/*backtest start: 2024-01-30 00:00:00 end: 2024-02-29 00:00:00 period: 1m basePeriod: 1m exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}] */ // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ // © BigBitsIO //@version=4 strategy(title="RSI and Smoothed RSI Bull Div Strategy [BigBitsIO]", shorttitle="RSI and Smoothed RSI Bull Div Strategy [BigBitsIO]", overlay=true, pyramiding=1, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=.1, slippage=0) TakeProfitPercent = input(3, title="Take Profit %", type=input.float, step=.25) StopLossPercent = input(1.75, title="Stop Loss %", type=input.float, step=.25) RSICurve = input(14, title="RSI Lookback Period", type=input.integer, step=1) BuyBelowTargetPercent = input(0, title="Buy Below Lowest Low In RSI Divergence Lookback Target %", type=input.float, step=.05) BuyBelowTargetSource = input(close, title="Source of Buy Below Target Price", type=input.source) SRSICurve = input(10, title="Smoothed RSI Lookback Period", type=input.integer, step=1) RSICurrentlyBelow = input(30, title="RSI Currently Below", type=input.integer, step=1) RSIDivergenceLookback = input(25, title="RSI Divergence Lookback Period", type=input.integer, step=1) RSILowestInDivergenceLookbackCurrentlyBelow = input(25, title="RSI Lowest In Divergence Lookback Currently Below", type=input.integer, step=1) RSISellAbove = input(65, title="RSI Sell Above", type=input.integer, step=1) MinimumSRSIDownTrend = input(3, title="Minimum SRSI Downtrend Length", type=input.integer, step=1) SRSICurrentlyBelow = input(35, title="Smoothed RSI Currently Below", type=input.integer, step=1) PlotTarget = input(false, title="Plot Target") RSI = rsi(close, RSICurve) SRSI = wma(2*wma(RSI, SRSICurve/2)-wma(RSI, SRSICurve), round(sqrt(SRSICurve))) // Hull moving average SRSITrendDownLength = 0 if (SRSI < SRSI[1]) SRSITrendDownLength := SRSITrendDownLength[1] + 1 // Strategy Specific ProfitTarget = (close * (TakeProfitPercent / 100)) / syminfo.mintick LossTarget = (close * (StopLossPercent / 100)) / syminfo.mintick BuyBelowTarget = BuyBelowTargetSource[(lowestbars(RSI, RSIDivergenceLookback)*-1)] - (BuyBelowTargetSource[(lowestbars(RSI, RSIDivergenceLookback)*-1)] * (BuyBelowTargetPercent / 100)) plot(PlotTarget ? BuyBelowTarget : na) bool IsABuy = RSI < RSICurrentlyBelow and SRSI < SRSICurrentlyBelow and lowest(SRSI, RSIDivergenceLookback) < RSILowestInDivergenceLookbackCurrentlyBelow and BuyBelowTargetSource < BuyBelowTarget and SRSITrendDownLength >= MinimumSRSIDownTrend and RSI > lowest(RSI, RSIDivergenceLookback) bool IsASell = RSI > RSISellAbove if IsABuy strategy.entry("Positive Trend", true) // buy by market strategy.exit("Take Profit or Stop Loss", "Positive Trend", profit = ProfitTarget, loss = LossTarget) if IsASell strategy.close("Positive Trend")