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The GetRobotList method is used to get the list of live tradings under the FMZ Quant Trading Platform account corresponding to the API KEY in the request.

    "code": 0,
    "data": {
        "result": {
            "all": 1,
            "concurrent": 0,
            "robots": [{
                "charge_time": 1731654846,
                "date": "2024-11-12 14:05:29",
                "end_time": "2024-11-15 14:56:32",
                "fixed_id": 4509153,
                "id": 591026,
                "is_sandbox": 0,
                "name": "test",
                "node_guid": "45891bcf3d57f99b08a43dff76ee1ea1",
                "node_id": 4519153,
                "node_public": 0,
                "profit": 0,
                "public": 0,
                "refresh": 1731651257000,
                "start_time": "2024-11-15 14:56:30",
                "status": 3,
                "strategy_id": 411670,
                "strategy_isowner": true,
                "strategy_language": 0,
                "strategy_name": "test",
                "strategy_public": 0,
                "uid": "105ed6e511cc977921610fdbb7e2a1d6",
                "wd": 0
        "error": null
  • robots: Live trading information
    • group_id: The live trading group ID. If the strategy live trading is in the default group, there is no group_id field.

The paging query offset setting. offset false number The paging query length setting. length false number Specify the status of the live trading to be queried, refer to the extended API interface Live Trading Code, pass -1 to get all live tradings. robotStatus false number Specify the custom label of the live trading you want to query, and you can filter all the live tradings of this label. label false string Search keywords. keyWord false string

Take the Python language’s extended API interface Ways of Verification as an example: print(api('GetRobotList')): Get all live trading information. print(api('GetRobotList', 'member2')): print the information of all live trading with the custom label member2. print(api('GetRobotList', 0, 5, -1, 'member2')): pages from 0 to 5 and list up to 5 robots labeled with member2.

GetPlatformList CommandRobot