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Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-09-26 15:43:50






  1. 多重EMA交叉:使用8、12、24和72周期的EMA。当短周期EMA(8、12、24)同时上穿72周期EMA时,视为潜在的做多信号;反之则为做空信号。

  2. CCI指标确认:使用20周期的CCI指标,当CCI大于150时确认超买状态,小于-150时确认超卖状态。

  3. 入场条件:

    • 做多:短周期EMA同时上穿72周期EMA,且CCI大于150,价格在72周期EMA之上。
    • 做空:短周期EMA同时下穿72周期EMA,且CCI小于-150,价格在72周期EMA之下。
  4. 动态止盈止损:

    • 设置两种入场模式:一次性交叉和时间窗口内交叉。
    • 根据不同入场模式,设置不同的止盈止损百分比。
  5. 仓位管理:策略采用全仓位交易,即使用账户100%的资金进行交易。


  1. 多重确认机制:通过多重EMA交叉和CCI指标的配合,有效降低了虚假信号的影响,提高了入场准确性。

  2. 灵活的入场机制:策略考虑了一次性交叉和时间窗口内交叉两种情况,适应不同市场环境。

  3. 动态风险管理:根据不同入场模式设置不同的止盈止损比例,更好地平衡了收益和风险。

  4. 趋势跟踪能力:利用多重EMA交叉,能够有效捕捉中长期趋势的变化。

  5. 过滤震荡行情:通过CCI指标的超买超卖判断,有助于避免在横盘震荡市场频繁交易。


  1. 滞后性:EMA和CCI都是滞后指标,可能在剧烈波动的市场中反应不够及时。

  2. 频繁交易:在震荡市场中,可能会产生较多的假突破信号,导致频繁交易和手续费增加。

  3. 全仓位风险:采用100%仓位交易可能带来较大的回撤风险。

  4. 固定百分比止损:在波动性较大的市场中,固定百分比止损可能会过早退出有利行情。

  5. 依赖历史数据:策略性能可能受历史数据影响,在未来市场环境发生变化时需要重新优化参数。


  1. 引入波动率指标:考虑加入ATR(Average True Range)指标,根据市场波动调整止盈止损水平,以适应不同的市场环境。

  2. 优化仓位管理:引入动态仓位管理机制,根据市场趋势强度和账户风险承受能力调整仓位大小。

  3. 增加过滤条件:可以考虑加入成交量、趋势强度等指标,进一步过滤交易信号,提高胜率。

  4. 参数优化:使用遗传算法或网格搜索等方法,优化EMA周期、CCI阈值等参数,以提高策略在不同市场环境下的适应性。

  5. 加入市场regime识别:开发市场状态(趋势、震荡、高波动)识别模块,根据不同市场状态调整策略参数或暂停交易。



start: 2019-12-23 08:00:00
end: 2024-09-24 08:00:00
period: 1d
basePeriod: 1d
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

strategy("EMA & CCI Strategy", overlay=true, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=100)

// Параметры EMA
ema8_length = 8
ema12_length = 12
ema24_length = 24
ema72_length = 72

// Расчет EMA
ema8 = ta.ema(close, ema8_length)
ema12 = ta.ema(close, ema12_length)
ema24 = ta.ema(close, ema24_length)
ema72 = ta.ema(close, ema72_length)

// Параметры CCI
cci_length = 20
cci_overbought = 150
cci_oversold = -150

// Параметры тейк-профита и стоп-лосса
takeProfitPercent = input.float(1.5, title="Take Profit (%)", step=0.1)
stopLossPercent = input.float(0.5, title="Stop Loss (%)", step=0.1)
takeProfitPercentTime = input.float(0.5, title="Take Profit (%) for Time-based", step=0.1)
stopLossPercentTime = input.float(0.2, title="Stop Loss (%) for Time-based", step=0.1)
max_wait_bars = input.float(2, title="Max wait candles", step=1)
// Расчет CCI
cci = ta.cci(close, cci_length)

// Состояние открытой позиции
sz = strategy.position_size

// Флаги для отслеживания пересечений EMA вверх
var int ema8_cross_index_up = na
var int ema12_cross_index_up = na
var int ema24_cross_index_up = na

// Флаги для отслеживания пересечений EMA вниз
var int ema8_cross_index_down = na
var int ema12_cross_index_down = na
var int ema24_cross_index_down = na

// Проверка пересечения EMA с 72 вверх и обновление индекса пересечения
if (ta.crossover(ema8, ema72))
    ema8_cross_index_up := bar_index
if (ta.crossover(ema12, ema72))
    ema12_cross_index_up := bar_index
if (ta.crossover(ema24, ema72))
    ema24_cross_index_up := bar_index

// Проверка пересечений EMA вниз и обновление индекса пересечения
if (ta.crossunder(ema8, ema72))
    ema8_cross_index_down := bar_index
if (ta.crossunder(ema12, ema72))
    ema12_cross_index_down := bar_index
if (ta.crossunder(ema24, ema72))
    ema24_cross_index_down := bar_index

// Условия пересечения за одну свечу (лонг и шорт)
cross_condition_one_candle_long = (na(ema8_cross_index_up) == false and (bar_index - ema8_cross_index_up) == 0) and
                                  (na(ema12_cross_index_up) == false and (bar_index - ema12_cross_index_up) == 0) and
                                  (na(ema24_cross_index_up) == false and (bar_index - ema24_cross_index_up) == 0)

cross_condition_one_candle_short = (na(ema8_cross_index_down) == false and (bar_index - ema8_cross_index_down) == 0) and
                                   (na(ema12_cross_index_down) == false and (bar_index - ema12_cross_index_down) == 0) and
                                   (na(ema24_cross_index_down) == false and (bar_index - ema24_cross_index_down) == 0)

