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Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-04-12 17:12:07





  1. 通过ta.pivotlow()函数识别最近的价格低点,并将其作为支撑位。
  2. 计算历史价格突破支撑位后的下跌幅度,取其中位数作为安全距离和止盈幅度的参考。
  3. 当价格突破支撑位且相对交易量大于设定的倍数时,触发建仓信号。
  4. 根据设定的总建仓次数,将总资金分为等比例的多个部分,每次建仓时,根据当前建仓次数动态调整建仓数量,实现仓位的指数增长。
  5. 在建仓过程中,如果浮动亏损达到设定的阈值,则继续加仓,直到达到总建仓次数。
  6. 当价格上涨到止盈价格时,平掉所有仓位。


  1. 动态调整建仓数量:根据价格下跌过程中的浮动亏损,动态调整每次建仓的数量,控制风险的同时,也能够在价格反弹时获得更多的利润。
  2. 参考历史数据设置参数:通过计算历史价格突破支撑位后的下跌幅度,取其中位数作为安全距离和止盈幅度的参考,使策略参数更加贴近市场实际情况。
  3. 限制总建仓次数:通过设置总建仓次数,控制策略的总风险敞口,避免过度加仓导致的损失。


  1. 支撑位失效风险:如果市场出现极端行情,价格突破支撑位后持续大幅下跌,策略的加仓机制可能会带来较大的损失。
  2. 参数设置风险:策略的表现很大程度上取决于参数的设置,如果参数设置不当,可能会导致策略表现不佳。
  3. 止盈价格设置风险:如果止盈价格设置过高,可能会错失部分利润;如果设置过低,可能会过早平仓,无法充分利用价格反弹的机会。


  1. 引入更多指标:在建仓信号的判断中,可以引入更多的技术指标,如RSI、MACD等,以提高信号的准确性。
  2. 优化资金管理:可以根据市场波动性、账户风险承受能力等因素,动态调整每次建仓的资金比例,以更好地控制风险。
  3. 自适应止盈止损:根据市场波动性的变化,动态调整止盈止损的幅度,以更好地适应市场的变化。



start: 2024-04-04 00:00:00
end: 2024-04-11 00:00:00
period: 1m
basePeriod: 1m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/


strategy("Qfl Dca strategy", overlay=true)

// Parameters
swing = input(3 , title = "Swing Points")
mediandropmult = input.float(1.1, "Median drop Mult", step=0.1 , tooltip = "The script Calculate The Median Drop for all last Bases That Was cracked you can Increase or decrease it")
floatinglossvalue = input(-5 , "Floating Loss" , tooltip = "Position Floating Loss to start firs DCA order")
num_orders = input(5 , "Number of all orders" , tooltip = " The number of orders is including the base order and the DCA orders the script will alculate every order qty based on the orders number So that the position size doubles with every order")
length = input(20, title="Length of relative volume" ,tooltip =  " the length of relative volume indicator")
mult = input(2.0, title="Volume Multiplier" , tooltip = "you can adjust the relative volume multiplier to find best parameter")
tpmult = input.float(1, step=0.1 ,title = "Take Profit Multiplier" ,tooltip =  " By default, the script is set to take profits based on the same median drop percent you can adjust it as you like")

// Pivot Calculation
p = ta.pivotlow(low, swing, swing)
v = ta.valuewhen(p, low[swing], 0)

// Variables
var float[] lows = array.new_float()
var float chn = na

// Calculate drops
if v < v[1]
    chn := (v[1] - v) / v[1] * 100
    if array.size(lows) < 4000
        array.push(lows, chn)
        array.push(lows, chn)

mediandrop = array.avg(lows)
maxdrop = array.max(lows)
mindrop = array.min(lows)

// Table display
textcolor = color.white
// tabl = table.new(position=position.top_right, columns=4, rows=4)
// table.cell(table_id=tabl, column=1, row=1, text="Avg Drop %", width=15, text_color=textcolor)
// table.cell(table_id=tabl, column=2, row=1, text="Min Drop %", width=15, text_color=textcolor)
// table.cell(table_id=tabl, column=3, row=1, text="Max Drop %", width=15, text_color=textcolor)
// table.cell(table_id=tabl, column=1, row=2, text=str.tostring(mediandrop), width=10, text_color=textcolor)
// table.cell(table_id=tabl, column=2, row=2, text=str.tostring(mindrop), width=10, text_color=textcolor)
// table.cell(table_id=tabl, column=3, row=2, text=str.tostring(maxdrop), width=10, text_color=textcolor)

// Plot support
t = fixnan(ta.pivotlow(low, swing, swing))
plot(t, color=ta.change(t) ? na : #03f590b6, linewidth=3, offset=-(swing), title="Support")

// Calculate relative volume
avgVolume = ta.sma(volume, length)
relVolume = volume / avgVolume

// Base Activation
var bool baseisactive = na
if not na(p)
    baseisactive := true

// Buy Signal Calculation
buyprice = v * (1 - (mediandrop / 100) * mediandropmult)
signal = close <= buyprice and relVolume > mult and baseisactive

// Take Profit Calculation
tpsl = (mediandrop / 100)
tp = (strategy.position_avg_price * (1 + (tpsl * tpmult)))

// Position Sizing
capital_per_order(num_orders, equity) =>
    equity / math.pow(2, (num_orders - 1))

equity_per_order = capital_per_order(num_orders, strategy.equity)

qty_per_order(equity_per_order, order_number) =>
    equity_per_order * order_number / close

// Calculate floating loss
floatingLoss = ((close - strategy.position_avg_price) / strategy.position_avg_price) * 100

// Strategy Entries
if signal and strategy.opentrades == 0
    strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, qty=qty_per_order(equity_per_order, 1))
    baseisactive := false

for i = 1 to num_orders -1
    if signal and strategy.opentrades == i and floatingLoss <= floatinglossvalue
        strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, qty=qty_per_order(equity_per_order, i), comment="DCA Order" + str.tostring(i))
        baseisactive := false

// Strategy Exit
strategy.exit("exit", "Buy", limit=tp)

// Plot
plot(strategy.position_avg_price, color=color.rgb(238, 255, 0), style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2)

