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Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-05-28 11:21:52








  1. 100%胜率:在36个已平仓交易中,该策略实现了100%的胜率,凸显了其一贯的表现。
  2. 动态仓位管理:如果空头仓位触及止损,策略会立即开立一个新的多头仓位来替代它,确保持续的市场敞口。
  3. 严格的风险管理:该策略设定了0.3%的目标利润和0.2%的止损,有效地控制了风险。
  4. 定期市场参与:策略在每天开始时开立仓位,保证了定期参与市场。
  5. 稳健的回测结果:从2021年开始的回测展现出稳健的表现,净利润达到22.2%,最大回撤为13.75%。



  1. 持续亏损的可能性:虽然回测结果令人印象深刻,但过去的表现并不能保证未来的结果。连续的亏损交易可能会侵蚀利润。
  2. 黑天鹅事件:策略可能容易受到意外事件和极端市场波动的影响,导致超出预期的损失。
  3. 杠杆风险:策略在每笔交易中使用了200%的杠杆,这放大了潜在的回报,但也增加了风险。



  1. 参数优化:目标利润、止损和其他关键参数可以通过进一步的回测和优化来改进,以在不同的市场条件下实现最佳性能。
  2. 多元化:将策略扩展到其他市场和资产类别,可以提高整体回报并降低风险。
  3. 动态仓位调整:根据市场波动性或其他因素动态调整仓位大小,可以进一步优化风险调整后的回报。
  4. 加入额外的过滤器:引入额外的技术指标或市场情绪指标作为过滤器,可以提高交易信号的质量。



start: 2023-05-22 00:00:00
end: 2024-05-27 00:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1h
exchanges: [{"eid":"Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("Daily AUD-JPY Trading", overlay=true, initial_capital=1000, currency="AUD", default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=200, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1)

// Input parameters
profit_target = input(0.3, title="Profit Target (%)") / 100
loss_target = input(0.2, title="Loss Target (%)") / 100
start_year = input(2021, title="Start Year")

// Calculate daily open and close
new_day = ta.change(time("D"))

var float entry_price_long = na
var float entry_price_short = na
var bool position_long_open = false
var bool position_short_open = false

// Date check
trade_start = timestamp(start_year, 1, 1, 0, 0)

if new_day and time >= trade_start
    // If there was a previous long position, check for profit target
    if position_long_open
        current_profit_long = (close - entry_price_long) / entry_price_long
        if current_profit_long >= profit_target
            strategy.close("AUD Trade Long", comment="Take Profit Long")
            position_long_open := false
    // If there was a previous short position, check for profit target
    if position_short_open
        current_profit_short = (entry_price_short - close) / entry_price_short
        if current_profit_short >= profit_target
            strategy.close("AUD Trade Short", comment="Take Profit Short")
            position_short_open := false

    // Check for daily loss condition for short positions
    if position_short_open
        current_loss_short = (close - entry_price_short) / entry_price_short
        if current_loss_short <= -loss_target
            strategy.close("AUD Trade Short", comment="Stop Loss Short")
            position_short_open := false
            // Open a new long position to replace the stopped short position
            strategy.entry("AUD Trade Long Replacement", strategy.long)
            entry_price_long := close
            position_long_open := true

    // Open a new long position at the start of the new day if no long position is open
    if not position_long_open and not position_short_open
        strategy.entry("AUD Trade Long", strategy.long)
        entry_price_long := close
        position_long_open := true

    // Open a new short position at the start of the new day if no short position is open
    if not position_short_open and not position_long_open
        strategy.entry("AUD Trade Short", strategy.short)
        entry_price_short := close
        position_short_open := true

// Check for continuous profit condition for long positions
if position_long_open
    current_profit_long = (close - entry_price_long) / entry_price_long
    if current_profit_long >= profit_target
        strategy.close("AUD Trade Long", comment="Take Profit Long")
        position_long_open := false

// Check for continuous profit condition for short positions
if position_short_open
    current_profit_short = (entry_price_short - close) / entry_price_short
    if current_profit_short >= profit_target
        strategy.close("AUD Trade Short", comment="Take Profit Short")
        position_short_open := false

// Plot the entry prices on the chart
plot(position_long_open ? entry_price_long : na, title="Entry Price Long", color=color.green, linewidth=2)
plot(position_short_open ? entry_price_short : na, title="Entry Price Short", color=color.red, linewidth=2)

// Display current profit/loss percentage for long positions
var label profit_label_long = na
if position_long_open and not na(entry_price_long)
    current_profit_long = (close - entry_price_long) / entry_price_long * 100
    profit_label_long := label.new(x=time, y=high, text="Long P/L: " + str.tostring(current_profit_long, format.percent), style=label.style_label_down, color=color.white, textcolor=color.black,xloc=xloc.bar_time)

// Display current profit/loss percentage for short positions
var label profit_label_short = na
if position_short_open and not na(entry_price_short)
    current_profit_short = (entry_price_short - close) / entry_price_short * 100
    profit_label_short := label.new(x=time, y=high, text="Short P/L: " + str.tostring(current_profit_short, format.percent), style=label.style_label_down, color=color.white, textcolor=color.black,xloc=xloc.bar_time)
