAFactor : aFactor else aFactor := nz(aFactor[1]) dnTrndSAR := nz(dnTrndSAR[1]) + aFactor * (lowVal1 - nz(dnTrndSAR[1])) dnTrndSAR := dnTrndSAR < hiprice1 ? hiprice1 : dnTrndSAR dnTrndSAR := dnTrndSAR < hiprice2 ? hiprice2 : dnTrndSAR hVal0 := hiprice0 > hVal0 ? hiprice0 : hVal0 lowVal0 := loprice0 < lowVal0 ? loprice0 : lowVal0 if (minChng > 0) if (upTrndSAR - nz(upTrndSAR[1]) < minChng * calcBaseUnit() and upTrndSAR != 0. and nz(upTrndSAR[1]) != 0.) upTrndSAR := nz(upTrndSAR[1]) if (nz(dnTrndSAR[1]) - dnTrndSAR < minChng * calcBaseUnit() and dnTrndSAR != 0. and nz(dnTrndSAR[1]) != 0.) dnTrndSAR := nz(dnTrndSAR[1]) dnTrndSAR := trend < 0 and dnTrndSAR > nz(dnTrndSAR[1]) ? nz(dnTrndSAR[1]) : dnTrndSAR upTrndSAR := trend > 0 and upTrndSAR < nz(upTrndSAR[1]) ? nz(upTrndSAR[1]) : upTrndSAR if (trend < 0 and hiprice0 >= dnTrndSAR + filt * calcBaseUnit()) trend := 1 upTrndSAR := lowVal0 upSig := SignalMode == 'Signals & Stops' ? lowVal0 : upSig dnTrndSAR := 0. aFactor := startAFactor lowVal0 := loprice0 hVal0 := hiprice0 else if (trend > 0 and loprice0 <= upTrndSAR - filt * calcBaseUnit()) trend := -1 dnTrndSAR := hVal0 dnSig := SignalMode == 'Signals & Stops' ? hVal0 : dnSig upTrndSAR := 0. aFactor := startAFactor lowVal0 := loprice0 hVal0 := hiprice0 psar = upTrndSAR > 0 ? upTrndSAR : dnTrndSAR psar := isPsarAdaptive ? psar : ta.sar(psarStart, psarInc, psarMax) plot(psar, title='PSAR', color=src < psar ? rajah : magicMint, style=plot.style_circles) // -- EMA -- float ema = ta.ema(src, emaLength) plot(ema, title='EMA', color=languidLavender) // -- Signals -- var string isTradeOpen = '' var string signalCache = '' bool enterLong = src > ema and ta.crossover(src, psar) and ta.crossover(osc, 0) bool enterShort = src < ema and ta.crossunder(src, psar) and ta.crossunder(osc, 0) // bool exitLong = ta.crossunder(src, ema) // bool exitShort = ta.crossover(src, ema) if (signalCache == 'long entry') signalCache := '' enterLong := true else if (signalCache == 'short entry') signalCache := '' enterShort := true if (isTradeOpen == '') if (enterLong) isTradeOpen := 'long' else if (enterShort) isTradeOpen := 'short' else if (isTradeOpen == 'long') if (enterLong) enterLong := false else if (isTradeOpen == 'short') if (enterShort) enterShort := false plotshape((isSignalLabelEnabled and enterLong and (isTradeOpen == 'long')) ? psar : na, title='LONG', text='L', style=shape.labelup, color=mediumAquamarine, textcolor=color.white, size=size.tiny, location=location.absolute) plotshape((isSignalLabelEnabled and enterShort and (isTradeOpen == 'short')) ? psar : na, title='SHORT', text='S', style=shape.labeldown, color=carrotOrange, textcolor=color.white, size=size.tiny, location=location.absolute) // -- High Low Stop Loss and Take Profit -- bool isHighLowStopLossEnabled = true bool isAutomaticHighLowTakeProfitEnabled = true bool recalculateStopLossTakeProfit = false bool isStrategyEntryEnabled = false bool isLongEnabled = true bool isShortEnabled = true bool isStopLossTakeProfitRecalculationEnabled = true bool longStopLossTakeProfitRecalculation = isStopLossTakeProfitRecalculationEnabled ? true : (lastTrade == 'short' or lastTrade == 'initial') bool shortStopLossTakeProfitRecalculation = isStopLossTakeProfitRecalculationEnabled ? true : (lastTrade == 'long' or lastTrade == 'initial') var float longHighLowStopLoss = 0 var float shortHighLowStopLoss = 0 float highLowStopLossLowest = ta.lowest(_low, highLowStopLossLookback) float highLowStopLossHighest = ta.highest(_high, highLowStopLossLookback) if (isHighLowStopLossEnabled) if (((enterLong and longStopLossTakeProfitRecalculation) or recalculateStopLossTakeProfit) and (isStrategyEntryEnabled ? not(strategy.position_size > 0) : true)) if (highLowStopLossLowest == _low) longHighLowStopLoss := _high * highLowStopLossBackupMultiplier else if (highLowStopLossLowest > 0) longHighLowStopLoss := highLowStopLossLowest * highLowStopLossMultiplier if (((enterShort and shortStopLossTakeProfitRecalculation) or recalculateStopLossTakeProfit) and (isStrategyEntryEnabled ? not(strategy.position_size < 0) : true)) if (highLowStopLossHighest == _high) shortHighLowStopLoss := _high * (1 + (1 - highLowStopLossBackupMultiplier)) else if (highLowStopLossHighest > 0) shortHighLowStopLoss := highLowStopLossHighest * (1 + (1 - highLowStopLossMultiplier)) plot((isLongEnabled and isHighLowStopLossEnabled and (isTradeOpen == 'long')) ? longHighLowStopLoss : na, 'Long High Low Stop Loss', color=magicMint, style=plot.style_circles, trackprice=false) plot((isShortEnabled and isHighLowStopLossEnabled and (isTradeOpen == 'short')) ? shortHighLowStopLoss : na, 'Short High Low Stop Loss ', color=rajah, style=plot.style_circles, trackprice=false) // -- Automatic High Low Take Profit -- var float longAutomaticHighLowTakeProfit = na var float shortAutomaticHighLowTakeProfit = na if (isAutomaticHighLowTakeProfitEnabled) if (((enterLong and longStopLossTakeProfitRecalculation) or recalculateStopLossTakeProfit) and (isStrategyEntryEnabled ? not(strategy.position_size > 0) : true)) longHighLowStopLossPercentage = 1 - (longHighLowStopLoss / _close) longAutomaticHighLowTakeProfit := _close * (1 + (longHighLowStopLossPercentage * automaticHighLowTakeProfitRatio)) if (((enterShort and shortStopLossTakeProfitRecalculation) or recalculateStopLossTakeProfit) and (isStrategyEntryEnabled ? not(strategy.position_size > 0) : true)) shortHighLowStopLossPercentage = 1 - (_close / shortHighLowStopLoss) shortAutomaticHighLowTakeProfit := _close * (1 - (shortHighLowStopLossPercentage * automaticHighLowTakeProfitRatio)) plot((isAutomaticHighLowTakeProfitEnabled and isHighLowStopLossEnabled and (isTradeOpen == 'long')) ? longAutomaticHighLowTakeProfit : na, 'Long Automatic High Low Take Profit', color=magicMint, style=plot.style_circles, trackprice=false) plot((isAutomaticHighLowTakeProfitEnabled and isHighLowStopLossEnabled and (isTradeOpen == 'short')) ? shortAutomaticHighLowTakeProfit : na, 'Short Automatic High Low Take Profit', color=rajah, style=plot.style_circles, trackprice=false) // log.info('Automatic Long High Low Take Profit: ' + str.tostring(longAutomaticHighLowTakeProfit)) // log.info('Automatic Short High Low Take Profit: ' + str.tostring(shortAutomaticHighLowTakeProfit)) // log.info('Long High Low Stop Loss: ' + str.tostring(longHighLowStopLoss)) // log.info('Short High Low Stop Loss: ' + str.tostring(shortHighLowStopLoss)) bool longHighLowStopLossCondition = ta.crossunder(_close, longHighLowStopLoss) bool shortHighLowStopLossCondition = ta.crossover(_close, shortHighLowStopLoss) bool longAutomaticHighLowTakeProfitCondition = ta.crossover(_close, longAutomaticHighLowTakeProfit) bool shortAutomaticHighLowTakeProfitCondition = ta.crossunder(_close, shortAutomaticHighLowTakeProfit) bool exitLong = (longHighLowStopLossCondition or longAutomaticHighLowTakeProfitCondition) and strategy.position_size > 0 bool exitShort = (shortHighLowStopLossCondition or shortAutomaticHighLowTakeProfitCondition) and strategy.position_size < 0 plotshape((isSignalLabelEnabled and exitLong and (isTradeOpen == 'long')) ? psar : na, title='LONG EXIT', style=shape.circle, color=magicMint, size=size.tiny, location=location.absolute) plotshape((isSignalLabelEnabled and exitShort and (isTradeOpen == 'short')) ? psar : na, title='SHORT EXIT', style=shape.circle, color=rajah, size=size.tiny, location=location.absolute) // Long Exits if (exitLong) strategy.close('long', comment=longAutomaticHighLowTakeProfitCondition ? 'EXIT_LONG_TP' : 'EXIT_LONG_SL') isTradeOpen := '' // Short Exits if (exitShort) strategy.close('short', comment=shortAutomaticHighLowTakeProfitCondition ? 'EXIT_SHORT_TP' : 'EXIT_SHORT_SL') isTradeOpen := '' // Long Entries if (enterLong and (strategy.position_size == 0)) strategy.entry('long', strategy.long, comment='ENTER_LONG') // Short Entries if (enterShort and (strategy.position_size == 0)) strategy.entry('short', strategy.short, comment='ENTER_SHORT') // Save last trade state if (enterLong or exitLong) lastTrade := 'long' if (enterShort or exitShort) lastTrade := 'short' barcolor(color=isTradeOpen == 'long' ? mediumAquamarine : isTradeOpen == 'short' ? carrotOrange : na)