// Условия пересечения в течение указанного времени (лонг и шорт)
cross_condition_within_time_long = (not na(ema8_cross_index_up) and (bar_index - ema8_cross_index_up) <= max_wait_bars) and
                                   (not na(ema12_cross_index_up) and (bar_index - ema12_cross_index_up) <= max_wait_bars) and
                                   (not na(ema24_cross_index_up) and (bar_index - ema24_cross_index_up) <= max_wait_bars)

cross_condition_within_time_short = (not na(ema8_cross_index_down) and (bar_index - ema8_cross_index_down) <= max_wait_bars) and (not na(ema12_cross_index_down) and (bar_index - ema12_cross_index_down) <= max_wait_bars) and (not na(ema24_cross_index_down) and (bar_index - ema24_cross_index_down) <= max_wait_bars)

// Условие для открытия лонга
long_condition_one = cross_condition_one_candle_long and cci > cci_overbought and close > ema72
long_condition_time = cross_condition_within_time_long and cci > cci_overbought and close > ema72

// Условие для открытия шорта
short_condition_one = cross_condition_one_candle_short and cci < cci_oversold and close < ema72
short_condition_time = cross_condition_within_time_short and cci < cci_oversold and close < ema72

// Вход в лонг
if (long_condition_one and sz == 0)
    strategy.entry(id='Long_one', direction=strategy.long)

if (long_condition_time and sz == 0)
    strategy.entry(id='Long_time', direction=strategy.long)

// Вход в шорт
if (short_condition_one and sz == 0)
    strategy.entry(id='Short_one', direction=strategy.short)

if (short_condition_time and sz == 0)
    strategy.entry(id='Short_time', direction=strategy.short)

// Вычисление цен тейк-профита и стоп-лосса для лонга
if (sz > 0 and strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0) == 'Long_one')
    entryPriceLong = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0)
    takeProfitPriceLong = entryPriceLong * (1 + takeProfitPercent / 100)
    stopLossPriceLong = entryPriceLong * (1 - stopLossPercent / 100)
    strategy.exit("Close long one", "Long_one", limit=takeProfitPriceLong, stop=stopLossPriceLong)
    ema8_cross_index_up := na
    ema12_cross_index_up := na
    ema24_cross_index_up := na

if (sz > 0 and strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0) == 'Long_time')
    entryPriceLongTime = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0)
    takeProfitPriceLongTime = entryPriceLongTime * (1 + takeProfitPercentTime / 100)
    stopLossPriceLongTime = entryPriceLongTime * (1 - stopLossPercentTime / 100)
    strategy.exit("Close long time", "Long_time", limit=takeProfitPriceLongTime, stop=stopLossPriceLongTime)
    ema8_cross_index_up := na
    ema12_cross_index_up := na
    ema24_cross_index_up := na

// Вычисление цен тейк-профита и стоп-лосса для шорта
if (sz < 0 and strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0) == 'Short_one')
    entryPriceShort = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0)
    takeProfitPriceShort = entryPriceShort * (1 - takeProfitPercent / 100)
    stopLossPriceShort = entryPriceShort * (1 + stopLossPercent / 100)
    strategy.exit("Close short one", "Short_one", limit=takeProfitPriceShort, stop=stopLossPriceShort)
    ema8_cross_index_down := na
    ema12_cross_index_down := na
    ema24_cross_index_down := na

if (sz < 0 and strategy.opentrades.entry_id(0) == 'Short_time')
    entryPriceShortTime = strategy.opentrades.entry_price(0)
    takeProfitPriceShortTime = entryPriceShortTime * (1 - takeProfitPercentTime / 100)
    stopLossPriceShortTime = entryPriceShortTime * (1 + stopLossPercentTime / 100)
    strategy.exit("Close short time", "Short_time", limit=takeProfitPriceShortTime, stop=stopLossPriceShortTime)
    ema8_cross_index_down := na
    ema12_cross_index_down := na
    ema24_cross_index_down := na

// Отображение EMA на графике
plot(ema8, title="EMA 8", color=color.blue, linewidth=2)
plot(ema12, title="EMA 12", color=color.orange, linewidth=2)
plot(ema24, title="EMA 24", color=color.green, linewidth=2)
plot(ema72, title="EMA 72", color=color.red, linewidth=2)

// Вывод CCI в подвале
//plot(cci, title="CCI", color=color.purple)
//hline(100, "CCI 150", color=color.green)
//hline(-100, "CCI -150", color=color.red)
//hline(0, "CCI 0", color=color.gray)

// Отладочная информация
//plotshape(series=long_condition_one, location=location.belowbar, color=color.lime, style=shape.labelup, title="Long Condition")
//plotshape(series=cross_condition_one_candle_long, location=location.belowbar, color=color.blue, style=shape.triangleup, title="Cross Condition Long")
//plotshape(series=long_condition_time, location=location.belowbar, color=#e6d700, style=shape.labelup, title="Long Condition Time")
//plotshape(series=cross_condition_within_time_long, location=location.belowbar, color=#a21dbd, style=shape.triangleup, title="Cross Condition Time Long")
//plotshape(series=short_condition_one, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, style=shape.labeldown, title="Short Condition")
//plotshape(series=cross_condition_one_candle_short, location=location.abovebar, color=color.blue, style=shape.triangledown, title="Cross Condition Short")
//plotshape(series=short_condition_time, location=location.abovebar, color=#e6d700, style=shape.labeldown, title="Short Condition Time")
//plotshape(series=cross_condition_within_time_short, location=location.abovebar, color=#a21dbd, style=shape.triangledown, title="Cross Condition Time Short")

