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Markov Chain Probability Transition State Quantitative Trading Strategy

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-06-21 12:09:47
Tags: MC



The Markov Chain Probability Transition State Quantitative Trading Strategy is an innovative trading approach based on the Markov chain model. This strategy utilizes the state transition probabilities of a Markov chain to predict market trends and make trading decisions accordingly. The core idea is to divide market states into several discrete states (such as bullish, bearish, and stagnant), then calculate the transition probabilities between these states based on historical data to predict the next likely market state.

The uniqueness of this method lies in its consideration of not only the current market state but also the dynamics of transitions between market states. By introducing a probability model, the strategy can better capture market uncertainty and volatility, enabling more flexible and adaptive trading decisions in various market environments.

Strategy Principles

  1. State Definition: The strategy defines three market states - bullish (uptrend), bearish (downtrend), and stagnant (stable). These states are determined by comparing the current closing price with the previous closing price.

  2. Transition Probabilities: The strategy uses nine input parameters to define the transition probabilities between different states. For example, prob_bull_to_bull represents the probability of remaining in a bullish state given the current state is bullish.

  3. State Transition Logic: The strategy employs a simplified transition logic to simulate the state transition process of a Markov chain. It uses a counter (transition_counter) to simulate probability transitions.

  4. Trading Signal Generation: Based on the current state, the strategy generates buy, sell, or close signals. It initiates a long position when the state is bullish, a short position when bearish, and closes all positions when stagnant.

Strategy Advantages

  1. Probabilistic Model: By incorporating the Markov chain model, the strategy can better capture market randomness and uncertainty, which is challenging for traditional technical analysis methods.

  2. Flexibility: The strategy can be adapted to different market environments by adjusting the transition probability parameters, giving it strong adaptability.

  3. Multi-State Consideration: Compared to simple trend-following strategies, this strategy considers three market states (bullish, bearish, stagnant), providing a more comprehensive grasp of market dynamics.

  4. Risk Management: By closing positions in the stagnant state, the strategy incorporates a built-in risk management mechanism, helping to control potential losses.

  5. Interpretability: Despite using a probability model, the strategy’s logic is relatively simple and straightforward, making it easy for traders to understand and adjust.

Strategy Risks

  1. Parameter Sensitivity: The strategy’s performance is highly dependent on the set transition probability parameters. Inappropriate parameter settings may lead to incorrect trading signals.

  2. Latency: As the strategy bases state judgments on closing prices, there may be some latency, potentially missing important turning points in rapidly changing markets.

  3. Oversimplification: While the Markov chain model can capture some market dynamics, it is still a simplification of complex financial markets and may overlook some important market factors.

  4. Frequent Trading: Based on frequent state changes, the strategy may generate excessive trading signals, increasing transaction costs.

  5. Market Adaptability: The strategy may underperform in certain market conditions (such as long-term trending markets or highly volatile markets).

Strategy Optimization Directions

  1. Introduce More States: Consider introducing more market states, such as strong uptrend, weak uptrend, etc., to more finely describe market dynamics.

  2. Dynamic Probability Adjustment: Develop a mechanism to dynamically adjust transition probabilities based on recent market performance, making the strategy more adaptive.

  3. Integrate Other Technical Indicators: Incorporate traditional technical indicators like moving averages, RSI, etc., into the state judgment logic to improve prediction accuracy.

  4. Optimize State Judgment Logic: Use more complex logic to judge market states, such as considering price movements over multiple time periods.

  5. Introduce Stop-Loss and Take-Profit: Add stop-loss and take-profit mechanisms to the strategy to further control risk and lock in profits.

  6. Backtesting and Parameter Optimization: Conduct large-scale backtesting of the strategy, using methods like genetic algorithms to optimize transition probability parameters.

  7. Consider Transaction Costs: Incorporate consideration of transaction costs into the strategy logic to avoid excessively frequent trading.


The Markov Chain Probability Transition State Quantitative Trading Strategy is an innovative trading method that cleverly combines probability models with traditional technical analysis. By simulating the transition process of market states, this strategy can capture market trends while also considering market randomness and uncertainty.

Although the strategy has risks such as parameter sensitivity and potential oversimplification, its flexibility and interpretability make it a promising trading tool. Through further optimization, such as introducing more states, dynamically adjusting probabilities, and integrating other technical indicators, this strategy has the potential to achieve better performance in actual trading.

For traders, this strategy provides a new perspective on how to use probability models to understand and predict market behavior. However, in practical applications, it still needs to be approached with caution, with thorough backtesting and risk assessment, and appropriate adjustments based on specific trading instruments and market environments.

strategy("Markov Chain Strategy", overlay=true)

// Input parameters for transition probabilities
prob_bull_to_bull = input.float(0.7, title="Bull to Bull Transition Probability")
prob_bull_to_bear = input.float(0.2, title="Bull to Bear Transition Probability")
prob_bull_to_stagnant = input.float(0.1, title="Bull to Stagnant Transition Probability")

prob_bear_to_bull = input.float(0.3, title="Bear to Bull Transition Probability")
prob_bear_to_bear = input.float(0.5, title="Bear to Bear Transition Probability")
prob_bear_to_stagnant = input.float(0.2, title="Bear to Stagnant Transition Probability")

prob_stagnant_to_bull = input.float(0.4, title="Stagnant to Bull Transition Probability")
prob_stagnant_to_bear = input.float(0.3, title="Stagnant to Bear Transition Probability")
prob_stagnant_to_stagnant = input.float(0.3, title="Stagnant to Stagnant Transition Probability")

// Define price states
var float prev_close = na
var int state = na

// Calculate the current state
if (not na(prev_close)) 
    if (close > prev_close) 
        state := 2 // Bull
    else if (close < prev_close) 
        state := 1 // Bear
        state := 3 // Stagnant

prev_close := close

// Transition logic (simplified)
var float transition_counter = 0
transition_counter := (transition_counter + 1) % 10

if (state == 2)  // Bull
    if (transition_counter < prob_bull_to_bull * 10)
        state := 2
    else if (transition_counter < (prob_bull_to_bull + prob_bull_to_bear) * 10)
        state := 1
        state := 3
else if (state == 1)  // Bear
    if (transition_counter < prob_bear_to_bull * 10)
        state := 2
    else if (transition_counter < (prob_bear_to_bull + prob_bear_to_bear) * 10)
        state := 1
        state := 3
else if (state == 3)  // Stagnant
    if (transition_counter < prob_stagnant_to_bull * 10)
        state := 2
    else if (transition_counter < (prob_stagnant_to_bull + prob_stagnant_to_bear) * 10)
        state := 1
        state := 3

// Strategy logic
if (state == 2)
    strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long)
else if (state == 1)
    strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short)

