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EMA, SMA, CCI, ATR, 均线完美排列策略与趋势魔法指标自动交易系统

Author: ChaoZhang, Date: 2024-09-26 15:52:31

EMA, SMA, CCI, ATR, 均线完美排列策略与趋势魔法指标自动交易系统





  1. 均线完美排列:使用EMA45、SMA90和SMA180三条均线,当它们按照特定顺序排列时(多头:EMA45 > SMA90 > SMA180;空头:EMA45 < SMA90 < SMA180),被认为是趋势确立的强烈信号。

  2. 趋势魔法指标:这是一个基于CCI(商品通道指数)和ATR(真实波幅)的自定义指标。它通过颜色变化来指示潜在的趋势反转。

  3. 入场条件:只有当均线完美排列和趋势魔法指标颜色变化同时满足时,才会产生交易信号。这确保了只在强劲趋势形成时进行交易。

  4. 风险管理:策略使用基于风险回报比的止损和获利目标。止损设置在入场时的SMA90水平,获利目标设置为风险的1.5倍。


  1. 趋势跟踪:通过结合多个指标,策略能够有效捕捉中长期趋势,减少假信号。

  2. 风险控制:内置的风险管理机制,包括固定止损和基于风险回报比的获利目标,有助于控制每笔交易的风险。

  3. 灵活性:策略允许用户调整各项参数,如CCI周期、ATR乘数和移动平均线周期,以适应不同的市场条件和个人偏好。

  4. 可视化:策略在图表上绘制了趋势魔法指标和移动平均线,便于交易者直观地分析市场趋势。


  1. 滞后性:由于使用了移动平均线和其他滞后指标,策略可能在趋势初期错过部分机会。

  2. 震荡市场:在横盘或震荡市场中,策略可能产生频繁的假信号,导致过度交易。

  3. 固定止损:使用固定的SMA90作为止损可能在某些情况下过于宽松,增加了潜在损失。

  4. 参数敏感性:策略的性能可能对参数设置敏感,需要仔细优化和回测。


  1. 动态止损:考虑实现跟踪止损,随着价格移动调整止损水平,以更好地保护利润。

  2. 市场状态过滤:引入波动性或趋势强度过滤器,以在不同市场条件下调整策略行为。

  3. 时间框架分析:整合多时间框架分析,以提高信号的可靠性和减少假信号。

  4. 量化指标:加入成交量分析或其他量化指标,以增强趋势确认和反转识别。

  5. 机器学习优化:使用机器学习算法动态调整参数,以适应不断变化的市场条件。



start: 2024-08-26 00:00:00
end: 2024-09-24 08:00:00
period: 5m
basePeriod: 5m
exchanges: [{"eid":"Futures_Binance","currency":"BTC_USDT"}]

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © PakunFX

strategy("Trend Magic with EMA, SMA, and Auto-Trading", shorttitle="TM_Trading", overlay=true, format=format.price, precision=2)

// Inputs
period = input.int(21, "CCI period")
coeff = input.float(1.0, "ATR Multiplier")
AP = input.int(7, "ATR Period")
riskRewardRatio = input.float(1.5, "Risk/Reward Ratio")  // Risk/Reward Ratio for take profit

// Calculations
ATR = ta.sma(ta.tr, AP)
src = input(close)
upT = low - ATR * coeff
downT = high + ATR * coeff
var MagicTrend = 0.0
MagicTrend := ta.cci(src, period) >= 0 ? (upT < nz(MagicTrend[1]) ? nz(MagicTrend[1]) : upT) : (downT > nz(MagicTrend[1]) ? nz(MagicTrend[1]) : downT)

// Define colors for Trend Magic
color1 = ta.cci(src, period) >= 0 ? color.rgb(0, 34, 252) : color.rgb(252, 4, 0)
isBlue = ta.cci(src, period) >= 0
isRed = ta.cci(src, period) < 0

// Convert bool to float (1 for true, 0 for false)
isBlueFloat = isBlue ? 1 : 0
isRedFloat = isRed ? 1 : 0

// Moving Averages
ema45 = ta.ema(close, 45)
sma90 = ta.sma(close, 90)
sma180 = ta.sma(close, 180)

// Plot Trend Magic
plot(MagicTrend, color=color1, linewidth=3)

// Alerts
alertcondition(ta.cross(close, MagicTrend), title="Cross Alert", message="Price - MagicTrend Crossing!")
alertcondition(ta.crossover(low, MagicTrend), title="CrossOver Alarm", message="BUY SIGNAL!")
alertcondition(ta.crossunder(high, MagicTrend), title="CrossUnder Alarm", message="SELL SIGNAL!")

// Perfect Order conditions
bullishPerfectOrder = ema45 > sma90 and sma90 > sma180  // Bullish Perfect Order
bearishPerfectOrder = ema45 < sma90 and sma90 < sma180  // Bearish Perfect Order

// Trend Magic color change detection
trendMagicTurnedBlue = ta.crossover(isBlueFloat, isRedFloat)  // Red to Blue crossover (For long entry)
trendMagicTurnedRed = ta.crossunder(isBlueFloat, isRedFloat)  // Blue to Red crossover (For short entry)

// Variables to store SMA90 at the entry
var float longSma90 = na
var float shortSma90 = na

// Trading logic based on Perfect Order and color change
longCondition = bullishPerfectOrder and trendMagicTurnedBlue  // Buy when Perfect Order is bullish and Trend Magic turns red to blue
shortCondition = bearishPerfectOrder and trendMagicTurnedRed  // Sell when Perfect Order is bearish and Trend Magic turns blue to red

// Strategy Entry
if (longCondition)
    strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long)
    longSma90 := sma90  // Store SMA90 at entry for long position

if (shortCondition)
    strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short)
    shortSma90 := sma90  // Store SMA90 at entry for short position

// Stop-Loss and Take-Profit calculations
// For Long Positions: stop at SMA90 (fixed at entry), take profit at 1.5x risk
if (longCondition and not na(longSma90))
    longStopLoss = longSma90  // Use SMA90 at the time of entry
    longRisk = close - longSma90  // Calculate risk
    longTakeProfit = close + longRisk * riskRewardRatio  // Calculate take profit
    strategy.exit("Take Profit/Stop Loss", "Buy", stop=longStopLoss, limit=longTakeProfit)

// For Short Positions: stop at SMA90 (fixed at entry), take profit at 1.5x risk
if (shortCondition and not na(shortSma90))
    shortStopLoss = shortSma90  // Use SMA90 at the time of entry
    shortRisk = shortSma90 - close  // Calculate risk
    shortTakeProfit = close - shortRisk * riskRewardRatio  // Calculate take profit
    strategy.exit("Take Profit/Stop Loss", "Sell", stop=shortStopLoss, limit=shortTakeProfit)

// Plot Moving Averages
plot(ema45, color=color.green, title="EMA 45")
plot(sma90, color=color.blue, title="SMA 90")
plot(sma180, color=color.red, title="SMA 180")

